There was no title attached to the thick manuscript paper, and Alice didn't even have a word of introduction, but Brown didn't think too much about it, and just opened the first page and read it.

Unexpectedly, the first page turned out to be a table of contents, and it was a very weird table of contents.

It should be the prologue: location.

Then it is probably the main chapter of the first chapter: the so-called luck means that he has made such a friend.

After the first chapter, there should be subtitles, but they are all month and day with weekdays. At the beginning of the first date, Brown learned directly through the table of contents that the story happened in 1981.

And then comes Chapter 2: Shame; Chapter 3: Snow, Melting on Skin; Chapter 4: We Are a Bunch of Trolls; Chapter 5...


After chewing on the title of the chapter before the "end", Brown nodded thoughtfully, and scanned all the way down from the table of contents, the timeline of the story is clear at a glance, barely a month.

Then, he directly opened the "Place" in the prologue.


Unfamiliar place names, Brown continued to read directly.

[Bleiberg reminds you of coconut pancakes or drugs. This is a place where decent living reminds you of subway stations and the suburbs. Other than that, people live like they do anywhere else, and this town stands because people have land to live on.

Of course, Bleiberg is not a small town that developed naturally, and everything here has been strictly planned from beginning to end. People moved into all kinds of houses specially built for them, and earth-yellow concrete buildings rose from the ground, dotted in patches of green land.

When this story happened, the remote town of Bleiberg had existed for thirty years. People can imagine that this land gave birth to a pioneering spirit—just like the Mayflower back then, leading believers to an unknown land. Of course, we can imagine those empty houses are quietly waiting for the arrival of occupants at this moment.

They did come!

It was 1952, people were bathed in warm sunshine, with many longings for the future flashing in their eyes, they walked across the Kinberg Bridge and came to the town of Bleiberg. Some of the mothers held their children in their arms, some pushed the baby carriages, and some held the young children by the hand. The fathers carried a shovel in one hand and various kitchen utensils and furniture in the other. Everyone is in high spirits, singing along the way, which sounds like "The Internationale" or "We Came to Jerusalem", depending on personal preference.

To them, the small town of Bleiberg was new, spacious, and modern.

However, it is not.

People come to this place by various means of transportation, whether they take the subway, or drive, or take a furniture mover, etc., scrambling to move into the completed apartment with their belongings. Household items are neatly arranged in well-arranged cabinets and shelves, and furniture of various colors are arranged in order on the cork floor. Then, they'll buy some new items to fill in the gaps.

When people finished setting up their new homes, they raised their eyes and looked carefully at the land that now belongs to them. When everyone walked out, they found that every place in Bleiberg had been claimed and planned, and there was nothing superfluous to occupy, so people had to adjust their mentality and let nature take its course.

Bleiberg has a town center, and the government has planned a vast playground for children. The corner of the playground is a large area of ​​green space, and the pedestrian crossings are scattered all around.

What a place. Within a month of moving in, people were scrambling to talk to each other about their feelings at the dinner table.

"It's a nice place we've come to."

However, everyone overlooked one thing, and that was the history of this town. The children were not exposed to any lessons about Bleiberg's past at school. Because Bleiberg has no history, meaning its past is just an old mill, a tobacco king, and some weird old buildings underwater. However, these are all things of the past and have absolutely nothing to do with today's society.

These three-storey apartments were previously nothing more than an endless forest.

You can't demystify this suburban town, which doesn't even have a church, except for nine thousand households.

It is reasonable to see that this remote town is so modern and new that the residents will not be disturbed by ghosts and panics like other ancient places.

It can also be seen from this that people are not psychologically prepared for the arrival of unexpected guests.

No one saw them move in.

When police finally tracked down the driver of the moving company's truck in December, the driver didn't have much to say. Looking at the driver's work log, he can only recall that the incident took place on October 18th in the town of Bleiberg on the outskirts of Stockholm. The main characters in the driver's recollection were a father and his daughter, who was a very beautiful girl.

"By the way, one more thing. They didn't bring any furniture, except a couch, an armchair, maybe a bed. It's such an easy job, and then...well, they asked to move at night. I told them that the fee would be more expensive. You know, working at night is considered overtime and overtime will be charged, but they replied that it was no problem, and only emphasized that they must move at night. It seems that this time period is very important to the father and daughter. What, what happened?"

The police then informed the driver of what happened and who the father and daughter were. The driver was dumbfounded after hearing this, and he stared blankly at the writing on the work log again.

"I'm so fucking fucked up..."

He suddenly felt extremely disgusted with his own handwriting.

Bleiberg, Stockholm, October 18.

It was the driver who moved the two people, the man and his daughter.

He will never say anything about it. 】

The plot that should be the prologue ends here, and the ending reveals that the location of the plot is Sweden, that small country of ice and snow in Northern Europe. As for the plot, on the premise that he hadn't even read the synopsis of the plot, Brown's first feeling was that he realized that this was definitely a story with a strong sense of suspense.

At least, he couldn't help but want to read on now, although he still couldn't help it.

"So...Alice, there must be something wrong with the father and daughter, right? Is the murderer absconding with the child? Did he commit another crime in this small town? Tsk tsk, I have to say, if it is a serial murder case, this The small town is indeed very suitable. There is no history, there are many immigrants, and it is a sparsely populated town in a small country of ice and snow, and it is still in a particularly atmospheric winter!"

He happily held the manuscript and said, "Let me make a bet, this is a suspenseful criminal investigation drama, am I right?"

Brown was really happy when he spoke his imagination!

As a senior editor, he certainly knows how big the market is for mystery novels. Just like the most popular police dramas, medical dramas, and lawyer dramas in TV dramas, for the United States with an elliptical social structure, such stories have a naturally huge audience . A whole middle class, no one can ignore the charm of such stories!

However, Alice shook her head and said, "Not exactly. There are elements of reasoning and criminal investigation, but they are not the subject of this book."

As soon as Brown heard it, Brown was relieved at first, but he couldn't help frowning when he heard what Alice said: "Isn't it just a mystery novel? Uh...I said Alice, just tell me , what is this book about?"

Alice looked at Brown happily, blinking her eyes: "Are you sure you want me to spoil it?"

"Drama, plot, introduction, introduction! My dear, your book is no less than Jurassic Park, so it won't make me confused to read it? By the way, what is the name of this novel?" , you haven’t marked it yet!”

Alice pointed to the table of contents on the first page of the manuscript: "The title of the book is inside, look for it."

Is it the chapter title?

Brown looked at the catalog immediately.

The so-called luck means that he has made such a friend;

This is not a qualified type of title, and Brown knew that Alice would never make that kind of low-level mistake.


snow, melting on the skin;

We are a bunch of trolls;

Finally, he focused his attention on the chapter before the "epilogue".


Brown rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully, "It's a pun, and if you translate 'right' into 'correct', or 'appropriate', it obviously has a special deep meaning..."

Talking to himself, and looking at the previous titles, Brown suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Why do I suddenly feel like I'm reading a literary romance novel? But... Hey, what do trolls mean!?"

A giggle sounded, and immediately turned into a series of loud laughter. Alice finally laughed until her little face turned pale, and said happily: "You guessed it! Brown, you guessed it right!"

What did you guess right? Brown knew that he had said several words just now, which one did Alice refer to?

"Anyway, I'll send you a copy of the introduction in two days, and I'll quote it directly at the back of the book."

Alice got up quickly, patted Brown on the shoulder and said: "It's impossible for me to spoil the show, you and your contemporaries can watch it slowly. I happen to come to New York with my sisters, and I will stay in Manhattan for two days. If you have something to do, call the hotel~”

With that said, Alice wrote down the phone number in the room, and quickly walked out of the conference room.


Another novel was copied out by myself, and it took less than a day and a night.

The title of the book is indeed a more complicated issue.

The Chinese translation of "Blood Fairy Tale" is... too literal.

On the contrary, it is the movie version, "Let-the-right-one-in" "Let-the-Right-One-in" is a bit more appropriate.

Vampire love or something...

Aren't they all as brain-dead as "Twilight" and "The Vampire Diaries"...

Contemptuous of those two third-rate Mary Sue romance dramas with magical skins, Alice hummed a ditty in the elevator.

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