The Godfather of Football

Chapter 32 New Goal

The new training method has a very good effect in training players' ability to stop the ball, pass the ball and touch the ball in a fast pace. After all, practice makes perfect. Once the players are familiar with the training field, they can use it freely in the game.

Moreover, through Ye Qiu's long-term research, it is found that this training method is also of great help to the players' physical fitness.

Imagine running at a constant speed and changing direction for a long time around a square. This also requires a lot of physical fitness from the players.

The upgraded version of the new training method is actually upgraded on the basis of the original one.

It is still the 10m x 10m square, and it is still divided into four corners, ABCD. BCD each occupies one person, and the other 5 people are in area A, and it is still serving from A to B, which is the same as before the upgrade.

The difference is that when A serves the ball to B and immediately runs to B, the player at B immediately knocks the ball back to A and then runs to C. After A, who is running to B, gets the knocked ball back halfway, he passes it diagonally to C. After C receives the ball, he knocks it back to B who is running to C, and then runs to D, while B passes it diagonally to D, and so on.

This practice routine is actually still testing the players' passing and receiving coordination, but this time it adds a lot of difficulties. The first is the triangle coordination, especially when running at high speed, observing the teammates' knocking back, such as judging the timing of the knock back, which is very important in this training.

This training requires a high level of players' ability to pass and receive the knocked ball and tacit cooperation, and the requirements for players' passing, stopping and one-touch abilities are higher than the basic version, and the running ability is also higher.

Triangle cooperation is the most basic element in the modern football system, and this kind of back-knock and running position is also very common in the game. For example, the common 2-on-1 and even continuous wall-to-wall cooperation are actually included in this set of training, so this set of training methods can be said to be very close to actual combat.

Ye Qiu has learned about this upgraded training method. He thinks that the so-called upgrade is actually an upgrade on the basic version, but both training methods are very useful, so he decided to persist and implement it for a long time in the training class so that the players can be trained to be able to use them as if they were their own arms.

After the battle with Eindhoven, the morale of the Ajax II team was greatly boosted. The players admired Ye Qiu one by one. Whatever Ye Qiu asked them to do now, they would do it without compromise.

Just like when he first started training the new training method, although he had the foundation of the new training method, when he first started practicing the upgraded version, he also made many mistakes, but this time Ye Qiu was not afraid, because he had a full two weeks to slowly train the players and slowly prepare for the game.

Defeating PSV Eindhoven made Ye Qiu famous, but that was only limited to Amsterdam. In the Netherlands, many people had only heard of him. In Europe, his influence was even weaker, and it could even be said that he was not very famous, because now the mainstream of Europe is paying attention to the four major leagues, who cares about the Netherlands?

However, this also brought benefits to Ye Qiu, that is, he could avoid the entanglement of reporters.

Utrecht's record in the Eredivisie has never been very ideal. Since the 1980s, although it has been relegated in the Eredivisie every season, it has basically been ranked in the middle and lower reaches. After the 39-year-old young coach Mark Watt was recruited from The Hague this season, the team's performance has not been satisfactory.

But there is a very interesting point that Utrecht's record is 7 wins, 1 draw and 10 losses.

This is definitely an amazing record, because they only have 1 draw, and the rest are either lost or won.

At least seeing this result, it is not difficult to guess the style of this Utrecht.



"Mark Watt?"

In the medical department without Huang Chu, Ye Qiu was chatting with Bobby Hams, Van Dude, and his two assistants. Ye Qiu asked the two seniors about Utrecht's head coach Mark Watt.

The Netherlands is actually very small, and the football circle is even smaller.

"I remember this person!" Bobby Hams laughed and tasted the Tieguanyin that Ye Qiu brought from his hometown. "Speaking of which, he has been favored by many people in the past two years. I remember that he made his debut in Feyenoord and later went to The Hague. However, after playing football in The Hague for a year, his performance was not good. He also worked as a youth team coach for half a year."

"He went to Dordrecht in 1983, returned to The Hague as a youth team coach two years later, and then was promoted to the first team in 1990. He coached The Hague as the head coach in 1991, but the results were not good, so he returned to coach the youth team. It was not until 1994 that he coached alone in the amateur league Lisse. He performed well in two years and was invited back by The Hague. Come. "

"In the two years at the Hague, he brought the Hague, which was almost relegated at the time, to 8th in the first season, and 5th in the second season, and almost entered the European competition. At that time, many people were very optimistic about this young coach and thought he would become the best young head coach in the Netherlands. "

When he said this, Bobby Hams laughed and shook his head, "But his coaching in Utrecht this season is still too immature. The overall strength of the team is unbalanced, there are too few draws, too many losses, and low points. Naturally, the ranking has been declining all the way, and Utrecht's performance is also half-dead!"

Ye Qiu couldn't tell that the 39-year-old Mark Watt was so famous.

"Some people say that the league relies on offense, but in my opinion, defense is the foundation!"

Bobby Harms smiled at Ye Qiu and nodded, "Yes, without a good and solid defense, the ups and downs are too big, the results are not continuous, and the points are not efficient and continuous. Just like Utrecht this season, there is always a feeling of hanging your head on your waist and betting your life with others. Either you win and get 3 points, or you lose and get nothing!" After saying this, Harms shook his head and laughed.

Perhaps this is the reason why he said that Mark Watt is too immature.

The offense and defense in football are a bit like the yin and yang in Chinese Tai Chi. You have me and I have you. It is difficult to distinguish who is more important than who, and you can't abandon the other side to survive alone.

Ye Qiu once studied his game against Eindhoven very seriously. Putting aside other factors, he finally came to a conclusion that in addition to the solid overall defense, several counterattacks played a pivotal role.

The threatening counterattack made Gretz clearly see that Ajax II had enough ability to threaten their goal, so PSV Eindhoven did not dare to press too far when attacking. They had to pay attention to the counterattack behind them, which made it impossible for them to invest the maximum manpower in the attack.

Perhaps it can be said that the greater the threat of counterattack, the less manpower PSV Eindhoven invested in the attack, because they had to take into account the counterattack.

But it must also be seen that Ajax II's counterattack is based on a solid defense.

So, the question is, is offense important? Or defense important?

This will eventually evolve into a discussion of whether the chicken came first and the egg came later, or the egg came first and the chicken came later!

Ye Qiu had also learned in his previous life that the so-called league relies on offense, which is just an illusion. The teams that can really win the championship are generally teams with little fluctuation in form. Such teams are generally more balanced in offense and defense and score points very steadily.

Of course, there are also the kind of desperate counterattacks that Capello made when he coached Real Madrid for the second time, or Rijkaard made when he coached Barcelona, ​​but such counterattacks rely on the right time, right place, and right people, none of which can be missing. Which head coach would pin his hopes of winning the championship on such a way that even Capello and Rijkaard themselves are not sure of?

Therefore, a truly strong team and a team with championship potential must have a very balanced offense and defense, and be very efficient in scoring points.

"What? Have you thought of how to play against Utrecht?" Bobby Hams asked when he saw a smile on Ye Qiu's face.

"I have been studying Utrecht's data these days. I have done a statistics myself and found something very interesting. That is, in addition to the few draws, Utrecht rarely has reversals and second-half goals. Almost all of their wins were the result of the attack at the beginning of the first half!"

This is the result of Ye Qiu's own efforts. Because he could not see the report submitted by the first-team scouts to Waters and Westhoff, he used a stupid method, which was to watch the video or collect some data and count it himself.

In the end, he came to a conclusion that Utrecht's wins were almost all scored first, and in the first half. Many of them were concentrated in the first 20 minutes, or even the first 10 minutes. If they did not score after more than 20 minutes, they would definitely lose.

In that draw, they scored in the 39th minute, but were soon equalized by the opponent, and the two sides tied 1:1.

"So..." Bobby Hams is appreciating Ye Qiu more and more.

As for coaching talent, these are difficult to change, but diligence can make up for one's shortcomings. This sentence also works for a head coach, but the premise is that you have to know how to be diligent and in what aspects to make up for one's shortcomings.

Ye Qiu undoubtedly has excellent talent, and at the same time has diligence that most people do not have.

"So, I won't let them feel comfortable!" Ye Qiu said with a smile.

Bobby Hams heard him playing a riddle and laughed at him, but he, who was cunning, also guessed it vaguely.

"By the way, Bobby, I haven't thanked you yet. Eric has made obvious progress recently and his mood is much better than before. Thank you!" Ye Qiu thought of Abidal. If it weren't for Bobby Hams' words, Abidal might not have opened his mind.

"That kid is a rough jade, you have to carve it well." Bobby Hams also admired Abidal.

In the war of football, only those who never admit defeat can laugh to the end.

"In fact, coaching a team is not as difficult as others imagine!" Bobby Hames has a very good impression of Ye Qiu, so when they talk on weekdays, he will casually say something that Ye Qiu has benefited a lot. Now that Abidal is mentioned, Bobby Hames doesn't mind saying a little more.

Decades of coaching career and experience have made Bobby Hames's casual opinions extraordinary.

"Today's teams are becoming more and more international. For example, PSV Eindhoven was able to build a strong lineup so quickly because their players are not only Dutch, but also from Africa, other European countries, and South America. These players come from all corners of the world and have all kinds of beliefs, personalities, and taboos."

"How to manage such a group of people is a headache for every head coach!" Bobby Harms said lightly, but Ye Qiu listened very seriously, with a teachable attitude.

"It is impossible for any head coach to make everyone in the locker room friendly and amiable. All he can do is to make everyone work together for a goal under the overall situation of the club. This requires the head coach to understand the players, find out from them what the players want, and then manage them through this point!"

"In addition, the head coach also needs to find some common points from each player. If there are no common points, then create a common point for them. For example, set a goal for them, so that they all know in their hearts that they have to fight for this goal, so that a team can form combat effectiveness!"

Ye Qiu kept nodding his head. This may be what the saying goes, twisting into a rope!

Thinking of this, Ye Qiu couldn't help but think of another thing.

Bobby Harms seemed to be talking about experience at this time, but in fact, wasn't he reminding Ye Qiu?

The goal of Ajax II this season is to win the Dutch Youth League, but after defeating PSV Eindhoven, this goal is no longer so difficult for the morale-boosting Ajax II. Or it can be said that the mentality of the players has changed, and they will aspire to achieve higher goals.

Before, they could work together to defeat PSV Eindhoven. Now, after defeating PSV Eindhoven, without a new goal, they may become a mess.

After figuring this out, Ye Qiu smiled and nodded to Bobby Hams, "Thank you, Bobby!"

"Don't thank me, I didn't say anything!" Bobby Hams winked at Van Dude and laughed.



The next day, when the players came to the second team locker room of De Tokmost one after another, each of them could clearly see a large piece of paper on the wall of the locker room with two schedules printed on it.

One of the schedules is in the shape of a tree. Starting from the second round of the Ajax II team, the three opponents in the past three rounds of the Dutch Cup are listed. At the top of the tree, there are two more games to rise to the top of the tree. The names of the three professional teams, Go Ahead Eagles, PSV Eindhoven and Utrecht, are all written on it, and the scores of the first two teams are also available.

Seeing this schedule, the players are very clear that the head coach is reminding them that the team has climbed to the present by defeating Go Ahead Eagles and PSV Eindhoven, and the next opponent is Utrecht.

Under the schedule, there is a sentence: Let all professional teams remember the names of each of us from now on!

Another schedule is relatively simple. Everyone can clearly see that this is the second half of the Dutch Youth League. At present, 13 rounds have been completed, and there are 13 rounds left in the second half. Then who the opponent is in each round is clearly written, which makes it clear at a glance.

There is also a sentence under the schedule: There is only one goal, the championship!

The two schedules made all the players stand in front of them in a daze, because they all knew what this meant.

In the history of Dutch football, many second teams have participated in the Dutch Cup, but no second team has ever won the Dutch Cup. If they really win the championship, then this group of people will undoubtedly be recorded in the history of Dutch football!

Especially if they can win the Youth League Championship, they will become the most legendary double champion in the history of Dutch football. What will that bring them? Do I need to say more?

They are all a group of professional players, some of whom even have the ability to make a living by playing football, but there is a difference in making a living by playing football. Is it to become a professional player at the bottom, or to go to the next level, or even climb to the top of professional football?

This is undoubtedly the dream of all Ajax second team players. Not everyone can realize it, but now they have a chance, because playing against a Dutch professional team is undoubtedly the best platform!

"This will let all of Europe know us!" Van der Vaart was a little surprised, his voice was trembling, but he was laughing and excited.

Many players have a fanaticism in their eyes, because they are a group of ambitious young people who are eager to continue on the road of football. This belief supports them to climb up from the Ajax youth team to the current second team.

For them, the opportunity is in front of them. As long as they take another step forward, they will have a chance to succeed!

"Is this possible?" But there must be a lack of confidence.

Abidal laughed coldly and disdainfully, "What is impossible? Even PSV can beat it, so can't we beat other teams?"

When PSV was mentioned, the blood of this group of young people boiled.

"Yes, we beat PSV. Is there any team in the Netherlands that is stronger than PSV?" Sneijder was also full of fighting spirit, just like a warlike rooster.

Although defeating PSV Eindhoven does not mean that they can defeat other teams, in the hearts of this group of young people, being able to defeat PSV Eindhoven has given them unprecedented confidence and courage, making them more motivated than ever to meet the challenges of each upcoming game.

Sometimes, a game determines not only 3 points or the right to advance, but more!

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