The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 439 It's okay to buckle your booger, ah, don't you want to throw a bomb for fun?

The testing period for new products is always long, since it is necessary to demonstrate to Maiya, it is of course a good opportunity for Alice to do it again directly. Crystal-clear crystals, shining like rock sugar, who would have imagined that it is actually a special explosive composed mainly of hydrogen and oxygen elements, supplemented by carbon and deuterium?

All the security and cleaning personnel of this research institute are composed of Blackwater mercenaries, and they are all retired elite soldiers. With the help of experts, the method of explosives testing is of course an absolute military-level standard, so the results and the data of the supercomputer are extremely consistent. This kind of convenience has been proven long ago.

Fifty grams of new explosives are as powerful as one kilogram of yellow gunpowder. The difference of twenty times is not too scary. And the most important thing is that, unlike other products that often require a variety of high-end chemical raw materials, the raw materials of Alice's explosives are really very basic, and the core of the formula lies in the processing technology.

"So, we can characterize this product."

No longer on the third floor, but directly in the office on the fifth floor, Alice explained in detail to Maiya who came to visit.

"First of all, because of its low cost, it is extremely popular...Of course, it would be an extremely difficult task to carry out reverse research and development without my craft formula. That is to say, if I really If you hand this recipe to Lockheed and let the Ministry of Defense know of its existence, then the power of all the thermal weapons of the U.S. military can be at least doubled."

Doubling is really too modest, Maiya listened and smiled wryly in her heart. If it is really replaced on a one-to-one basis, calculated on the basis of 50 grams per grenade, it will really turn every grenade into a gate to hell.

Think about it, if a soldier throws a grenade at random, a kilogram of TNT will explode...

This scene is really not too beautiful.

Of course, that's an extreme situation, but even if it's a double promotion...

"So? Do you want to make the recipe public?"

Maiya stared straight at Alice. She believed that with her friend's brain, she didn't need to use a computer to record that recipe. The things must be in this girl's head. It depends on whether she is willing to write it down and sell it to others.

"Of course not~" How can Alice not know what Maiya is thinking: "You have also seen what equipment is written in my laboratory, private workshop, my dear, a private workshop with a cost of 300,000 US dollars We can produce this kind of gunpowder in such a large quantity. If it is really handed over to the Ministry of National Defense as it is, will there be peace in this world?"

Alice is really not alarmist at all. Heavy water, liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, and some graphite, and a complete set of processing equipment worth 300,000 dollars, the difference is only in the process, can produce an octagonal molecular chain structure that is 20 times more powerful than TNT. It can be said that its cost is really not much higher than that of the yellow explosive a century ago. That is to say, if the Ministry of Defense intends to fill all bombs with this explosive, it will cost at most twice the cost. Increased the performance of all weapons twenty-fold!

That is to say, in any local war, the bombing intensity of various types of bombs can be increased tenfold.

In other words, the conventional combat power of the US military can be directly increased by ten times to the current level...

Maiya didn't speak immediately, but silently looked at the "crystal stone" in her hand.

The size of a little finger, crystal clear, but twice as dangerous as a high-explosive grenade.

"How did you develop it?" After a while, she looked at Alice with piercing eyes: "A while ago, I received an email from you saying that you started to develop new explosives, and it has only been more than a month now, right? "


Alice smiled bitterly and said, "You also know the secret about me. As long as I want, I can observe various reactions between microscopic particles at any time. Hydrogen bombs and hydrogen bombs are not selected by lottery as nuclear fusion raw materials. It's the obvious source of inspiration..."

This is true, and there is nothing higher than hydrogen and its isotopes when it comes to the element with the highest heat ratio. An atomic nucleus and an electron, which are both gas and the lightest atom or molecule, have the highest efficiency when reacting. This is where the charm of chemistry lies, because it focuses entirely on the microcosm, and things that look "hard and huge" at the macrocosm actually will waste a lot of resources if they really react with other substances.

"We're not bad at getting a few more or fewer orders at the Pentagon."

This is Maiya's field of expertise. The reason why she came here today is because of Alice's "research on explosives" email. As soon as the topic came up, the mouth couldn't stop talking.

"But if we can really contract the qualification to produce this kind of gunpowder, we will definitely become the number one in the industry in an instant. Alice, don't you really think about it?"

She looked intently at her companion.

Alice's career has developed to the present level, and of course the further development is not only for money, so Maiya's meaning is also very precise, that is, the number one position in the field of gunpowder production. The U.S. Department of Defense spends a large amount of money every year, and a considerable part of it is used to purchase basic ammunition. If Alice can become a leading company with this formula, it will really get all the money and status.

"The number one in the industry is the same thing~" But Alice waved her hand: "There are only a dozen companies that produce ammunition in the United States, although only three of them are state-owned, and the backgrounds of the others are also scary. Thinking about it, Maiya, there are only a dozen companies in total, do you think this is because the professional standards are too high? Of course, they are indeed very high..."

Maiya rubbed her chin: "Umbrella company, the pharmaceutical industry; Blackwater security company, the paramilitary industry; one is the country's basic industry, and the other is also directly related to the government, so we just need to follow this road to develop Going on, it is not difficult to open an ammunition production company..."

"It's not difficult, but I definitely can't hand over this formula. I know the truth."

Alice took the crystalline explosive from Maiya, but she was not as cautious as opening a Pandora's Box hastily, but still smiled calmly and calmly.

"Twenty times is too exaggerated. When I turn around and pay Lockheed last night, it will be enough to throw a 1.3 times the amount of Hexorkin. Look at Hexorkin itself, it is just a little bit stronger than TNT It's only tripled, so what is it advertised as? Fat people didn't eat it all at once, don't look at me, this is just a formula for explosives, Maiya, believe it or not, if I really announce this formula to the Ministry of Defense, the next It's supposed to rule the world in seconds?"

Rule the world! ?

Maiya was stunned by this idea at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it really is so!

You know, the quality cost of this explosive is really not much higher than that of TNT.

You know, money is what fights in wars.

You know, who would use nuclear weapons in a conventional war unless there was some sort of last resort?

The explosive power is directly increased by 20 times and the cost is only doubled at most, which not only means that the bombing intensity of the unit can be increased by at least ten times, but also means that the consumption of each war launched by the US military can be reduced by at least one fifth... three degrees?

In a war, apart from oil, the most costly thing is all kinds of bombs!

The cost is extremely reduced, the power is extremely increased, and the combination brings acceleration to a battle...

"……You're right."

Maiya thought of her father: "If we had used explosives like yours during the Vietnam War, judging from the amount we put in at the beginning, the power would be 20 times more powerful... No matter how hard the Vietnamese monkeys could hide, they would have to be killed by all of them." Don't blow it up! If we win the Vietnam War, if we win..."

Maiya had her own ideas, and Alice nodded fiercely in her approval.

Yes, twenty times!

This is not simply to increase the charge of the shell by twenty times, but to improve the quality!

"So I didn't write the recipe anywhere at all, it was in my head."

So just as Maiya expected, Alice said: "Am I stupid? I have such a good mind, but I insist on writing this kind of thing on paper, and then find a safe to store it in a serious manner, and then find a nuclear waste to bury it." cave to hide it? Am I sick?"

After saying this, both of them laughed. At this moment, Alice was sitting carelessly behind her boss's desk, with her feet sticking up on the table like nipples, and Maiya was also sitting at the corner of the desk, also laughing non-stop.

"Yes, yes, yes! I just remembered, didn't you also acquire DC comics? Haha, hahaha... The evil boss Alice invented super gunpowder that can change the world, and then superheroes came to find the formula... Or a super criminal? Haha, okay girl, you can directly open a separate book for this matter!"

"Hey...why am I an evil boss? Obviously Tony Stark's father also invented condensation nuclear fusion, okay? He is a superhero."

"Okay, put superheroes aside." But Maiya immediately became serious: "Tell me, Alice, what do you want to do with this explosive? Don't tell me you really plan to put the formula on the shelf. "

what to do?

This is indeed a question worth thinking about.

Unlike the real invention of condensation nuclear fusion, that is, Stark's Ark reactor, things like explosives are really useless to her Alice now...

The former can at least allow her to power up her own building for fun, explosives... what, is this the rhythm of her cosplaying the baroque workplace NO.5?

It's okay to pick a booger when shopping...ah, don't you want to throw a bomb for fun?

"Yeah, even if I equip myself as a Batman-like Professor X now, there are no monsters and ghosts in this world who are against me..."

For a moment, Alice was really worried, worried, worried...

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