The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 195 Marrying is a traitor!

The Mercedes-Benz Hummer was driving fast on the intercontinental highway, and the powerful motor brought terrible fuel consumption, but the passengers and driver in the car definitely didn't care, and just rushed towards their destination with all their strength.

Maiya was driving the car, and of course Alice was in the car.

The two young girls also took care of themselves and removed the roof of the Hummer. They drove on the highway at a standard speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Call them a group of crazy paper~!

"Wow~ It's fun!"

At this moment, even after her hair was blown straight, Alice sat in the co-pilot and kept shouting: "I am the king of the world!"

"You're an idiot."

Maiya followed suit.

After all, she is the driver, and crying in the wind is a big problem, so Maiya put on sunglasses early on. With shoulder-length short hair fluttering in the wind, the high school girl was wearing a jacket and a strong attire, and the smile at the corner of her mouth showed a cool and handsome style.

To say why it suddenly drove out of Los Angeles, this category is a bit small. When Alice mentioned the destination, Maiya almost spit out the juice from her mouth.

"Go to Lawrence Limoa National Laboratory to rent a supercomputer just to make a movie, Alice, do you know how much it costs?"

Just last year, that laboratory just gave birth to the latest and most powerful supercomputer in the world, with 3.9 billion floating-point calculations per second, compared to the model of the Moscow Institute of Computer Science Research in the Soviet Union in 1984. 2.4 billion times, almost twice as high!

This is the most incomprehensible thing for Maiya, supercomputer, what is that concept?

Or rather, how much will it cost! ?

"Honey, I'm the person with the least money in the world right now."

Alice smiled triumphantly, leaning comfortably on the reclined chair, enjoying the last ray of sunshine before sunset: "Microsoft's first money after going public has already been received, that is several million, plus "Invasion" With more than 10 million box office share of Brain Cells, and Cisco's monthly net profit of two to three million, plus the option of a loan, what movie can't be made?"

Maiya shook her head vigorously and slowly: "I'm not worried about the box office. It will be directed by Cameron who filmed "Terminator", and you will co-write the script with him. Putting it here, it is certain that the box office will be over 100 million. It's just..."

"I just think it's too exaggerated to use a supercomputer to make a movie?"

Seeing Maiya nod vigorously, Alice laughed and said, "Then how do you think Lucas made those special effects when he was filming "Star Wars"? And that was several years ago, with the current super With the computing speed of the computer, as long as we are willing to invest money, we can definitely make better works!"

For these, Maiya will not comment further.

Except for a few people who are naturally passionate about this field, only those with good money are qualified to play art. If Maiya had tens of millions of funds on hand, she would definitely save them well, even if it was used for investment and financial management, she would only choose the conservative type. Like Alice, she can't do anything to make a movie with so much fanfare.

"Yes, Alice."

So she suddenly changed the subject: "I think you seem to have something on your mind."

Alice was about to express some emotions, but she was taken aback when she heard this: "What's on your mind? What's on your mind?"

Just when it was time to turn around an arc, Maiya glanced at Alice in the right rearview mirror while driving side by side with the box cargo, and shook her head slightly: "The destination is only a hundred miles away from Los Angeles. , we are almost at the place now, count yourself, how many times have you peeped at me?"

The truth was exposed, and Alice shrank back to the chair like a deflated ball, and touched her nose in embarrassment: "Why don't you drive your car well, why keep peeping at me?"

Maiya immediately rolled her eyes in anger.

"If you don't peek at me, can I peek at you!?"

"How do you know I'm watching you if you don't peek at me?"

"You, you, you, you, if you don't peek at me, how do you know I'm peeking at you... Pooh!"

"Wahahahaha~ Maiya can't do it~!"

Maiya sighed helplessly, and then laughed a few times.

"You, Alice, you are more eloquent than anyone else. Tell me, what's wrong with me? Don't say it, you want me to be your girlfriend too."

Seeing Maiya's threatening gaze, Alice nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry my dear, I will never attack you before I give up on Sissi!"

"...Be honest and explain the problem!"

In this way, Alice really turned pale.

"Maiya, let me tell you a shocking secret."

She looked at Maiya mysteriously.

The latter stared straight ahead and was driving.

Alice still didn't explain, and still stared at Maiya: "Of course, maybe you are also involved in this secret, so maybe I'm still a victim."

The latter raised his eyebrows, still looking ahead: "Huh?"

Alice was really going to say: "My brother Oscar, it seems that he has fallen in love with you."

As she spoke, she had tightly gripped the doorknob with both hands.


The Humvee didn't happen to be elegant.

"Oh, this thing."

Maiya didn't even look surprised at all, and said very calmly: "You are still his sister, Oscar has been secretly in love with me for several months, don't you know?"

"What, what, what!?"

This time it's really Alice's turn to lose her composure, she looked at Maiya in a daze: "You know he likes you already!?"

"A boy of thirteen, Alice."

Maiya laughed cheerfully. Although she was wearing sunglasses, Alice swears that the gaze she was looking at her was definitely full of slyness and evil humor!

"How well do you expect him to hide his feelings? Every time we are together, his eyes will be on me!"

"Is it really that obvious?"

Alice was really shocked. She usually sees that kid as mischievous, mischievous, and lifeless, but he has a crush on her friend Ji to such an obvious extent! ?

"But it seems that I just discovered it myself."

Seeing Alice's unbelievable expression, Maiya explained again: "Sissy and Ashley didn't notice either, the two of them... Ashley is usually careless, and Sissy is always around you Chuan, it's normal if you didn't notice it."

"Then what do you think?"

This is the key question, Alice looked at Maiya very cautiously: "You don't want to shoot him, do you?"

Maiya couldn't bear it any longer, and raised her hand to give Alice a resounding brain bouncing!

"Ouch! It hurts to death!"

"Looking for death, idiot!"

Maiya took off her sunglasses, and looked at Alice holding her forehead with tears in her eyes, looking aggrieved, "How could I hit a thirteen-year-old boy!? Just, just, just his age , I guess it’s not fully developed yet!?”

"Yeah, I can really give you a definite answer to this."

The big watery eyes were still blinking on the front feet, wishing to rub the place where the forehead was knocked red, and with one hind foot, Alice immediately put on a serious expression: "Generally, when a boy reaches the age of thirteen, he should indeed have a wet dream." It's time, think about how many hormones we have in our food now, it's definitely enough."

That's a really good and powerful answer.

Maiya sighed deeply again, and then smiled wryly, "Tell me about my brother's nocturnal emission...Alice, you Cupid are too anxious, right?"

Well, the logical order is understandable.

It's like a boy telling his best friend that his sister's period is coming...

"Don't worry, don't worry at all."

Alice chuckled, shook her head and said, "Precautions. In many youth novels and movies, don't the male and female protagonists tend to have childhood sweethearts? If we don't solve this problem now, what will we do when it's too late?"

Maiya raised her finger in a demonstrative way: "If you continue to talk about these increasingly outrageous things, be careful, I will immediately throw you to the side of the road!"

Alice sat obediently in the co-pilot, looking at Maiya with teary eyes: "Seriously, sisters, no matter what you say, you are going to be an eighteen-year-old girl, a girl who has never been in love in Lincoln High School Among them, you are the most beautiful one. Tell me, do you not like it?"

"Ashley is prettier than me, but she still hasn't found a boyfriend yet?"

Maiya looked at the opposite lane, three Ferraris whizzed by, two white ones sandwiched a red one, as delicious as a white bread tomato sandwich: "Oh, it looks like they drove back from Las Vegas. "

"Yeah, Ashley hasn't found a boyfriend yet."

Maiya's casual muttering made Alice's eyes roll around even more.

Speaking of which, whether it was Maiya, Ashley, or herself and Sissy, they were all reputable beautiful girls. Taking the Chinese university campus as an example, even if it is not a school beauty, it must at least be a department flower, and the mixed style of myself and Maiya is enough to allow them to eat both continents.

But no one has a boyfriend!

I definitely won't have one. Cici has already been "chased" by me as a girlfriend, so I don't have to worry about this issue for the time being, but in the final analysis, they are only fourteen years old.

But for Ashley, who was in ninth grade at this time, and Maiya, who was on the verge of seventeen, the problem was a bit delicate.

Can't find a matching boy in a public high school because everyone is so good?

Thinking about it, let’s not talk about Ashley’s Italian family. Maiya is not only a literary girl, but also proficient in taekwondo and karate skills. Her father is also a well-known American soldier, an ordinary blue boy...

"Tsk tsk, sure enough, Ji Youtuan or something, marrying someone is a traitor!"

"Huh? You speak Chinese?"

"Oh it's all right!"

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