The Godfather of Football

Chapter 334 Second Crown

"Report the situation at each intersection, report the situation at each intersection!"

"Victoria A302 junction, everything is normal!"

"Junction A3214, St. George, everything is fine!"

"Everything is normal at the Charles Statue intersection in Whitehall!"

"Piccadilly intersection, everything is fine!"

When the hot battle at Stamford Bridge was in full swing, the sound of wireless communications continued to spread over London in the middle of the night.

Every ten minutes, the police officers on duty at each major monitoring road section have to report to their superiors the situation of the road section they are stationed at. If necessary, they may even request emergency support. If you are familiar with the situation in London, you will definitely find that almost all of them will It is in the area with the highest concentration of bars.

Many people say that there are many bars in London, but that is for people who are relatively familiar with them.

Just like Piccadilly Street, there are many bars here, including the Mist Whiskey Bar, which Chelsea fans like to go to. Because many former Chelsea stars and even current players frequent it, this bar is almost Chelsea. It is a favorite place for fans, but its appearance is no different from an ordinary house facing the street. You can't find it at all.

Because of the existence of the Mist Whiskey Bar, the surrounding area can be said to be lined with dozens of bars, large and small, scattered around Piccadilly Street. Therefore, on match days, this is the area with the most fans.

There is also the Charles Statue intersection in Whitehall, where there are also many bars and fans.

In the UK, the situation is often like this. When there are too many fans, accidents are easy to happen. Therefore, every weekend or every game, the police station has to be on the verge of a major enemy. Every year, you don’t know how much money is spent on this aspect alone. How much, and the residents of the country are very generous about this, because of necessity!

"Attention, all units, attention, all units, the game is about to end. Chelsea defeated Arsenal 1:0 and successfully defended the title!"

As the sound came from the radio, all the Chelsea fans among the police officers on duty looked ecstatic, while those non-Chelsea fans, especially Arsenal fans, looked depressed because they supported the football team. The team eventually lost, which made them feel as if something had been taken away from them.

"Be careful of celebrating fans at all intersections, such as Piccadilly Street, Whitehall, and Fulham Road. Colleagues at these intersections should pay attention to maintaining order on the scene. If someone is drunk and causing trouble, they will be arrested on the spot!"

Following an order from the police headquarters, police cars stationed at various intersections immediately jumped out of a group of police officers holding batons and standing ready. They began to control the situation according to their prepared division of labor, and many fans who obeyed the rules also reacted to this. Get used to it because it happens almost every week.

Of course, it is inevitable that some drunken fans would look down upon such a scene and secretly take a sip, feeling that the police are making a fuss out of a molehill. If the game is not lively, what kind of atmosphere would there be?

As the whistle of the end of the game came out on live TV in the streets and alleys of London, the bars around Piccadilly Street suddenly rushed out of a group of fans with their arms raised high and wearing blue Chelsea jerseys. Many of them People even had wine bottles in their hands and kept running wildly on the street, as if they had just scored a goal on the football field and were celebrating. Some people even slammed the beer bottles in their hands to the ground.

"Champion! Champion!! We are the champion!!!" The drunkards all shouted in ecstasy.

The narrow bar simply couldn't withstand the passion and heat erupted by the crazy fans. More and more fans couldn't stand the atmosphere in the bar, rushed out of the bar, and celebrated crazily on the street, doing many things they wouldn't dare to do at ordinary times. , I dare to do it now.

For example, some people took off their pants and raised their buttocks in front of a policeman holding a baton, but the policeman who would usually give him a baton did not dare to move now and was on guard there as if facing a formidable enemy, because They know very well that if they take action now, it will easily cause riots.

Of course, there are only a few such fans. More fans are celebrating, singing, or chanting some slogans. The scene is chaotic, but one can feel the excitement in their hearts.

"Let's go to Stamford Bridge!"

"Yes, let's go to Stamford Bridge quickly!"

"Walk, damn, don't miss the team's championship celebration!!"

From Piccadilly Street to Fulham Road, where Stamford Bridge is located, it is at least 5 kilometers. Walking. This is indeed a very crazy idea, but on this destined to be crazy night, it was adopted by this group of crazy people. .

And if this group of blue people drives towards Fulham, anyone will be surprised, because it is not just this group of drunk guys who are crazy, there are fans joining the procession along the way.

In the crowd, if there is a drunk man lying on your shoulder, you must not panic, because as long as you shout, "Chelsea, champion!", he will definitely fuck his big dick full of alcohol. mouth, shouting after you, "Champion, Chelsea!"

The crowds are getting bigger and bigger, especially near Fulham Road. The fans gathered here are squeezing the entire road, which is not wide. It is not surprising that the crowd is crazy in all kinds of ways. , take off your clothes and reveal your fluffy chest hair, you are considered a normal person!

Entering the half-kilometer area where the Stamford Bridge Stadium is located, you can no longer go forward, because the flow of people has blocked the Stamford Bridge Stadium. Countless fans gathered together, and the momentum created can be said to be shocking to the sky.

Standing on Fulham Road, among this crazy crowd, you can't hear any sound at all. The noise will swallow you up completely. All you can hear are those sounds that are enough to deafen you, but yet There was no clear sound at all.

This situation becomes more obvious the closer you get to Stamford Bridge, and if you stand in Stamford Bridge, I'm sorry, you can't hear any sound at all, even if you are standing in the comprehensive interview area below the stadium stands, taking over When reporters pass you a microphone connected to a loudspeaker, you have to choose to shout loudly, because if you don't, others won't hear you at all.

Ye Qiu was standing in the comprehensive interview area of ​​Stamford Bridge at this moment. Standing next to him was Chelsea Chairman Abramovich. The two of them stood arm in arm in front of this group of reporters, both laughing. Very brilliant.

At this time, what they said has become unimportant, what matters is what they did.

"The rumors about the conflict between Ye Qiu and I can be stopped. As you can see, he and I have no problems at all!" Abramovich smiled as he faced the microphone handed over by the reporter and the live broadcast camera behind him.

"Ye Qiu is the best and greatest head coach I have ever seen. I can even say that, as long as he is willing, I hope he can coach at Chelsea for a lifetime. I can swear by this sentence. , because I can’t think of anyone better than him in this world!”

All the reporters at the scene were obviously paying attention to every word and every word that Abramovich said.

This was the first time a Russian publicly gave an interview since the conflict between Ye Qiu and Abramovich, and he used his actual actions to prove his support for Ye Qiu.

"I know that many people in the outside world will doubt me and think that I am dissatisfied with Ye Qiu. For example, regarding the transfer of players, I must say that he and I do have differences in this aspect. He is speaking from a professional perspective, and I am Looking at this issue from another perspective, there will definitely be differences. Who can say which club’s head coach, chairman and owner have no differences at all?”

Abramovich's words were indeed a bit exciting. Almost all the reporters present couldn't help but nod after hearing this, because differences between the head coach and the management exist in all football clubs, and often only If there are no irreconcilable conflicts and both parties can tolerate and exercise restraint, then there will be no problem at all.

"I said that from the day I bought Chelsea, Ye Qiu was the ideal manager in my mind. That was true two years ago. Today, two years later, he has brought us two Premier League titles. With a Champions League title and a League Cup title, we are hopeful of winning the quadruple crown this season. I am still very sure that he is the ideal coach for me and all Chelsea fans. He is our only one!"

Abramovich's words were applauded by many reporters present. He also spoke very emotionally and was obviously very excited.

When the Russians came to London, England, it was already destined that Abramovich would find it very difficult to integrate into London's upper class society. However, he successfully used the platform of Chelsea to complete this leap. Now, with Chelsea's achievements As he continued to rise, he gradually expanded his influence in the upper class circles.

From political celebrities to business aristocrats, Abramovich has friends almost all over London. Even Prince Charles and his two princes are his friends. There is no doubt that the person who brought him all this is Chelsea.

"Here, I have to say to our head coach, I am very, very grateful for everything he has brought to Chelsea in the past two years. He is outstanding. I even think he is impeccable. I also sincerely hope , No matter what happens in the future, no matter how much people hype it, I hope he can continue to stay at Chelsea forever!”

Abramovich faced Ye Qiu with sincerity and sincerity in her eyes. This scene even moved many reporters. They had even thought about writing tomorrow's report in their minds. It must be What they see now.

And many of them are even thinking that if after tonight, there are still people who doubt that Ye Qiu is leaving Chelsea, then he must be crazy, because with Abramovich’s kind retention and trust, Ye Qiu It is impossible for Qiu to leave.

At the end of the interview, Abramovich once again affirmed the performance of Ye Qiuhe's players. He said that Chelsea's next plan will be appropriately transformed and adjusted according to the head coach's ideas, but it will not be too large-scale. change.

Even when a reporter deliberately wanted to embarrass him and singled out the news that Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, Bayern Munich and other wealthy teams invited Ye Qiu to coach, Abramovich also had a sense of humor.

"When I get back, I will ask Peter Kenyon to quickly prepare a brand new contract, and then write forever on the number of years!"

Ye Qiu also responded to Abramovich's appreciation and affirmation. He said that he and Abramovich had never had any problems, and this was also true, because he and Abramovich did not have any problems. There were no issues, no quarrels, and no unpleasantries.

Sometimes Ye Qiu even felt that he and Abramovich not only had no conflicts, but they could get along well like old friends every time they met. The Russians did a very good job in this matter.

Perhaps, this is the biggest problem!

Because Abramovich would not personally show up for many things, because he had enough ability and means to let others show up for him, which led to Ye Qiu having many ideas, and many things could not be conveyed to Abramovich's ears. What's more terrible is that there was a Peter Kenyon who could convey Ye Qiu's meaning before, but now, Abramovich doesn't even pay much attention to Peter Kenyon, and even Chelsea.

On the surface, he comes to Stamford Bridge for every game, and he pays attention to every incident of the team. He is like a flawless boss. If you want money, I have plenty, and if you want power, I won't interfere with you, because I rarely go to the locker room, rarely go to the training base, and rarely interfere with the management of the team. Isn't such a boss good enough?

Ye Qiu couldn't say anything, because he only heard rumors about many things, just guessing, but this is not evidence!

Especially after listening to Abramovich's words, Ye Qiu also said that he had never received an invitation from any other club, "because they all know that I don't want to leave Chelsea now!"

Having created such a strong team, coupled with the support of a wealthy man like Abramovich, Ye Qiu can guarantee that Chelsea will still be the strongest team in the Premier League and European football in the next few years. Which head coach is willing to give up the opportunity to coach such a team?

After Ye Qiu and Abramovich were interviewed, the scene suddenly rang with salutes, the entire Stamford Bridge stadium was full of flying ribbons, and the sky was full of confetti. Chelsea fans in the stands cheered and shouted like a festival.

Chelsea specially prepared a celebration ceremony for tonight's early championship, because the team will soon play in the Premier League and the Champions League, and there is not enough time to hold a parade around the city, so tonight is Chelsea's championship celebration.

The commentator on the scene began to call out the names of Chelsea players one by one, from captain John Terry and Frank Lampard, to Ronaldinho and Drogba who were injured but still attended the game, to Rooney, Cannavaro, Deco, Makelele, Maicon, Van der Sar, Gallas

The players walked into Stamford Bridge one after another, including young players such as Fabregas and Messi, as well as all the players from the reserve team and the youth team. However, the players from the reserve team and the youth team did not enjoy the treatment of the first team, and they played collectively.

The podium was set up on the scene. After receiving the Premier League championship trophy, everyone in Chelsea, including the owner Abramovich, including CEO Peter Kenyon, the coaches of the reserve team and the youth team, etc., will take a family photo of winning the championship, so that everyone will remember this moment of Chelsea.

"Let's welcome the last one to enter with the warmest applause and cheers, our head coach, Ye Qiu!"

When the commentator shouted Ye Qiu's name, the whole stadium erupted with the loudest voice, and everyone shouted out their strongest voices at the top of their lungs. The momentum was almost like shaking down the sky of Stamford Bridge.

Ye Qiu walked slowly into the stadium, still with his tolerant smile, waving to the fans in the stands. He was not like other players who came up with all kinds of celebrations to interact with the fans. He just smiled and waved.

This made Eliza, who came from the United States, shake her head constantly, "This guy is really too old-fashioned. If you blow a kiss or do a few impromptu moves, the effect will definitely be better than this. It's awkward no matter how you look at it, as if a leader came to inspect. It's too serious and doesn't fit the current occasion at all."

Eliza almost said, after so many years of special training, how can you still be so old-fashioned? No progress at all!

But Chelsea fans obviously don't dislike these. Players can jump out, but the head coach must give people a sense of stability, because only stability can make people trust you and believe that you can be relied on.

A person who jumps out and does whatever he wants is impossible to win the trust of others, because who knows what outrageous things you will do next? Even if you find more and better excuses for yourself, you still can't let people trust you!

For this point, Ye Qiu insists on it more than anything else, because winning the trust of players and fans is his life as a head coach. Without these, there would be no Chelsea today!

All the first-team players, including the coaching staff, stood on the podium. Terry took the championship trophy. Chelsea's players began to support the championship trophy and paraded around Stamford Bridge. The trophy was passed among the players in turn, and finally they gathered in the middle of the stadium.

The first team, reserve team, youth team, all of Chelsea's coaching staff and some of the senior management all sat in the middle of Stamford Bridge, and took a family photo amid the cheers and applause of all Chelsea fans and in the presence of all the fans around the world who were watching the live broadcast of the game.

In this family photo, the front row is an even number. Ye Qiu and Abramovich were arranged in the middle of the front row. On Ye Qiu's side were the core players of the team, such as Terry, Lampard, Ronaldinho, etc. On Abramovich's side were Peter Kenyon and senior management. The Premier League and League Cup championship trophies were placed in front of them.

After taking the family photo, the real celebration of winning the championship was completely kicked off!

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