The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 145 Missile Modified Torpedo Boat

Time, January 3, 1986.

Location, Barbados.

The climate in Central America is consistent throughout the year, and the Caribbean, as a tropical marine climate zone, is not really cold at all. The small country of Barbados, as the easternmost point of the Lesser Antilles in the Eastern Caribbean Sea, is only more than a hundred miles away from Venezuela in South America to the south, and only a short distance from Haiti and Cuba to the west, and there are seashores everywhere.

Cool night, a word that is not practical in Barbados, is more appropriate. Compared with the extremely hot flashes during the day, the port area at night is indeed cool enough, at least for people to stop naked and put on a pair of coarse underpants.

How many harbors can there be for an island with a total area of ​​only 400 square kilometers?

You know, it is also equal to the area of ​​Chaoyang and Haidian districts in BJ, whether it is equal, or not added.

But one hundred kilometers is not short after all, at least for Alice's plan.

In a certain harbor in the middle of the night, calm waves are constantly surging, waves of sea breeze blow slowly against the shore, and even seabirds keep singing in the sky.

Two Humvees drove slowly to the pier, stopped with a creak, and several men and two girls quickly got out of the car. It was Dutch, Mr. Akaman, Alice and Maiya, and then James who was purely soy sauce.

In front of them, a huge shadow occupied a large space, and a military ship was quietly docking here.

"my Lord……"

Flip-flops, beach flower pants and colorful shirts, Daqi took off the sunglasses on his face in amazement, like a sai wolf seeing a charming snow-white lamb, his mouth full of saliva grew.

"Missile boat! It's actually a missile boat! Damn Alice, didn't you mean the torpedo boat? Where did you get the missile boat!"

If it wasn't for the years of military service that made him well-trained, Dach would have wanted to open his mouth and shout!

The specific details of the ship in front of him are still unclear, but Dach has already seen the obvious missile launcher at a glance. With one left and one right, the standard can carry up to eight missiles. If you buy high-end ship-to-ship missiles, this small ship can easily knock down a huge warship of nearly 10,000 tons!

"Haha, Dutch, I knew you would say that."

The driver is Mr. Akaman. He pointed to the pier unhurriedly. Under the moonlight, the huge body of the ship has distinct edges and corners, full of the steel temperament of a man!

"Look carefully at the tonnage of this ship. Is this the size that a missile boat should have?"

In this way, Dach calmed down a little, and when he came back to his senses, he did find something abnormal.

Indeed, the tonnage of this missile boat is too large.

In fact, missile boats are to torpedo boats what guided missile destroyers are to traditional battleships with large guns, and they are typically characterized by their smaller size. Generally speaking, even a large missile boat has a maximum displacement of 600 tons and a length of no more than 50 meters; a small missile boat has a displacement of only a few tens of tons, a length of no more than 20 to 30 meters, and a height of only two to three meters. Mi Youyu can be said to be extremely beautiful.

But the torpedo boat is different, just like the one Dach immediately recognized at the moment, its displacement seems to have reached the level of 1,000 tons!

"Wait, wait, what the hell is going on?"

With the flashlight turned on by Maiya, Dach was completely confused after seeing the appearance of the ship clearly: "This is obviously a torpedo boat, and it is the largest one, even with torpedo tubes. However, Why is there another missile launcher popping up here?"

"Hehe, Dutch seems to have lost his IQ~"

Alice giggled, took out a paper fan from her pocket and shook it, with a look of nagging: "This is the private property of a friend of Uncle Akaman's. He is a master of transformation. You are right, he It is a combination of torpedo boats and missile boats."

Dach smacked his lips, the ship had already prepared a gangway, he climbed up in two or three strokes, and immediately began to examine all the details of this big guy in detail.

Install the missile launcher on the torpedo boat, and at the same time press the perfect launch system in the cockpit. Although it is not an exaggerated thing like phased array radar, for individual smugglers, this is already extremely exaggerated equipment up!

"There are no millions to afford."

Dach never stopped tsk-tsk, and kept looking around on the ship, looking inside and out. A torpedo boat with a displacement of one thousand tons is not a small guy, because it means at least several hundred tons of cargo. What better guy than this for personal smuggling?

"Its endurance is 1,000 nautical miles, but as long as the warehouse is filled with fuel, and then stops along the way, it is enough for you to slowly drive from Central America to Thailand."

Using the bright light bulb in the cargo hold, Mr. Akaman unfolded the map for Dutch: "Look, we are now in Barbados. It is not too far from Cape Verde in West Africa. Although it is already a transoceanic voyage, with this boat reserves, enough fuel to support you driving there."

Dach stroked his chin, nodded and said, "Then go north along the African continent, enter the Mediterranean from Gibraltar, and after passing through the Suez Canal, you can follow the Maritime Silk Road all the way to Thailand!"

Alice blew a whistle loudly: "If there is something worth lucky on the way, maybe we can make some extra money!"

But then, Daqi figured out something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, Akaman, can't you just find me a ship in Southeast Asia? Although this torpedo boat is really awesome, but this is... Good guy, let me drive a torpedo boat across most of the world!! ??"

The last voice was earth-shattering, Dutch roared, and punched the bulkhead hard, causing the corners of James' eyes to twitch.

"Half the world, buddy! This is not a battleship cruiser, this is a torpedo boat with a full load of 1,000 tons! Do you think the cruising range designed by the shipbuilder is only because of the limited fuel tank? Such a small ship, I am the only one, you Is this forcing me to be Robinson Crusoe!?"

Everyone laughed, and Akaman hurriedly appeased Dach, and laughed again and again: "That's why I let you take the coastal route. If Alice really buys you a big boat, it still needs to be so complicated. Directly Wouldn't it be enough to cross the Pacific Ocean?"

Only then did Dach snort, stepped forward, and patted James on the shoulder: "Dude, this is not a little guy. You really handed over this multi-million-dollar treasure to me?"

"I call her big baby, isn't it yours?"

Alice followed up with a smile: "Dad?"

James simply shrugged his shoulders: "Compared to your initial investment in 'Oscar \u0026 Hannah', what are these several million dollars? Anyway, "Invasion of Brain Cells" is about to be completed, and it must be tens of millions of dollars by then." Will it be credited?"

Dach blinked.

"Wait? What is it? "Invasion of Brain Cells"? Isn't that the new movie that DreamWorks has been promoting for two months?"

I saw him bewildered at first, and then suddenly realized: "Ah, by the way, Alice Wang! You are the director of "Ghost Story" that everyone has been spreading, right?"

"Ah! So you wrote Jurassic Park and Scarlet Fairy Tales too!?"

The topic changed too quickly like a tornado. One second, everyone was still discussing smuggling routes mysteriously, and the next second they ran to such a place. Don't talk about Maiya and James, Alice blinked, but didn't react for a while.

"Oh, uh, ah, uh, yes, yes, yes, yes, I am who you said."

This time it was Daqi's turn to blow a long whistle, and the little anger left on his face suddenly dissipated, replaced by a look of amazement: "God, I actually became an employee of a genius girl. I'm a director, I'm also an author, and I still want to play illegal immigration now... I said Alice, don't you think your career span is too wide?"

"Da Qi~"

Alice smiled and patted Dutch on the shoulder: "Do you know what is the most important thing in the 21st century?"

Everyone shook their heads together. The only difference was that James had a suppressed smile on his face, Maiya raised the corner of his mouth, and Mr. Akaman and Dach looked asking for advice.

"In the 21st century, talents are the most important~!"

The girl patted Daqi on the shoulder with a bang, and laughed loudly: "Crime with high IQ will become the mainstream of the world. The more successful people are on the surface, the more powerful they will be in committing crimes!"

Akaman nodded and said: "Yes, just like our founding fathers of the United States, if Washington's uprising failed, or, from the perspective of the United Kingdom, he is nothing more than a traitor. Can you... ..."

"Hey, buddy, that's not the right example."

James stopped Akaman's mouth with a smile: "It should be said that way, like..."

"Stop, stop, don't think that I like to listen to historical stories because I am Greek. You should save your little things to torture students, I don't want to hear them!"

"I haven't said anything yet, wait until I finish speaking..."

"Don't listen, don't listen! Don't think I don't know your coaching style at UCLA, Maiya has a cousin..."

"Oh, by the way! Maiya, you will be in the twelfth grade this September. Do you want to study at UCLA? Uncle recommends that you choose the history department, although it doesn't have to be my American cowboy major..."

"James King! What do you mean!? Do you want my daughter to learn that kind of nonsense?"

"What do I mean? I'm not interesting? What can I be? What do you mean? Is cowboy history not interesting? Cowboy history is interesting! You mean cowboy history is not interesting? You mean Isn't that what you mean? What does your expression mean? Do you think..."

Dach looked at the two quarreling with a cute face.

Alice let out a long breath slowly.

Maiya followed suit and let out a long breath.

The two girls looked at each other with helpless faces.

Adults these days, why are they a little bit two?

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