The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 108 Not Simple Alice

Before the final plot came, a very depressing story was first shown.

Throughout the book, as far as Oscar's personal life is concerned, he is always bullied by a few bullies at school. During the plot, with Abby's encouragement, Oscar successfully resisted the bullies, and even managed to seriously injure one of them.

This is of course a good thing, the little bully's ears are torn, which is a great joy, but it also provides a foreshadowing for the ending sequence.

At the end, the lawless little bully knocked out the teacher of the sports club, and forced Oscar, who was not good at water, to the bottom of the water, telling him to either hold his breath for three minutes or be cut on the face with a knife. His behavior was extremely cruel .

Undoubtedly, for Oscar, these three minutes seemed to be a fatal crisis. After all, he was just an ordinary twelve-year-old boy with a weak system and not good at swimming. How could it be possible to be forced into the water by bullies and hold your breath for three minutes?

But even though he had almost lost his ability to struggle, the cruel classmate still showed no signs of giving up just because three minutes hadn't arrived yet.

So, the bad news came.

Abby, who appeared suddenly, displayed her power as a vampire, and simply killed those students by dismembering them. In this panic, the only thing Oscar in the water knew was the screams outside and the head and limbs thrown into the water.

Furthermore, when the boy climbed out of the water and raised his head, the original description of that paragraph made almost everyone heave a sigh of relief.

Then came the epilogue, Oscar embarked on a journey away from home, with the remaining money and items, as well as Abby who hid in a wooden box to avoid the sun, and flew away, leaving a rather romantic ending.


When all the editors finished reading at almost the same speed, and at almost the same moment, everyone let out a long breath.

"This story is really not simple."

The editor-in-chief Domingo said with deep emotion: "Although the protagonist is of the same age, such a story is definitely not something that a normal seventh-grade girl can write. John, although this question is stupid, I really want to ask, Didn't Alice really use someone else's work as an anonymous substitute?"

Brown shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Let's talk about the understanding of this story. Everyone, I don't think it can be classified in the field of children's literature. Is this okay?"

Everyone nodded in unison. Although the theme of the story is a young love affair between two 12-year-old children, the other plots are really not something boys and girls of this age can easily accept. Whether it is the plot of the pedophile Harken recruiting male prostitutes, the murder, or even more details that no one can analyze at a glance, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is R-rated.

"Falling in love with a vampire is indeed a novel idea, and the protagonist is actually a beautiful little girl, which is very different from similar works in the past."

Editor Blaney said: "In the previous stories, the evil vampire usually captured the kind heroine, and then unfolded a story about the hero saving the beauty and killing the devil. "Dracula" is a typical one. But this book ...Really, it is really too subversive!"

"Therefore, there is no doubt about its market. This fresh vampire romance novel will definitely be welcomed by many people."

Another editor said: "It combines thriller, reasoning, suspense, and horror elements, and the main love story is written very innocently, which is completely indistinguishable from the green first love of ordinary twelve or thirteen-year-old boys and girls. And in this book, Obviously there are deep insinuations of social reality, and to be honest, I am still shocked by several of the plots."

Brown also nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, for example, Veronica who became a vampire could choose to live by sucking blood, but after struggling for a long time, she voluntarily chose to let the sun kill herself. Tsk tsk, Alice Ah... I really don't know what this little girl's brain is made of."

After all, he is the editor who has the closest relationship with the author, and Brown never leaves Alice. Domingo patted the manuscript and said: "Since Alice threw the manuscript to you and left, it seems that she has full confidence in the work, but I am indeed fascinated by this novel. Everyone, new writer Alice-Wang The second novel operation planning meeting will be held at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, no problem?"

"No problem! Absolutely no problem! Haha, John, you are so lucky, hurry up and tidy up the house and have a party!"

"The last "Jurassic Park" is still at the bottom of the "New York Times" bestseller list. In the past six months, the domestic sales alone have exceeded 800,000 copies, and now there is another one! Looking forward to it."

"However, this book is really difficult to classify. If there are no such plots, it can be placed directly in the children's section. But if it is not so divided now, the age of the protagonist..."


In the midst of lively discussions, Blaney suddenly slapped his hands: "Speaking of sales... Tell me, the director of the recently hit "Ghost Story" she also?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire conference room was instantly silent.

""Ghost Story"..."

Brown had a weird expression. Of course he had watched the movie that was also popular in the past half a year. His colleagues had already compared the director with the same name with Alice, but of course Alice laughed and fooled him. Well, it's too late for everyone to be busy with work, so of course they won't think too much about this kind of thing.

But now, Blaney's words once again made everyone pay attention to this issue.

"Yeah, whether it's Jurassic Park, Ghost Story, or this... "let-the-right-one-in", there are thrilling and suspenseful elements, and there are also fantasy elements. A dinosaur, An evil spirit, a vampire, the director and the author have the same name, and it seems that they have never appeared in public..."

All of a sudden, Domingo seemed to have suddenly discovered that his childhood sweetheart, the neighbor girl, was actually a lolita vampire, with such a weird expression that one couldn't help but take pictures of it.

"Who of you still remember the news? When "Ghost Story" was filming, many reporters went to the scene to interview. It seems that an article pointed out that the author was a little girl..."

Domingo frowned and pondered, Brown shook his head and said, "I can't remember that. After all, the filming cycle of that movie seems to be... seven or eight days, and then it's finished. Most of the news is from the media themselves. What I wrote was all random speculation, and I didn't even bother to read it later."

Domingo nodded, and finally, as if he suddenly remembered something, he suddenly looked up at his watch: "Oh, my God, it's already six o'clock in the evening! Forget it, let's talk about something tomorrow, it's time to get off work !"

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized, and several people even shouted, no wonder why they are so hungry! From getting into the conference room at one o'clock in the afternoon and starting to read, to finishing the book quickly, the whole afternoon has passed!

"Go home, come home, Jenny is still waiting for me to go home for dinner, see you tomorrow!"

One person walked out holding the manuscript, and the others got up laughing and walking out of the conference room one after another. Domingo, of course, was the last to leave, tapping Brown on the shoulder before walking out of the room.

"This girl is still young, and I don't know how far she will achieve in the future. John, you must have a good relationship with her. If you let go of a future super writer... Haha, I don't think anyone needs to say What, you should be mad at yourself to death, right?"

Listening to his boss's ridicule, Brown shook his head, walked out of the room with a wry smile.

Six o'clock in the evening is the standard off-duty time, and Manhattan, which has just started to shine, is once again ushering in the rush hour of traffic. The highway is full of rolling traffic, and the bustling commuters mixed with wandering residents walk side by side side by side in an endless stream.

Times Square is the most densely populated area. The "New York Times" was headquartered here in the early days, and the square is named after this. Surrounded by colorful neon lights and street performers, news and music videos are played on big screens at any time, and hundreds of people pass by every minute.

Among them, there is such an eye-catching combination, the parallelism of the four girls is extremely eye-catching, but it is the boy who yells in front of the group of four girls that makes passers-by keep turning their heads.

"Oscar! Alice, you bloody bastard, why do you have to name the hero as my name!?"

"Today~day is sunny~beautiful, the sun~light is so brilliant~so brilliant~"

"No more singing! You out-of-tune king with a broken voice, I have been asking you all afternoon! Tell me, why do you have to put my name on that idiot!?"

"Arrogance~Arrogance~Across the Yalu River~~~!!!"

"Don't sing the aria, bastard! It's totally off key!! Also, stop ignoring my questions over and over again, bastard!"

"And-I~~I, will-always-love~you~you~you~oh-oh-you~"

To Oscar's surprise, the last line of my sister's song was not out of tune at all, completely different from the broken voice that came this afternoon. And not only is it not out of tune, but the superb soprano, the beautiful timbre, and the melody are so beautiful that dozens of pedestrians within a radius of more than ten meters stopped instantly and looked at the singing Alice in amazement.


At the end of the bass line, Alice looked at the surprised crowd around her, pouted her mouth, and coughed quickly: "Sing as you please, please don't be so surprised."

In this way, the scene is after all a lively Times Square, and the people around will immediately move around. But immediately after, Sissy and Ashley took the lead in stepping up to the front row, patting Alice on both shoulders from left to right.

"Amazing, I never knew you could sing so well!"

"That song just now is really nice! But why haven't I heard of it? Alice, didn't you make it up yourself!?"

Facing the barrage of questions from the two friends, and the curious look that Maiya threw at him even though he didn't speak, Alice chuckled, "Oh, feel free to hum~"

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