The Godfather of Basketball

Chapter 92 Champion Rockets

James was taken aback for a moment, not knowing whether Tang Tian's words meant encouraging him or tactfully rejecting him.

But after hugging and parting, he still smiled.

No matter what Tang Tian says now, he will try to get the team to do this this summer.

After the Cavaliers left, the Rockets soon fell into a wild celebration.

Yao Ming and McGrady hugged each other tightly after the game.

For them, this year's experience is really incredible.

Young players like Millsap and Novak shouted wildly there.

Barea was even more excited like a child, running back and forth in the field, jumping up and screaming when he met his teammates.

At this time Battier also let go of his gentlemanly demeanor, together with teammate Blake, took out the champagne that had been prepared earlier, and sprayed it indiscriminately on the field.

Uncle Huo and Dikembe Mutombo, two veterans, sat on the sidelines, watching everything in front of them, their eyes were red, and they couldn't help themselves.

This is the championship moment of the Rockets.

Quicken Loans Arena fans have basically all left, leaving only a few hundred Rockets fans present.

However, this does not prevent the upcoming awards ceremony.

After a short and crazy celebration, the on-site staff began to enter the venue to prepare.

Reporters poured into the center of the field from both sides, ready to record this historic moment.

After the Rockets changed into the championship T-shirts in the locker room, they returned to the field wearing the championship hats.

There was a smile on their faces that they couldn't hide.

Rockets owner Alexander, team general manager Dawson, and his assistant Morey all arrived on the court.

All of a sudden, spotlights flickered on the sidelines.

League commissioner David Stern walked from the sidelines to the center at this time.

After everyone took their positions, Stern picked up the microphone with a smile on his face.

"The NBA championship in the 2006-2007 season is the Houston Rockets!"

When Stern announced the champion and handed the trophy to Alexander, the Rockets players fell into madness again.

The reporters took ten consecutive shots and twenty consecutive shots, leaving the precious images of this moment forever.

The Rockets fans who stayed at the scene also picked up their mobile phones and started various videos.

When Alexander handed the champion's O'Brien Cup to the players behind him, the players took it and kissed wildly.

While the players were celebrating, the reporter interviewed team owner Alexander and general manager Dawson one after another. Their speeches were very emotional. For them, this season was like a dream, and no one, including themselves, could have imagined it. The team will eventually win the championship.

But at the end of their speeches, they all mentioned Tang Tian. Without Tang Tian, ​​this championship would not have been possible.

"Coach, how do you feel? Both Mr. Alexander and Mr. Dawson are the champions you won for them." After speaking, the female reporter handed the microphone to Tang Tian.

"Coach! Coach!"

At this moment, the team members behind them began to shout crazily.

Although the team owner and general manager have a lot to do with them, the head coach Tang Tian has such a close relationship with them.

They know how this championship trophy came about better than anyone.

This flood of cheers was their greatest recognition of Tang Tian.


The female reporter was also intimidated by the momentum behind her.

When the movement behind him finally subsided, Tang Tian said: "Thank you, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Dawson, you are the team's strongest backing."

After saying some polite words, Tang Tian went on to get to the point: "This is a group of incredible guys. You know that the coaches are just coaches, and the players are the players. They have done a great job, and they are the best group of people..."

Tang Tian was talking eloquently, but at this moment, he didn't notice that Alexander and Dawson had already been called away by his team members.

"...The only regret I have is probably winning the away game." At the end of the speech, he put on a little push.

"Whoa whoa!"

At this moment, the team members behind shouted and jumped excitedly.

These guys.

Tang Tian was about to say more, but found that the female reporter ran away with a cry.


As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt a gust of water gushing from behind him.

When I opened my eyes and looked again, I realized that the team members had already taken the champagne without knowing when, and they yelled and yelled when he was being interviewed, and they had already filled up the bubbles inside.

Following his slight push, all kinds of champagne were sprayed on him.

These guys!

Tang Tian hugged his head with his hands, laughing and angry at the same time.

Champagne celebrations are usually only in the locker room. I didn't expect this group of players to get too excited and go straight to the court.

If this damages the floor of Quicken Loans Arena, Alexander will have to pay for it.

He turned his head to look, only to find that Alexander and Dawson had already escaped...

"Coach! Coach!"

The team members were shouting excitedly, and Tang Tian also laughed.

This is a moment that championship teams should enjoy.

After a champagne meal, Tang Tian, ​​including the Rockets team members, were all wet.

But this bit of coolness can't stop the heat in the hearts of the players after winning the championship.

Stern walked to the center of the field again at this time, and a smaller trophy appeared on the table.

This is the trophy that belongs to FMVP (Finals Most Valuable Player).

The team members stood behind them at this time, all looking at Yao Mai. Both of them played well in the finals, and they are the most likely to win this award.

At this time, Stern opened the small envelope containing the final results, and after opening it, he spoke into the reporter's microphone.

"The Most Valuable Player of the 2006-2007 NBA Finals was Yao Ming."

When Stern finished reading, the team members shouted excitedly.

At this time, McGrady also smiled and pushed Yao Ming, and then reached out to applaud him.

The two played very well in the playoffs and the finals, but if you have to compare them, in Tang Tian's system, Yao Ming's role is obviously greater.

Throughout the playoffs, Yao Ming averaged 21.7 points, 10.8 rebounds, 5.8 assists and 1.8 blocks per game.

In the finals, this data rose to 26.6 points, 12.8 rebounds, 6.3 assists and 2.1 blocks.

Not to mention the lore against the Spurs, as well as the 2+1 and the death steal in the final game of the finals.

He deserves it.

"The Lord of the Rings" Bill Russell handed the trophy to Yao Ming, who took it shyly.

"Yao Ming~Yao Ming, Yao Ming is dead~Yao Ming, Yao Ming~ is dead~"

At this moment, the teammates behind him sang the song of Yao Ming very cooperatively.

While following the players, the Rockets fans behind them also sang along.

Even on the other side of the ocean, I don't know how many fans are singing this song that is all too familiar to them with red eyes.

Yao Ming is an epoch-making player and the pride of all basketball fans in China.

When this pride holds up the highest honor of the O'Brien trophy, when it holds the Finals Most Valuable Player trophy, there is no more touching moment than this.

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