The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 159 For the Greater Good

Meeting Bush Sr. on the plane was definitely an accident, but Alice never forgot what she came to Albuquerque for.

The drug dealers.

Of course, Alice has no plans to become a superhero. Like Spiderman, she is forced to go to work during the day, and fights crimes with a sense of justice at night, and then she has to suffer from the anger of her girlfriend being pursued by the rich and handsome. Not something she's interested in doing. To put it bluntly, Peter Parker's set is a high school student's secondary attack to save the world. If Alice really wants to choose, at least it must be an upgraded version of the world police like Iron Man, right?

In the presidential suite in the middle of the night, after a certain old man visited the room of the ruthless girl, he happily went back upstairs, and even the boys who guarded the door followed him.

"Flynn, you should sleep well tonight."

In a bedroom of the suite, Alice patted the boy on the head: "My sister has something to do tonight, so it's not suitable for you to follow."

Flynn looked at her strangely: "Don't you want to go upstairs to find him?"

As he said that, he looked at the clock on the wall. It was around ten o'clock at night, and it was time to go to bed.

"So, so kid, you should get a good education."

Alice resisted the urge to give him a shudder: "My lady is busy tonight, and you will be busy during the day tomorrow, so hurry up and sleep well!"

But Flynn obviously still has doubts: "Alice, if you wanted to just now, can you hypnotize the vice president at any time and make him your slave or something?"

Alice blinked, and she was not surprised that Flynn would have such a problem: "Well, so like I told you before, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and this responsibility also includes The responsibility to control by one's own power."

Seeing Flynn nodding thoughtfully, Alice knew that she didn't need to say any more, and quickly left the room.

Then, it's time to get down to business.

After quickly walking out of the hotel, Alice stood on the street.

It was late at night, but Albuquerque was at least the largest and most prosperous city in New Mexico, full of neon lights and constant traffic. Within a few minutes of standing in front of the hotel, Alice managed to get a taxi for herself.

"To Newhamk High School."

Alice said so from the backseat.

When the car was turned on, the driver was an authentic Mexican with thick braids on his head. He glanced at Alice in the rearview mirror: "Going to school so late?"

"No way, I forgot my homework in the locker, I hope the guard will let me in."

As she said that, Alice looked at the surrounding streets and houses seemingly casually: "Actually, I just moved to Albuquerque recently. I heard that Microsoft's company was built here a few years ago, isn't it?"

"Oh, you mean Microsoft? Tsk tsk, it's actually quite good, after all that kind of thing happened..."

Seeing that the driver actually said that, Alice was a little surprised: "It's good? Microsoft is a big taxpayer, and you really want it to move? Besides, the kind of thing you said refers to..."

The driver shook his head and said, "Since you just came here, let me remind you a few words. In fact, our city has not been peaceful recently."

"……How to say?"

The driver glanced at her again from the rearview mirror: "Because you are Chinese, I will tell you, don't tell white people."

"Uh... ok, go ahead."

With what he said, Alice was even more curious, what the hell was going on?

"There are quite a lot of drug dealers in our city, and there are quite a few drug addicts. Last year, there was a fairly fierce exchange of fire, and the anti-drug police even scrapped a helicopter. And I heard that there seemed to be a police officer who didn't I know where I got it from, and I drove an armored car from World War II and cut off two of the drug dealer's cars, it's like a Hollywood blockbuster!"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh~"

Alice responded repeatedly, but anyone who looked at her carefully at the moment could see the guilty look on her face.

"So it's no wonder that Microsoft moved soon. You don't know. During the chase, Microsoft's Gates was kidnapped by them! Kidnapped! I heard that he was kidnapped with a girl. It was tied up, but I heard from the person at the fast food restaurant opposite where the incident happened, that the girl seemed to have a sudden convulsion and ran to the scene of suppressing the bandits, and finally got Gates involved..."

"Ahaha, ahaha, she is so stupid, ahahaha..."

Alice wiped the cold sweat from her brow.

"So girl, you come to our city to go to school, be careful. Although I don't like to speak ill of my compatriots, you really have to be careful of the Mexicans in the city, especially those who seem to have nothing to do. Most of them may be with drug dealers related."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

"Hey, what I said, don't tell those white people~"

"Oh, no problem no problem..."

Not long after, the taxi arrived at its destination, which was the Newhank High School that Alice had seen on the map.

At this time, the school was of course closed long ago, only the guard room at the entrance was still lit. Of course, Alice didn't walk forward ostentatiously, after all, she couldn't leave any direct evidence of what she was going to do next.

Along the fence of the high school campus, she quietly came to the side. This is an open space. Of course, the shop across the road has been closed long ago. There is no one around, only Alice herself.

So, she kicked lightly on the wall with her left foot, and with a whoosh, she jumped over the wall, turned over easily, and successfully sneaked into the school.

The area of ​​Newhank High School is not small, but it is just an ordinary public high school. The quality of the campus environment is limited, but the quality of teaching is still acceptable. The structure of most schools is the same. Ignoring the main teaching building, Alice trotted all the way and soon came to the laboratory building.

It was quiet all around, except for the occasional hooting of owls in the distance. Alice looked at the building. The gate must be closed tightly, and the windows on the lower floors are also protected by railings, but just above the third floor, there happens to be an unprotected window that is open.

"What a coincidence? It's convenient for me, otherwise it would be a little troublesome."

Alice muttered this, and with only the most basic lightness skills, she easily reached below the third floor with the help of the window fence, and then jumped into this classroom on the third floor.

This is a typical standard classroom. The so-called teacher sits in front of the podium and waits for waves of students to come into the classroom. It didn't take much time to open the door lock, just relying on a wire, just like those high-level thieves who can't break through, Alice easily came to the corridor.

By the way...

"Sure enough, there is no surveillance probe."

There is no monitoring, which is why she chose this high school. You know, the history of Albuquerque itself is long enough. It was established by the Spaniards in 1706 and occupied by the Americans in 1846. The history of some buildings is really not ordinary.

This high school is like this. As an old building, its hardware facilities are relatively backward in all aspects, including the lack of monitoring equipment. Even though it was already 1986, it was still the traditional way of guarding and night patrolling, so it was no wonder that it became Alice's target.

All the way was unimpeded, and Alice came to the basement with ease. Then, among all kinds of teaching equipment warehouses, she easily found the chemical supplies warehouse.

"So, I'm sorry, but this is a public school anyway, just let the government set up some more money!"

With a slight twist of the rusty iron wire and a click, the door lock was easily breached.

Rows of shelves are arranged side by side, and the layers are filled with a large number of chemical laboratory utensils of various shapes. Beakers and measuring cylinders of different capacities, as well as various utensils such as distillers and test tubes, all gather here.

Alice's idea is simple.

As far as the first step is concerned, just earn a little extra money.

The day before yesterday, I just spoke to Dach on a satellite phone. The captain of the missile-modified torpedo boat of the Black Reef has sailed to the Mediterranean Sea. It will take less than twice as long before he arrives in Thailand.

Leaving aside the seaport city full of members of the underworld, where is Thailand itself on the verge of?

That's right, it's the Golden Triangle.

That world-renowned drug production place.

The Golden Triangle is surrounded by the border areas of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos, with a total of more than 3,000 villages and towns. The drug cultivation area is more than 1 million mu, with an annual output of 2,650 to 2,800 tons of duck slices and about 200 tons of conch meat. A relatively accepted statement is that the Golden Triangle is the supply source of 20% of the world’s duck slices, and the conch meat trafficked through the Golden Triangle region accounts for 60%-70% of the world’s total. The annual production capacity of conch meat in this region is It can even meet the global conch consumption for two years!

You know, Alice asked Dutch to smuggle, of course it can't be a bottomless thing like smuggling iPhones.

But what if the Black Lagoon Trading Company has unified the Golden Triangle?

Leaving aside the potential huge profits, at the very least, Alice can control the direction of the drug trade and prevent drugs from flowing into mainland China to the greatest extent possible. There is such a good thing that benefits the country and the people, I believe the Yunnan Anti-drug Department will also be grateful to her, right?

You know, things like pornography, gambling, and drugs are really better to be blocked than to be blocked. Controlling it with a company in the underground world is far more effective than simply suppressing it blindly. For example, the Dutch law does not stipulate that taking drugs is a crime. If Alice goes straight there in the future, other growers who have milk and are mothers will probably have to find the most reliable next home, right?

Of course, that is the ultimate ideal state.

In order to realize the beautiful ideal of suppressing the global drug abuse state to the limit, the first thing Alice has to do is, of course, be able to deal with the local drug dealers.

Therefore, the bottles and jars she collected right now are very necessary~

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