The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 151: Harry Sees Cisco

"Popular Electronics" is the largest national IT industry newspaper and magazine in the United States, aiming to popularize all kinds of knowledge in the computer industry to ordinary readers. Back then, when IBM launched the world's first market-oriented personal computer, "Popular Electronics" used a considerable amount of space to introduce this product to a wide audience of readers.

It can be said that looking at all the IT enthusiasts in the United States, there is no one who has never heard of this magazine, and the proportion of purchases is extremely high.

As a loyal reader of "Popular Electronics", Harry Punes immediately rushed to the bookstore he most frequently visited when the latest issue was released.

In the early morning, at the cash register of the bookstore, Amy was making final preparations for the upcoming work. Although it is a bit far away, just look at it and you will know that there is already a small team taking photos at the door of the bookstore that has not yet opened.

"It's like this every time a new book goes on sale."

Amy's colleague, Brenda said with emotion: "However, none of the new books in recent issues are as popular as Alice's. Amy, do you think there will be a sequel to that "Blood Fairy Tale"?"

The biggest advantage of working in a bookstore is that you can see books at any time. Both Brenda and Amy are loyal readers of Alice, the newcomer author. Although the dark plot of "Blood Fairy Tale" is really amazing, it has captured the hearts of these two girls.

Amy hesitated and said, "I guess not? The suspense in that book is very good. I really like this kind of open ending. If the result is too obvious, it won't be possible for everyone to fully develop their imagination soon." ?"

Brenda was about to mutter something, but when the business hours came, a large number of readers entered the bookstore, and Amy was also ready to check out.

"The cover of this issue of Popular Electronics... isn't this a router!?"

Not long after, a pleasant voice sounded nearby: "Cashier! Cashier!"

"Check out here!"

Amy smiled and waved to the big boy in the distance. With sloppy shoulder-length hair and a slightly fat body, isn't he a regular customer of this bookstore, that Harry Pness who doesn't know what he's doing? ?

"Oh, Amy!"

Harry quickly ran to the cashier: "Is it your shift to cashier today?"


Amy nodded, then pointed to the back: "Hurry up and pay, there are still many people waiting behind."

"Oh ok, it's money, uh..."

While Amy was looking for money, Harry's eyes shifted a little: "This... By the way, Amy, did you know that a new coffee shop has recently opened on the corner of the street..."

"I know, Pros Coffee, I'm an old acquaintance there, and I'll sit there at two o'clock every Saturday afternoon."

Amy replied quickly, and immediately put the change back in Harry's hand: "Hurry up and read your magazine, next one!"

Harry squirmed his lips, holding back the invitation he was about to say, but he immediately smiled again and left.

"...Hey, what's the matter?"

Brenda happened to be free, winked and said, "You two...?"

Amy easily collected the money from the next old man: "Oh, Brenda, you also know that I chased William for three semesters in high school without success, right?"

Brenda nodded. Of course, as a best friend, she was very clear about her classmates' experiences back then.

Amy continued to say lightly, "So, isn't it good to enjoy other people's pursuit once in a while?"

"Wow... so are you going to give him a chance? I think you were taken aback by his hair when we first met here! So much dandruff..."

After paying for the old man, Amy looked at her friend's surprised and envious expression, and smiled easily: "Dandruff is easy to talk about, but we all like Alice!"

Well, yes, they are all fans of "Blood Fairy Tales".

Harry, who walked out of the bookstore, was still giggling, and his right hand was stiff involuntarily. No way, when Amy put the stack of coins in his hand, the warm touch...

"Ahem, don't think about those useless things, read the magazine first!"

Harry came to Pros Cafe on the corner of the street. Outside the shop was an outdoor dining area with parasols. At this moment, a handsome boy was busy cleaning the table.

"Hey buddy, ask around."

Harry said to him: "Twenty-three years old, with blond hair, dimples on her face when she smiles, and a very sweet voice, where does this girl usually sit?"

What Harry described was the image of Amy, and the clerk pointed to a certain location: "I have an impression of the girl you mentioned, she would sit there every Saturday afternoon... Hey, buddy, you have taken a fancy to her ?”

"Haha! Clever~!"

When his thoughts were told, Harry immediately felt shy, and put his arms around the kid's shoulders: "Listen, buddy, bring me a big pot of black coffee, I'm going to sit here until the sun goes down today!"

"Oh... good, good... lighten up, buddy, my neck..."

After so many twists and turns, Harry has time to open this issue of "Popular Electronics".

The main content of this issue is a detailed introduction to the flagship product of Cisco Systems, the router.

However, Harry already knew about routers, and what he focused on now was the current development of Cisco. Here, relevant editors of the magazine have collected a lot of industry materials and introduced Cisco's current market share and other aspects in detail.

"As a company that has only been established for two years, Cisco Systems has occupied a huge market space in the shortest period of time because it has opened up Internet hardware, a market that is almost blank at present."

The article listed the financial income of ten companies in the same field for the current month. Of course, the editor specifically stated that this was obtained by the "Popular Electronics" reporter's door-to-door visits, rather than using any improper means to collect data.

According to the chart, Harry could see at a glance that the financial revenue of Cisco Systems was of course the first, and it far exceeded the second place Lucent Technology by more than 30 percentage points. As for Lucent Technology, it is about 50% higher than the third company!

The gap was astonishingly large, and what made Harry gasp immediately was the name Lucent Technologies.

Harry knew that Lucent was an old company, and their development in the communications industry could be traced back many years. And you must know that it has already acquired the famous Bell Labs. According to a certain statistics some time ago, this lab produces at least one patent every day on average!

But even Lucent, with its backing, is 30% behind Cisco in terms of revenue! ?

In the field of routers! ?

One is an enterprise that has been established for decades, and has Bell Labs, which has continuously produced patents since 1925, such a trump card exists; the other is an emerging role that has been established for only two years and has just reached 100 employees... They are both human beings, ah no, they are also companies, how could there be such a big difference! ?

"Where is Cisco better than Lucent?"

With this question in mind, Harry began to look for answers in the text. However, the first thing he saw was that when Lucent launched its own router at the end of last year, Cisco immediately developed a new generation of the same type of product, easily pushing Lucent's products out of the West Coast...

In a thick magazine, a quarter of the content is used to talk about Cisco. Apart from the theme of this issue, which is the performance analysis of Cisco's new generation routers, there are also a lot of analysis materials and table patterns. Then at the end of this, there is an interview with one of the company's founders, the head of Cisco's technology department, Leonardo Bosack.


Without paying attention to the content first, Harry was first attracted by the original text of this "one".

Although "Popular Electronics" has the right to interview, of course it depends on what the other party says to get the news. Otherwise, wouldn't it be the same as the FBI and CIA. Harry realized in a trance that no matter which issue of this magazine, it seems that the experience of the founder of Cisco was not directly introduced.

I just mentioned it in a certain issue, saying that the Stanford Bosacks were invited...

Invited by whom?

For the couple, since the man is the technology minister, the possibility of the wife being the CEO or the chairman... It's not that Harry discriminates against women, it's just that it's really not that big.

What a company under layers of fog!

"But that's okay."

Harry opened the page of market research in the industry, and muttered: "Anyway, when it goes public, any company has to show the list of senior personnel, and we will know when the time comes."

Then, he concentrated on the content of the market research.

It can be said that, as a company where university professors and couples are the founders, Cisco has not ignored the market of universities and scientific research institutions. Harry's eyes lit up at the very first name.

"NASA's Aerodynamics Laboratory!"

This is an amazing guy, Harry can see clearly, this research institution located at the foot of the North Mountain in Los Angeles City is a very large-scale research base. It is built on the mountain, with a total area of ​​177 acres. Although it is called a laboratory, there are thousands of researchers, and the food and accommodation are all near the base. It is an official department directly under the government's jurisdiction. !

"So to say……"

Harry rubbed his chin, suddenly thought of a very serious problem.

"Will people in the White House and the Pentagon also buy Cisco products?"

It's just an aerodynamic laboratory, the problem is irrelevant, and it doesn't involve any secrets, so the magazine dared to publish the information after earning permission.

But what about the White House and the Pentagon?

"This is completely developing in the direction of government|government contractors, and there is such a trend now. Did the founder of this company foresee this prospect long ago?"

Think about it too, if you don't have foresight, I'm afraid you won't target this almost blank market, right?

"What a great guy!"

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