The Godfather of Football

Chapter 14: Stars in amateur teams

This black player's age is hard to tell, after all, his dark skin hides his real age.

He is not small, about 1.85 meters tall, and looks very strong. He is not very strong, but he gives people a feeling of being very strong and powerful, especially when he runs on the court. He has a lot of explosive power and speed, and his movements are very flexible. He has the flexibility and momentum of a typical black player.

Ye Qiu and Roland watched for a while and found that the black player's skills were not very good. He only had good basic skills. On the offensive end, he relied more on his own speed. This kind of kicking style is very lethal in an amateur team, facing a group of amateur players whose physical speed and speed are not as good as his.

"Is he the one you like?" Roland had noticed Ye Qiu's eyes a long time ago. He couldn't see what was good about this player.

Ye Qiu smiled, "Can't you see it?"

"I really can't see it!" Roland almost started to criticize. This guy's skills are very common in the Ajax youth training camp.

Of course, it is undeniable that his physical fitness is indeed very good. He has all the physical advantages of black people. Because of this, he can rush forward in the front court. But can such a person enter Ajax?

"This guy is very hardworking and desperate!" Ye Qiu said with a smile.

"There are many players who work hard on the court!" Roland also felt that this should not be a reason.

Ye Qiu looked at his assistant and reminded: "But how many people are so physically fit, so fast, and so able to run, and are willing to work so hard on the court? Tell me!"

Roland really couldn't answer this time, and began to think that if he really wanted to talk about advantages, this could barely be considered one.

"And did you notice that this kid's skills are not fine, but when he is blocking and defending, he is very interesting!"

The key to examining a player's defense is to look at these aspects.

First, whether he can detect and defend the opponent's empty cut player in time, whether he can make a timely prediction and stand in his position, and whether he can fill in the loopholes in his own defensive formation in the first time.

It also depends on the player's ability in selection, whether he is accurate in the timing of regional positioning and man-marking.

Although he is a midfielder, he does a good job in these aspects when his team loses the ball. In addition, he is diligent and can run, so Ye Qiu thinks that although this player is not good at offense, his defensive performance is indeed promising.

After listening to Ye Qiu's explanation, Roland suddenly realized that Ye Qiu had said before that he came here to find a defender.

"Do you think this guy has a future as a defender?" Roland was a little unbelievable. Looking at the boy's appearance, he is at least in his twenties, and he is mixed in the amateur league. His tactical awareness is definitely not very strong. Is it possible for him to switch from the frontcourt to the backcourt at this time?

"How do you know if you don't try?" Ye Qiu said with a smile.

Roland was speechless.

At this time, the players on the training ground had finished their training sessions and walked off the training ground sweating profusely.

Ye Qiu greeted Roland and walked towards the black player. At this time, other people in the training ground also noticed the two strangers who suddenly appeared and immediately paid attention to them.

"Hello, I am the head coach of Ajax's second team. My name is Ye Qiu!" Ye Qiu walked to the black player, took the initiative to hand over his business card and introduced himself, "Can I have a good talk with you?"

"Ajax?" The black player's dark skin did not show whether he was surprised, but his eyes were wide open.

That's right, for him who is in an amateur club in the French regional league, Ajax, the holy land of youth training, is definitely a high and mighty existence. On weekdays, he can only respect this name. Who would have thought that the coach of Ajax would come to him?

"Yes, our scout here recommended you to me, Eric Abidal, right?" Ye Qiu asked with a smile.

Roland on the side was surprised. When did the scouts of Ajax pay attention to this guy?

"Yes, sir!" Abidal was a little restrained.

Ye Qiu tried his best to make himself look kind, and in fact, his smile was indeed very friendly.

"I am the head coach of Ajax II. My team needs a defender now, and our scout told me that I should come here to have a look, because there is a great player here!"

"Me?" Abidal was a little flattered, even with disbelief.

"Yes!" Ye Qiu nodded, but shook his head, "I think your performance in the midfield and the front court is a mess!"

Before Abidal felt disappointed, Ye Qiu continued: "But I found that although you don't have many bright spots in offense, you have the potential to develop in the back line. I believe you should also have this feeling, that is, on the court, when you get the ball and want to attack, you will feel at a loss, or always do something inappropriate."

"But when you don't have the ball and switch to defense, you will quickly know what you should do, right?"

This is what Ye Qiu discovered on the court just now. He felt that Abidal always seemed hesitant when holding the ball to attack, but he was always decisive when defending. Therefore, he did not contribute much on the offensive end. He was more likely to use his speed to rush around and disrupt the defense line, but he was always able to help the team on defense.

"How do you know?" Abidal looked at Ye Qiu in amazement. He even suspected that this guy was a worm in his stomach. He could know what he was thinking. Could this be the eyes of a real scout?

Ye Qiu smiled in an unfathomable way, "There's no way to tell about this kind of thing, you can only rely on experience and judgment, but I can say with certainty that if you continue to develop in the midfield, you can only play in low-level leagues in your life, because your skills can't support you to the top leagues at all, but..."

After a deliberate pause, Ye Qiu aroused Abidal's interest, made him look up, and continued with a questioning look in his eyes: "If you switch to the backcourt and play as a defender, I think you have enough potential to become a first-class defender in France, or even a first-class defender in Europe. This is why I'm here!"

"First-class in France? First-class in Europe?" Ye Qiu's two words were enough to stun Abidal's head.

He has lived to the age of 20 in his life. He started playing football because of his interest since he was a child, but no one has ever told him that he can become a first-class player in France. Even in the amateur league, he performed very well, but more people think that his highest achievement is to play as a substitute in a professional club in a low-level league, relying on his physical fitness.

But now, an Ajax coach came to tell him that he could become the best in France and Europe.

I was stunned, completely stunned!

"I know it's hard for you to believe, but there are many players who are buried all their lives because they can't find their correct position!" Ye Qiu was not in a hurry to convince Abidal, but looked very patient, "Have you heard of Van Nistelrooy of PSV Eindhoven?"

"Yes!" Abidal nodded. This guy scored a lot of goals in the Dutch League, and many top teams such as Manchester United and Real Madrid were watching him. In Europe, who has not heard of him as long as you pay a little attention to football?

"You may not know that Van Nistelrooy used to play as a sweeper, then as a central defender, then as a defensive midfielder, then as a central midfielder, a forward, and finally as a forward. This is how Van Nistelrooy became. I can be very sure that if Van Nistelrooy always played as a central defender, he would never be able to reach his current height in his life!"

Ye Qiu told him this example in order to tell him that whether a professional player can succeed or not depends on his own strength, but it is also very important to find his position and positioning.

Everyone has a desire to become famous to a certain extent, and wants to prove his ability in front of the world, but some people have never had the opportunity, while others have the opportunity but have not been able to grasp it. Only those who have the opportunity and can grasp it can realize their wishes.

Abidal is a black immigrant who lives in this small village on the outskirts of Lyon. He likes to play football and hopes that he can shine on the football field like the stars on TV, but in the past, he has never found an opportunity.

Now, the appearance of Ye Qiu, the head coach of Ajax II, is like God opening a door for him.

The key is, does he dare to take this step?

Just when Abidal was hesitating whether to step out, he heard a shout from the side of the court.

"Hey, who is seducing our players?"

Ye Qiu looked over and saw a fat French middle-aged man jogging from the side. Looking at his body, it was not easy for him to walk, and it was hard for him to jog, so he was panting, as if he was about to die.

"Eric is our Ducherre's contracted player. You can take him away for a transfer fee!" The fat middle-aged man was very confident.

Ye Qiu was stunned after hearing this, "Transfer fee? Aren't you an amateur team?"

"Wrong!" The fat middle-aged man was very good at calculating, "We are not amateur, we are a semi-professional team, I have subsidies for them, so he is a part-time worker here!"

Amateur and semi-professional, this is indeed difficult to define, whether there is a contract or not, it is difficult to do, especially when it involves cross-border transactions.

"Uncle Benham!" Abidal called out with a bitter face.

"Shut up!" The fat middle-aged man named Benham shouted, "If they want to take you away, they naturally have to give us a transfer fee, otherwise how can a small team like ours continue to operate?"

Ye Qiu thought about it and immediately knew it.

Running an amateur team in such a small place does require a lot of investment, and this fat middle-aged man doesn't look like a rich man. He must be struggling, so when he heard that a team was coming to poach him, he immediately offered a price for the transfer fee.

"100,000 US dollars, I'll take him away!" Ye Qiu also felt that it was not a big problem, just as a generous gift from Ajax to support this amateur team to overcome the difficulties in operation.

"100,000?" The Benham pretended to be disdainful.

But before he could bargain again, Ye Qiu shook his head firmly, "I'm just the head coach of the second team, and the price can only be so high. If you can't accept it, there's nothing I can do!" After that, he turned to Roland, "Let's go!"

As soon as he saw Ye Qiu really turning around and leaving, Abidal became anxious, "Uncle Benam!"

Beinham had watched Abidal grow up and was also concerned about his future. As soon as he saw Ye Qiu leaving, he immediately shouted behind him: "Okay, okay, 100,000 is 100,000, there is always Better than nothing!”

Ye Qiu raised his eyebrows at Roland and turned around with a smile. If he remembered correctly, Monaco seemed to have paid 250,000 US dollars to poach Abidal from here. If you calculate it like this...

"In this case, let's make an agreement right away. I'll call Amsterdam again and guarantee that I won't miss you a penny!" Ye Qiu decided to cut the mess quickly and end the matter.

"What other agreement do you want? You can just take the person away and sign the contract with him!" Benham shook his head and sighed, always seeming to have suffered a big loss, but he soon became energetic again, "By the way, Aja Sir, I have a very skilled player here, his name is Pat, do you want to go and have a look, for only 500,000, he will be yours!”

Ye Qiu was sweating all over his face when he heard this. He felt that this guy had tasted the benefits and was planning to change his career to become a personal trafficker.

After finally getting rid of Benham's entanglement, Ye Qiu made an appointment with Abidal. As soon as he arrived at Ajax and the contract was bound, he immediately transferred 100,000 US dollars to Benham. After all, Ajax Si is so big, Abidal doesn't have to worry.

And because Abidal is in an amateur team, there is no transfer period problem. He can also play for Ajax immediately, but he still has to tell his family, but he promised that Monday morning Definitely reporting in the Ajax training camp.

After settling this matter, Ye Qiu felt relieved.

Originally, he planned to look for Frank Ribery, but Ribery has been changing jobs in the past few years. He doesn't know which team he is in now. He should wait for the opportunity in the future and slowly look for him. .

But what he didn't know was that he had offended another Frank unknowingly.

A manager who plays an important role in Dutch football!



Frank Arnesen is a very proud man. Although his playing resume is not very brilliant, this does not prevent him from becoming a well-known club manager in Europe. And he has always believed in a principle, who is stronger? Whoever has the strength should have more power.

Perhaps, this can also be understood as his inner desire for power and his strong desire for control.

But he has enough chips to prove that he is right and wise.

In 1994, he found a man in Brazil who had an ordinary appearance, a mediocre temperament, uneven teeth, and the front teeth were very frighteningly exposed, and his hair was thick and disheveled. He looked like a bird's nest, and the whole person looked like a bird's nest. Dirty, a standard pauper from the slums of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

But at his suggestion, his agent spent $5,000 to have his teeth straightened, his hair was trimmed, and he began to dress tastefully. After the World Cup, this man joined Albania for $4.7 million. Nathan worked for PSV Eindhoven and became famous in one fell swoop. Two years later, he moved to Barcelona for $19.5 million, setting a world record at the time, and he became the most dazzling star in world football.

He is Ronaldo!

This is Arneson's greatest pride in his life, but his most talked-about deeds are not just Ronaldo, like Stam, who was hired by Arneson from Willem II and transferred to the Red Devils and Manchester United at a high price three years later. , there was also Ruud van Nistelrooy last year, who was unknown in Heerenveen. After one season, he scored 31 goals in 34 games. Van Nistelrooy has become one of the most dazzling shooters in Europe.

All of this made Arnesen proud, and also made his reputation in European football rise. He even began to have the illusion that the players he liked should follow him.

Not long ago, his scouting network submitted a report to him about a forward in the youth team of Duttinghem Grafschapp near Eindhoven. They gave this striker He spoke highly of him and thought he would be the new Ruud van Nistelrooy of the Netherlands.

Ruud van Nistelrooy was brought in from Heerenveen personally by Arnesen. Of course he knew Ruud van Nistelrooy's ability and his current value. Not long ago, he made harsh words to the outside world and wanted to To get Ruud, if you don't have 20 million US dollars, don't come to Eindhoven. You can imagine how amazing the value of the new Ruud is.

In the past few years, Arnesen has been doing better and better in Eindhoven. He introduced excellent semi-finished products at low prices, cultivated them a little, and then sold them at high prices after they performed well. On the one hand, he ensured that Eindhoven remained in the Eredivisie. The league is becoming more and more competitive. On the other hand, it has also made PSV a lot of money and its financial situation is very good.

Of course, with the Philips Group as the backend, Eindhoven does not need to worry about its finances, but Arnesen still feels proud of it.

But just when he was about to take action against Huntelaar, he suddenly received news.

Accompanied by his parents, Huntelaar went to Detok Most in Amsterdam and was received by Ye Qiu, the head coach of the Ajax second team, and the two parties signed a four-year professional contract. Trall was an Ajax player from then on.

This immediately made Arnesen furious!

"Ye Qiu?" Arnesen had no impression of this person. He didn't even know when such a person suddenly appeared in Ajax, but it was obvious that this person ruined his wishful thinking!

Huntelaar was nothing to Arnesen, but he felt offended because Doetinchem was right under his nose and Huntelaar was someone he liked. This was like taking the meat out of his mouth. He couldn't bear this.

"You will pay the price sooner or later!" Arnesen remembered this name that was very difficult to pronounce.

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