The Godfather of Football

Chapter 455 Crazy Finals

The brutal Premier League season is finally over, and the entire land of England seems to be breathing a sigh of relief.

This has been a ten-month arduous battle. In the past ten months, almost every hour of every day has been closely linked to football and the game. There is always something floating in the air. Nervous breath.

With the end of the league, all teams have begun to enter the vacation period, and European international footballers have also begun to prepare for the European Cup in the summer. In addition to Tottenham Hotspur and Cardiff in the English Championship, who have reached the FA Cup final, and Manchester United, who reached the Champions League final.

These three teams will continue to work hard for the upcoming finals.

The venue for the FA Cup final is no longer the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, but has been moved to Wembley Stadium. This is the first important final after the re-opening of Wembley Stadium, but this One game also destined that Tottenham Hotspur will not give their best, because they have to consider the Champions League final after the FA Cup final.

Two consecutive finals and losing the league title in the last round of the season will be a huge test for Tottenham Hotspur, especially the Champions League final, which is a challenge to the players' psychological quality that cannot be underestimated.

Ye Qiu attaches great importance to player psychology, because he knows very well that the reason why the final is a final is because it has nothing to do with your performance in the past season. Its test for you is the time you spent in those ninety minutes. Can you show your strength and can you defeat your opponent well?

If you can, congratulations, you are the champion; if you can’t, I can only apologize. No matter how well you performed in the past season, it will be useless, because it can only get you more sympathy and mercy, but it cannot exchange for a championship. !

Feeling that the Champions League final was approaching, the atmosphere at Theobald's training base also gradually changed. There was a strong atmosphere of tension in the air, because it was the Champions League final, and countless professional players dreamed of appearing in the Champions League once in their lives. Who wouldn’t be nervous about the finals?

From the training, Ye Qiu felt this kind of tension. All the players were timid when making moves and did not dare to let go to fight, because no one wanted to be injured at this time, or injure their teammates, and Everyone's nerves are tense, as if they will break if they exert any more force.

When Ye Qiu arranged training, he had fully considered that the players had just finished a season and their bodies were at a critical point, so he focused more on adjustments and arranged some relaxing activities as much as possible, but the results Very little, because the key to psychological problems still depends on the players themselves.

There are a total of four or five psychiatrists at Theobald Training Base, but as they said to Ye Qiu, the psychiatrist's counseling is always just counseling, and the real decisive factor is the player's own psychology.

So, on this day, the players came to Theobald training base early in the morning, but they were surprised to find that the training ground was empty and there was nothing. If it were normal times, the coaching staff should have already put it in place. Everything has been arranged and training will begin directly upon their arrival.

"Isn't the team training today?" The players stood on the sidelines, full of doubts.

Looking at Mascherano, the captain obviously didn't know what was going on, "I didn't receive any notification!"

"It's impossible not to train, right? There are only seven days left before the Champions League final. How can we not seize the time to train and adjust our condition?"

"I also think we should be training, but no one comes. What is the situation now?"

A group of people were talking doubtfully over there, and not long after, they saw Ye Qiu and the coaching staff walking down from the second floor of the training building one after another. They seemed to be in a good mood, chatting and laughing along the way.

"Okay, everyone, no need to guess, I'll reveal the answer!" Ye Qiu smiled and waved to the players, "Our training session today is not at Theobald Training Base, so I will give everyone enough time to go back and change. Clothes, wait on the team bus, don’t worry, there’s no time limit this time, okay?”

After hearing this, the players seemed even more confused, but they walked back to the locker room one after another. Ye Qiu and the coaching staff boarded the waiting team bus. Not long after, they saw the players. We walked out again and got on the bus.

Tottenham Hotspur's bus slowly drove out of Theobald training base and went south along the Great Cambridge Road in Enfield. It first passed Enfield and then entered the Tottenham area, where all the players Everyone thought that the team was heading to White Hart Lane Stadium, but the bus turned into a residential area and stopped at a nursing home not long after.

"This is Tottenham's community care home, and there are many Tottenham Hotspur fans living in it. Believe me, many, many of them have been members of the team for longer than you, the longest of them. for more than eighty years.”

Before the players got off the bus, Ye Qiu told all the players the significance of this nursing home. During the two years he took over Tottenham Hotspur, the team also funded this community nursing home for two years. The amount of funds donated each year is not a lot, but it is very meaningful, and the team often cooperates with nursing homes to hold some fundraising activities.

Tottenham Hotspur often goes to the children's hospital to visit some children, and often goes into fan organizations to participate in some activities, but rarely goes into the community. This is the first time, so when the players come from Ye Qiu's I heard from mouth that there were actually fans who were more than 80 years old. They were all amazed because many of them were only in their early twenties.

"I brought you here today mainly to accomplish two things. First, give away tickets to the Champions League final!"

Ye Qiu changed his usual joking expression and now looked serious, because this in itself was a very important matter.

"Everyone knows that in Tottenham Hotspur's history of more than 100 years, we have won two top league championships. That was the English League Championship half a century ago, and we once won the Premier League title in 1963. We won the European Cup Winners’ Cup and two UEFA Cups, but we had never reached the Champions League final.”

"The closest we've come to the Champions League final, we reached the Champions League semi-finals but were eliminated. So, everyone, this is the first time our club has reached the Champions League final in more than 100 years of existence!"

Ye Qiu's words made everyone in the whole bus feel an unprecedented significance, that is, in the past more than a hundred years, countless Tottenham Hotspur players have never achieved results, but now they can Got it and held it in my hand.

"In this nursing home, there are many old Tottenham Hotspur fans who have personally experienced our history of winning the league championship and winning the UEFA Cup. I also believe that many, many of them are proud of it. It’s an honor and a pride to see us reach the Champions League final.”

"So, the second thing, I hope that in the process of giving away tickets, everyone can get to know our fans well, listen to what they say, how they evaluate our current team, and how they evaluate you, I believe I, this can help you better understand yourself!”

After finishing speaking, Ye Qiu greeted the players and walked off the bus.

The nursing home had received the news before. Many elderly fans who were in good health were waiting outside the gate. Watching the group of Tottenham Hotspur players getting off the bus, this group of old fans looked very excited. , with the kind of fanaticism of young star-chasers.

"He is Frank Ribery!"

"This is Messi, so cute!"

"Van Persie is more handsome in real life than on TV!"

"That shy young man is Cesc Fabregas. Look at him like that, I don't even dare to get close!"

"Beckham, my favorite player, must ask him to sign an autograph for me!"

There is a lot of noise among the elderly. Some people say that after a certain age, people's personalities show signs of rejuvenation, so many elderly people have the same personalities as children, so when they see the stars appearing on live TV In front of them, everyone was as excited as a child.

Ye Qiu held this event not only to let the players visit the nursing home and implement the club's plan to enter the community, but he also hoped to use this event to relax the players' mood. At the very least, he should let them know I feel that by reaching the final, they have achieved something that has not been achieved in the club's history for more than 100 years.

And this feeling is bound to further stimulate and encourage them, making them more motivated to win.

In fact, at the scene, in addition to people from Tottenham Hotspur and the nursing home, there were also many Tottenham Hotspur fans who came to serve as volunteers. This is also part of the usual cooperation between the team and the nursing home, which is to call for more Many fans came to volunteer.

The nursing home has also prepared some programs. For example, they asked a 91-year-old Tottenham Hotspur fan to tell everyone about his experience of watching Tottenham Hotspur football for more than 80 years. Having experienced most of Tottenham Hotspur's history, this makes the old man extremely proud.

Many elderly people came out and told everyone about their experience of watching football at Tottenham Hotspur. Many people also talked about their own insights. Many of them were talking about the most primitive and fundamental way of football. The core concept is to break through yourself and focus on participation!

Many people from fan organizations came to the scene, and they also talked about an activity they had prepared for the Champions League final. One fan organization's appeal was supported by quite a few fans.

"We have currently contacted nearly two thousand fans who like self-driving tours. At that time, we will form a huge self-driving fleet and drive from London to Moscow. This is a journey of more than 2,000 kilometers, and there will be many crossings on the way. Across Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Belarus and other countries.”

"That's a crazy move, right?"

The fan club president named Damian asked everyone with a smile, and his inquiry was responded to with cheers by everyone present.

"Yes, it is indeed crazy, a lot of people said we were crazy, but this is the first time in the team's history of more than 100 years that we have reached the Champions League final, which is really crazy, so all of us feel , If we don’t go crazy once, we will really be sorry for the team and the players.”

Damian also said that they have submitted an application to Tottenham Hotspur officials, hoping to appeal on the official website and APP, hoping that more fans will join this ranks, and also encourage some fans to carpool, because the cost of the entire journey is expected to be more than 8,000 pounds per car, which is not a small amount.

Tottenham Hotspur finally made it to the Champions League final, and the team also won 21,000 tickets. In addition to the team keeping a part of these tickets to give to the families of players and staff, as well as sponsors and partners, the rest are all given to the fans of the team.

The team's first consideration is of course those fans who hold Tottenham Hotspur season tickets, but at the same time Ye Qiu also took out a part and planned to give it to fans in his homeland, as well as some media and well-known reporters, who will receive free tickets.

This is also the tradition of the Champions League final. After all, such an opportunity is not available every year, so generally speaking, tickets are given away for free. Of course, it is not ruled out that some fans will sell them after receiving the tickets, which is something the club cannot control at all.

Ye Qiu also believed that this was a rare case, because the people who received the tickets were die-hard fans of the team. For these fans, participating in such a big battle would definitely bring much more profit than selling tickets.

In addition to the 21,000 tickets for the fans of the two teams participating in the final, UEFA also received some tickets, and some tickets were also sold in Moscow. After all, the capacity of the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow is nearly 85,000 seats.

But one thing is very certain, that is, there is no need to worry about the attendance rate of this Champions League final, it must be full.

For this group of crazy fans who want to drive from London to Moscow, Ye Qiu gave support and said that the club will do its best to help in all aspects, and also hope that the fans will pay more attention to safety.

Damian, on behalf of the fans, encouraged all the players of the team, hoping that they would not have any pressure, put down their burdens, and do their best to play this last key final, strive to beat Manchester United, and win the first Champions League final in the club's history.

The players stayed in the nursing home with the elderly and the fans for the whole morning, and left at noon. When everyone left, they were still discussing what they saw and heard in the nursing home. Obviously, this was a very meaningful activity, and many people were touched by it.

After returning to the Theobald training base, Tottenham Hotspur's afternoon training session continued as usual, but Ye Qiu still took light adjustment training as the main method. He paid more attention to the atmosphere within the team and relieved the pressure for the players. He even arranged a lot of highly entertaining games and activities to adjust the atmosphere within the team.

On May 17, the team welcomed Cardiff at Wembley Stadium in northwest London.

This Championship team performed mediocrely this season and finally ranked only twelfth in the Championship. Its strength was not very strong, but Tottenham Hotspur's energy was all on the Champions League final on the 21st, so Cardiff wanted to fish in troubled waters.

Ye Qiu arranged a large number of substitutes for this game, including Aaron Ramsey, a former Cardiff player, as well as a group of young players and substitutes such as Arshavin, Gareth Bale, Marcelo, Eden Hazard, and Carroll, all of whom were arranged by Ye Qiu to play.

Ye Qiu was more confident than anyone else about his team, and this group of young and substitute players from Tottenham Hotspur did not disappoint Ye Qiu. In the crucial final, they defeated Cardiff 3:0 cleanly.

This was an asymmetric game. Cardiff was a Championship team after all. In terms of strength, it was much worse than Tottenham Hotspur. Even if Tottenham Hotspur played with substitutes and young players, the overall strength of the team was still very strong. The overall tactic was still to steadily overwhelm Cardiff, and defeating the opponent was expected.

Tottenham Hotspur did not hold any celebrations after winning the FA Cup final. Many fans who went to Wembley Stadium to watch the game followed the team's bus and sent the championship trophy from Wembley Stadium to White Hart Lane Stadium in Tottenham District and into the team's exhibition hall.

But on the second day after the team won the FA Cup, that is, the day before going to Moscow, Tottenham District Council and London City Council announced that if Tottenham Hotspur can finally win the European Champions League, the City Council will make an exception and allow Tottenham Hotspur to hold a large-scale parade to celebrate, and even open some important channels to the south of the city to commemorate Tottenham Hotspur's first Champions League title.

Many people are puzzled by the decision of the London City Council, because before, whether it was Arsenal or Chelsea who won the championship, they were restricted in celebrating the parade, but this time they made an exception to open it to Tottenham Hotspur, which is indeed a bit confusing.

But soon, some London officials clarified that this time the main purpose was to boost London's economy with the help of the Champions League final, because data submitted by an authoritative research center showed that Moscow would gain at least more than 40 million pounds from this Champions League final, which far exceeded the 18 million pounds earned by Athens, Greece last year.

UEFA also gave an analysis that the economic benefits of this Champions League final, not counting the qualifiers, group matches and knockout matches, will exceed 210 million pounds, exceeding the Super Bowl in the United States, and can be called the world's first.

Not only that, UEFA has already started warming up and promoting the Champions League final in advance after the semi-finals, especially for the two teams participating in the Champions League final. They have been playing previously recorded advertisements and promotional videos on major TV stations to attract the attention of fans and call on more fans to go to the scene or watch the live broadcast.

Even the influence of this final has alarmed the European Union, because this final will bring more than 50 million pounds of stimulus growth throughout Europe. If the expected long-term benefits are taken into account, it will be an astronomical figure.

It can be said that with the rise of the Champions League in recent years, this is not just a championship trophy, nor just a final, but also a crazy battle for interests worth hundreds of millions!

I recommend Bill Gai's new work [Green Shooting Guard]. One is a talented player on the football field, but he is forced to give up his football dream because of a strange disease!

The other is a useless shooting guard with abnormal physical fitness, but poor performance on the basketball court!

A dream makes the souls of the two merge...

A combination of body, consciousness and technology, the most abnormal "Green Shooting Guard" in history is born!


The completed "Waist", "Rebel Front" and "Legendary Godfather" have a total of 8 million words, and the character is guaranteed!

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