The Godfather of Football

Chapter 467 Tonight, we create a miracle in Moscow!

When the referee Michel blew the whistle at the end of the game, everyone saw Tottenham Hotspur who were already ready to go rushed into the stadium like crazy, and Tottenham Hotspur in the stadium The players rushed to the sidelines.

Messi, the Argentinian who was too tired to run just now, was now running very fast and rushed to the sidelines in one breath!

Likewise, Cesc Fabregas, Arshavin, and all the other players rushed to the sidelines, while Tottenham Hotspur fans in the stands frantically rushed out of their seats, desperately Pulling the rushing players, even pulling many players directly into the stands.

Countless photojournalists were running wildly on the runway of the Luzhniki Stadium. While they were running wildly, they did not forget to grab the cameras and video cameras in their hands to take pictures of the Tottenham Hotspur players. Now, they have managed It doesn’t matter about the shooting effect, as long as we can capture the scene of their celebration!

All the Tottenham Hotspur fans stood up and cheered loudly. They were so happy that they pulled out various banners and celebrated with various slogans. A composite photo of all the players, including a huge portrait of Ye Qiu, was also indispensable.

Countless fans hugged each other in the stands and cried bitterly. Some of them were wearing white jerseys, and some were wearing red jerseys. The tears left by the white jerseys represented excitement, surprise, and even they still had some emotions. unbelievable.

The tears left by the red jersey represent regret, regret, and sadness because they missed the Champions League!

The fans frantically pulled the players and hugged tightly the group of players who rushed to the sidelines to celebrate. They could even vaguely hear Messi calling for help from the crazy stands, shouting desperately, "Stop kissing." It’s all saliva, don’t kiss me!”

I don’t know whether the person kissing him was a man or a woman?

All the Tottenham Hotspur staff huddled together and celebrated the team's championship.

Ye Qiu was always standing on the sidelines. The hands around his chest were clenched into fists at some point, and he was holding them very hard, as if what he was holding now was the St. Petersburg Cup, but he stood motionless. There, because he didn't know how to celebrate, he suddenly felt that it was because he always pretended to be calm and rational?

"You bastard, stop pretending to be cool!" At some point, Roland punched Ye Qiu's shoulder from behind, and then the fat Dutch guy jumped directly onto Ye Qiu's back from behind, shouting loudly With.

The surrounding assistants also gathered around Ye Qiu one by one.

Winning the championship this time is a completely different feeling from winning the previous one. The first time they won the championship was to help Ajax win the championship. It was the first time they had the joy of defeating the strong with the weak, but the second time they won the championship was to help Ajax win the championship. Chelsea, they didn't feel strongly that time because it was more like a Champions League title piled up with money.

But this time, this time is obviously completely different from the previous two times, because this time they brought their own team, brought a team that was completely their own, and once again defeated the superior giants and climbed to the top of the European rankings. Top.

Tottenham Hotspur belongs to Ye Qiu and to all of them!

Seeing everyone at Tottenham Hotspur celebrating happily on the court, and seeing the Manchester United players and coaching staff looking frustrated and defeated, Cruyff was also full of sighs.

"This is a classic game that will go down in the history of football. I believe that in the next twenty years, this game will be studied by countless professionals. Although the final score was 4:3, this game There are no losers in the strictest sense.”

Having said this, Cruyff sighed, "The cruelty of professional sports is that winners and losers must be determined, but judging from the game process, Manchester United also performed well at its own level, especially In the first half, they made full use of their advantages and used their own advantages to contain Tottenham Hotspur. It was a classic 45 minutes of using power to defeat technology! "

"The second half was also a classic. Tottenham Hotspur adjusted their tactics, further demonstrated their technical skills and creativity, reversed the situation, used technology to defeat power, and also created a classic. So, strictly speaking, , both sides played a classic game of 45 minutes each.”

Mourinho was also a little emotional, "I have to admit that what I said at halftime was a bit over-confident. I underestimated Tottenham Hotspur's fighting spirit and tenacity, and I also underestimated this team. The strength of the team, I think, Tottenham Hotspur can finally defeat Manchester United because of their spirit and will!”

Cruyff laughed and agreed: "I once mentioned in a column that in a football match, it is impossible to maintain outstanding skills for ninety minutes, because skills will increase with your physical exertion. And transformation; it cannot be a rigorous tactic, because the tactics will deform as the opponent is contained.”

"The only thing that can keep you unchanged for ninety minutes is the unified belief and courage of the players!"

"Tottenham Hotspur's game once again demonstrated this point. They were at an absolute disadvantage in the first half and after conceding three goals in a row, they did a good job of re-building their morale during the halftime break and were very tactical. He made changes in the second half and completely turned the situation around, scoring four goals in a row to reverse the opponent. This is indeed not easy.”

"I can say that all Tottenham Hotspur players have a strong belief and tenacious fighting spirit in their hearts. They use this belief and fighting spirit to relieve pressure and lead the team to successfully complete the reversal. This belief and fighting spirit are precisely the most primitive and basic things in football.”

When talking about this, Cruyff continued: "Many head coaches and many teams attach great importance to technology and tactics, because these are tangible, visible, tangible, and can be easily controlled by you, but But they ignored the invisible power, which is the unity of belief and spirit instilled in the entire team.”

"There are many teams now, such as Real Madrid, who completely ignore mental strength. But in fact, they have the best players and the best tactics, but they have always been at a low point in the past few years, even... In the dark period, they have not won a league championship until recently. This is due to the loss of their spiritual strength! "

"Ye Qiu once said that he wanted to build Tottenham Hotspur into a top club, and he knew exactly what he should do from the beginning, so he kept putting his ideas and understanding of football into practice. And persistence was instilled in every player in the team, so two years later, we saw this miraculous reversal in Moscow!”

"Here, I must also congratulate all the fans who came to the scene and the viewers waiting in front of the TV. We are all very lucky to see the greatest reversal in the history of the Champions League final, and even in the history of professional football. And I believe that from Tottenham Hotspur, countless viewers will completely become fans of this team after tonight.”

"This is because the belief and will they showed tonight is the most original and charming charm of football!"

Cruyff made no secret of his admiration for Ye Qiu and Tottenham Hotspur. As another guest, although he has never been on the same page with Ye Qiu, Mourinho also said that tonight's meeting In one battle, Tottenham Hotspur deservedly won the championship.

"To be honest, it's difficult for me to say good things about Ye Qiu or Ferguson, because I have never been convinced by either of them, but after tonight's game, I feel that I must say something good for them. It's a pity that Ferguson lost. If it hadn't been for Tottenham, any other team in Europe or even the world would have been champions!"

"For the current result, I can only comfort Ferguson, this is all fate!"

"Tottenham Hotspur is a very young team, but in tonight's game, they completely told everyone with their performance that from now on, there will be a brand new team in European football. The name of the fast-rising top team is Tottenham Hotspur, and Ye Qiu has also won the third Champions League in his career. This is very, very remarkable, especially his performance in this game, which made me feel that for the third time. I feel for once that he deserves this championship!”

After hearing this, Cruyff laughed and said, "It's not easy for Mourinho to say that!"

The commentator also laughed and joked, but Mourinho still had a cold and arrogant face and did not give any more expressions. But from his eyes, everyone could clearly see that in fact, he also learned from this scene. I gained a lot from the competition.

Of course, Ye Qiu didn't know what the guest commentator was talking about. Otherwise, he would definitely feel honored. At the very least, he would never have imagined that Mourinho, who had always regarded himself as his mortal enemy, would actually praise himself. This was very extraordinary. A rare thing that even makes him wonder, will the sun rise from the west tomorrow?

But now he has to face Ferguson, a Ferguson who is clamoring for a treat from him.

At Ferguson's age and with experiences like his, losing is actually not something that is difficult to accept. Just like Ye Qiu, he also lost miserably, but his sadness only lasted a few minutes. It didn't take long to recover.

"This battle completely woke me up once again!" Ferguson and Ye Qiu stood side by side on the sidelines.

Back then, Ye Qiu used Chelsea to wake up Manchester United. Now, he used Tottenham Hotspur to wake up Ferguson again.

Ye Qiu could vaguely guess what Ferguson had realized. It should have something to do with Cristiano Ronaldo and Berbatov, because strictly speaking, they were the winners and losers in this game.

As Peter Brandt said before when evaluating Ruud Ruud’s value, when one of your players runs less than one kilometer, the other players have to run one more kilometer, or even more, to make up for it. The cost of him running less.

Tottenham Hotspur's extremely high ball possession rate at the beginning of the second half was actually taking advantage of Cristiano Ronaldo and Berbatov's problems, and Cristiano Ronaldo has been known for his bad temper in the past two years. , even Ferguson was a little unable to suppress him, but Berbatov was a lazy and handsome brother who didn't listen to Ferguson's advice at all.

With two players like this staying at Manchester United, it will be a fatal restriction for the Red Devils' frontcourt. At the very least, Ferguson will never be able to play a frontcourt offensive combination like Tottenham Hotspur, because even the laziest Van Persie can still run a satisfactory running distance every game, let alone Ribery and Messi.

Ye Qiu could feel that at this moment, Ferguson must have had the idea of ​​selling out.

"For me, this is not good news!" Ye Qiu said with a smile.

Waking up Ferguson means that Manchester United's strength may improve in the future, but it is not necessarily because there is news that the Glazer family is heavily in debt, and they have transferred the debt to Manchester United, so now The Red Devils are debt-ridden, and it may not be easy to support Ferguson's massive lineup adjustments.

Ferguson glanced at Ribery, Robin van Persie, Messi, Cesc Fabregas, Alves, Hangeland, Mascherano and other players, and finally his eyes fell on Gary Neville and Giger who were comforting him. He coveted Tottenham Hotspur's lineup a little bit about David Beckham and others.

Cesc Fabregas has performed very surprisingly in the past two years. What is even more commendable is that he also has a strong ability to score forward. Van Persie's calmness and running on the front line, Franck Ribery's attack, Messi's possession of the ball formed Tottenham Hotspur's terrifying offensive football.

As Tottenham Hotspur won the Champions League, these players are already very far away from Manchester United. Each of them will be worth a sky-high price, which is definitely not something that Manchester United can dig up. Therefore, Ferguson is too lazy to think about it. .

"No matter what, I still want to congratulate you, right?" Ferguson said calmly.

"Thank you!" Ye Qiu shook hands with Ferguson.

The latter obviously didn't want to stay on the court any longer, so he turned and walked into the players' tunnel.

As Manchester United players left the stadium one after another, the entire Luzhniki Stadium completely turned into a stage for Tottenham Hotspur celebrations. All Tottenham Hotspur players celebrated the team's reversal in the stadium. Winning the championship is nothing short of a miracle for all Tottenham Hotspur fans.

The players were interviewed by reporters and media in the comprehensive interview area, but Ye Qiu did not intend to participate because he wanted to leave the opportunity to the players, so he still stood in front of the coaching bench and declined all reporters' interview requests. He just wanted to be alone for a while.

Winning another Champions League after four years of absence is really a strange but familiar feeling for Ye Qiu.

"This Champions League final will completely shorten our plans and greatly improve the team's financial situation!" Peter Kenyon seemed very calm and rational, and even a little cold voice sounded beside Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu turned his head and glanced at the bald man from Manchester. He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "At such a beautiful moment, can you not talk about money, making a fortune, etc. It's very nouveau riche. , what about a very embarrassing topic, Peter?”

Peter Kenyon chuckled, this was a kind of cold humor that belonged to him, "Isn't this my duty?"

In September 2008, Tottenham Hotspur was about to pay the Olympic Organizing Committee the first payment of up to 100 million euros for the new stadium. This would have put Tottenham Hotspur in a debt situation, but as With the arrival of this Champions League, this situation will be greatly changed. At the very least, Tottenham Hotspur has gained enough revenue from this season's Champions League to make other teams salivate.

Ye Qiu's complaint was not true, because the world is so realistic. Although money is not everything, but without money, nothing is impossible. So after he joked, he wanted to ask Peter Kenyon how to win this How much money can the team get after a Champions League game.

Before he could ask, he heard UEFA President Platini walking out of the players' tunnel. He was obviously here to award awards, but he walked towards Ye Qiu all the way and called Ye Qiu's name. Acting like an old friend.

"Before I congratulate you, Ye Qiu, I must apologize to you and Tottenham Hotspur for some misconceptions before!" Platini was very graceful, with a sincere smile, not showing off at all. The president of UEFA has gone out of his way.

Ye Qiu couldn't hate the legendary French superstar, and he didn't know what wrong views he had before, but it was not surprising. Tottenham Hotspur lost 0:3 in the first half. He is a normal person. Everyone thinks that Tottenham Hotspur must lose, so it is not surprising to have wrong opinions.

After receiving Ye Qiu's acceptance, Platini smiled and said: "This is a classic game that is bound to go down in history. I am very, very honored to be able to award this Champions League to you and your Tottenham Hotspur. I also believe that you will be able to continue to lead this team to higher and more outstanding glory!”

"Thank you, Chairman!" Ye Qiu politely thanked him.

"I'll wait for you on the podium first!" Platini apologized and led everyone away first. Abramovich glanced at Ye Qiu and Peter Kenyon with a complicated look. , also followed Platini.

After they all walked away, Ye Qiu looked at Peter Kenyon with a smile. The bald man also smiled and relayed to Ye Qiu some of the words Platini and Abramovich said during the intermission, This immediately made Ye Qiu feel very happy. At the very least, it could make Abramovich disgusted.

"Our Mr. Chairman knows how to cherish his own feathers!" Ye Qiu felt that Platini's apology was a bit like a politician. He wanted to do everything possible to protect his image and not allow even the slightest trace of it to appear. stain.

After hearing this, Peter Kenyon smiled and nodded: "Otherwise, how could he be the president of UEFA?"

Ye Qiu laughed after hearing this.

Looking up, it was already the 22nd. A night had passed in such a tight and intense game.

But this night was destined to be a sleepless night for all Tottenham Hotspur people. I believe that at this moment in London, there should be countless Tottenham Hotspur fans celebrating the team's first Champions League in the club's history?

This night, they created a miracle in Moscow!

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