The Godfather of Football

Chapter 385 Tactical Foul

The so-called most popular derby in England is that no matter how many games you play in a short time, every game is still full!

The Emirates Stadium on January 10 was packed with 60,000 fans gathered at the brand new Emirates Stadium to witness the 153rd North London Derby, and the Gunners fans also hope to see Arsenal beat this city rival again, and it would be best if they were completely beaten back to their original form.

Since the beginning of this season, with Ye Qiu's strong entry, Tottenham Hotspur has occupied a lot of pages in newspapers and media even if the results are not good, and has received a lot of attention. Recently, with the joining of Beckham, Tottenham Hotspur's every move has attracted the attention of the media around the world, which naturally makes the city rival with better results unhappy.

But if it is in normal times, you can be unhappy, but you can't do anything to the other party, but now it is different, the two teams are going to fight.

Therefore, Arsenal fans at the Emirates Stadium booed Tottenham from the beginning, hoping to use the boos to affect Tottenham's performance, and Arsenal also actively used the home advantage to launch an attack on Tottenham at the beginning.

Wenger has a knot in this game, that is Beckham.

Ye Qiu's starting lineup in this game is a bit surprising, but not surprising.

The goalkeeper is Cech, the back line is Vargas, Hangeland, Thiago Silva and Arbeloa, the three midfielders are Beckham, Mascherano and Fabregas, and the front trident is Ribery, Van Nistelrooy and Messi.

Tottenham Hotspur sent out all the main lineups, and it was not surprising that Beckham started, because he played more and more in the past two games. However, his debut against Liverpool was very eye-catching, but the FA Cup against Cardiff was relatively ordinary. This also made many people worry that the game at Anfield would be a flash of inspiration for Beckham, and then he would be completely gone?

Wenger did not dare to take risks. He had watched the second half of the Anfield game many times. After Beckham came on the court, Tottenham Hotspur's midfield became very threatening. It can even be said that even Benitez, a coach with very strong targeted tactics, could not find a solution and restraint for a while.

Therefore, Wenger played Baptista in this game. The Brazilian beast can play as a striker and attack the opponent's defense for Henry, and can also retreat to play in the midfield. He is both offensive and defensive, so Wenger hopes that he can help the midfield when necessary, strengthen the midfield's strength, and deal with the measures from Tottenham Hotspur.

Because of this, Arsenal seemed to be attacking after the opening, but in fact, the offensive investment was not strong.


A whistle from the stadium woke Wenger up, his heart jumped, and he looked up. He was worried that he would see the team give Tottenham Hotspur the opportunity to set the ball in the front court. Fortunately, when he looked up, he saw Henry shaking his head in annoyance and walking back, and the linesman raised the flag in his hand high, indicating an offside.

Looking at the big screen of the stadium, he saw Rosicky passing the ball, Henry started too fast, and Tottenham Hotspur's defense line pressed up quickly as a whole, causing Henry to be in a very obvious offside position at the moment Rosicky passed the ball.

Wenger sat in the home team's coaching seat. Although there was a soft and comfortable leather sofa chair under his butt, he always felt awkward and uncomfortable no matter how he sat. Finally, he sighed, stood up, and walked out of the coaching seat.

Arsenal soon created another opportunity. Baptista pulled to the right, passed Vargas and made a cross, but the cross was blocked by Thiago Silva. The Brazilian central defender headed the ball away from Henry, defusing an attack by Arsenal.

But after the ball flew out of the penalty area, Arteta stopped the ball and made a long shot, but the angle was too straight and Cech saved it. Arsenal's wave of offensive also made the Gunners fans in the stands of the Emirates Stadium cheer like thunder. Obviously, they all hope that the team can continue to work hard and score as soon as possible.

Wenger stood on the sidelines, watching the team constantly attack Tottenham Hotspur, but with little success.

He could feel that Tottenham's defense was indeed getting tighter and tighter. In fact, he had already realized this problem in the league match a month ago. Although Tottenham held high the banner of offensive football, many people also thought that this team was famous for offensive football.

But in fact, this team's defense was also quite tight, and it was very layered and organized.

For example, the pass from Rosicky to Henry just now, Tottenham's offside trap was very well built, and no matter how Arsenal played or attacked afterwards, Tottenham's defense was very layered, orderly, and not chaotic.

This made it difficult for Arsenal's offense to create threats.

Just like this time, Henry was about to make a breakthrough on the left, but the defensive player Arbeloa was not fast, but his sticking skills were first-rate. He stuck to Henry and prevented Henry from breaking through as he wished. As a result, Henry had to stop suddenly and pass the ball sideways. Baptista came up and got ahead of Mascherano and barely took a long shot, but it was too high.

If we look purely at this attack, Arsenal has the advantage, but in fact, it did not create an effective threat at all. Neither Henry nor Baptista created an absolute scoring opportunity.

"Let them move cleanly in our half and don't give them the opportunity to set the ball in the frontcourt easily!" Wenger frowned like a mountain, with a worried look on his face, and told the assistant coach Pate who followed him out. ? Les.

There is no need to say more about Beckham's set-piece skills. The whole world knows it, and Arsenal does have a weakness in defending against set-pieces, because neither Galas nor Kolo Toure have the ability to defend against high balls. They are very strong, because their height limits their performance. However, Tottenham Hotspur has tall and strong players like Hangeland and powerful scoring centers like Ruud van Nistelrooy, so they cannot be careless at all.

As for reducing the number of fouls in his own half, Wenger had seriously warned the players before the game, so Arsenal played relatively cleanly in their own half, and the team was very clear from the beginning. When attacking, it is not without the consideration of placing the battlefield in Tottenham Hotspur's half as much as possible.

But not long after Wenger's request was made, after Arsenal's opening attack for more than ten minutes, Tottenham Hotspur also launched a counterattack. Beckham got the ball and passed the ball past Arsenal. The midfielder fell at the feet of Ruud van Nistelrooy.

The Dutch center took the ball with his back and used his back to support Kolo Toure and Gallas. At this time, because of the presence of Beckham and Mascherano behind him, Fabregas' attack was more determined and direct. Step in to support.

Van Nistelrooy passed the ball to Cesc Fabregas, who passed the ball through Gallas and Clichy. Messi quickly got rid of Clichy and started with a very fast start. Jump in after the speed to catch the ball.

Gallas also reacted very quickly, chasing back quickly and blocking Messi outside the penalty area. However, the Argentinian youngster was very skillful with his feet. With a fake move, Gallas, who was sprinting at high speed, had to follow. As soon as he stopped, he was smaller and could adjust his center of gravity faster. After deceiving Gallas to stop suddenly, Messi suddenly accelerated again.

When a person is adjusting his center of gravity, it is impossible for his feet to make movements, but Gallas knows very well that if Messi is allowed to pass at this time, it will be a single move. With the Argentine teenager's personal ability, he can pass Lehmann. It wasn't a problem to hit an empty goal directly, so the thought of stopping Messi from passing through passed through his mind in an instant, and he reached out and grabbed Messi's jersey.

The Argentine teenager was pulled so that he lost his balance and fell to the ground. The referee's whistle sounded at the same time.

"Red card!!!" Tottenham Hotspur fans in the stands cheered in unison. This was a tactical foul!

But the outnumbered Arsenal fans booed in unison and cursed the Tottenham Hotspur fans for putting pressure on the referee. The entire Emirates Stadium was abuzz with people.

"This is a test of the referee's willpower. This is indeed a tactical foul. Gallas is also the last defensive player. If the referee is tough enough at this time, he should give Gallas a red card and punish him. Tactical foul, but the game has just begun and this is the Emirates Stadium again."

The Arsenal fans at the scene obviously knew how to take advantage of this, so they kept putting pressure on the referee.

Sometimes, the so-called home field advantage is further reflected in this way.

The referee stopped both players who wanted to put pressure. Arsenal obviously felt that this was an ordinary foul because Kolo Toure was already chasing back, but Tottenham felt that this was an undoubted foul. It was a tactical foul. After it passed, Messi entered the penalty area and made a solo shot. Isn't this a tactical foul?

After the referee stabilized the emotions of the players on both sides, he finally showed Gallas a yellow card and gave Tottenham a chance to take a set kick in the frontcourt. This set kick was about 22 meters away from the goal. Position, the top of the arc is slightly to the right.

"If it had been in the second half, Arsenal would have been doomed!" Ye Qiu looked on from the sidelines and shook his head.

Sometimes the referee has to consider many factors when making a penalty, including home field factors. Moreover, the game just lasted 13 minutes and he gave the home team a red card. This is indeed a test of the referee's willpower.

"Damn, they always take advantage!" Roland cursed on the sidelines. The last time he visited the Emirates Stadium, both goals were controversial, but considering that the referee was Bol, and it was just a controversy, it belonged to the referee. It was within the referee's estimation, so Tottenham didn't act too tough.

"If Gallas is sent off now, Arsenal will not have to play not only this game, but also the next round!" Mauro Tassotti explained the referee's approach with a wry smile.

The law enforcement standards of football matches can never be completely neutral. The referee's decisions are always affected by many factors. Assuming that Arsenal was not given a red card this time, Tottenham Hotspur ultimately lost the game. Tottenham Hotspur were indeed very wronged.

Of course, the referee committee will also consider this aspect, so many times it is you who suffer at this time, and I will give you some compensation in subsequent games, or in subsequent games, to find a balance.

This is why everyone says that anyone can suffer from the referee's mistakes, and why Mourinho kept criticizing the referee in his previous life, but was sneered at by most professionals. You can't always focus on the times when you suffer, you have to consider the times when you take advantage.

If all teams are to list the misjudgments that they suffer, there will definitely be a lot of them, and if they are to list the misjudgments that they take advantage of, there will definitely be a lot of them. Of course, it is impossible to suffer as many losses as advantages, no one can do it.

So generally speaking, unless it is very necessary, Ye Qiu will not put pressure on the referee, or even criticize him.

This time the penalty spot is a place where you can choose to shoot yourself or indirectly assist, and the player who takes the penalty is still Beckham. He stood near the penalty spot, put the ball, slowly stepped back a few steps, and calculated the distance.

Players from both teams rushed into the penalty area quickly, and Lehmann leaned against the right post and directed his teammates to set up a human wall.

Everyone is a professional player, and they are used to the principle of listening to the referee on the football field. So when Beckham stood still, both sides were ready to make the final blow.

Beckham ran a lot in this game. This was his first start in a long time, but he has always maintained high-intensity training. In addition, he has been familiar with and adapted to the previous two games. Although he is a little tired because his body is far from the best condition, it is just the beginning after all, and he is just a little out of breath.

He stretched out his right hand and pressed down. When the referee whistled, Beckham sprinted forward four steps quickly. He stepped on his left foot and swung his right foot to hit the ball.

The ball climbed quickly, passed the high-jumping wall, and fell quickly in the middle of the penalty area. The speed was very fast, almost in the blink of an eye. When Lehmann reacted and quickly flew to the right, the ball had almost rubbed the angle between the crossbar and the right post and hit the net.


"Crescent Moon Scimitar!! A great direct free kick goal!!!"

"Direct free kick from David Beckham! This is his first goal after returning to the Premier League, from his iconic crescent moon scimitar, very exciting, a direct free kick goal from more than 20 meters away from the goal!! "

Amid the shouting of the commentator, Beckham seemed to have done something very ordinary, not excited at all, not excited at all because of the goal. After scoring the goal, he was hugged and congratulated by his teammates, but just smiled and walked back slowly.

He knows his physical condition better than anyone else. The long-term lack of games has made his condition still not reach the best. Although he insists on training every day, it is just training after all, which can only help players maintain their condition, but the players' condition comes from the game. Without the game, the condition is not much better.

Therefore, after coming to Tottenham Hotspur, although Beckham was very active and hard-working, his contribution was still more in long passes and set pieces, which made him feel dissatisfied because he could do more and do better.

Although he had only been in London for less than half a month, he had already felt very clearly that in Tottenham Hotspur, he had a group of very good teammates and a very outstanding head coach. This was a team that did big things, so Beckham kept adjusting his requirements and goals.

At the very least, he had to prove that he could gain a foothold in this team!

"It's Beckham again. When he played Liverpool before, he chose to assist with set pieces, but this time he chose to do it himself and directly scored a free kick to break Arsenal's goal, which made Lehmann unable to react at all!"

The big screen at the Emirates Stadium kept replaying the whole process of Beckham's direct free kick to score, the perfect combination of speed, strength, and arc. By the time Lehmann reacted, the ball had already entered the net.

Wenger sighed deeply on the sidelines. Just now he was still celebrating that Gallas' tactical foul had escaped, but now he felt helpless because although he escaped the red card, Tottenham Hotspur opened the scoring and scored.

Of course, Wenger would definitely choose the latter over the former, compared to losing a goal and losing a man.

Taking advantage of the dead ball opportunity after scoring, Ye Qiu walked to the sidelines and pressed forward towards the team, indicating that the team should pursue the victory and not give Arsenal a chance to catch their breath, but directly beat them to death, and completely knock out the morale and spirit of the Gunners.

This was not only for this game, but also for the next round of the game at White Hart Lane.

At the same time, Ye Qiu also conveyed the adjustment order to Beckham through Ribery, that is, after the team pressed forward, he should not retreat too far back, because Ye Qiu noticed that Baptista actively retreated to participate in the midfield defense. Once Beckham retreated back, Baptista would defend him.

That is to say, Ye Qiu asked Beckham to weigh for himself how to move between Gilberto Silva and Baptista. This was a test for him.

But the veteran is a veteran after all. Beckham soon got another chance. This time, he took advantage of Baptista not retreating to his position and Gilberto Silva not daring to press forward to grab the ball. He made a long pass over the top. The ball fell behind Kolo Toure. Ribery quickly inserted the ball and advanced along the left side after the offside. He made a low pass on the left side of the penalty area.

Gallas and Van Nistelrooy were competing in the penalty area, but Gallas took the lead and kicked the ball to clear the ball, but tripped Van Nistelrooy. The referee judged that this was an excellent defense, so he signaled the game to continue. Arsenal quickly launched a counterattack.

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