The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 605 Plan to pass り, wipe your ass quickly

Alice was stupid to really make a big deal out of it.

The order was issued, and the former Soviet soldiers stationed in the submarine dock have already taken action and began to deal with the mess on the surface. She immediately got up and walked out of the current room, and after a few turns, walked into the elevator.

The huge central pyramid is made of metal and is nearly two hundred meters high. She is currently on the top floor. However, the most core part of the pyramid still needs to be placed underground, that is, another deep pit is opened on the hard floor of the underground space.

After entering the fingerprint password, the elevator descended quickly, and soon reached the first floor of the pyramid, and then continued to drive down. The thickness of the earth's crust is very deep. The altitude of minus 900 meters is not a great depth, but the new room does not need to be too deep. The altitude is minus 1,200 meters, and the straight and long elevator shaft goes all the way to this room.

The location of the main control computer of the HP-001 base.

The first thing you see is an extremely spacious computer room space, where hundreds of extra-large refrigerator-grade cabinets stand, the metal casings are painted in dark blue, and the octagonal LOGO of the umbrella is printed on each fixed position. Here, Alice adopts a very advanced hardware structure system, that is, whenever the latest batch of CPUs is released, she can quickly replace the replacement parts, so that this supercomputer will never lag behind the times.

Based on the issue of permissions, the largest calculations require Alice to arrive here in person and use a special console to perform them.

"New task."

She dictated: "Determine the target, members of the Japanese cabinet and senior leaders of various departments, all employees of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Determine the task, keyword search, umbrella, earthquake, earthquake source, underground, base, Alice-Wang; search for the target , paper documents, electronic documents, video recordings, audio recordings. Task, start."

While she was reading, the relevant sentences were continuously displayed on the screen automatically, and at the last command, a progress bar immediately replaced everything. The remaining time is three hours and twenty-five minutes, and the system resource utilization rate is 80%. It seems that during this period of time, HP-001 cannot do other large-scale tasks for the time being.

At the same time, after such a period of time passed, another communicator on Alice's waist also rang, and the communicator spoke proficient Russian.

"Report sir, the scene has been dealt with, and no third party was involved in the whole process, the report is complete."

"Very well, throw those corpses, abandoned police cars, etc., in the place where they should be thrown. Then they will keep an eye on the movement of the sea surveillance ship. Aren't they looking for smuggling ships? It's not my old lady's gas money, so let them wander around."

"Yes, sir."

Alice knew exactly what to do as she walked towards the elevator. It was a huge accident to be forced to the gate of the factory by those policemen today. If we insist on finding the instigator, it is Kusanagi Tamako's intelligence gathering ability is too strong. No matter how many agencies were designed, she didn't intend to go to war with the Japanese government, so the next job was to let the group of damn bureaucrats completely forget about this matter.

The task was handed over to the computer, and there were still three hours left, let it count slowly, and Alice took the elevator back to the "ground".

She needs to meet Kusanagi Tamako.

Since the electronic device was implanted in the back of that woman's brain, Alice could completely control her mind, so naturally there was no need to imprison her here. Now that technology has advanced, compared with the measures taken against Vipple-Pushkin at the beginning, it saves a lot of trouble.

No matter what, I have to go out, just kidding, she is staying underground in Chiba County first, if someone comes to look for her in Tokyo right now, what will she do if she disappears?

Driving a Lamborghini on the wide open space, it really has the atmosphere of the alien colony base of "Alien 2". Because in such a huge space, the only new residents are those one hundred scientists, and they are scientists, not basketball players, so there is no reason to casually wander on the street.

The prisoner's residential area in the distance is even more silent, so during Alice's drive, there is really an atmosphere of an orphan walking in the end of the world. Although she likes this emotional setting very much, she has to admit that staying here for a long time will greatly affect her personality development.

But it’s okay, everything will be back to the ground—the real ground.

The high-speed rail train drove through a 60-kilometer-long underground tunnel at full speed, crossed Tokyo Bay and returned to the interior of Honshu Island. At this location nearly 500 meters deep underground, Alice took an elevator in a small square, and then went all the way to the surface , so that they can finally rush back to the equipment room in the cleaning room of the underground parking lot in Blocks E and F of the Science and Technology Park.

Well, it's super complicated, so the gang of policemen can't investigate anything from here, so it can be seen that the purpose has indeed been achieved.

At the same time, the police officers who rushed to the scene of the incident also passed on-site reports back to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

"Missing? What do you mean missing!?"

The White Horse Police Director slammed the table, and shouted into the microphone in front of everyone present: "The person is missing, or is the enemy missing, or are you going to say that the factory was wiped off the map!? Please explain it to me clearly." !"

"Sir..." The person in charge of the scene was on the other side of the microphone: "I mean... the team members we just sent, and the police cars parked outside the fork, including the command car, are all gone!"

"The factory is still there, everything else is still there, everything is normal, it's just us...our people and cars are gone!"

This kind of answer is simply unbelievable. The Chief Superintendent of the White Horse is just a policeman, not a mystery novelist of the genre, and he doesn't have the energy to read a lot of Cthulhu Mythos. More than 30 policemen and eight or nine police cars just disappeared in place? What is this answer! ?

"Really... all disappeared, sir!" The reporter almost cried: "We didn't even find the tire marks!"

"What about other situations, you bastard!" Baima broke out in a cold sweat. At this moment, around him, how many officials were staring at him, and even the prime minister took time out. This kind of accident happened under the noses of so many people, even if the final answer is not his white horse's responsibility, it is inevitable that many people will laugh at him.

"Other cases...we are still investigating..." The person in charge was also racking his brains: "Ah, sir, the geological experts who just arrived with him said that the soil around here seems to have been refurbished, and earthworms ran out..."

Dirt renovation? Earthworms come out? What kind of mess is this?

The white horse's head is as big as a bucket at the moment, how can it be energy to deal with such things, he took a few deep breaths, barely calmed down his excitement and said: "Your priority right now is to find your missing companion, bastard!"

After speaking, he blocked the communication.

"Prime Minister, I think we'd better find a reason immediately and have an interview with Ms. Alice Wang. Although there is no evidence yet, that girl must have a lot of secrets. I believe she must have no experience of being investigated by the police. We must You can get a lot of clues!"

"Very good, let's do it like this." The prime minister nodded and said, "Bai Masang, don't worry too much, we are all aware of the situation, and it's not your fault. But please keep in mind that even now, we have There is no direct evidence that can prove that Ms. Wang has something to do with these things. We don't even know what's going on underground. So, the police detectives who come to investigate must be very careful!"

"It's... the Prime Minister!"

The scale of this matter is not very large, at best it is the disappearance of more than 30 policemen. In the Japanese police circle, this can indeed be called a big event. People who are interested can even write a social mystery novel and make a Japanese drama for it, playing with all kinds of sensational plots, but the situation that Alice would worry about Than, nothing more.

"Hello, Moses Moses?"

As soon as she walked out of the experimental buildings E and F, Alice took out her mobile phone: "Tamako-san? I want to make out with you. Tonight at 8 o'clock, at the Bridge Pavilion Hotel in Roppongi, Room 1202, we will see you soon."

On the other side of the phone was Tamako Kusanagi's calm voice: "Yes, sir, please allow me to ask my boss..."

"NONONO, make a report, the report will make them suspicious, so you can do whatever you want. The hotel is also an industry I invested in, and the surveillance video is amazing, you know, that's it, bye~"

Walking with easy steps, the soles of her feet seemed to have springs, and Alice, who had caused a catastrophe, was still happy. The plan is all right, she just needs to wait for HP-001 to come up with the result, Zola's algorithm is rarely effective. What needs to be dealt with next is nothing more than the guys outside the door.

The company's headquarters is not in the bustling urban area, opposite to the 30-story building, it is composed of a noodle restaurant and a snack street. Just kidding, the quality of the camera produced by Sony Japan is of course guaranteed, and the telephoto function is awesome. Do those strangers pretending to be diners hanging out in the small shop really treat the face recognition system of my big HP-001 computer as nothing?

It's just a plug-in strip on the motherboard. You should know that although your police station uses an intranet, almost all hardware and software are Cisco products.

Alice smiled smugly~

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