The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 613 The Japanese Old Man Went to the United States

In Kyoto City, Japan, there is an antique residential area on the hillside, which is the current residence of Nakamura. Since the mission was suddenly cancelled, he was immediately dismissed by the superior officer, persuaded to return home on the grounds of being too old. As of today, he has lived in his hometown for several months.

From the first day after returning home, Nakamura has ordered a copy of all targeted newspapers. What he must do every morning and evening is to read the morning and evening newspapers, and he will not be able to shake it for many days. His wife and children knew that he had retired from the government, but they still couldn't help but feel very strange. It's just that the old man insisted on going his own way, so they had to be responsible for sorting out and disposing of a large number of old newspapers on a regular basis.

Nakamura naturally has his reasons. A few months ago, the Umbrella Company "Didn't Care" launched an anti-cancer drug, which cured the world-renowned Hollywood star, Audrey Hepburn, of colon cancer and saved her from the brink of death. The company's anticancer drug research and development base is in Kyoto, near his hometown. How could he not pay attention?

Because the situation is really too weird. Dozens of police officers had just been lost "on the previous day", but on the "next day" the Prime Minister had no interest in this matter! This is a completely unbelievable situation. There is no interest. This kind of bullshit reason has come true. The Prime Minister repeatedly emphasized the sentence "I am not interested", and he completely ignored this matter! ?

It is rare and unheard of for a country's prime minister to be willful so far, but Nakamura immediately witnessed a terrifying situation. The Prime Minister is the first person, then the Minister of Defense, the third person is the Chief of the Police Agency, and the fourth person is the Chief Police Superintendent Baima. At the speed of one person a day, all these high-level officials are suddenly "not interested" in this mission!

At that time, he knocked on doors and smashed desks from office to office, no matter what reason, "not interested" is nothing! ?

Then he was dismissed.

The matter is absolutely inseparable from Alice Wang. Nakamura firmly believes in this. As for the execution unit, he is still groping. What kind of tricks did that girl use to make everyone from the prime minister down to the senior officials ignore the whole incident? You know, it was the government itself that first took the initiative to make up the girl's idea. Could it be that the girl persuaded the four major consortiums to put pressure on the government?

Nakamura immediately vetoed this idea, because the fact that there is a huge underground cavity in Chiba County has been proved by geological prospecting personnel. No matter how much pressure the consortium can exert, how can the government pretend to be deaf to such a huge matter? ! ?

So for a while, Nakamura has been trying to find ways to track and collect all available information. Because of his retirement, he has cut off contact with his old subordinate Tamako Kusanagi. After all, Tamako is a spy-type government employee, and not a retiree should be able to contact him at will. So in the same way, Nakamura, who has carried out secret missions all his life, can only conduct investigations by conventional means once he retires.

Emperor Tian paid off, he finally found some latest moves about Alice Wang in the overseas news. She registered an investment company called Honeycomb in a city in Utah, bought almost all the municipal enterprises in that small city, and moved the heavy factory of "Draken Company" there. All the details gathered together, let Nakamura smell a unified conclusion, this girl wants to build her own city.

So the purpose is to find the target. Looking through the map, Nakamura knows that Utah belongs to the most traditional type of western desert, 80% of the population lives in Salt Lake City, and the territory is completely covered by barren plateaus, mountains and salt lake desert. Of course, the natural resources here are very rich, but combining Alice-Wang's main industry type and her criminal record in Chiba County, Nakamura directly imagined her true purpose.

Hollowed out Chiba County, now digging out Utah?

I believe that if Alice can know the existence of Nakamura, she will definitely admire his precise brain.

In short, Nakamura was very sure that his guess was correct. It is no coincidence that the Draken Industries company will build a factory in Utah, and it will build a factory in the city of Laken. Produce excavators nearby? The conclusion is easy to come to, especially Nakamura soon learned that Drakken was a German drilling rig company with a century of experience before the transformation in recent years!

Just a new question came to mind. If Alice Wang really wants to do large-scale underground construction in Utah, this kind of preparation is normal, then since it is necessary to make such preparations now, how to prepare for the huge underground pit in Chiba County, How did you dig it out?

Nakamura couldn't sit still, so he proposed such an idea to his family.

"Eh? Master, you are going to settle in the United States!?"

Mrs. Nakamura was so shocked that she almost fell down: "What the hell are you doing? You can finally retire at home. What are you going to America for?"

The eldest son was also persuading him: "Dad, it's time for Junxiong to go to elementary school now. If there are not enough old people in the family, isn't this a great pity in life? It's the same for you and Junxiong, right?"

Nakamura was said to be annoyed: "You idiots, I will never come back in my life? Where did you come to such a weird conclusion? I just want to go to the United States for a while, can't I!?"

In the end, Nakamura, who showed off his male chauvinism, shook everyone down. It stands to reason that he should bring his wife with him, but just like his son said, Junxiong can't make Junxiong feel that there is no old man at home. In short, after giving a reason, he set foot on the flight to the United States alone.

From Kyoto to Los Angeles, this is the flight that Nakamura took. The Boeing 747 is exactly the same as Alice Wang, but it is purely for passenger use without private modification. During the whole journey, Nakamura has been thinking about the other party's psychology, thinking about what kind of brain circuit that girl has.

Because there is Toshio who is in elementary school in the family, Nakamura can also bring his thoughts back to his youth. Alice Wang is only 20 years old this year, and looking at her photos, there is not much difference between her and 17 or 18 years old, so she must not be considered in general from the perspective of "evil capitalists". Nakamura imagined, what would he do if he was allowed to control a corporate group worth hundreds of billions of dollars at the age of twenty, and his personal worth was as high as tens of billions?

Ahali, is it true that a boy is a waste of time...?

So all of Alice-Wang's behaviors are due to the outbreak of the second disease?

Nakamura would never come to such a brain-twitching conclusion if it were any other person, but since the other party is a genius who made his fortune at the age of twelve or thirteen...genius is often equal to weirdo, think rationally, Alice-Wang is indeed more Everyone has the qualifications to be the devil king of the second disease, isn't it?

Anyway, he is also a Japanese, and his grandson is also a master of watching anime all day long. Recently, he has become obsessed with the "Conan" who is full of second-school atmosphere. Nakamura believes that his opinion is absolutely correct.

Thinking about it this way, the sense of crisis of the incident can indeed be brought to a higher level, but it still cannot be let go like this. With this thought in mind, the ten-hour flight was coming to an end, and the plane gradually lowered its altitude and began to circle over downtown Los Angeles.

Nakamura looked down.

That towering skyscraper, that curvaceous Alice Building, is at least twice as tall as any of the buildings next to it. It is really a masterpiece in the history of architecture. The entire shell is actually composed of a large area of ​​glass curtain wall. How detailed mechanical calculations are required to complete this? It is indeed the style that a young rich man should have. This kind of flamboyant style is not seen in Japan.

At the same time, it is on the top floor of this skyscraper.

"Look, sister, there is a plane preparing to land!"

Alice was sitting on the sofa, looking down at the book: "Oh, you can blow it down with a bazooka."

Oscar stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of his apartment, wearing a black suit, looking at the plane in the sky with his hips akimbo: "That really not that far away from us. Sister, I suddenly noticed a problem!"

Alice was still looking down at the book: "Huh?"

"You said what if the plane suddenly turned around and hit us?"

Alice raised her head and brushed the hair that fell to the tip of her nose: "Then you hang up, the whole world will be grateful to the captain for his sacrifice."

"Sister, I'm serious." Oscar looked at the plane and said, "The distance between us and the airport is...about fourteen or fifteen miles. And our building is still so tall, even taller than the Commonwealth Bank building next door If there are some bad guys trying to sabotage the United States, aren't we a living target?"

The younger brother is really getting more and more mature, and Alice feels very relieved and satisfied. He was obviously thinking about the anti-American sentiment in the Middle East after the Gulf War, and since the Umbrella troops played a key role in the invasion, it is very likely that someone will play against him.

"That's really a good arrangement."

Alice said: "The possibility of hijacking a passenger plane from the Pacific Ocean is very small, and the price/performance ratio is too low. A 10% probability is enough. It is the most convenient way to take off from the inland airports and fly to the destinations on the two coasts." .But considering that the Los Angeles CBD area is really not big, and Manhattan is full of skyscrapers, Oscar, if you were a hijacker, how would you choose? How to increase the success rate of combat?"

It looks like...

Oscar felt dizzy, and thought about it carefully: "It still depends on the purpose of the villains, right? If they just want to find fault with us and hijack three or four planes and crash them in one go, there's no reason why they can't aim correctly. But if it's just to create an international Public opinion, adding trouble to the United States, Manhattan is indeed a better choice, especially if the Empire State Building or something is hit..."

Alice looked down at the book and twitched the corners of her mouth.

Well, why was the topic brought here by the two of them?

"If you're really worried, I can install defensive weapons upstairs." She said, "Use the HP-001 to identify large flying objects that pose a threat, and then use lasers to blast them away?"

This idea is possible, because if a flying object hits a building, it is nothing more than a cruise missile or a hijacked aircraft. No matter which one, there are vital points that can be targeted by lasers. As soon as his brain was opened, Oscar began to talk about the matter enthusiastically. He immediately raised a question, even if the laser destroys the aircraft engine, it can still hit the Alice Building before it crashes.

"...well, maybe I should install an energy shield for our building, and you're satisfied with that?"

"Very satisfied! Then, old lady, please work hard on research and development, and I will serve you tea and water!"

This topic can be said to have been exposed for the time being. Oscar was not wearing a suit to be cool, but was doing an internship downstairs, so he left after a few words. Alice didn't continue reading either, because of this topic, she also stared at the plane outside the window.

Well, of course that one didn't intend to hit the building, and it's now landing steadily towards the airport.

But Oscar's reminder is indeed reasonable.

Time is really tight, Alice counted with her fingers, and now it is only seven or eight years away from 911!

Seven or eight years is not a very short period of time. With the current scale of her enterprise, it is not known how high she will reach around 2001. Maybe by then, she will really replace the entire Manhattan, and she might become the thorn in my side. So then, what should she do?

After all, if history really changes so much, of course no one can guarantee that 911 will still be 911.

"Or press a remote control on the building, so that the aircraft cannot be operated manually, and it just disappears?"

Fortunately, there should be another seven or eight years, Alice thought about it, and when it really comes, of course the soldiers will come to cover the water and soil. As for now, it is still important to be steady and steady, to live every day well.

I believe that Nakamura would never have imagined that when he was overlooking the Alice Building and imagining what kind of brain circuit the other party was, the other party was also staring at the plane he was flying in, worrying about what would happen if the plane hit the building.

It can be seen from this that Nakamura's deduction is correct. The other party is really a master whose brain breaks through the sky, and he must not be treated with common sense.

After getting off the plane, Nakamura began to prepare for the connecting flight to Salt Lake City. La Kun City is a small city, and there is no direct flight from Los Angeles to there, even a small plane is not equipped. But he knew that this obstacle would not be a problem for Alice Wang. It was not unaffordable to use a large plane for a long-distance flight and a small plane for a short-distance flight. There are plenty of tycoons in New York who fly helicopters to and from get off work!

After arriving in Salt Lake City, the next step is to find a car rental company to rent a suitable car. Nakamura, who was waiting for a connecting flight, thought, the girl must have bought the car rental center in Salt Lake City, and if he registered a car with his passport, would she be investigated by her?

Considering how he was persuaded to quit by his superiors, he couldn't help but think so.

In short, let's talk about that Laken city first!

In other words, this book is now in its final period.

I believe that most rebirth development stories end with an open ending, right?

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