The Sea of ​​Japan has a total area of ​​more than 1 million square kilometers and an average water depth of about 1,750 meters. It is the main sea area of ​​the Japanese archipelago facing the Asian continent. Although it is dubbed the Sea of ​​Japan, it is of course a high sea category. It starts from Sakhalin Island in the north, and borders the Russian Far East in Eurasia on the west. It borders on the Korean Peninsula in the south. Both the north and the southeast are rich in fishing grounds.

South Korea and Japan, a large number of fishing boats belonging to the two countries catch fish in this sea area, and territorial water disputes caused by this have occurred from time to time. It is said that Koreans hate Japanese the most, and one of the most direct and continuous reasons is the endless maritime disputes. South Korea has a limited territory and lacks a variety of ingredients. Apart from kimchi, there are all kinds of miso soup and rice every day. It is rare to be harassed by Japan when fishing.

In the early morning, three sea surveillance ships belonging to Japan set off from the Tsushima Islands and headed towards South Korea.

Tsushima Island is long and narrow, with a length of about 70 kilometers. It is located in the southwestern waters of Kyushu Island, at the eastern end of the Tsushima Strait. It is also the sixth largest island in the Japanese archipelago except for Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu. In addition to Tsushima Island, there are more than 100 subordinate islands nearby.

It is only 60 kilometers away from Geoje City in South Korea.

The territorial sea boundary itself has a depth of twelve nautical miles. One side departs from Tsushima Island and the other departs from the coastal city of Geoje in South Korea. There is really not much room for public waters.

On this narrow water corridor, the sea surveillance ships on the border can easily capture the movements of their neighbors as long as they have full radar. This is the case at this time. The three sea surveillance ships are patrolling the sea at a very high speed. They are watching without stopping.

This is a political need. I believe that in less than an hour, domestic news will report related events. Sailor Hiroshima thought so in his heart. He was just an insignificant member of one of the sea surveillance ships, and now he was personally posing for the ship, approaching the border of South Korean waters with a slow but undeniable gesture.

Very cooperatively, the South Korean maritime surveillance ship has sounded a notice, warning the Japanese side to stay away from South Korean waters, or they will attack.

"They dare not."

The officer said confidently: "Just get close, close to only about 50 meters away in one breath, and make those Koreans pissed off!"

Hiroshima drove the sea surveillance ship according to his words, and continued to approach with the other two ships. The lookouts observed carefully. The South Korean sea surveillance ship had already erected its heavy machine guns at them. Of course they would not open fire, but most of the rookie sailors were still a little terrified of being pointed at by that weapon.

"Hmph, don't be afraid, what's the use of a few machine guns, they put on this posture, it's just a warning measure." The officer's experience is by no means comparable to that of ordinary sailors: "Don't forget, South Korea has always been troubled by the 38th parallel. , They are definitely more afraid of fighting than us, so just let go and be bold and provocative, this is a mission!"

The South Korean maritime surveillance ship was already in chaos. The soldiers stared nervously at the invading Japanese side, and their machine guns were aimed steadily at the enemy, but they couldn't keep their eyes on the vital parts. This was really a headache. The Japanese maritime surveillance ship is gradually approaching. According to the accurate grasp of the data, they are now only 30 to 50 meters away from the territorial waters of South Korea. It makes people gnash their teeth and want to pull the trigger, but there is nothing they can do.

"As long as these bastards dare to get closer..." The chief of the South Korean side stared at the other side viciously. The distance between the two boats is only 50 meters. Although it has not reached the level of physical friction, but the old fritters are facing the old driver, who doesn't know whose routine?

"Closer, closer, and closer." The Japanese chief let Hiroshima drive the boat happily. The motor rumbled, and the three Japanese sea surveillance ships suddenly advanced like arrows from the string, heading straight for the final border line!

"Give it to me!" the South Korean chief shouted: "I can't let those little Japanese underestimate the heroic soul of my Korean nation!"

"Go!" The Japanese officer also became excited: "Yamato man, go forward!"

The six sea surveillance ships of Japan and South Korea are about to usher in a passionate and passionate friction!


A huge water wave soared into the sky, almost pushing up a Japanese sea surveillance ship!

"what happened!?"

The South Korean side was stunned, and one of the ships even completely forgot to slow down because of excessive surprise, and rushed towards the other Japanese ship!

"Wait, wait!"

With a bang, the South Korean sea surveillance ship slammed into the Japanese one. Fortunately, the location of the collision was not the fatal point, it just caused the ships on both sides to vibrate violently, and all the crew members in each cabin were turned upside down for a while.

At the same time, the rising water waves also fell, and a voice for help rang out from that ship: "It's a torpedo! It must be a torpedo! Goryeo is firing torpedoes at us! There are submarines here! This is premeditated, Premeditated... help!"

The sea surveillance ship that was hit had already begun to leak water. No, even though the torpedo with a full charge did not hit the keel, it also opened a huge hole in the ship's buttocks. God knows, torpedoes can cause destructive damage to cruisers. Even the Nimitz aircraft carrier dare not hit a few of them easily. A mere sea surveillance ship can still maintain its gestalt and communication capabilities. up!

"Asshole, fire!"

The machine guns on the Japanese maritime surveillance ship opened fire, smashing the bridge window of a Korean ship in an instant at a very close range. The cabin was filled with flesh and blood, a large number of electronic equipment were destroyed, and the small space suddenly turned into a purgatory on earth!


At this moment, the second Japanese sea surveillance ship jumped up and was pushed into the air by the soaring waves!

"Another torpedo!?"

Hiroshima was completely stunned. Now there is only one ship left on his side, without the command of the officer, he spun the control panel vigorously, and quickly moved the ship away from the scene. Colleagues are manipulating machine guns, and the sea surveillance ship has limited firepower, but it is by no means easy to provoke, Yamato is not to be humiliated! !

However, the South Korean side has no plans to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Perhaps the torpedoes have been fired, or their mission has been completed, so they are also quickly evacuating this sea area. But one of them could no longer escape. Its island had been swept by machine guns, and all the sailors were killed. Even if three or two of them survived by luck, how could they have the ability to start the ship at this moment?

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot me!"

Chief Kumamoto was furious, today's loss is too heartbreaking. Since the end of World War II, since the establishment of the Self-Defense Forces, when did the whole of Japan suffer such a huge blow? Two entire sea surveillance ships were sunk by Korean torpedoes!

"Also, hurry up and rescue the survivors for me!"

Today's event will cause a sensation in the world no matter what. In times of peace, just a sea surveillance ship sailing past the other side of the sea can become a heavyweight news on the evening channel. The sinking of two ships is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world. Torpedo, and it sank directly!

On that night, all TV stations in Japan and South Korea broadcast this news in their prime time.

" open...are you kidding me!"

In Tokyo, near the University of Tokyo, in a very ordinary rented apartment, Ito stared at the TV dumbfounded. Around him, those classmates who planned to eat hot pot dishes with him also stared at the TV in dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

"The South Korean government sternly denied the attack, saying that it never dispatched any submarines, and never instructed any military unit to attack the three Japanese maritime surveillance ships. It also said that this is a sad incident and a Shocking incident. South Korean President Kim Young-sam said that this is the most incredible thing he has heard since he came to power..."

On each channel, the news was continuously broadcast, and new news continued to appear. The camera shifted to the Japanese parliament. In the limited space, all the well-dressed members of parliament were fighting, and the respectable prime minister was also at a loss.

"I can't imagine...our two ships...what do the Koreans think?"

Mizusawa asked in disbelief: "Do they really want to start a war? It's impossible. Even if there is some friction in normal times, they can't fight in such a muddle, right? They don't worry about the 38th parallel...ah, the 38th parallel?"

"That's right, this should be a conspiracy by the Communist Party." Matsushima thought he had found the reason: "They hope to provoke a war between Japan and South Korea, and then take the opportunity to unify the Korean peninsula?"

"Then the U.S. military will definitely take action, right? Yes, they will definitely do so." Ito calmed down a little. Putting aside the hatred of the sinking of the sea surveillance ship, the most important thing is to calmly think about the problem with everyone: "This matter, the United States cannot let it go. We have an alliance treaty with the United States, and the relationship between the United States and South Korea is also the same. There's a conflict between the two of us, it's impossible... but what the hell is going on?"

For the whole night, Ito and the others couldn't even think about eating this hot pot. In other words, the topics they talked about at dinner can be used in the next meal. The South Korean government has repeatedly emphasized that they did not do this, and because the matter is so important, they don't even have time to make much fuss about the ship they lost. It really doesn't look like they are actively provoking trouble. Is it really the Communist Party? General Jin is obviously in a good mood today, cheerfully commending the fearless spirit of sacrifice of the Japanese sea surveillance ship. At the cost of the sinking of two ships, killing the entire crew of a South Korean sea surveillance ship provided them with a great opportunity for their unification...


The fearless sacrifice of our Japanese side! ?

Your grand unification cause! ?

What a mess! ?

"The words of ** are indeed so interesting~!"

That same night, staying in her high-end apartment in Ginza, Tokyo, Alice laughed so hard that she was rolling all over the floor: "It's okay, it's okay to talk like this, anyway, the excitement has come out anyway, you can do whatever you like, hahaha~ "

The instigator was secretly having fun here, and in front of the open space by the window in the living room, Sadako Yamamura was sitting on a chair, looking out the window with great interest.

This is Ginza, so on the street not far away, demonstrations have already begun. Although this is not Chiyoda District, the intensity of the demonstrations is not small. The crowds of people keep shouting and shouting, and banners can be seen dancing everywhere. Once the evening news was broadcast, although there was only an interval of three to five hours, it was enough for the enthusiastic patriotic people to take due action.

"I've read the news this week." Vipple stood in a corner of the living room smoking a cigarette leisurely, gloating at the TV and the situation outside the window. She is really relaxed tonight, with a pair of underwear on her body, only a vest is left, even if she just took a shower, she is really relaxed enough.

"The casualties on the Japanese side are not many." Sadako said slowly: "The ship sank, but the two ships added up, and the death toll is only fifteen, which is less than that of the Korean ship that was shot. At this point , we have made a profit."

"Hmph, because I didn't hit the nail on the head." Vipple said in a rough voice, "Anyway, what we want is the shipwreck itself. It doesn't matter how many people died. If the survivors make trouble inside the military and their families, more people will be born. things come."

"Witness, witness." Alice had finished laughing, General Kim had already left on TV, and now it was time for Japanese experts to continue to analyze: "When these people come back alive, it doesn't matter whether it's the same thing or not, let alone In that case, they will all say that they were attacked by torpedoes. There is no need to think about sea mines. Therefore, the testimony of direct survivors must be more reliable than the testimony of soldiers on another ship. They are not available yet. , Wait until tomorrow, these people will definitely show up."

The tonnage of the sea surveillance ship is limited, but the number of crew members is also quite large. If the survivors of the two ships add up, it is more than enough to make up a dozen. The attackers were submarines, but they couldn’t tell the difference between Typhoon-class and Korean junk, and the U.S. military would definitely not be blamed for this, so the direction of public opinion is clear at a glance. South Korea should not only be dumb, but also the kind that has eaten a pot of coptis.

"So in this way, we have a reason for our follow-up actions." Alice said with a smile: "Whether it's South Korea or Taiwan, they are all people who don't like Japan. Let the international community guess, anyway. Even if it is exposed one day, it will be the Russian Typhoon and Russian submariners, and Yelinqin’s scapegoat should not be too big~”

The girls in the house were having fun. The present time point can be said to be well chosen. The Soviet Union has disintegrated, and about two years is enough for it to breathe a little bit. If you don't take revenge on the Western world at this time, when can you wait? In particular, the former Soviet Union was famous for its submarines. Once the world's largest typhoon class is exposed, it should not be a big blame!

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