The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 128 The Mysterious and Aloof Writer

On August 20th, a new book from Bantam Publishing House, which had been publicized for four months, was finally going to be sold.

The major print media released the news a week in advance, and published in detail all the places where the book will be sold. As the city where Bantam is headquartered, the first floors of five bookstores in Manhattan alone will be vacated. Those who are interested have counted all the sales outlets across the country, and they are all shocked to find that the rental fee for this new book sale is so high that it can be equal to the entire author's remuneration income of ordinary writers!

Which writer can get this honor?

Of course, it is the leader on the "New York Times" bestseller list, and any writer who can list his works there is not an extremely famous figure in the circle. Even if it will only be famous for a while, whether it is the reprinting and re-request of literary works, or the invitation of lectures and interviews by authors of textbook works, those people will definitely enjoy unparalleled glory!

And on this basis, if a person who ranks among the best in the rankings, whose work is still his debut, and many overseas translations have been produced within a few months of publication, when his or her second work makes its grand debut, it is certainly worth enjoying this kind of experience. Degree of honor!

For a time, readers all over the country were aroused with high interest, and this interest is also diverse!

There are almost no writers who will not attend their book signings, and almost no one will not print their own portraits on the book, but this Alice Wang did it, and I don’t know how Bantam agreed . In addition to the movie at the beginning of this year, the director of "Ghost Story" has the same name as her, and she has never appeared in person. This really can't prevent the general public from guessing wildly. Just know!

"Cooperation of the UCLA Film Club, the director is a young girl? "

The best-selling author of "Mysterious Newcomer", and the ghost director of horror movies? "

"A Mysterious Writer, a maiden work that combines horror, science fiction and reality!" "

There are so many similar news, in the past few months, it has long been no longer news, because the protagonist of the story has never explained anything in any public place. Many people remember that as early as March and April, many industry critics and industry competitors questioned the existence of Alice Wang in major newspapers and radio stations, questioned her identity, talent, and the authenticity of her works, etc. Proudly let out a provocative speech, and waited for Alice to show up.


And embarrassingly, no one responded at all.

Although many people faced this result and proudly proclaimed that Alice was obviously guilty, so they didn't dare to show up. Bashing that New York Times bestseller...

Of course, as the "boss" of the writer, Bantam officials also came forward. They said that there was only one reason why Alice did not show up and did not refute these industry professionals.

This reason is what Alice asked Bantam official to convey to those critics.

"I don't have the time to play against a group of envious little DSs and a group of big SBs who feel good about themselves."

That's the general idea, anyway, after this sentence came out, the whole industry was blown up.

Countless ordinary writers who have been insulted by major critics and competitors, who have nowhere to go and nowhere to go, immediately regard Alice as a role model in their hearts, although everyone does not even know what she looks like.

And those "industry people" who were sprayed all jumped out one after another, yelling at Alice in all kinds of ways, such as how can she be so arrogant, why can she be so arrogant, is it really okay for a young rookie to be so arrogant, you ah Believe it or not, our industry will jointly block you.

Of course, the dignified Bantam Books Company has a great reputation and is the top publishing house in the world. Of course, it will not be affected by a group of trolls who are actually DS. After several months of silence, when the major paper media published Alice's new book together, and "Blood Fairy Tales" ushered in a new book launch, book fans across the country were once again shocked!

Although, it is still regrettable that this is just a new book launch event, not a new book signing event, and Alice still has no intention of showing up.

Harry Punes, the NYU dropout and inexperienced geek who wanted to emulate Bill Gates with a career but no success, has been waiting a long time for this day. When he first saw the news about the book sale in the newspaper, he couldn't sleep at all that night, what a funny idea of ​​a secret love affair between a little girl vampire and a little boy who is always bullied!

It was still the same street in Manhattan, it was still the familiar bookstore, and it was still the usual time in the morning. It was rare for Harry to go to bed early last night, and he woke up at dawn today.

But even so, when he walked to the bookstore, he still found that there was already a long line in front of the store.

"I bought this book for my son!"

In the team, a middle-aged woman at most forty said to the people around her: "My son is twelve years old this year, and he is not afraid of your jokes. Like the protagonist in this book, my son is often bullied by his classmates. As What better birthday present for him than this novel!"

Another man wearing a peaked cap frowned and said, "But this novel is not placed in the children's section, and Bantam also made a special statement saying that if this book is classified as a movie, it can be counted as NC- 17, isn't it appropriate for your son to see?"

The woman stared: "How could that be!? The protagonists of the book are just a pair of children. What terrible things can happen to them? Even if that girl is a vampire, she must be a kind and lovely girl. Woolen cloth!?"

Seeing the man in the peaked cap arguing with his father and daughter, Harry shook his head and smiled wryly, lady, are you oversimplifying the question?

Who stipulated that if the protagonist is a child, the plot must be beautiful?

As long as it doesn't make some underground movies that specifically kill refugee children like Romania, even if it's really NC-17, it's not too much.

Bantam specifically explained it. If it is really as simple as this lady said, are the editors of this publishing house all fools?

Not long after, when the door of the bookstore opened, a long line of people outside rushed in. As early as last night after closing, the first floor of the bookstore was re-arranged overnight by the employees. Looking around, almost all the showcases had the same book on them!

Of course, not all the showcases, but the seven or eight stands near the entrance have completely become the world of "Blood Fairy Tale". With a beige book cover and a snow-white back, a boy and a girl stand back to back, coupled with the pun meaning of the title "Let-the-right-one-in", that beautiful style immediately attracted everyone.

"Oh sir, do you also like to watch this kind of love story? This is your bag, please put it away."

"Wow, ma'am, you actually bought seven books in one go!? For the kids? Your house is really big, but ma'am, Bantam has... don't you believe it? Okay~"

"Hey boy, are you looking for your first love in a novel? Hehe~ What do you think of me?"

Amy was busy in front of the cash register. Today's customers are several times more than usual. Even for other new book launches, the sales volume may not be as scary as it is now. But this is also a very interesting job. Every time I meet a customer, it is a chance encounter of all kinds. Amy glanced at her blond hair and brilliant self in the glasses, and her snow-white teeth smiled flawlessly.


But as soon as she turned her head, that stage-show-like grin suddenly froze.

What a...a typical geek with a geek!

Shoulder-length hair is not impossible, messy can also be regarded as a postmodernist artist style, but what is the white thing in the hair?

Dandruff, mom, you must tell me it's dandruff!

Fat people are not scary, but people who don’t like to wash their hair are scary. This is the principle of a virgin boyfriend that Amy’s mother gave her. Amy remembers it clearly and always regards it as an imperial decree.

It happened that the little fat man saw Amy chatting with every customer, and now he smiled and said: "Hi, Amy, are you also a fan of Alice's book?"

Amy blinked, seeing the expression of the little fat man seeing the goddess in her dream, she wanted to cry but had no tears.

Why does the bookstore make every waiter wear a name tag on his chest...

It's decided, three more today, above.

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