The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 177 Whoever sells Microsoft stock is a fool

At the same time, many traders at Goldman Sachs are complaining, complaining about what they complain about almost every day.

"Damn it, this stock is down! It's down! Bennick, did you see it? It's down!

"Damn it, the internet is slow again, slow at this time of day!"

"Rookie, this is enough. Think about the days when there was no internet. At that time, we could only rely on the phone for everything."

"Microsoft is still rising, yes sir, your vision is unique, from eight cents at the opening to now half an hour, it has grown to one dollar and twenty cents! Yes sir, you heard it right, the opening Half an hour, an increase of fifteen times!"

"I strongly recommend that you buy this stock. Its performance today... what? Another two thousand dollars? Yes, two thousand dollars at home! Well done sir, good luck to you!"

He slammed the phone back on the table, and Ben Nick immediately shouted: "Buy! Another commission! Beautiful!"

Yelling, yelling at the top of your lungs, and the constant ringing and ringing of calls is a daily part of almost any investment firm. It's just that today, the fanatical atmosphere is even more intense, because a miraculous new stock is increasing in value at a frenzied rate!

"I want to buy it too, and I have to buy some too."

The scene on the Nasdaq exchange in Washington was boiling, some people were happy and some were sad, Jordan muttered nervously, and took out his own small treasury to buy Microsoft shares. At this time, it has been an hour since leaving the market, and it is only two hours before the noon break, and Microsoft's stock has risen to the level of eight dollars.

In just two hours, the stock that was originally a pitiful eight cents had increased by so many multiples at this time. How many people are ecstatic because their wealth is increasing crazily; how many people are beating their chests because they took a chance to get rich overnight. Jordan knew that the stock's rise in the afternoon would only be stronger, so he continued without hesitation, and threw all the eight thousand dollars into it.

Then, watching this bull stock charge towards nine dollars non-stop, Jordan heaved a sigh of relief.

at the same time.

"Scared me."

In Redmond, Washington, in the largest public office of Microsoft's headquarters building, nearly a hundred people are all guarding in front of a computer, which displays real-time trading prices of Nasdaq.

"It really scared me to death."

Paul Allen patted his chest: "I really lost the 100,000 yuan bid, otherwise the opening would be miserable."

Gates sat behind a desk, resting his chin on his hands: "What I wonder is, why are those damn brokers looking down on us so much? If it weren't for the money, they probably wouldn't have bought it all morning, right? "

Sitting in the crowd, Ballmer mused: "I think there may be IBM playing tricks here. They have so many cooperations with us, and they must be very aware of our potential, especially the current cooperation. Through secret public relations To make the major brokerages not optimistic about our stocks, they will definitely play it out."

This remark drew everyone's approval. After a period of time, they all learned a sentence taught by Alice: Everyone knows the heart of a dead horse. IBM originally wanted to rely on the cooperation of the "Internet Operating System" to control Microsoft, but it actually gave Microsoft a chance to develop. Now it is estimated that it will be mad. Therefore, it is not impossible to stumble in Microsoft's listing process.

"Whether it is true or not, it has nothing to do with us now, let's care about the direction of the stock market first."

At this moment, who is also sitting in the crowd speaking, not Alice?

"By the way, Bill, isn't our display a bit delayed?"

She went on to say: "The stock price is changing almost every second, and now it is almost breaking through 15 yuan, but the displayed number is jumping around!"

Everyone took a closer look, and it was really like this. The small computer screen still uses the DOS system. After all, the Windows version of the stock trading software has not been developed yet. I saw that on it, all kinds of indexes either did not rise, or rose to a new height in a flash, and the middle process was not displayed at all.

"...The Internet speed is not good."

Gates pouted high, because Alice looked back with surprise and contempt: "It's really because the network speed is not good, don't look at we also bought Cisco routers, and even used experimental switches, but Redmond is a small city after all, you can’t expect it to have the same internet speed as Los Angeles!”

"We don't have enough internet speed here, so what about Wall Street?"

Alice's thinking is broad. After complaining about Microsoft's Internet speed rubbish, she immediately thought of the situation on Wall Street.

"Speaking of which, I haven't been to the stock exchange once~"

At the Nasdaq Stock Exchange in Washington, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the noon break came.

"Finally the fall is over. I lost 12% in the morning. I must sell quickly when the market opens in the afternoon, or it will be miserable..."

"Increasing, increasing, non-stop skyrocketing, it's really exciting. Is IBM driving Microsoft, or Microsoft driving IBM? Where did the 100,000 yuan bidding amount come from?"

Relevant data cannot be obtained in the short term. Although companies release prospectuses to the public before issuing stocks, the two or three things in the transaction process cannot be systematically counted until after the market closes. Even if someone has a lot of questions, they have to go step by step.

At the same time, Jordan was standing in the hall of the exchange, carrying a fake license as a licensed trader, not thinking about those useless things, he was proud of the first big deal in his life.

God must have kissed me when I was born!

Looking back now, Jordan himself feels incredible. He actually managed to get a commission from the famous Hollywood director, James Cameron, by pretending to be a stockbroker of Rothschild Bank!

"Hey boy, you win."

At this time, the old broker who had a relationship with Jordan at the opening of the market, Plank appeared in front of him again: "I also let customers buy Microsoft stocks. Your vision is really good."

Jordan was a little humble, looked at the individual stock quotes on the screen and said: "The opening price has been rising all the way from 8 cents, and the midday price is 28 US dollars, which is 7 yuan higher than the issue price. This performance is quite outstanding. This gentleman , do you think it can go up again?"

"Planck, Planck-O'Donnell, here's my business card, Goldman Sachs."

Plank handed out his business card, and while looking at the counterfeit Jordan handed over, he said, "Jordan Belfort, Rothschild, not bad. Boy, don't worry and continue to buy. With the results of this morning, this one The stock will definitely go up.”

Facts proved Planck's opinion. When the market opened in the afternoon, the stock price continued to rise from the price of 28 US dollars. Those who bought stocks starting from 8 cents really woke up laughing from their dreams. The only pity is, how many people started buying from that price? And how many of those who bought are not in a hurry to sell?

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the stock price reached the highest peak of 32 US dollars, which is a full increase of 39% from the issue price of 21 yuan.

It is gratifying, but a group of people may faint.

For those very few people who have bought since the opening price, this $32 is a gap of four hundred times!

"What did you say?"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Jordan called Cameron.

"You said...Your kid threw in all the 100,000 yuan when it was eight cents, and now it has increased by four hundred times!?"

Jordan was already so excited that his neck was red, and the exchange was full of noise. He kept wiping his sweat while talking on the phone: "Yes, sir, but now it has fallen a little, and it has fallen to 30 dollars. Are you going to sell it?" Is it? If you sell now, you will be a super rich man worth forty million dollars!"

Yes, just this afternoon, the entire Wall Street was boiling, and countless stockbrokers were frantically calling their clients. The Microsoft stock with an issue price of 21 yuan and no bidders miraculously soared to 30 US dollars within a day at an opening price of 8 cents. This kind of typical opportunity to get rich overnight is being talked about by all the fraud experts with.

"Millionaire, sir! If you bought it at the opening price this morning, I'm afraid you will be a multimillionaire now! If you miss the opportunity once, will you miss it again? Hurry up and buy a lot before the market closes." Bar!"

"Sir, sir, I have a magic stock to introduce to you. Microsoft, Microsoft, this is a magic stock, come and buy it!"

"Hurry up and collect information for me! Who are Microsoft's corporate shareholders and senior executives? Listed companies must disclose this information. Check it out for me!"

No stockbroker really knows the direction of the stock market, but as people who work in brokerages and investment banks, after all, they have more information channels than ordinary stockholders. If it is said that ordinary stockholders must rely on the information released by brokers and other channels to understand the stock market, then as the employees of brokers who produce these information, aren’t they closer to the truth?

Time is passing by little by little, and the closing time at 16:00pm is approaching. Microsoft stock, which was green all the way in the morning, finally fell after the peak of 32 yuan at 2pm. When the final closing moment comes, all the investors who are interested in it basically have expressions of ecstasy.

"$29.90, Mr. Cameron, if you sell it now, you will become a millionaire. Are you really insisting on not selling it?"

At the same time, at this moment, Cameron finally got angry after receiving countless harassing calls from Jordan.

"Sell your mother! Is this an idiot who is short of tens of millions to repay the loan!? Keep it for me!"

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