The Godfather of Football

Chapter 529: Wash yourself and wait for me at home!

A heavy and solid black Cadillac Escalade slowly approached the gate of Leaf Technology's Silicon Valley headquarters. Inside the front windshield, the driver clearly raised his head and looked at the vivid and eye-catching green leaf logo on the top of the gate in front of him.

Leaf represents multiple meanings, such as green, low carbon, energy saving, and environmental protection, but it also represents the boss behind it.

All private owners in the world are the same. They like to give their companies a name that is close to themselves, such as Rockefeller, which is like Zeiss in Germany. The boss of Leaf Technology is surnamed Ye, which means leaf in Chinese.

"Hello!" The mighty security guard in a neat uniform came over and motioned the people in the car to roll down the window.

"Hello, I am Larry Zizia, the CEO of Orson Technology, and this is Fred Jorgensen, our vice president of the company!" The driver in the car introduced politely to the security guard.

In front of Leaf Technology, they seemed so insignificant, so even when facing the security guard, they were more or less polite, which is a bit similar to what is said in Chinese, the seventh-rank official of the prime minister's doorman.

"Hello, Mr. Zizia, we have received the notice. Please come in, Building No. 1!" After hearing this, the security guard immediately made way and opened the door, appearing very polite and courteous.

The Escalade slowly raised the window and drove into the gate of Leaf Technology's headquarters. He also vaguely saw from the rearview mirror that the security guard was notifying the people in the office, obviously telling Eliza Moon that the guests were coming.

The factory area is very large and arranged like a garden, but it is not easy to get lost at all, because there are very clear signs on both sides of the road, which can clearly tell you where to go, so Zizia drove slowly and followed the signs, and soon arrived at Office Building No. 1.

What surprised him was that he had just parked the car and saw Leaf Technology's Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg walk out of the gate, obviously to welcome them, which immediately made them feel a little flattered.

Shirley Sandberg is not an ordinary person. She once worked in the core departments of the government and has great power in the government. The reason why some acquisitions of Leaf Technology can proceed smoothly is that Shirley Sandberg's lobbying is a very important link. Therefore, she is currently the third most powerful person in Leaf Technology besides the mysterious boss Ye Qiu and CEO Eliza Moon.

"Welcome to Leaf Technology!" Shirley Sandberg smiled and extended her hand to Larry Zizia who got out of the car.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you, Ms. Sandberg!" Larry Zizia was not at all careless about this strong woman, and his assistant Fred Jorgensen also quickly greeted Sandberg.

"Oh, Cadillac Escalade!" After a few polite words to them, Sandberg was about to take them upstairs, but glanced at Zizia's car, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be the first batch of cars that use the fingerprint locks provided by your Orson Technology to Delphi, right?"

"You know?" Larry Zizia was a little surprised.

Shirley Sandberg laughed and didn't explain why she knew. Instead, she asked them to go upstairs. This made the two people behind her feel that they were seen through, because the reason why Larry Zizia liked to use this car so much was because of the reason Sandberg said.

Delphi is a well-known auto parts supplier in the world. At the same time, they used to be a subsidiary of General Motors, but later became a completely independent company, but it is still the largest parts supplier of General Motors. Cadillac is a car brand under General Motors.

The two followed Sandberg into Office Building No. 1, which is also the largest office building of Leaf Technology, and then took the elevator directly to the third floor. Not long after, they arrived at the door of an office.

"Come in!" Sandberg knocked on the door a few times, and a voice came from inside.

When they opened the door and went in, Larry Zizia and Fred Jorgensen were a little surprised that in addition to Eliza Moon, the CEO of Leaf Technology, who they had expected to meet, there was also a very familiar man, Ye Qiu, who flew from China to the United States specifically to meet this person.

"Hello, welcome to Leaf Technology!" Ye Qiu came forward and extended his hand from a distance.

"Hello, Mr. Ye Qiu, it's a great honor to meet you!" Larry Zizia did not lie.

Many people hope to meet Ye Qiu, whether he is an entrepreneur or the boss of a Silicon Valley company, because in the eyes of many people, the shock of meeting Ye Qiu is no less than meeting Bill Gates of Microsoft, Steve Jobs of Apple, or the two founders of Google.

"I know you have recently developed a new fingerprint recognition sensor." Ye Qiu said straight to the point.

Larry Zizia had talked to Eliza Moon and the relevant department heads of Leaf Technology before. To be honest, sometimes he thought that with so many acquisitions of Leaf Technology in the past, whether in terms of amount or technology, Orson Technology was obviously not in Ye Qiu's eyes.

After all, when it comes to acquisition amounts, Leaf Technology's acquisition of the voice recognition company Nuance was a huge amount, costing a total of more than 3 billion US dollars, which was the most expensive acquisition in the history of Leaf Technology. When it comes to technology, Leaf Technology has also acquired many companies with technology and patents in the past.

For example, not long ago, Leaf Technology acquired an office software company called Quickoffice at a low price. This company has been providing some mobile versions of Office services in the past few years, which are compatible with almost all office software versions on the market. After the acquisition, Leaf Technology directly announced that it would be open for free.

Many people think that this is a big challenge to Microsoft, because one of Microsoft's core and most profitable businesses is Office, and now many people are even waiting to see how Microsoft will fight back.

Relatively speaking, Orson Technology has always had a very single business, which is fingerprint recognition.

However, although the business is very single, it is very specialized. They are currently the world's number one in the field of fingerprint authentication sensors. Their business even entered the Chinese market in 2005, and their business scope has long been in the fields of automobiles, mobile electronic devices, etc. Many large companies such as IBM, HP, Microsoft, and Samsung are their direct or indirect customers.

But even for such a company, the total market value is only over 100 million US dollars, which is not very related to the fingerprint recognition market. In 2008, the entire fingerprint sensor market was only over 300 million US dollars. Even by 2013, all the markets added up to only 2 billion, which is still a very optimistic estimate.

"You are talking about AES12711, our latest product. It uses our core Touchstone technology to strengthen the protective coating on the sensor surface. The wear resistance reaches more than 100,000 times. The fingerprint area is larger, the authentication sensitivity is higher, and it supports sliding authentication."

Larry Zizia couldn't help introducing his company's latest and most proud product. He was confident enough that it would definitely surpass all current competitors, including Upek under STMicroelectronics, the world's second largest fingerprint sensor supplier.

Seeing Ye Qiu nod, he seemed to be encouraged and continued: "This product uses the sensor of our self-developed TruePrint fingerprint authentication technology, which can directly read the information of the inner dermal cell layer of the finger, while other fingerprint authentication technologies can only read the surface information, so its authentication accuracy is higher, the recognition rate is more accurate and faster, and it is not easily affected by water droplets and dirt."

"More importantly, this fingerprint sensor with a keen reconnaissance mode saves 88% of power consumption compared to all other fingerprint recognition sensors, and has a certain self-learning function. The more fingerprints input, the higher the recognition rate and the faster the recognition speed!"

After hearing this, Ye Qiu kept clapping his hands. The last one is the reason why Ye Technology decided to acquire Orson Technology. For Ye Technology, this fingerprint recognition company is cheap, but the technology is quite strong, especially they have their own core technology.

Looking at all the acquisitions of Ye Technology, almost all of them are very obvious and strongly targeted. Although they have been making acquisitions almost every month in the past, and sometimes even two acquisitions a month, and there have been failed cases, each of their acquisitions is purposeful, not random acquisitions.

Just like the fingerprint sensor of Orson Technology, it can solve the security problem that Chen Zhong is worried about. It is not only used in mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc., but also in smart homes, smart cars and other fields.

From the current point of view, Orson Technology still needs further research and development to develop fingerprint sensors that meet the needs of Leaf Technology, but there is no doubt that this step is not far away. Even with the support and promotion of Leaf Technology, it is very likely to be achieved in a short time, and this will undoubtedly ensure the security performance of Zeus mobile phones and tablets, especially the much-concerned mobile payment.

"I want to say that we have applied for fingerprint authentication patents for mobile phones and tablets before. We are currently also researching how to apply fingerprint authentication to mobile terminals such as smartphones and tablets. We are very interested in your company. We hope to acquire all your businesses, technologies and patents, and more importantly, the entire engineering team!"

Ye Qiu listened patiently to Larry Zizia's explanation. Because he respected every developer, he waited until Zizia finished speaking before speaking directly about his intentions. Zizia and the others were not surprised by this.

This is why they appeared at the Leaf Technology headquarters.

"What I want to say is that our acquisition will not just be satisfied with the status quo. We will continue to increase our efforts to help you further develop better and more excellent products, but we will not be conservative and take it for ourselves. We will further promote your technology and products on the basis of the series of commercial contracts you have signed before, so that more people can know and value it!"

"I can guarantee that in the near future, it will appear on Zeus mobile phones and our tablets!"

Osen Technology itself has also encountered great troubles. First of all, a very important reason is that the fingerprint authentication market is too small, but the competition is not small. If Upek has a strong backing like STMicroelectronics to support it and does not need to worry about R\u0026D funds, then Osen Technology must have this aspect of worry.

Even every time they develop a new product or new technology, they must first demonstrate it to their major customers and obtain certain financial support. If the customer feels that the cost is too high or the technology is not practical, then I'm sorry. The R\u0026D project must be terminated.

But if they can be acquired by Ye Zi Technology, it almost means that they will have strong financial backing and continue to develop newer and more advanced products. After all, Ye Zi Technology invests nearly 10 billion US dollars in R\u0026D every year, even if they only invest 100% of it. One stroke given to them would be enough for them to research and develop for several years.

"Mr. Ye Qiu, we are very grateful for your recognition of us, but you know, we have many investors..."

Before Larry Zizia could finish speaking, Ye Qiu smiled and nodded to stop him. Eliza Moon on the side smiled confidently, "Don't worry, Mr. Zizia, we can handle it!"

There are indeed many investors in Ocean Technology, including Texas Instruments, Carlisle Group, and Harris Corporation, but there is another name that I believe all Chinese people will feel familiar with when they see it, and that is China Development Bank.

As far as Larry Zizia knows, many investors have given the green light to this acquisition. Texas Instruments has semiconductor business dealings with Leaf Technology, and other investors believe that they will not reject the acquisition of Leaf Technology. , the premise is that you can make money.

In the eyes of Ye Zi Technology, Osun Technology, which currently has a market value of more than 100 million US dollars, no matter how much trouble it makes, how high can its value be? Compared with Yezi Technology, which is currently a big company, this acquisition is absolutely necessary, and in the long run, it will definitely be a cost-effective deal. After all, Olson Technology itself is a profitable company.

At the very least, the fingerprint authentication market in the future will be very huge, and Orson Technology is the technology leader in this area!

"So tired!"

After seeing off Larry Zizia and Fred Jorgensen, Ye Qiu fell directly on the soft office chair. He had not even recovered from the jet lag after flying to the United States, and now he was tired and tired. .

"Being tired is a good thing, it proves that you are still healthy!" After seeing Zizia away, Eliza returned to Ye Qiu's office.

Ye Qiu squinted his eyes and smiled helplessly, "By the way, have the engineers gone to Theobald Training Base?"

Previously, Ye Qiu developed a brand new training equipment through Ye Zi Technology. This will be the first time it is used in football or even sports. If it succeeds, it will not only be a big advantage for Tottenham Hotspur, I believe Ye Zi Technology You can also make a fortune with this set of technology and equipment.

Not only that, if this device is successful, it will greatly promote the development of wearable smart devices by Ye Zi Technology, which is why Ye Qiu attaches so much importance to it.

"Go, don't worry, it won't hinder your training for the new season!" Eliza glared at him angrily.

After going out just now, she had a few more documents in her hand when she came in, and now they were placed directly on Ye Qiu's desk.

"Since I'm here, I would like to let you know that this is an acquisition and investment project proposed by the investment department."

Ye Qiu casually opened it and took a look. The first item was a new company called Fousquare. This is a company that specializes in developing a geo-location social network service application for Zeus mobile phones. One of their slogans is to make cities more convenient and easy to use. , and this also allowed them to receive praise from users just after launching the application.

The investment department of YeZi Technology believes that it is different from YeZi Technology's existing services such as Twitter and WeChat, and used a very vivid metaphor. What attracts users to Twitter is, what are you doing now?

The service provided by this new company is, where are you now?

The investment department believes that this application has great prospects. For example, it can be built into a geographical location search engine, which can combine merchants in the same city and their preferential activities with consumers, and it can also be combined with recommendations. It is combined with social applications such as WeChat to form a complement.

Considering that this transaction was only over ten million US dollars, Ye Qiu didn't think much about it and just passed it.

To be honest, he is not good at professional things, so his choice is to trust professional people, and at least Eliza is there to check it. Ye Qiu has great trust in this beautiful assistant.

Leaf Technology has always liked to seek inspiration from the outside world, so after the Android system became popular, the company often looked for some fresh ideas from user feedback and developers. For example, not long ago, the company acquired an application research and development company, which can Provide a good optimization plan to slim down and optimize the Android system of Yezi Technology.

The current Android system is mainly divided into four levels: kernel, system, framework and application. The kernel and system are the core layers. Even those mobile phone manufacturers authorized by Yezi Technology do not have permission to modify it, but they can modify it according to their own needs. Frameworks and applications are modified to enable personalization.

Not only that, in order to attract more developers to participate in mobile application development, Yezi Technology has also opened it up to the outside world. This allows developers to easily develop a variety of applications for the Android system without worrying about the system. Fragmentation, as well as a series of problems such as slowdown caused by excessive openness.

Yezi Technology itself also benefits from this openness, because the more developers develop for the Android system, it is equivalent to providing more ideas for Yezi Technology, and it also allows Yezi Technology to continuously improve its products and services. .

In addition to this acquisition, there were other projects. Ye Qiu was not a professional and just scanned them. However, there was one project among them that caught Ye Qiu's attention.

This is an idea submitted by a new employee of Leaf Technology named Mike Buckward based on his doctoral thesis. It is somewhat similar to somatosensory and gesture control, but he thinks it is not gesture control because gesture control needs to be set in advance. In his conception, this does not require pre-setting, but is directly and seamlessly operated.

"3D motion control?" Ye Qiu was actually a little interested.

Eliza Moon chuckled, Ye Zi Technology has countless creative ideas every day, but the ones that can be sent to her are definitely the best, "I think this should be the best control mode for smart TVs. Of course, it’s just a concept!”

After hearing this, Ye Qiu looked at it carefully and handed the document in Eliza Moon's hand again, "You decide!" After saying that, he stood up, looking very tired and tired. He looked like he was walking towards the door.

"I'm going to the R\u0026D department for a walk!" Ye Qiu said casually.

Eliza nodded, "Remember to go home early that night!"

"What?" Ye Qiu was a little confused, but the girly side of this girl, especially the tone of the little daughter-in-law, was quite good.

"Don't you want to inspect the goods first?" Eliza said matter-of-factly.

Ye Qiu didn't understand what was going on for a while, but he soon thought of what he had said when joking with Eliza before, and his heart trembled for no reason. He was really not prepared for raising a lover outside. good.

For a moment, the girl was not embarrassed, but he himself was a little embarrassed.

"You should clean up and wait for me at home!" After saying that, Ye Qiufei ran away.

I forgot who said it, extramarital affairs are hell, a hell from which it is difficult to escape if you make one wrong step!

Are you really going to hell?

At the end of the day, Ye Qiu was still a little hesitant because he thought of his family and children.

Seeing his appearance, Eliza giggled in the office. This guy was okay in other aspects, but in this aspect, he was definitely a coward.

"Just wash it, I'm afraid of you!" This girl murmured to herself expectantly.

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