The Godfather of Football

Chapter 461 Adding insult to injury

An hour ago, the players of both teams walked out of the player tunnel and into the stadium in high spirits. At that time, their hearts were full of hope for the game and full of expectations for the future, because they all felt that they could win!

An hour later, the Manchester United players in red jerseys walked out of the stadium and into the player tunnel with a satisfied and even slightly complacent smile. At this moment, their mood was written on their faces and in the gestures they greeted their families and fans in the stands. There was no need to say anything more.

The Tottenham players in white jerseys were like stray dogs who fell into a stinking ditch, came out smelling and beaten by passers-by. They were eager to leave this place quickly and go to a place where no one saw and no one knew, spit out their festering tongues and lick their wounds.

When Manchester United players walked into the tunnel, they were like Napoleon's victorious army passing through the Arc de Triomphe, with their heads held high and their chests puffed out, full of vigor and vitality; while when Tottenham Hotspur players walked into the tunnel, they were like a stray dog ​​that had nowhere to hide after being chased by the enemy, and finally saw a dog hole in the corner of the wall, and quickly flew in.

The shouts of Manchester United fans could only be heard over the entire Luzhniki Stadium, and anyone could hear from their shouts the crazy joy of having won the championship in advance.

3:0, this is definitely a score that will sentence Tottenham Hotspur to death, even if a miracle occurs, it is impossible to reverse the situation successfully!

What's more, Ye Qiu often said that he was not favored by the goddess of miracles.

In the stands, many Tottenham Hotspur fans left their seats. I wonder if they will continue to return to their original seats after fifteen minutes? Perhaps, a considerable number of them can no longer bear it and want to leave, wanting to escape from this place that makes them feel ashamed and humiliated.

As soon as the first half of the game ended, Ye Qiu stood in the command area, watching the players leave one after another. On the way, he also experienced the comfort of several old players such as Van der Sar and Evra, or familiar players, but that was more like a winner comforting the loser with pity and sympathy. Ye Qiu did not like to accept such comfort, so he looked expressionless from beginning to end.

Behind him, the coaching staff was busy working, and Peter Brandt and others had returned to the locker room early to prepare for the players' physical adjustment during the halftime break, such as some massages, or to understand the players' physical and psychological conditions, so as to facilitate their understanding in the second half.

Roland went to one of the studios on the third floor of the Luzhniki Stadium as soon as possible. The technical department staff of Tottenham Hotspur arranged their office here today, in order to be able to hand over the game data and analysis reports directly to the coaching staff more quickly, but now, all this seems unnecessary.

"The first half of this game was indeed a textbook-like classic duel!" Cruyff looked at Ye Qiu standing on the sidelines. Although he could not see his expression, his back gave people a helpless frustration.

"Ye Qiu did everything a head coach should do. I believe that he did everything he could, whether it was from the deployment of troops or the pre-match tips, but his team still suffered such a tragic defeat. This is definitely not a responsibility he should bear."

"If we look at the course of the game, Manchester United's football is not as technically advanced as Tottenham Hotspur, but Manchester United's football is more direct, faster, and more powerful. He almost showed everyone the charm of Manchester United football and told everyone a truth that technology cannot dominate everything."

"And we should also see that Manchester United is also stronger in the ability to seize opportunities. Of course, this is indeed related to the fact that Tottenham Hotspur players are too impatient. Especially after losing the first goal, they were obviously confused, but Manchester United's offensive efficiency was indeed higher, and they scored three goals in a few attacks. This ability to seize opportunities is something Tottenham Hotspur does not have. "

When he said this, Cruyff shook his head helplessly and sighed, "Some people say that teams that play beautifully are always out of the championship. Perhaps, Tottenham Hotspur's experience in this game will once again confirm this point, because beautiful things are always so fragile and vulnerable. "

Compared to Cruyff who still had some sympathy for Tottenham Hotspur, Mourinho was not polite at all. He directly stated that Tottenham Hotspur would not have another chance in this game, and the championship had already belonged to Manchester United in advance.

"In fact, a very important reason for Tottenham's defeat was the head coach, because Ye Qiu obviously misjudged his team, especially his team's offensive ability, and was overconfident."

"I believe everyone still remembers that after Manchester United narrowly beat Tottenham 1:0, Ferguson once said that if he met Tottenham again, he was absolutely sure to defeat the opponent. At that time, many people thought that this was what Ferguson said to cover up his unfair victory, but from now on, he saw through Tottenham's weakness at that time."

"Playing in a cup game is different from playing in a league. Cup games attach great importance to defense, or it should be said that the balance of offense and defense, and Tottenham's defense has never been very good, especially compared to Manchester United, and they can get second place in the Premier League. An important point is their excellent offensive ability."

"But from the process of this game, everyone will find that when their offense is curbed, their defensive weaknesses are completely exposed, and Ye Qiu has always had a preference for Thiago Silva and assist-type full-backs that is difficult for outsiders to understand, so that the first half of this game suffered such a defeat!"

Football is like this. Different people have different understandings of it. This is not surprising. Therefore, Cruyff and Mourinho have different views and ideas on Ye Qiu and Tottenham Hotspur's defeat. This is understandable. Both sides did not argue, but each expressed their true thoughts.

In the middle of the chairman's stand, UEFA's bigwigs were walking around during the halftime break.

As a well-known Russian tycoon and the chairman of Chelsea, Abramovich also sat in this area with Manchester United's CEO David Gill and members of the Glazer family. Of course, Tottenham Hotspur's CEO Peter Kenyon was also indispensable.

Compared to other Tottenham fans who were desperate for the team's 0:3 loss in the first half, Peter Kenyon was not in a very good mood, but not too bad, because he had indeed experienced a lot, and he had always had a complicated feeling about football itself, perhaps it was an occupational disease.

Just like treating this final, in his opinion, Tottenham Hotspur's ability to reach the Champions League final was already a victory in itself, which at least could win back huge profits for Tottenham Hotspur, and even if the final was a big defeat and points were deducted, in general, the team was still developing and improving at a high speed.

As long as they continue with the current momentum, even if they lose the Champions League this season, they will definitely be able to win it back in the near future, so in his opinion, this is obviously not a big problem, so his expression has always been indifferent.

"Peter!" Abramovich approached Peter Kenyon at some point.

Kenyon raised his head and stood up, because he found that UEFA President Platini and other bigwigs had also come over. They obviously just came from David Gill and should have gone to congratulate Manchester United.

"It was a terrible first half, wasn't it?" Abramovich said to Peter Kenyon with a smile.

His tone was a little comforting, but one could also feel the gloating in it. Perhaps in his opinion, it would be better not to reach the finals than to suffer such a miserable defeat in the finals.

"Football games are like this. You can beat your opponent by a large score, but you can't stop your opponent from beating you. There is no team in the world that always wins, right?" Peter Kenyon responded indifferently.

Hearing the big score that Peter Kenyon emphasized, Abramovich's face darkened and he was a little angry, but he didn't show it, because didn't his Chelsea lose to Tottenham Hotspur by a large score in the semi-finals?

Platini came over and patted Peter Kenyon on the shoulder. "You're right. The Chinese have a saying that victory and defeat are common in the military. How can a team not lose? But I think the only thing you can do in the second half is to minimize the losses. Do you understand what I mean?"

Peter Kenyon certainly understood what the UEFA president meant. Even if you lose, you must not lose too badly. If you really have an unprecedented defeat, no one wants to see it. The loss to Tottenham Hotspur is also quite huge, especially the image deduction.

For Platini, Peter Kenyon and Tottenham Hotspur have a general impression of him, but the strategic goals between the two are indeed the same, because Platini thinks that the giants are too strong and need to be suppressed. To ensure the competitiveness of major European leagues, it is necessary to support mid- and lower-level teams.

Tottenham Hotspur wants to challenge the interests of the big teams, and this team is obviously consistent with Platini's strategy, whether from the owner, the head coach, or the team's strength, so the UEFA president has always had a good impression of this team. In addition, Tottenham Hotspur advocates offensive football and technology, which is also in line with Platini's taste.

But no one expected that in such a crucial final, Tottenham Hotspur had no choice but to become the latter, which disappointed many people who were optimistic about them.

"I believe Mr. Ye Qiu will make the best and most appropriate judgment, and I think that as long as the game is not over, we are just behind, not losing, right, Mr. Platini?" Peter Kenyon responded humbly.

Platini knew that he was not in a good mood, but he was not very comfortable when someone talked back to him. He just felt that Peter Kenyon was stubborn and refused to admit defeat, so he smiled and said nothing more. He apologized to Peter Kenyon and left. Obviously, he still felt that Tottenham Hotspur had no chance!

After sending Platini and others away, Peter Kenyon exhaled helplessly, sat down again, and smiled bitterly, because he had no way to deal with the current situation. His only hope was to place his hopes on Ye Qiu.

As Platini said, at least, the loss should not be too ugly!

Ye Qiu didn't know what happened in the stands. As soon as he walked into the tunnel, Peter Brandt came to him immediately and told him something that made his already extremely bad mood sink completely. A lot.

Ribery is injured!

Every professional player will have some injuries more or less, but Tottenham Hotspur's medical team has always paid great attention to ensuring that the players' minor injuries and illnesses will not affect the game, but some game processes However, no one can guarantee the severity of the injury, and no one can prevent such a thing from happening.

Ribery hit his left leg during a confrontation with Ferdinand in the first half. He didn't feel it at the time. He got up and jumped a few times before continuing to play. However, after coming off the field, Peter Brandt discovered that his left ankle was swollen. .

"You have to consider who to replace him!" Peter Brandt gave Ribery a death sentence for his trip to the Champions League final. "And you have to go in and persuade him. You should know his character very well!"

Ribery was a gangster when he acted violently. It was useless for anyone to say anything to him, and no one could persuade him except Ye Qiu.

As the saying goes, one thing brings another. Ye Qiu personally went to the French construction site to recruit him, a bricklayer, to the Premier League, and personally cultivated him into the hottest superstar in world football. Even if Ribery has a bad temper, He didn't dare to vent to Ye Qiu, but he would wilt every time he saw Ye Qiu.

This was not because Ye Qiu had a bigger temper than him, but because Ye Qiu had already established the authority in his heart like a master, a father, and a brother.

"TMD!" Ye Qiu breathed out heavily, turned around and kicked the wall.

Peter Brandt could understand Ye Qiu's mood at this moment. He had played so poorly in the first half of the loss, not even showing 20% ​​to 30% of his usual strength. Now he was about to reorganize and launch a counterattack, but he failed again. The most powerful general, how could this make Ye Qiu feel good?

Just as Ye Qiu was thinking about what to do, Roland Shepas also came out of the elevator of the stadium, holding a thick stack of reports in his hand, which probably contained thirty or forty pages of reports, with details listed in them. Information and statistics on both sides throughout the first half, as well as analysis of Manchester United's strengths and weaknesses.

Ye Qiu took the stack of reports from Roland's hand, but the Dutch fat man did not hand it to him immediately, but held it tightly.

"There are still forty-five minutes, or even seventy-five minutes, and we haven't lost yet!" Fatty Luo said seriously.

Ye Qiu pulled hard and pulled the report directly into his hands, "I know better than you!" After saying that, he walked to the locker room, where Fatty Luo was fighting with Peter Brandt. With his eyes, the latter also looked aggrieved, because he didn't know what Ye Qiu was planning in his heart.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard Ribery shouting from inside, "Tag it on me, I can still play in the second half!"

The other players remained silent, no one spoke, so the locker room was so quiet that only Ribery's voice was left, which was very clear. It can also be seen from this how emotional all Tottenham Hotspur players are now. of depression.

Ye Qiu opened the door to the locker room and walked in. He first glanced at the players sitting around the three walls of the locker room, and then his eyes fell on Ribery's left ankle. It was indeed severely swollen. It is no longer suitable to play, even if it is closed.

Seeing Ye Qiu walking in, Ribery also stood up, looking very excited.

His excitement is definitely not fake, because he is currently at a critical moment in his career.

Even before the Champions League final, many media have been hyping and promoting, believing that the most eye-catching performances in the European competition this season are Tottenham Hotspur's Franck Ribery and Manchester United's Cristiano Ronaldo. Both players are the best stars this season, and are also the most powerful contenders for the 2008 World Footballer and European Footballer.

Coincidentally, both players have reached the Champions League finals, so many people say that this year's Champions League finals and the European Cup in the summer will become an important criterion for measuring which of the two players is better and who performs well. Whoever can win the World Footballer and European Footballer.

Therefore, for Ribery, this Champions League is not only related to the team's honor, but also to his own performance, but also to his own future and future, because he hopes that one day he can be like his predecessor Qida In that way, become the best star on this planet.

Yes, when he was a bricklayer in France, he had never had such extravagant hopes, and he didn't even dare to dream about it. But people will change, and people's dreams and goals will also change with their circumstances. And constantly changing, now Ribery is absolutely qualified and qualified to put forward such goals and requirements for himself.

That’s just one step away!

If he ends this Champions League final with a score of 0:3, then he will be letting the within-reaching honor pass from his hands, and such an opportunity may be in his future career. , it is difficult to appear again.

The sports life of a professional player is so short, so fragile, and so elusive. Who knows what will happen in the future? Who can guarantee what will happen to them in the future?

"Head, I" Ribery wanted to request when he saw Ye Qiu walking in.

But Ye Qiu waved his hand, "I know what you want to say, I understand you!"

But soon, Ye Qiu changed the subject, "But I'm sorry, Frank, I don't have the habit of joking about players' injuries, so you have to stay on the bench in the second half."

Ribery's mind went blank with a buzz, and his first reaction was to defend and explain, but Ye Qiu shook his head.

"But I can promise you, Frank!" Ye Qiu stared at Ribery's eyes with a serious face, and promised word by word: "Everything you missed today, I will definitely help you get it back. I, and Tottenham Hotspur, will definitely help you get a Champions League that belongs to you. This is my promise and guarantee to you!"

"But I can't let you play in the second half, because we have to counterattack!"

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