The Godfather of Football

Chapter 107 New Target

"I look like Louis van Gaal?"

After the game, everyone was celebrating, and the Ajax players and head coach were arranged in the comprehensive interview area. On the one hand, they were waiting for the construction of the podium and preparations for the award ceremony. On the other hand, He was interviewed by reporters from all over the world.

This is a kind of glory only for the winner.

"No, I never think I look like Louis Van Gaal, I don't think I look like anyone, I just look like myself!"

Ye Qiu's answer was unprecedentedly confident and decisive, because he now has enough confidence to deal with all doubts, because he won a UEFA Cup and defeated Capello, Houllier and Ferrer. This is the UEFA Cup won by a famous European head coach.

From now on, who is qualified to question him?

"Mr. Ye Qiu, congratulations on becoming the European champion. I believe many people would like you to tell me what method you use to lead such a young team to success? Is there any secret?" The reporter whose name was Ye Qiuya couldn't explain it and handed over the microphone with a smile.

Ye Qiu smiled, "I don't have any secrets, but I think any team must have its own core competitiveness, and we at Ajax are able to get to where we are today because we have a group of outstanding people. But at the same time, they all yearn for players who can prove their ability and succeed in European football.”

"We are a team full of desire for victory and hunger for honors, so in every game, my players and I will go all out. We all strive to do our best and win every game. Game win!"

Many reporters at the scene were sincerely convinced by Ye Qiu's words, because there is not even a single big-name star in the current Ajax team. They are all a group of young players in their twenties, but they have formed a A powerful European team that cannot be ignored.

What surprised everyone even more was that every player in this team was introduced by Ye Qiu himself. They didn't spend much money on Ajax before, but now, after one season, they are one by one. They are all worth a hundred times as much.

Just like Ibrahimovic, Ajax spent 3 million US dollars to introduce this Swede. The whole country questioned it, thinking that Ye Qiu must have received some commission from it. But after one season, he is now in the league. Ibrahimovic, who scored a hat-trick in the cup final, is probably worth more than 10 million.

There are also players like Robben whose value has increased several times compared to a year ago. In addition, players such as Maicon, Gilberto Silva, Lucio, Keita, etc. have basically experienced a sharp increase in value, especially Gilberto. ?Silva and Lucio have both entered the Brazilian national team's roster and may become Brazilian internationals.

It is conceivable that if Ajax sells players in one year, they will get tens of millions in profits.

"Mr. Ye Qiu, many people are worried that after winning the UEFA Cup, your status will also rise sharply, and coupled with the previous distrust of Ajax management towards you, will you leave Ajax because of this? Jax?"

Ye Qiu smiled after hearing this, "My first choice is still to stay in Ajax, because I have been with this team for two years. I have put a lot of effort and energy into this team, and I have a group of outstanding people here." The players, they trust me, and I can trust them completely, and I am eager to continue to succeed here!”

"But there is news that the Ajax board of directors has decided that the person who will take charge of the Arena next season is Advocaat!"

Ye Qiu shook his head, "I don't know, but I haven't received any news yet. I am still the head coach of Ajax. I am still the one standing here in this game. After I get a clear answer I won’t give any answer before!”

"Mr. Ye Qiu!" Another reporter immediately handed over the microphone, "You said that you are eager to continue to succeed. Can you talk about your and Ajax's goals for the next season?"

"Of course!" Ye Qiu nodded, "We are very sorry this season because we lost too many points at the beginning of the season, which made us completely passive in winning the league championship. We lost the league championship, which is very regrettable, so I hope we can make up for this regret next season!”

"And we will appear on the stage of the European Champions League next season. My team and I very much hope to have the opportunity to compete with the strongest teams in Europe. This will be a grind for us. Practice can help us make progress!”

"Mr. Ye Qiu, can you tell us about the rumors that Arsenal wants to get Ibrahimovic?"

"Mr. Ye Qiu, I heard that Valencia intends to invite you to coach. Is it true?"

"There is news that Juventus is preparing to sell their goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar, and van der Sar previously expressed his willingness to return to Ajax in an interview. What is your personal attitude towards this?"

Once the reporters got into chaos, the whole place suddenly became noisy, and there was no order as before.

In this chaotic crowd, Ye Qiu saw a familiar figure, that is Chen Jun, a reporter from CCTV who had just interviewed him.

"Hello, Chen Jun!" Ye Qiu greeted him with a smile.

Suddenly, all the reporters around looked at this strange Chinese man and took the initiative to make way for him.

Poor Chen Jun was squeezed like a persimmon before, but now they took the initiative to give way. He felt a little embarrassed. He walked forward, smiled gratefully at Ye Qiu, and took out a notebook with many questions written on it. .

This interesting move immediately made all the reporters around burst into laughter. Chen Jun was so thin-skinned that his ears turned red all of a sudden.

"Mr. Ye Qiu, I am a reporter from China CCTV. First of all, on behalf of all Chinese fans, I congratulate you on winning the UEFA Cup. You are the pride of all our Chinese fans. I believe that tonight in our motherland, there are Countless fans with the same expectations as me are watching the TV to witness the historic moment when you reach the top of Europe!”

After hearing this, Ye Qiu felt a little moved, but more importantly, he was proud. He clasped his hands together and kept making gestures of thanks.

"We all want to know, at this moment, what do you want to say to our fans?"

The microphone was handed to Ye Qiu, who had a serious look on his face.

"What I want to say is..." Ye Qiu spoke not in English this time, but in Chinese, "No matter what position we are in or what environment we are in, we should not belittle ourselves, nor should we give up on ourselves, because we must We must always believe that as long as we are willing to work hard and work hard, we will definitely succeed!”

"In the past two years in Europe, I have always had a belief, that is, I want to prove to everyone that even in football, an area we are not good at, we Chinese can still succeed. They We can do everything we can, and now, I have done it.”

"But I won't be satisfied with this, because next, I have to prove again that I can not only do it, but I also have to do it well and do it better than them. This is my belief and my motivation. , I would like to encourage all my compatriots!”

Chen Jun looked very excited, the recorder he held in his hand was shaking a little, and his chest could not help but puff up a lot, because at this moment he was not only representing himself, he was also representing his motherland when he went abroad.

Yes, football has no national boundaries, but football people do!



The podium was quickly erected, right in front of the Westfalenstadion podium.

UEFA President Johansson and CEO Olsen, as well as the presidents of Ajax and Barcelona, ​​as well as big names in European football, all appeared in this stadium.

Today's UEFA Cup is still very important, so all the guests present are very well-known, at least unlike the Europa League around 2013, which was purely tasteless, tasteless, and a pity to throw away, so no one paid attention to it. .

When Ye Qiu came to the area where Ajax was, he saw Chairman Van Praag talking to the players. As soon as he saw Ye Qiu, he immediately turned around and hugged him tightly, saying excitedly: " I never doubted you, I always believed you could do it, thank you, Ye Qiu!”

Ye Qiu also hugged Fan Praag tightly. Without his support and affirmation, he would never have the chance to take charge of Ajax. But now, he has proved himself, so he always has Fan Praag in his heart. Plagg regarded him as his own boss.

In fact, in Ye Qiu's heart, there was one person who he respected more than Van Praag, and that was Bobby Harms.

But the two of them were tired of being together all day long. There was no need to say any polite words. They just walked over and gave each other a high-five to understand each other.

"Ye Qiu!" Cruyff was also an invited guest today.

Today's Cruyff actually does not have as high an influence on Barcelona as he did around 2013. At least he is not the godfather of Barcelona, ​​but his status in this club is very respected, and he usually lives in Barcelona, ​​as well as being from Ajax, naturally cannot miss such a game.

"Mr. Cruyff!" Ye Qiu shook hands with him politely.

"I just told Michael, never let you go. Believe me, if you stay at Ajax, you will definitely be able to create miracles here, because there has always been soil for miracles here!" Cruyff Pointing at Van Praag he said.

"Thank you!" Ye Qiu nodded politely.

Cruyff also knows that he has little influence on the current Ajax, but has a greater influence on Barcelona. Therefore, for such a sensitive topic, he just said a word, purely to leave Ye Qiu. The next bit of impressions, a set of friendships, and then more discussion of tactics.

"To be honest, Barcelona was completely defeated in this game!" Cruyff said bluntly, which won Ye Qiu's favor. "Ajax's performance was indeed amazing, whether it was the pressure in the midfield or the ball. The team’s offensive routines are all very good, which shows that you have put a lot of effort into this team!”

"I always feel that there are a lot of familiar things in your tactics!"

Cruyff said jokingly, more like a joke. After all, there is no so-called patent on football tactics. Both parties are open source to each other. As long as you like, you can simulate or even copy anyone else's tactics.

"Honestly, I learned a lot from Michels, from you, from Sacchi, from a lot of people."

Cruyff nodded. Ye Qiu's game also brought him great stimulation, because he began to feel that one of the important reasons why Barcelona's offense and defense were unbalanced was that the offense and defense were too clearly divided, so that they were somewhat out of touch. Moreover, if the front players did not participate in defense and pressure, it would be very dangerous to control the ball and withdraw to the back waist area.

To put it nicely, the back waist's control of the ball is to avoid the opponent's defensive focus, but in this area, once the ball is lost, the opponent can directly create a threat with just one more pass, which is a risk for any team.

Cruyff is indeed a football player with a very strategic mindset. He saw the problem of hoarding heavy troops in the front court, so he put the ball control back. Therefore, in order to improve the risks brought by the ball control back, he had to find a way to solve these troubles.

Ye Qiu certainly didn't know that Cruyff was learning his tactical ideas. Even if he knew, there was nothing he could do, so he chatted with Cruyff over there, while Bobby Harms and Van Praag were accompanying him.

After waiting for the award ceremony to begin, Ferrer led the Barcelona players to the podium as the runner-up. They all looked deeply indignant, but they had nothing to say about the loss. After all, the 1:4 defeat was so shocking that they had no excuses at all.

Could they say that they were unlucky? Or was it just a poor performance?

Ferrer engraved his disappointment firmly on his face, because he knew very well that his Barcelona journey would end completely, and in the past few years in Barcelona, ​​in the year he was in charge of the Barcelona first team, all he got in the end was this UEFA Cup runner-up medal.

It's hard to say whether this is an honor or a shame, how do you look at this score!

Throughout the process, Johnson kept comforting this group of Barcelona stars, many of whom are the leading superstars in today's football world, but they lost to the young Ajax without even a single star, which really made these superstars feel very sad and embarrassed.

After waiting for a long time for the Barcelona players to walk down the podium, the Ajax players began to line up. Ye Qiu stood at the end of the line, slowly following the players in front of him, watching them walk up one by one, and he also slowly followed.

Ye Qiu was always searching for Huang Chu and Eliza in the crowd. Finally, when he walked up to the podium, his arm was twisted by an arm stretched out from the crowd. Looking over, he saw the smiling Eliza, and standing next to her was the pretty and excited Huang Chu?

Ye Qiu waved at Huang Chu and Eliza. He wanted to rush up and hug Huang Chu tightly, so that she could share this joy and excitement with him, but he knew very well that Huang Chu didn't like to expose herself to the spotlight. She liked a calmer life, so he held back the excitement in his heart.

Reluctantly, Ye Qiu walked up to the podium, looking back every three steps, and came to Johnson.

"Congratulations, young head coach, we are all proud of you!" Johnson smiled and shook hands with Ye Qiu and hugged.

As the president of UEFA, Johnson has always emphasized market-oriented operation, so under his operation, the Champions League has become the most influential club competition in the world, bringing huge profits to all the top teams in Europe every season.

In this, Johnson is very clear that there needs to be constant injection of fresh blood, constant bringing of new topics and new impacts, in order to bring a new round of expectations and excitement to fans all over the world, and let the media all over the world continue to pay attention to the Champions League.

Obviously, the young and handsome Ye Qiu, and the young but powerful Ajax, are undoubtedly the best hype topics for the Champions League next season.

Ye Qiu did not lean over, but took the medal representing the championship from Johnson's hand with great care. He shook hands with Johnson again, followed by Olsen, and then followed the players to the platform where the League Cup championship trophy was placed.

The entire Westfalen Stadium seemed to have turned into a vast ocean. All Ajax fans celebrated wildly. Some of them held up their own cards, some pulled out a long banner with various slogans, and some held up their Ajax scarves.

Although it was only a League Cup, in their hearts, this was the second League Cup in the club's history, which was far more important than a Dutch League championship, so their excitement was no less than the team's winning of the Dutch League championship.

Moreover, Ye Qiu's Ajax was so young and full of vitality, which made all Ajax fans full of confidence and expectations for them. They were very sure that as long as they continued to give Ye Qiu time and trust him, they believed that he would be able to lead this young team to greater glory.

Therefore, at the moment when the Ajax players held up the championship trophy high, all the Ajax fans in the audience sang the Ajax team song loudly and shouted Ye Qiu's name together.

At this moment, they were finally completely conquered by Ye Qiu!

Afterwards, Ye Qiu, holding the UEFA Cup trophy, was thrown high into the air by all the Ajax players. All the Ajax fans in the stadium screamed loudly. They were also expressing their choice to the club's management in their own way, which was to support Ye Qiu to stay in office!

After this game, all Ajax management, including Korner, knew very clearly that unless they were willing to risk angering Ajax fans, they would not be able to remove Ye Qiu from his position as head coach.

On the contrary, they all began to feel threatened, because the knife of Van Praag's reform had been on their heads for a long time and could fall at any time.

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