The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 362 Funded by the Queen, Underground Construction Begins

Another wonderful weekend, Alice went to Exeter Computer Research Center again.

From the small town of Windsor on the outskirts of London, driving a Bugatti all the way to Exeter can be done in just an hour. Of course, the refueling time must be included in this, but the existence of the top-equipped supercar undoubtedly makes long-distance round-trips every weekend absolutely feasible.

It was only 8:15 in the morning, and the loud roar of the supercar sounded in the parking lot. While parking the car in a leisurely manner, Alice did not forget to observe the surrounding environment. Today is different. In addition to the few cars that the employees often see, there are two full military pickup trucks in the parking lot that are particularly eye-catching. .

"one two three……"

Sweeping over the two pickup trucks, and then the adjacent boxes, Alice nodded and said, "The organization of two platoons is fine."

After the car parked easily, Alice just walked into the gate of the research institute, and said to the tough man at the front desk: "Brudy, is everyone here?"

"Yes, BOSS." Unlike other corporate organizations, it is not a beautiful girl with a smile on the front desk, but a man with a firm face and a rich military career: "All construction personnel have already been buried underground. The three-tier assembly is ready, waiting for your instruction."

Without stopping any longer, Alice immediately took the elevator to the second basement floor. After a while, the elevator door opened, and the empty elevator room faced the direction leading to the machine room. From the elevator door, you could see the metal security door with double combination lock. But this time, instead of focusing on the supercomputer in the house, she turned and walked towards the emergency exit behind a double door.

Then, go all the way down to the lower level, open the door and go out.

"stand at attention!"

As soon as the door was opened, there was a burst of loud slogans. Under the incandescent light, there were two platoons of sixty soldiers in camouflage uniforms standing at attention, and their leather boots rumbled.

Then, Alice stood where she was, and a commander trotted up to salute her and said, "Report to the chief, the Blackwater Security Company belongs, and Alpha Team 1 and Team 2 have assembled, waiting for instructions!"


Alice had her hands behind her back. Although the three basement floors hadn't undergone any decoration, and the walls and floors were made of rough concrete, it was the most suitable place for this kind of scene.

"You are the first batch to join my Blackwater International," she said solemnly, looking at the sixty soldiers in front of her, "the most loyal and most versatile group of people. Although the task I entrusted to you now is not What serious laws will be violated, not for you to wantonly kill and set fire, nor for you to hijack politicians and business tycoons, but I must also emphasize that this mission also requires absolute secrecy, did you hear me!?"

"Absolutely, conservatively, secretly!"

The resounding shouts of sixty heroes filled the wide space, reverberating in all directions.

There is no elevator room on the third basement floor, and there are no rooms. It is an empty space equal to the entire "Bird's Nest". Even the stairs leading here are cheap fire evacuation ladders. Neither the original design team nor the construction unit of the research institute knew the existence of this floor. After the whole building was completely built, Alice rarely used her telekinesis frequently and slowly dug it out by herself.

But after all, she can't take on all the tasks alone, can she?

"Your task is very simple, just keep digging." Alice pointed to the ceiling and said, "The height of the three underground floors is six meters, as you can see."

No one looked up, because people had already noticed that, unlike the other floors, the three basement floors were six meters high enough to fit a duplex apartment.

"So, don't worry that the electric drill will affect the operation of the computer. You are mainly working on the ground, and the surrounding walls are not so conductive."

"The blueprint is right there." Alice pointed to the only table in this large space, and beside the table was a civil engineer wearing a hard hat whose face could not be seen clearly: " Your task today is to determine the project implementation plan with Mr. O'Brien, the relevant equipment will be delivered in the afternoon, and I will trouble you to move them here."

"I want to explain to you that this is a large-scale project, and it will never be completed in a short period of time. Therefore, before digging the foundation, you have to dig a tunnel to the ground to transport the muck. The relevant location In the design drawing, the exit is behind our research institute, and a dirt road will be specially arranged for the muck truck, and there are still many steps.”

After speaking this long speech, Alice shouted loudly: "This is a very heavy task, guys, are you confident to complete it!?"

"Guaranteed, completed, task!"

After the soldiers finished drinking again, Alice nodded in satisfaction, patted the commander on the shoulder, and walked towards the fat engineer at the long table.

She held out her hand to him. "Mr. O'Brien,"

The man in the hard hat got up to shake her hand. Because of the angle, the incandescent light bulb couldn't fully shine on his face, but the age of forty was absolutely the same.

"Hello, Miss Alice." He whispered, "Her Majesty the Queen would like to extend my greetings to you. The research projects in this laboratory can be said to be of far-reaching significance. The royal family looks forward to your future achievements."

"Everyone has to look forward to it very much," Alice said flatly, "The higher the position, the more concerned about their own lives, isn't it?"

O'Brien glanced at the soldiers lined up not far away, and said in a low voice: "Miss Alice, according to the blueprint design, the area of ​​this laboratory will be very large. If we only rely on these 60 people, I am afraid that our construction period will be very large. It will be extended a lot."

"It doesn't matter, O'Brien, everyone will understand." Alice still smiled calmly: "After all, you, me, and the royal family are very aware of the prospects and functions of this research. The location of the laboratory must be Be cautious, and the confidentiality during construction should be properly handled, right?"

"I will arrange to start work as soon as possible," O'Brien's voice was not too high or low, just enough for the people in front of him to hear, and to prevent the "construction workers" in the distance from noticing: "But I must also bring you These people report to Her Majesty the Queen, are they mercenaries from Blackwater International?"

"I will hand over the specific documents directly to the queen, you can rest assured." Alice patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said: "In short, let's work hard, first dig out the tunnel for transporting the muck, and consider the construction period. Maybe we can just install a minecart instead?"

O'Brien chuckled and said, "No problem, everything is paid for by the British government, so you don't need to worry about the cost."

The simple discussion ended here. Alice did not intend to interfere with the further communication between the engineer and the "migrant workers". Take the elevator directly to the office on the fifth floor above ground.

Then, as soon as the elevator door opened, a pleasant voice sounded.

"Alice!" In front of the double-opened oak doors, Harry Punes was holding a box of cakes: "I've been waiting for you, do you want to try the lemon cake?"

"Oh my god, lemon cake?" Alice stepped forward in surprise, "Did your...girlfriend cook it herself?"

"That's right, that's right," Harry happily opened the box, and the fragrant smell wafted around, and the orange-yellow cake was even steaming as if it had just been baked: "I don't remember if I told you, Alice, what happened to me?" So I got to know her because I bought you from the bookstore..."

"Yes, yes, she was a cashier at the time. You have repeated this topic countless times." Alice pushed open the office door, and picked up a piece of cake and took a bite: "Well, it's delicious, and This is obviously just out of the oven, she just sent it to you?"

"That's right, that's right~" The smile on Harry's face was so happy, even though he was still in a relationship, he already looked like a newlywed husband: "It was just out of the oven, and it was delivered to me by car right away. Ellie Si, I didn’t share it with anyone, I even brought it to you before I even took a bite.”

"Uh, it's best not to let your girlfriend hear that." Alice almost choked on the delicious cake: "Otherwise she might regard me as a rival in love?"

"How could it be..." Harry was obviously still excited, but seeing that Alice had already sat behind the desk, he immediately came back to his senses: "Oh, then I'll go to work right away, and there's this besides."

It is enough to use important report documents to cushion the cake box: "This is the paper I just wrote about the speed-up method of the three charge state conversions. Please take the time to read it."

"Ah, this is indeed very important." Alice immediately took over the file: "After all, the circuit of three logics means that we need a whole set of new hardware support. You are simplifying the structure diagram by a bit." Fan?"

"I'm also a hacker after all~" Harry blinked meaningfully when he said this: "Don't look at the Soviet Union's Internet development is very backward, I also have a way to find those data back then."

Standing on the shoulders of giants has always saved a lot of energy. Even the Soviet Union's research on the ternary system is only at the level of a teenager, but for everyone who is in the form of a baby at this time, it is already a high enough broad shoulder.

"Very well, I will take a closer look." Faced with this brand new field, Alice also had to be steady: "Go and do your work first."

Harry left immediately holding the box of cakes, and before he left, Alice could not help but snatch another piece. The door was closed, behind the oval desk in the Oval Office, Alice held the cake in her left hand, looked at the report on the table, and picked up another document with her right hand.

She is very busy.

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