The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 346 Solid State and Hybrid

Intel is an important company at the core strategic level, and, purely from the perspective of high-tech content, its performance has surpassed AMD's countless streets. For Alice, performance is of course a hundred times more important than the market for low-consumption user groups, so after she came to the company headquarters and obtained the title of technical consultant as a major shareholder, she began to study the specific businesses of each department. Investigate in detail.

The technical department is the most critical and the most elite, the largest but also the most messy area of ​​the office. Here, Alice asks about an extremely important new project from an employee named Gendry.

"This is a flash chip, Miss Alice."

The young Gendry handed a chip the size of a thumbnail to Alice: "We are now planning to use the flash memory chip to carry the motherboard's BIOS system, which can increase the startup speed of the driver by more than ten times."

Alice wiped it with a towel first, and then carefully pinched the small chip with her fingertips. Flash memory chips, thanks to the fact that she hasn't carefully read the company materials given by Gordon Moore, this is a baby product with a bright future!

"Flash memory chip..." Seeing that Gendry was hesitant to speak, Alice stopped him first: "I know what the concept is, but I'm not sure how far you have developed..." In order to avoid saying the wrong thing, she decided Give the other person the say: "Come on, man, give me a quick rundown on this."

It was just a simple sentence from Alice, but it really put a lot of pressure on Gendry. God swears, Gendry is just an ordinary technician, and he just graduated three years ago, and his daily contact is with classmates and colleagues of similar age and background. Now, a girl who has just reached the age of high school, as his new official and shareholder boss, asked such a vague question again, which really tested his technical knowledge.

"The exact name of the flash memory chip is non-volatile random access memory, and the abbreviation is NVRAM." Gendry really racked his brains to think of the words, after all, he knew that Alice was not an outsider after all. The more people in the industry, the more he knows what level of achievements Alice has made. If he rashly says something that is too common sense, people will not like it.

"I think you know the meaning of ordinary memory. NVRAM is very different from computer commonly used memory. It is closer to the concept of hard disk. It is divided into NOR type and NAND type," Gendry thought about the wording: "And these two types There is also a big difference in type.”

Alice already understood everything, but she still had to listen to Gendry before proceeding to the next step.

"NOR-type flash memory is more like traditional memory, with independent address lines and data lines, but the price is more expensive and the capacity is relatively small; while NAND-type flash memory is more like a hard disk, the address line and data line are shared I/O lines, similar to hard disks All the information in the drive is transmitted through a hard disk cable, and most importantly, the cost is lower and the capacity is higher.”

It is one thing to know the future development model, but it is another thing to open your mouth to reveal the core secrets of a company. Let a new shareholder who is an "outsider" know about the SSD that Intel is developing. Gendry said that he has achieved his goal. In the follow-up introduction, Alice just listened lazily, purely to give more information to the surrounding The staff of the technical department just put on a show.

"And the data transmission speed of flash memory is really fast. According to our calculations, the current peak value is definitely about ten times that of ordinary hard disks. Ten times, Miss Alice," Gendry thought imaginatively when he said this: "If we One day, flash memory can be used instead of hard disk, and to what extent should the performance of the computer leap!?"

"That day will definitely come, as long as Moore's Law continues to work." Listening to Gendry's introduction all the way to this point, Alice knew it was time to express her opinion. She stood up, and the desks around her were full of employees from a whole department. While Alice was listening to Gendry's long speech, they all paid at least half of their attention here, not on their work.

"So everyone, I have an interesting idea for the future combination of computer accessories."

Seeing that the new boss suddenly gave a speech to all the members, at least 20 employees around immediately put down all the work at hand. Not far away, a bearded man hiding in a huge amount of manuscripts shouted louder: "Everyone pay attention! Miss Alice has a new idea!"

"Here, come, wait for me!" This is an employee far away, who is hurriedly typing the last line of code, and is about to run over with a stool.

"Alice? Oh my God, when did our new boss come? Boss, wait a minute, the people around you don't have tape recorders!" In fact, he didn't even know that Alice had come to inspect the work.

Of course, Alice was happy to have most of the members of the technical department gather here, just like her own position in Microsoft. She bears the title of technical consultant and is also a shareholder, but she has always been the person that the technical department likes to meet the most. . A few moments later, when Gendry's desk was surrounded by three tiers, in and out, she delivered her speech.

"It is an inevitable trend for PCs to go to millions of households, and the expansion of the output of hardware products and the expansion of the country's education in information technology will definitely allow more and more people to use the form of self-assembled computers in the future. Not directly buying branded computers from big companies.”

She said: "Intel specializes in hardware. This extremely expanded market capacity will definitely bring us amazing profits. However, the spending power of ordinary users is not uniform, and the demand for hardware matching is even more diverse. , which requires us to expand product categories, while developing more efficient products, we also divide them into clear gears to meet the needs of various users, rather than a situation where one product dominates the world.”

These remarks are made entirely out of Intel's current situation. The current CPU is far from the moment of prosperity and development in the future. The new models developed every two years on average are already the most efficient products made by the whole company, and they are definitely not qualified to pay attention to the degree of classification of product grades. . But this did not prevent everyone from imagining the scene, especially under Alice's reserved description, a beautiful and heavenly scene immediately unfolded.

The market is filled with a wide range of products of various models, or individual or company customers walk around in the electronic mall like shopping in a vegetable market. CPUs, motherboards, memory sticks, graphics cards, sound cards, hard disks, CD-ROMs, all kinds of products are divided into low, medium and high price ranges in an orderly manner. Almost everyone can buy the right product with absolutely suitable price-performance ratio according to their needs.

"Obviously, it won't take long. As long as Moore's Law continues to work, let's just do the math. I believe you have done a lot." Looking at the flickering eyes of the audience, Alice knew she had something in mind, and said : "Then, since the hardware we are working hard to develop now will definitely usher in explosive growth, then compared to simply buying higher-performance products, the combination of non-stop hardware has become a crucial thing."

Having said so much, just to lay the groundwork for the following, Alice carefully picked up the flash memory chip Gendry gave her again and said: "I know that whether it is a mechanical hard disk or this kind of flash memory, the storage capacity is pitifully small, but their The data transfer speed ratio is solid."

"Then we can imagine that the data of the computer can not only be stored in a hard disk, the computer needs an operating system to start up, and the smooth running speed of the computer is closely related to the data transmission of the operating system. Then... Think about this idea, this idea of ​​building your own computer."

Looking at the people whose eyes were blinking like computer lights, Alice had already remembered those employees who were particularly good at using their brains: "Using the flash memory hard disk with high cost and small capacity, but the data transmission speed is absolutely fast enough to load the operation System, to realize the quick start-up and daily operation. Ordinary data is still stored in the mechanical hard disk currently used by our computers, and it is used as a simple warehouse... What do you think of this idea?"

These words undoubtedly aroused the infinite reverie of the audience. Since they were all technicians, no one even applauded loudly like the clerk who liked to pat the boss's horse. For a while, there was silence all around, and all the programmers were in a state of imagination.

Not only did Alice not care about this, but she smiled slightly for the achievement of her goal.

Many technological developments in modern society are often carried out out of pure market demand, but the market demand is undoubtedly ever-changing, which leads to a high waste of a lot of resources. The ternary computer is a typical example. The Soviet official said I want it, how many resources are spent here, and the Soviet official said I don’t want it, and countless resources were wasted.

But in more cases, it is all about whether the brains of the R\u0026D personnel meet the standards.

For many years, the "slow development" of solid-state drives is not because the technology is not up to standard, but simply because of the rampant use of mechanical hard drives. Business tycoons will allocate funds for research on new projects, but they must be limited to a certain range, and they will not sell until they are "raised" until they are of use value. As for how it will be sold when it really goes on sale, that is a delicate question.

But what if you set the business toward a specific goal from the start?

Wouldn't that save countless time and resources in an instant?

Now describe the future use of solid-state drives, who in the company can not be tempted?

It is a luxury to use a whole SSD as the system disk.

But if it is...

"I think we can start a new research topic." Seeing that most people have already thought of a deep step, Alice said with satisfaction: "For example, hybrid hard disk?"

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