The Godfather of Football

Chapter 544 Header

"I'm so glad you're still alive and well!"

On the evening of September 12th, at the White Hart Lane Stadium in north London, Ye Qiu had just walked out of the players' tunnel, and a wave of cheers poured down from his head. This is how Tottenham Hotspur fans have always greeted him. .

In this stadium, he is the supreme king, because everything here belongs to him!

And every time, Ye Qiu would feel that it was great to be the master of one's own affairs, especially when he thought about how he was ostracized when he was coaching at Ajax and Chelsea, he would feel , I should cherish it even more.

Ferguson still wears his iconic white shirt, but today he wears a very coquettish red tie. Paired with his rosy nose and red old face, the whole feeling is not very pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it, it is a bit like meeting someone on the street. The drunk guy arrived.

"You may not be much happier than me, right?" Ferguson retorted.

After two weeks of national team matches, Manchester United was also in a bad situation. First they played Tottenham Hotspur away, and then they played Manchester City at home. Both games were tough battles. Although the brutality was still not as good as Tottenham Hotspur. But for Manchester United, which did not get along well in the summer, it is not a good thing to encounter such difficult opponents one after another.

"No, I think I'm in a good mood!" Ye Qiu replied with a smile, "At least I'm at the top of the list now, what about you?"

Ferguson was so angry that he couldn't help laughing, "You'll be out of the top four after the game!"

"Let's wait until you have the ability!" Ye Qiu also replied with a smile.

The two old rivals have fought against each other for so many years. They have learned a lot from each other. They seem more like rivals, but they are also mentors and friends. Therefore, whenever they meet, there will inevitably be some verbal exchanges. Tit for tat.

Ferguson's biggest problem now is actually in the midfield. If you look at it according to the cards, the midfielder of Carrick, Sneijder and Lars Diarra is indeed a perfect match, a very good combination. , but sometimes, people’s hearts are unpredictable, and such a combination just doesn’t come together.

So now Ferguson has to break up this combination and use it in rotation. Sometimes he uses Carrick, Gass Ned and Fletcher, sometimes he uses Anderson, sometimes he uses Scholes, in short, it depends on which one. Shota fell in love with anyone he liked, but it was Lars Diarra, who had high hopes at the beginning of the season, who was relegated to the sidelines.

Of course Ye Qiu knew that this was Ferguson's tactic to defeat the Eagles, but Lars Diarra was a thorn in his side in his previous life. If used well, he could indeed improve a team's midfield strength, but once used properly, If it’s not good, it may in turn hurt yourself.

Neither Pellegrini nor Mourinho used him well, so I don't know if Ferguson can use him well.

"Ha, Sir, the weather is a bit cold tonight, please be careful!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Qiu said goodbye to Ferguson and turned towards the home team's coaching bench.

Don't look at the fierce bickering and quarreling between him and Ferguson, and don't look at the talk outside now as if Tottenham Hotspur is already guaranteed to win, but in fact he knows very well that Ferguson's team is only one chance away from it. Opportunity to rise strongly.

Sometimes the team's internal problems are difficult to solve internally, but if there is an external force that can have a slight impact on them, it may help them resolve their internal conflicts. This is the case with Manchester United now. They need to play a game The victory that belongs to them will sound the horn of their Red Devils.

Ye Qiu knew very well that Ferguson wanted to step on Tottenham Hotspur's shoulders and shout this voice, because doing so would not only boost Manchester United's momentum, but also dampen Tottenham Hotspur's fighting spirit, but he definitely Manchester United cannot be given such an opportunity. At least he is not the kind of person who harms himself and enriches others.

Ferguson stared at Ye Qiu's back fiercely, his eyes seeming to say, "You kid, just rush, keep rushing, you will feel better later!"

The fans in the stands were so enthusiastic that when the referee blew the whistle to start the game, everyone excitedly raised their scarves and club souvenirs from their seats to show their support and loyalty to the team. , and all Tottenham Hotspur fans also hope to use the head start after the opening to give their arch-rivals a severe blow.

In the first round of the league, even Liverpool, which has always been tough and tough, were intimidated by us. Can't we still scare your sick Red Devils Manchester United? What an international joke!

Ye Qiu didn't realize what the fans were thinking, and neither did the players, because now everyone's minds were focused on the game, and no one would think about such a thing.

Andy Gray just took a sip of water. After hearing the whistle, he cursed secretly in his heart, what's the hurry?

"Friends, welcome to White Hart Lane."

"The game has already started. The away Red Devils Manchester United took the lead to get the kick-off. Benzema passed the ball to Rooney. Manchester United quickly returned the ball to the backcourt, gave it to the back line, and handed it to Carrick. "

Andy Gray hadn't fully entered the state yet. He felt that his commentary was a bit uninspiring, even less interesting than the loud voice of the Tottenham Hotspur commentator. At least the latter could coax the entire White Hart Hall. There were more than 30,000 fans in the lane stadium, no matter they were men, women, old or young, all of them were as excited as if they were celebrating a festival.

Just when he was preparing to make a climax, the situation made him speechless.

Carrick quickly passed the ball forward, trying to find Benzema in front, but such an attempt was not difficult for Thiago Silva. The Brazilian central defender steadily blocked Benzema with his body, and even did not need to jump, and directly pushed the ball back to Fabregas who retreated to receive it.

Fabregas took the ball with his back to the attack direction, passed it to the right, and gave it to Alves, who rushed forward quickly, but Manchester United seemed to be prepared for this. As soon as Alves passed the half court, someone immediately marked him. The Brazilian right back quickly passed it to Messi in front, but Messi had no chance. After stopping the ball, he knocked it back to Alves.

Alves took the ball close to the right side and observed the situation. He found that Manchester United's defense was still as solid as ever, and Marcelo on the left had come up, so he directly kicked the ball from the right to the left quickly.

Marcelo stuck to the left sideline, stopped directly forward when the ball came, deliberately stopped a little too far, and then quickly chased after it.

Rooney returned to defense very deep, entangled with Marcelo, who took advantage of the situation and passed the ball forward with a big foot, and the ball came to Ribery's feet.

One-on-one, Ribery faced O'Shea!

Maybe it was the shadow left by the previous face of Ribery or Messi. The tall and strong O'Shea always felt unsure when facing short players. When he saw Ribery taking the ball, he panicked for no reason. Then he saw Ribery wanted to make a move, and he wanted to go to the middle, which was in line with Ribery's usual way of taking the ball and cutting inside to find cooperation.

Here we must mention the advantages of two-footed players. Ribery is very skilled with both feet. Whether he chooses to cut inside or go to the bottom, he can create opportunities naturally and casually, because he is excellent with both feet, and if you only have one foot, the difficulty of defense will be reduced a lot.

As soon as O'Shea saw Ribery was about to cut inside, he immediately tried to block him, but Ribery made a quick dunk, changing from cutting inside to going down the bottom, and poking the ball first, and then chasing after it, breaking through O'Shea's defense in one go, and breaking through on the left side of Manchester United's penalty area.

The whole process happened almost in an instant, and after Ribery broke through, Ferdinand rushed up quickly to intercept, but the French scar-faced man was faster and made a direct cross to the middle of the penalty area.

The landing point of this cross was very sensitive, and Van der Sar did not dare to attack casually. Vidic's position was slightly to the right. If Falcao had not appeared, he might have easily waited until the ball entered his defensive range and then cleared it directly.

But the terrible thing was that Falcao, who was much shorter than Vidic, rushed out from behind and got ahead of Vidic, and headed Ribery's cross into Van der Sar's goal like a lion, 1:0!

From the kick-off to the end, the whole process took less than fifty seconds. Tottenham Hotspur used this less than fifty seconds to create the first attack of the game, get the first shot, and also scored the first goal. More importantly, it was Falcao's header!


Andy Gray was almost shouting his lungs out. He found that if he continued to follow and comment on Tottenham Hotspur's games, he would shout his throat out sooner or later, because this North London team always scored goals and created surprises.

"Romedal Falcao, the ninth league goal of the season, happened to Manchester United!"

After Falcao scored, the first person he rushed to was Ribery. The two hugged each other on the sidelines, and Falcao seemed to be constantly thanking Ribery for passing him a good ball.

"From the whole process of scoring, Falcao's awareness of heading the ball is indeed excellent, but more importantly, Ribery's cross was very comfortable and accurate, especially the judgment of Vidic's position. If Falcao had been a little more to the right, Falcao would not have been able to take advantage of Vidic, but because of this little difference, Vidic had no way to deal with Falcao and could only watch this little guy score a header in front of him."

Andy Gray also found this interesting thing that happened on the football field very funny. In fact, the most important thing for heading the ball is not height or strength, but position.

As long as you are in a good position, you often have an advantage when heading the ball.

Of course, if you are too short and too weak, you will lose your position when someone heads you, then it's another matter, but in general, the most important thing for heading the ball is to judge the position of the ball. Fighting for the first point is the key factor. As long as you are in a good position, not to mention Falcao, Messi can score a header in front of Vidic.

Ferguson was probably planning to go to the coach's bench and sit down, so he turned his back to the court. He thought there was nothing to worry about after the game started, but before he could sit down, he turned around and found that Romedal Falcao had already rushed out of Manchester United's penalty area in high spirits. The ball went in? !

This surprised Ferguson, his mouth opened wide, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Not to mention him, even his assistants were so surprised that they could stuff an egg in their mouths. They lost the ball within a minute of the start. How could they play such a game?

If Manchester United was a mature and stable team, they might still have a chance, but the problem is that Manchester United has just been reorganized and is very unstable. Suddenly, they were scored a goal right at the start. How could they continue this game?

The Tottenham fans in the stands also looked at the players celebrating on the court in disbelief. At least they all felt that the goal came a little too fast, a little too early, and a little too fast, but it was very, very satisfying!

So, after the goal was scored, there was silence for a few seconds before the whole audience burst into thunderous applause and cheers, dedicated to Romedal Falcao, who scored his ninth league goal this season, and the Colombian center also accepted the applause and cheers from the fans with the support of his teammates.

The long journey obviously did not affect his condition, because Ye Qiu had a tacit understanding with various national teams before, that is, some players including Messi and Ribery only played half of the national team's warm-up matches.

The good relationship between everyone on weekdays showed its value at this critical moment. At least the mental state of Tottenham Hotspur's players was pretty good, whether it was Ribery or Messi, they were all pretty good.

With the team's first goal, the next thing became much simpler and more direct.

Tottenham Hotspur, who was the first to break through Manchester United fans, quickly took advantage of the home advantage and the advantage of scoring first to suppress Manchester United, and the Red Devils, who were in poor condition recently, could not find an effective means of resistance, especially their midfield, which could hardly organize an effective offensive, which also made Ferguson furious on the sidelines and almost vomited blood.

However, Manchester United's defensive skills are still worthy of recognition. Although the midfield lost order, at least the Red Devils did not mess up like Liverpool, but still organized effective defense. This has something to do with the presence of Ferdinand and Vidic, the two central defenders, so Tottenham Hotspur did not take advantage for a while.

Until the 28th minute of the first half, Vidic fouled Messi who was dribbling inside from the right during a defense. He was warned with a yellow card by the referee and gave Tottenham Hotspur a chance to take a set-piece in the frontcourt.

In the past, Tottenham Hotspur's free kick takers were Beckham, Gareth Bale and Van Persie, but now Beckham is on the bench, Gareth Bale and Van Persie have left the team, so this time Messi stood up.

This surprised all the fans in the stands. Can Messi still score a free kick?

The Argentine superstar took a few steps back in a very impressive manner, stood still, waited for the referee to blow the whistle, rushed forward quickly, and gently rubbed the ball with his left foot.

At a distance of about 22 meters from the front of the goal, Messi's free kick made a charming arc and turned into the upper right corner of Manchester United's goal, which happened to be the blind spot for Van der Sar's save, and it was also his only blind spot.

After scoring the first direct free kick in his official match, Messi jumped up in excitement and rushed to the sidelines. He rushed to the bench in one breath and hugged Beckham who was sitting on the bench, thanking the big brother for his guidance on free kicks in the past long time, and then shook hands and hugged Ye Qiu, and then ran to his teammates.

"This game is so surprising!" Andy Gray's heartbeat accelerated.

Just now, Falcao headed the ball in front of Vidic, and he was mentally prepared, but now Messi has come out to take a free kick. What kind of world is this? Could it be that now all these top stars have to be all-round?

"It can be seen that Messi's free kicks are influenced by Beckham to a certain extent. The arc is very full, and the main focus is on skills rather than strength. He takes a different path from Cristiano Ronaldo."

"But I am very surprised now. If Ribery also takes a free kick later, I believe it will be more interesting."

But it is obvious that Andy Gray's hope did not appear. It is not because Ribery did not get the opportunity, but the opportunity of this French scarred face was not a direct free kick, but an assist.

This was a time in the left area of ​​the top of the penalty area. After getting the ball, he broke through Carrick and O'Shea in succession, stopped in front of the baseline, and knocked it back to David Silva who inserted from behind. The latter easily pushed the ball with his left foot and penetrated Van der Sar's goal again, 3:0!

This goal occurred in the 42nd minute before the end of the first half, and this goal was also the last goal of the game. After that, in the second half, no matter how Tottenham Hotspur attacked and how they looked for opportunities, Manchester United did not give Tottenham Hotspur any scoring opportunities.

In the end, this highly anticipated focus game ended with Tottenham Hotspur's 3-0 victory over Manchester United at home.

This battle also made Tottenham Hotspur's leading position this season become golden and full of gold, because they won five consecutive victories after defeating Liverpool, West Ham United and Manchester United, leading the Premier League standings, which is well deserved.

However, Ferguson was not convinced after the game. He said that the reason why Tottenham Hotspur played well was mainly because they had good luck at the beginning. If they had not scored a goal within one minute of the start, Manchester United would not have been defeated. So Ferguson attributed this defeat to luck.

For Ferguson, who was stubborn, Ye Qiu won the game and was in a good mood. He was too lazy to argue with him. Anyway, everyone has eyes and knows how to see. If they were lucky, they could beat Manchester United 3:0. Isn't Manchester United's luck too tragic?

Or is Manchester United's strength just a disguise?

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