The Goddess Signed In For a Year, and I Turned Over

Chapter 406: 0 Degree Drop, Aurora Rise

Chapter 406: A thousand degrees fall, the aurora rises

"Mr. Lu, all invitations to the Mobile Phone System Developer Conference have been sent out."

Xiao Ya, who walked in the door, took out a document and handed it to Lu Yunqi, with a long list on it.

"A total of 350 invitations were issued this time, covering most software types, including social networking, search, e-commerce, entertainment, games, animation, literature, and more."

"All major domestic Internet companies and software developers are also invited."

"Including Shuangma Group, Qiandu Department, Byte, Wangyi, 359, etc. have all received invitations."

"Most of the companies said they would attend after receiving the invitation letter, and Tengyi and Ali also agreed, but Qiandu has not replied to us so far."

Hearing this, Lu Yunqi's mouth twitched slightly.

Lu Yunqi was not at all surprised that Qiandu didn't reply, or even that they didn't attend.

As for the reason why the CEO of Shuangma Group agreed so quickly, it is needless to say.

They are all shareholders of Chenxing Technology in private. Now that Lu Yunqi has made so much money with them, he still has to give them face.

What's more, Lu Yunqi is also a shareholder of their two groups.

So complex identities, mutual support is certain.

It's just that no one else knows about these things except Lu Yunqi and Shuangma himself.

"The current Aurora search has completed the comprehensive crushing of the thousand-degree search. It is normal for them not to attend."

After Chenxing Technology announced that the Polaris computer system has 700 million users, everyone realized one thing, that is, Aurora Search has officially surpassed Qiandu and became the largest search engine in China.

Because of Microsoft's ban on Chenxing Technology, the occupation of aurora search in the win system is almost zero, which has become a paradise for thousands of degrees of search.

However, with the explosive growth of the Polaris computer operating system, the market share of Jiguang search is also rising.

According to a survey by a third-party professional organization, in the search engine market on the computer side, the market share of Jiguang Search has reached more than 75%.

Qiandu's market share has plummeted to 23%.

As for the remaining 2%, it was occupied by other third-party search engines, including 359 search, Sogou search and so on.

On the mobile phone side, the fruit company completely removed and blocked all the software of Chenxing Technology, so the share of Jiguang search also plummeted, which can be regarded as a pure land for Qiandu search.

In terms of Android series, several major Chinese mobile phone manufacturers have expressed their rejection of Google's request to block, and Jiguang Search currently accounts for more than 90% of the Android market.

Compared with the huge Android camp, the number of fruit phones is less than one tenth.

This means that Jiguang search has won 90% of the mobile phone market.

Whether it's on a computer or a mobile phone, Aurora Search has carried out a comprehensive crush on Thousand Degrees.

However, this search engine war that has lasted for several months has come to an end.

Finally, Aurora Search officially entered the top of the domestic market and won.

"One thousand degrees less,

It won't have much impact, Chenxing Technology never has to look at the face of the software vendor. "

For Qiandu's absence, Lu Yunqi has always been indifferent.

At present, the market value of Chenxing Technology ranks among the top three companies in Huaguo, second only to Tengyi and Ali of Shuangma, but the ranking of PTA is in front of the two major companies.

What is even more speechless is that Lu Yunqi is actually a shareholder of these three companies, and the shareholders of these three companies have the same number of people.

If this is known by the giants of the crooked fruit, I am afraid...

The reason why Chenxing Technology's pta ranking is higher than that of Shuangma's company is also very simple. The core business of Chenxing Technology is computer operating system.

Referring to similar companies overseas, whether it is Tengyi or Ahri, the road to the sea is very difficult, and it is difficult to break out of the encirclement under the blockade of Facebook and Amazon.

And Chenxing Technology is different. It has successively declared war on several well-known technology giants such as Microsoft Corporation, and has also achieved success.

700 million computer users is the best proof.

Moreover, Chenxing Technology has also completed the layout in the field of semiconductors, industrial software, the Internet, and even the field of mobile operating systems.

It is very simple to increase the market value.

After all, technology is always the primary productive force.

Since the release of Aurora Search, the market value of Qiandu has been showing a downward trend, and when Lu Yunqi announced that the number of users of the Polaris computer system reached 700 million.

Qiandu Company ushered in a wave of critical attacks.

At this moment, the market value of Qiandu has plummeted from 100 billion US dollars at the beginning to 30 billion US dollars.

A full 70% of the market value has evaporated.

Now Qiandu has dropped from the fourth position to the ninth position in the ranking of the top ten Internet companies in China.


After Lu Yunqi ended his trip to Kyoto, Wangyi and Byte also fulfilled their promise and began to join forces to encircle Qiandu.

In the products of the two major companies, the domain name of Qiandu has been completely blocked, and replaced by the brands of Jiguang Search and its own search.

As one of the most active social platforms in China, it has also ushered in Douyin, which is suppressed by the giant alliance and Facebook. In fact, all external links from Qiandu have been blocked.

"Qiandu company's post bar, a large number of short videos illegally grabbed, moved, and Douyin platform, we decided to block Qiandu company and interrupt all cooperation with it."

When Byte Byte has a clear attitude and draws a clear line with thousands of degrees.

This incident has also become one of the major news in the domestic Internet circle. After continuing to tens of millions, Byte once again provoked thousands of degrees.

Their own news platform has also begun to completely block the development of Qiandu.

It’s a pity that the self-developed search engine launched by Bytes is too short, the user base is too low, and the search engine technology is not too prominent.

So the response in the Internet is also very mediocre.

In terms of network suppression, on the portal websites and other places, they have cut off the cooperation with Qiandu Company and prohibited Qiandu from reprinting their own news.

In terms of games and music, they also terminated their cooperation with Qiandu and reached a cooperation agreement with Jiguang Search instead.

In its business, Wangyin has completely blocked the external chain of Qiandu Company.

It is worth mentioning here that Lu Yunqi did not want to attack domestic enterprises.

However, Lu Yunqi didn't mind replacing a company that stabbed Chenxing Technology in the back at a critical moment.

When Microsoft and Chenxing Technology fought against each other, Qiandu's attitude can be described as indescribable.

That's why Qiandu Company is what it is now.

With the rise of Chenxing Technology, the two Internet giants declared war on Qiandu Company and approached Chenxing Technology, which aroused suspicion from the outside world.

Of course, whether it is Net or Byte, their second largest shareholder is a man named Lu Kun.

It's just that there is a private equity transfer contract named Lu Yunqi.

"This wave of operations of Netease and Bytes is a blatant investment in Chenxing Technology!"

"It goes without saying that Chenxing Technology's left hand is the computer operating system, and its right hand is Jiguang Search and Jiguang Payment, both of which are rapidly expanding their market shares."

"The two giants are now making an early bet, which is a very wise choice!"

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