The Godfather of Football

Chapter 215 In addition to transfer!

Unsurprisingly, the front pages of Amsterdam's major newspapers the next day were all about Ajax's Champions League win.

But there was one thing that greatly exceeded Ye Qiu's expectations, and that was that he overestimated the consequences of his impulsive madness, which made his marriage almost the focus of the world's attention.

In the pages of many newspapers such as Amsterdam Evening Post, Kyodo Daily News, and Popular Daily News, the news about Ye Qiu's proposal and marriage actually occupied a large space. This made Ye Qiu feel helpless, but also felt that these The media is crazy. When they encounter news points, they are like travelers in the desert encountering an oasis. They rush towards it desperately.

"It seems that you won't be able to keep quiet for the next few days!" Ye Qiu said, a little bit dumbfounded.

Eliza, who was sitting opposite him, immediately became happy when she heard this, "When you decided to do that last night, didn't you think about the consequences?"

"I was so confused at the time, I really didn't think about it!" Ye Qiu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

At that time, he was excited and excited, so bold that he was not even afraid of God. How could he care about reporters?

But now that I think about it, it is indeed a bit too bold. Romantic is romantic, and crazy is crazy enough. But this kind of thing is just like going to a hotel to eat. You can order good wine and delicious food, enjoy the meal, and let you pay the bill. My heart was cut like a knife.

"Punishment for impulsiveness!" Ye Qiu said with a smile.

It's not that he regrets, because he never regrets. His logic is simple. As long as it is something he has done, there is no need to regret it. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, he must bear the responsibility, so since he did it last night , then he will not regret today. Even if the sky falls, he will decide to fight back.

"Save it for you. You get a bargain but you still act like a good boy. I don't know how many people in the world envy you. Damn, you proposed marriage and even attracted hundreds of millions of people to bear witness to you. What else are you dissatisfied with? ?" Eliza scolded with a smile.

She really didn't expect that Ye Qiu would do such crazy things. He didn't look like this kid at ordinary times.

But let’s not talk about it. Proposing in front of so many people on that occasion. Although it was improvised and the words of the proposal were not very touching, but it matched the atmosphere at the time and it was really romantic. As a woman at that time , she even had a feeling that if Huang Chu didn't agree, there would be a lot of women rushing to agree.

"Look at how envious you are, let your future husband do the same thing some other time!"

Eliza had just held the coffee cup with both hands to drink. When she heard this, she immediately shook her head like a rattle, "Forget it, this kind of thing is just for the sake of freshness. The first one to eat the crab takes advantage, and the next step is to follow suit. And I’m not A Chu, I’m not that easy to coax.”

"Then what do you want?" Ye Qiu asked with a smile.

Eliza clenched her pink fist, pretending to hit him, "None of your business!"

At this moment, the doorbell rang outside the door.

"You're dead. Reporters must have come to the door. Wait for death!" Eliza smiled and ran over to open the door.

But it turned out that it was not a reporter, but a courier, delivering a large bouquet of fresh roses with dew on them.

"Wow, it's so romantic, someone is sending flowers!" Ye Qiu laughed annoyingly.

Eliza glared at him angrily. If her eyes were knives, she would have cut Ye Zuqian into pieces long ago.

Sometimes she couldn't understand why Ye Qiu was so two-faced. He can be very serious when he is serious, but if he wants to disgust you, he can definitely make you mad.

"Dear Miss Moon, the first time I saw you, I fell deeply in love with you. You are so charming and beautiful that I can't help myself. I love you so much that I am not afraid of death... "This last sentence clearly reminded Ye Qiu of a song, and he was already laughing so hard.

Eliza threw the flowers directly into the trash can viciously. She knew who it was without even looking at the card on it.

The girl walked back to the restaurant and sat across from Ye Qiu. Seeing his disgusting smile, she picked up the coffee cup on the table and tried to throw it out. The boy was so frightened that he quickly ran away, but she couldn't help it. He chuckled, "I've never seen you so annoying!"

Not to mention, her coquettish and charming look is extremely moving. In other words, only people like Ye Qiu who live with her all day long and are used to seeing her various expressions are somewhat immune. If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid it would have been a long time ago. Mesmerized.

The roses had just been harvested here, and not long after the phone rang over there.

The caller ID was exactly the same as the signature on the rose card, Evariste Mutla.

Eliza picked up the phone and pointed at the caller ID on the phone towards Ye Qiu, indicating that she would not answer. Ye Qiu made an OK gesture, took it over, and pressed answer directly, "Hello, Mr. Mutla !”

"Hello, Moon...uh, you are..." A middle-aged Spanish voice came from the other side of the phone.

Ye Qiu smiled, "I am Ye Qiu!"

"Oh, hello, Mr. Ye Qiu!" Evariste Mutla immediately smiled on the other side of the phone, "That's it, my good friend Mr. Joan Laporta is in Amsterdam. He wants to I want to meet Mr. Ye Qiu, are you free?"

Joan Laporta, one of the candidates for Barcelona president, just announced his candidacy a few days ago. When he announced his candidacy, he explained the club's management once he was elected, which was very important. The most important point is the team's head coach selection, for which Laporta gave a clear definition.

He said that he does not have a suitable candidate yet, but he has a creed that he insists on, that is, the new head coach should either be a famous local coach in Barcelona's history, or invite an innovative young coach from abroad.

For these two conditions, Laporta also gave his own explanation. The advantage of the former is that he is familiar with La Liga and Barcelona's tactical system and traditional style, while the latter can bring better changes to Barcelona and make Barcelona In terms of traditional style, it keeps pace with the times.

Everyone knows that the two categories of candidates mentioned by Laporta basically tend to be in the latter category, because Guardiola has been recruited by his main rival Luis Bassat, who is in Canada. The Catalonia region has a very high prestige and is also a popular candidate. He once ran for the chairmanship of Barcelona in 2000, but lost to Gaspart, who was known as the greatest vice-chairman in Barcelona history at the time.

Interestingly, in 2000, Laporta was Luis Bassat's most effective assistant during the election.

According to the analysis and reports of Barcelona-area media, the head coach candidate that Laporta really likes this time is actually Ajax head coach Ye Qiu. Laporta’s definition of the second type of coach is almost for Tailor-made by Ye Qiu.

Before the election, Laporta also decided to come to Amsterdam in person. If he could get Ye Qiu, who is currently in the limelight in European football, to stand up and support his campaign, it would undoubtedly be a great success. To enhance his campaign chips, after all, Ye Qiu, who just won the Champions League, has always been the head coach candidate that Barcelona fans are looking forward to.



Ye Qiu met Laporta at noon, and they made an appointment to have dinner together.

Three people came to Laporta's side, two of whom Ye Qiu didn't know. After introduction, one was Evariste Mutla and the other was Javier Rogge. The former was Laporta's most famous person. Good friend, the latter is the head of the expert team for Laporta's campaign.

Ye Qiu has long been accustomed to this. Laporta is inspecting and understanding him, and he is also understanding Laporta. By the way, he is inspecting the Spaniard who will be called the great man of renaissance by countless Barcelona fans in the future. Woolen cloth?

Based on the information obtained from Eliza's investigation, Ye Qiu had a more comprehensive impression and understanding of Laporta.

Laporta, married but divorced, with 3 children, is currently the leader of Barcelona’s most famous membership organization [Blue Elephant], and most of the members of Blue Elephant are Barcelona members who oppose Nunez and oppose Gaspart's Reformation.

Ye Qiu feels that the election of the membership club is actually a smaller version of the national election.

There is a ruling party and an opposition party, and each party has its own so-called public opinion. But if you study this in depth, you will find it very interesting.

If you study Laporta's resume carefully, it is not difficult to find that he is really similar to Florentino.

That year, Florentino ran for the election for the first time and lost to Mendoza. After that, he established the Attack Fans Association. This fan association was established almost to help Florentino run for the election, because Florentino Due to Tino's relationship, the threshold for this fan club is very high, and only famous political and business figures in Madrid can participate.

And this fan club has been building momentum for Florentino's candidacy and directly contributed to his election.

Laporta twice served as an assistant to others, participating in the Barcelona presidential election in 1997 and 2000 respectively. In 1997, he helped Angel Fernandez run for the election. Although he lost to Nunez, he still Jean Laporta has established a certain degree of influence and connections in the Assograna membership system.

Assograna, this is the name given to the team by Barcelona fans in Catalonia.

With this prestige, Laporta established the Blue Elephant Fans Club, and those who funded him were wealthy people such as Sebastian Rocca and Evarist Mutla. In 2000, it was Laporta. Erta instigated and initiated to overthrow Nunez, who had poor results. At that time, Laporta even launched a so-called membership referendum.

Although Luis Bassat, supported by Laporta, lost to Gaspart after Nunez stepped down, Laporta's prestige was enough for him to start acting alone. Just a year ago, he broke away from Bassat. , chose to go it alone, and the slogan he shouted was reform!

41 years old, in the prime of life, with a healthy image, wearing a suit and leather shoes, at first glance he really gives off the temperament of a reformer.

This was Ye Qiu's first impression of Laporta.

After all, he is a lawyer by training. Laporta is very eloquent and good at finding common topics with his interlocutors. But this time when facing Ye Qiu, all he talked about was about his expectations and hopes for the future of Barcelona, ​​such as He promised that once elected, Barcelona's interests would be his first consideration in any decision.

Ye Qiu has long passed the age of being easily fooled by others. He is not a college student who has just walked out of school. He knows very well that at least half of what these politicians say cannot be believed. Only what you hold in your hands is real.

"Mr. Laporta, I would like to know, in your definition, what kind of authority does the head coach of Barcelona have?" Ye Qiu doesn't like nonsense. No matter how much Laporta talks, he will Care about topics that are close to your heart.

"Anything, everything!" Laporta used two words to summarize.

"Including transfer?" Ye Qiu asked tentatively.

When Laporta heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at Javier Rogge, who shook his head slightly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye Qiu. Transfer rights are related to all aspects of the club. They are very complicated and cannot be summarized in a few words. The only thing I can promise is that we will try our best to adopt the head coach's suggestions and respect the head coach's tactical decisions. Authority on the level." Laporta gave an eclectic answer.

"You know, Mr. Ye Qiu, Barcelona is a big club and a wealthy club. The scale of transfers involved every year is very large. We cannot completely leave everything in the hands of one person like Ajax, the head coach. Having to manage the team, be responsible for the youth training camp, and have a busy schedule of games, it’s hard to have enough energy to handle the team’s transfers and other daily affairs.”

After hearing this, Ye Qiu understood in his heart that Laporta's attitude was no stranger, that is, as a head coach, you only need to manage the team well and play well. You should stay less involved in player transfers and daily affairs. It is also the definition of the power of the head coach of many wealthy teams. For example, Juventus, Moggi controls the transfer power.

"I reserve my opinion on this point!" Ye Qiu said with a smile, "In my opinion, every head coach has his own tactical style, and the players he introduces also follow this tactical style. This is what others do. It’s hard to understand because no one knows better than the head coach what kind of players he wants.”

Laporta didn't really have much to say at this point, but Javier Rogge, who was standing aside, intervened for the first time.

"Mr. Ye Qiu, I don't deny that what you said is right. You have achieved brilliant success in Ajax, but please note that we are talking about Barcelona now!"

"That's right, can Ajax compete with Barcelona?" Evariste Mutla also interrupted with disdain, but Laporta quickly glanced at him, and the latter He looked deeply at Eliza, who had been silent, and kept silent.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mutla, in my opinion, all clubs are the same!" Ye Qiu still had a polite smile, but he didn't speak softly at all, "Perhaps, in your eyes, Barcelona is a wealthy club. , Ajax is an Eredivisie team, and the transfer fee you pay to bring in a player is enough for Ajax to operate for a season.”

"But in my eyes, all teams are the same, rich clubs? Are there not many rich teams that have fallen to me and Ajax?"

Ye Qiu said this last sentence very proudly, even arrogantly, but that was what the other party started.

"As for Mr. Rogge, I also want to ask you to note that we are indeed talking about Barcelona, ​​but I will not give up my bottom line, which is the transfer rights, because I don't like others to interfere with my team. In addition, I I will not be involved in the club’s campaign, this is beyond the scope of the head coach’s career.”

The other party has already made his own conditions, so Ye Qiu will also give his own ideas.

Laporta now wants to use Ye Qiu's influence to help him campaign, but why does Ye Qiu get involved for no reason? Could it be that he wanted to bet all his hard-earned reputation on Laporta?

The opponent's biggest bargaining chip is Barcelona, ​​and what they are betting on is that Ye Qiu, like all coaches, is eager to step onto the stage of a wealthy club, transform himself from a pheasant to a phoenix, and then completely become a world-famous coach.

But they were wrong!

Ye Qiu does not resist taking charge of a wealthy family, but this does not mean that he will give up his bottom line.

On the contrary, Ye Qiu has never thought that there is anything great about wealthy teams. The situation is changing, today it is a wealthy team, but tomorrow it may not be as good as an ordinary team. Isn't there a saying?

A plucked phoenix is ​​worse than a chicken!

Liverpool, Aston Villa, Athletic Bilbao, Nottingham Forest... these teams used to dominate the Europa League, but they are really in trouble and are in an embarrassing situation.

Therefore, in this world, showing off is the most unreliable thing. The key is to speak with your fists!

Now it is Barcelona, ​​or Laporta, who has a higher demand for Ye Qiu, so Ye Qiu is not anxious at all, because he has many choices and some chips, so this meeting ended up being a bit awkward. Javier Luo Both Ge and Evariste Mutla were so angry that Ye Qiu choked them. If Laporta hadn't come forward, they would have ended up unhappy.

Ye Qiu was very dissatisfied with Evarist Mutla because he had humiliated Eliza.

Ye Qiu got angry when he mentioned this matter. When Eliza came back from seeing him, she didn't mention it. But later, Evaristor Mutla frequently sent flowers and letters, and Ye Qiu felt strange. When asked about the reason, Eliza did not give a specific explanation, but simply said it, but Ye Qiu more or less heard the implication, which made him very dissatisfied with Evariste Mutla.

Sometimes, people are just so weird. When you hate someone, you won't like anything they do.

At the end of the conversation, Ye Qiu got a little stiff and stood up to leave. But before leaving, he looked at Evariste Mutla on a whim.

"Before I leave, I think there is something I should tell you, Mr. Mutla!"

Ye Qiu's words not only surprised Evariste Mutla, but also Laporta and Javier Rogge. They didn't know what Ye Qiu wanted to say to Evariste Mutla. What.

"Miss Eliza Moon is my best friend and my best partner. I will not allow anyone to do anything humiliating to her. Also, please don't harass her again in the future, otherwise..."

What else? Ye Qiu didn't say anything and left with Eliza, but the threat was obvious.

So, after walking away, he and Eliza could hear the roar and curse of Evariste Mutla from behind.

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