The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 455: A Sister Who Has a Job Anytime

Thinking about it is also the same reason. After all, the first purpose of rushing home after traveling thousands of miles is indeed to see how the situation of the hammered brother is. I get busy with work again out of habit. Is it true that I am an older sister~

"Okay, okay, I can't do it if I don't write." Alice put the pen down as soon as she said, and ignored the computer that had just turned on, picked up the small bag next to the bed and said, "Tell me, what's going on today ? Hannah still has to go to school, but you have already asked for leave, how about we go shopping?"

The topic was really brought up, but Oscar was also a little worried. go shopping? Shopping with my sister? God, isn't this the nightmare every boy wants to avoid? Even if Alice is not a super shopaholic, I am afraid that I will become a shopping shelf!

He immediately hesitated: "This..."

"Let's go, it's just that our sister and brother haven't talked for a long time~" But before Oscar finished regretting, Alice was already ready to go out. She put on her coat and picked up her small satchel. Walked out in a hurry.

"I'll wait for you downstairs~"

"Hey, are you really going shopping?"

"Hurry up!?"

Alice doesn't care what Oscar thinks. You know, she spent the entire winter vacation in England. If she didn't take a leave this time, she really hasn't been home for nearly a year. There is no reason not to have a good time in the sunny California City of Angels.

Thinking about it carefully, Oscar doesn't really matter. As he gets older, Super Mario is no longer his favorite, and it's good to go shopping in the downtown area. The boy's movements were also very fast, he jumped down the building quickly, put on a hat to cover the bandage on his head, and then stepped on a pair of Nike sneakers, everything was settled.

The sound of the rumbling motor sounded, and Alice started the Bugatti sports car. While driving out of the house, she watched Oscar skillfully fasten the seat belt. She asked, "Are you sure you can pass the road test once?"

"Of course," Oscar said as he put the Coke in the cup holder of the clutch box, "It's not that I haven't practiced with our Cadillac, it's just a car... Wow!"

He kicked the accelerator and fell to the ground. The acceleration of the Bugatti was not something Oscar could bear at will, and immediately blocked his unfinished nonsense!

Speeding up to the speed limit and driving onto the main road, Alice thought about opening the hood, but she gave up after thinking about it.

"Actually, I really don't know where to go to play, brother, do you have any ideas?"

After the acceleration, there was boundless excitement brought by the high-speed sports car. Sitting in the extremely small and light co-pilot, Oscar looked out the window happily. Just relying on the standard top speed, Alice easily surpassed many cars with her superb driving skills.

"Phew, why don't we just go racing around the city!"

"Damn you, am I so idle?"

If you want to talk about the destination, of course you can think of one right away. Driving on the viaduct amidst the roar, Alice immediately drove towards the CBD area. Counting the time, it was time for her Alice Building to be capped.

"Let me tell you, Oscar." Today she was in a particularly good mood, turning the steering wheel to overtake a Chevrolet, and Alice decided to scare her brother: "Your sister and I have encountered a very strange thing, do you know what it is?"

At this moment, it would be good if Oscar could put one-third of his energy on his ears. Super fast serial overtaking, when just turning the corner, the old lady just turned around with an elegant, really worthy of the girl who bought a supercar for the first car, such a person, ordinary men can't control it at all ah!

"Ah hello!?"


As a result, the cranky Oscar lost his mind, and was called back by Alice: "I want to tell you an S-level secret, please cooperate?"

"When have you never encountered something strange?"

"Hmm~ But this one is really weird." The Mercedes-Benz sports car can already see the skyscrapers of the CBD, and even the Alice Building itself, which stands out from the crowd, can be vaguely seen. As a driver, someone is really excited : "You know, a female spy stole the blueprint of my research institute in England, and I don't know what she wants to do!"

"Blueprint?" Oscar looked at his sister in amazement: "Female spy? Let me tell you, old lady, are you sure you haven't watched too much 007?"

"Oh, sorry buddy, don't think I know the Queen very well, I really haven't dealt with MI6..."

"I'm serious, a spy stole your building blueprints? Are you sure?"

Oscar couldn't help but not change his face, after all, this was a serious matter that anyone could tell. Of course he knew what Alice was researching, and he knew what projects the underground part of the umbrella was working on. The spy stole the blueprint, if this really happens, it is obvious that a storm is about to come!

"What I got is side evidence." Alice said: "Vanda's chief architect Remus, he is responsible for designing the blueprint of the Exeter Computer Research Center, a senior staff member of the British Foster Architects. Blueprint When it was stolen, he was actually the witness, but he didn't see the image of the thief at that time, let alone fell into a coma."

When talking about this, Alice certainly noticed the weird expression of her brother. She smiled, patted the back of his hand and said, "And do you know what is the most interesting thing? Draken is renting my supercomputer Right? The salesman who came to discuss this business happened to be the spy!"

After hearing this all the way, Oscar no longer knows what to say? What could he say? He thought he was just going out for a drive with his old lady, but the topic of spies popped up just like that. Stealing blueprints, being stunned, and coming to the door in person, what is the situation full of conspiracy theories and the feeling of a spy war blockbuster! ?

"Then what?" After finally regaining his senses, this was the first question he asked: "He stole the blueprint to sneak in, right? Has he been caught? Do you have evidence to arrest him now? If not, then What should I do?"

"Correction, it's her, the spy is a woman." Alice began to drive down the viaduct, the construction site of the Alice Building was close at hand, the 600-meter-high skyscraper was approaching its final capping, and the laying of a large area of ​​glass curtain wall had started earlier project. It is a complete replica of the Shanghai Tower. Alice looked up at this lady-like skyscraper, not to mention how beautiful it is.

"Fuck, female spy!? Swallows? Sparrows? Butterflies? KGB... Ouch!" Oscar was shocked, excited, turned into James Bond, and was knocked on the head by Alice.

"What she stole is only the blueprint of the above-ground part, and the underground part is completely hand-made by myself. You are right, the only purpose of stealing the blueprint is to sneak in, but I really can't figure out her fundamental purpose now, she Now they even honestly work at the Drakken headquarters in West Germany... Anyway, it’s weird.”

If you keep a secret for a long time, it will be spoiled, but you have to tell it properly. It is enough for Oscar to know that there is a beautiful spy who wants to sneak in. As for the independent director of Drakken who has a manor in Switzerland, and the preemptive chase that happened on the streets of Los Angeles, it is more appropriate to keep it a secret. If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. After all, everyone is still doing business on the surface, and it's not easy for Alice to come to the door to do some assassination or something.

That's so unreasonable~

At the same time, this information shocked Oscar enough, so until he got off the car, the poor boy was still stuck in the world of imagination.

"Miss Wang, you are welcome." At the gate of the construction site, a bald construction team leader came to greet him, and immediately handed over two hard hats: "Our construction project has reached the final stage, and the final capping will probably begin this weekend. Work. In terms of interior decoration, it has already reached the fiftieth floor."

"So it will take some time before the final delivery."

She said so, but Alice was already very satisfied, and even patted the captain's shoulder happily.

Look at the workers all over the floor, not to mention those inside the building, just what can be seen on the ground at the moment, there is almost a company establishment, and then listen to the construction sounds everywhere in the Optimus Prime overhead, One can imagine how many people's employment has been promoted by this project.

Of course, the wages of thousands of blue-collar workers is not a small number, but it also greatly improves the efficiency. Such a skyscraper can be basically completed in only one year, even in a centralized country. Under the premise that all information is completely disclosed and the public knows all the details, it is conceivable that anyone else can express dissatisfaction.

So although Alice was in the UK during this period, her understanding of the relevant situation did not fall behind. No wonder the "Los Angeles Times" will set up a special page to broadcast news on a regular basis. It is a new landmark, it is such a fast construction speed, and it provides so many jobs. The mayor is happy.

Alice and her younger brother strode into the construction site together, and besides the construction captain following behind them, many people in charge also quickly came over. Although he is not the owner of the construction company who pays them directly, he is the most important food and clothing parent of the entire company in recent times. How can a group of construction workers not hurry to get acquainted?

"Tell me about the daily situation." Alice looked around and said, "I read the "Los Angeles Times" special page yesterday and said that our company also hired some Middle Eastern construction workers? Whose idea?"

Oscar rolled his eyes when he heard this, the elder sister really can get involved with work anytime!

The bald construction team leader is named Howard. Facing the little boss who can be his own daughter, he speaks very politely: "I heard that the boss met a German who has business in the Middle East, so he transferred some people from him. Ms. Wang, those Middle Easterners really work hard..."

"Germans with business in the Middle East."

Alice interrupted the captain, saying every word.

"Take me to meet those new employees you're talking about."

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