The Godfather of Football

Chapter 586 Waiting for a Price

In the next few days, Ye Qiu kept meeting with Eliza Moon, Sheryl Sandberg, and the heads of various departments of Leaf Technology to discuss a series of issues regarding the company's internal reforms, especially the reform of the management model.

For Ye Qiu's analysis of the problems that Leaf Technology may encounter in the future, a group of executives basically gave affirmation. After all, with the leading position of Leaf Technology in the smartphone market, anyone with a little knowledge can easily see the potential problems of Leaf Technology in the future.

For the reform of the management model, the executives basically gave affirmative answers. After all, Leaf Technology used to encourage innovation very much. It's just that everything Ye Qiu is doing now is to further flatten the company's management on the basis of the past, and further encourage employees to actively innovate according to their own interests and hobbies.

But the details of the reform are a problem.

The two companies that are most talked about by the outside world in terms of management are Amazon, which is famous for its two-pizza culture.

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, proposed the two-pizza principle, which means that when a meeting is held, the number of people should not be so large that two pizzas are not enough for them to eat, because he believes that the more people in a meeting, the more people will talk, which is not good.

In the same way, when measuring the size of a team, they also use two pizzas as a measure, that is, when two pizzas cannot feed a project team, the team is too large and must be divided into two.

According to the amount of two pizzas, a group of about six or seven people is most suitable.

This is somewhat mandatory, and at the same time a bit excessive or even stubborn move deliberately taken in pursuit of a small team. In fact, after several years of development, Amazon has indeed become one of the most important high-tech companies in the world, but in terms of innovation ability, it does not have anything too eye-catching.

There is another company, Google, which has always been a company that boasts free work, but in fact, this is a utopian dream that is impossible to exist. Office politics and struggles between departments have become some important issues in Google's internal management.

So many people say that Google is no longer the startup it once was, but has become a bloated, shaky hierarchical organization. On the surface, they encourage employees to innovate, but in fact, the areas related to their core business have become very bureaucratic.

For example, Dodgeball, a mobile service provider acquired by Google in 2005, specializes in providing users with text messaging services to locate their location. After being acquired by Google, it was forced to integrate its products into Google's internal infrastructure, which made the company's services completely unrecognizable. Whenever they made even the slightest functional change, they had to go through several levels of approval before they could be completed.

The same situation also occurred in some other companies acquired by Google. At the beginning of the acquisition, they were all good to each other, but soon, they faced the fate of being forced to integrate.

At the same time, Google is also famous for its indifference to the value of talent. Otherwise, how could there be a joke that Page and Brin went out to sea on a yacht, lying on the deck, basking in the sun, smoking a cigar, holding photos of employees, and proudly saying that someone is the general manager of a multinational group, has an MBA from Harvard University, but is now doing a low-level job with no technical content at Google.

This must be mentioned as a principle of Google's hiring, that is, they only hire smart people because they encourage innovation.

Everyone knows that this is actually a substitution of concepts.

Of course, Google's salary is indeed very high and the company's treatment is also very good, but this does not mean that Google's internal management is good.

When Ye Qiu met with company executives for consultation, he repeatedly emphasized the value of talent and the further liberalization of company management, so that everyone can freely engage in various research according to their own interests, but this does not mean that Leaf Technology will follow the path of Amazon or Google.

In Ye Qiu's words, Leaf Technology's management should still be based on the principle of moderation.

In other words, we need to further unleash the creativity of employees and give each player the power to freely decide what they want to do, but this needs to be based on a premise, that is, it does not affect their job and the development of the company.

If everyone does what they are interested in, who will do the company's work?

Therefore, there must be a transparent and fair management model. After all, if you take a too laissez-faire approach, it will eventually become a lazy bug, and everyone will become lazy and lazy, so the company needs a transparent and fair performance evaluation model and a moderate management model.

In Ye Qiu's conception, that is to give employees more freedom and self-arranged time, so that they can do what they like, and the company will give maximum support to employee innovation, not only allowing you to do it during working hours, but also giving you resources, human resources and financial resources to help you do it, and more importantly, allowing you to make mistakes.

After completing their own work and the projects arranged by the company, any employee can freely choose to set up a research project of their interest or join someone else's research project. In order to mobilize employees' enthusiasm for innovation, the company will also give employees some generous rewards in return based on their inventions, creations and the returns they bring to the company.

But all of this is based on a complete set of basic management models of the company.

People in any country in any place in the world are the same and need management, especially for a company with 20,000 employees. Without management, the company will completely collapse. Therefore, self-discipline and discipline must complement each other. Without discipline, there is no freedom. This is the principle of moderate freedom conceived by Ye Qiu.

Another point is that Ye Qiu wants to create a management system that is completely open and transparent to everyone in the company. In other words, who is punished or rewarded, as well as the progress of each project, the performance and contribution of each employee, etc., will appear on the internal management platform, and everyone can see it clearly.

This is a big project, and everyone who attended this meeting knows it. However, if this big project is done well, it will further stimulate the creativity and innovation ability within Leaf Technology. You know, Leaf Technology has become the most popular high-tech enterprise in the world in the past two years. Now continuing to reform internal management will inevitably attract more talents and entrepreneurs to join. After all, they can get strong support from other large companies that cannot be given within Leaf Technology.

However, there is actually a problem with Ye Qiu's promotion. This is what Eliza Moon and Shirley Sandberg proposed to Ye Qiu after the meeting, that is, management.

To put it bluntly, the so-called principle of moderate freedom is the same as the moderate openness of the Android system. The reason why the Android system adopts moderate openness is that the core power is ultimately in the hands of Leaf Technology. Leaf Technology determines the future and destiny of the Android system, and other licensees cannot challenge this authority.

The same is true for moderate freedom. The management decides everything about the company. If the management is not good or there is a problem, the company's future will also face collapse, especially for Ye Qiu to set up a subsidiary with the purpose of self-attack and subversion. This is too dangerous.

But Ye Qiu thought very clearly. Whether it was the internal moderately free personnel management model or self-attack, if you decentralized or dispersed power, such as going public or attracting other shareholders, it would not be successful, because whether it was going public or introducing shareholders, you had to guarantee their interests, that is, to guarantee the company's existing income and interests.

Microsoft could not carry out self-attacking innovation for a simple reason. Once such innovation appeared, Microsoft shareholders would be the first to shoot it down, because it would lead to the disappearance of all the benefits they had gained from Microsoft. Who would give up such a big piece of fat?

Only when Ye Technology was Ye Qiu's personal property could he do this, and he had to ensure that the entire management of the company could implement his ideas and concepts, because this was a top-down guidance and reform.

Therefore, for the selection and appointment of management personnel, Ye Qiu entrusted Eliza Moon. He believed that an attitude of "better to have nothing than to have something inappropriate" should be adopted to ensure that the company's internal reforms could continue.

When Ye Qiu launched a vigorous internal management reform wave for Leaf Technology, no one outside heard the news. No one knew that a major change was taking place inside Leaf Technology that would affect Leaf Technology for decades to come. Everyone was just paying attention to the latest ultrabook that Leaf Technology announced to the public.

In 2006, the Zeus mobile phone was launched, and in 2009, the tablet computer was launched. Now in 2010, Leaf Technology began to release news to the public that the company will focus on launching a deformable touch ultrabook.

This product will use the Android system, with a very thin appearance and a larger screen than a tablet computer, reaching 13 inches. This is also to further draw a line with tablet computers. After all, the current tablet computers with peripherals also have some of the functions of ultrabooks, so the touch screen of Leaf Technology's ultrabook will be relatively large, and even larger screens may be launched in the future.

Among the news released by Leaf Technology, the most concerned are the series of huge changes made by the Android system after entering the ultrabook field, such as touch visualization, that is, when you click on the screen, a gray dot will flash, so that you can clearly see which area you clicked. This is very necessary for large-screen touch. Of course, users can also choose whether to have this design.

There is also the screen displaying a multi-tasking interface at the same time, which is the so-called windowing of APP, so that you can do multiple things on the touch screen at the same time. These are obviously some measures for the Android system to further PCize, and this has also proved to be a series of major innovations of Leaf Technology to challenge Microsoft.

There are also some small innovations, such as the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard, which is to facilitate text input. After all, Leaf Technology also has its own Office software, and it is free.

From the series of innovations announced by Leaf Technology, it is obvious that this ultrabook is positioned as a large-screen touch experience, rather than an extension of the PC side that Microsoft has been claiming for the past one or two years, because the latter will be dominated by Microsoft, while the former is the absolute initiative and advantage of Leaf Technology.

Therefore, when Leaf Technology's major innovations were announced, it immediately caused an uproar around the world. Almost everyone believed that as long as Leaf Technology launched an ultrabook, Microsoft would completely fail in the notebook field, because in Leaf Technology's promotion, the ultrabook will also be integrated with mobile phones and tablets, and can share applications and various resources in the Android store.

With this big weight and weapon, the ultrabook has a foothold.

More importantly, the design of the ultrabook has made everyone see a disruptive innovation that is eye-catching. That is, the screen interface adopts a tile mode similar to the previous life WIN8, a flat design, and the appearance abandons the previous life Microsoft Surface design that Ye Qiu had previously advocated, and adopts a 180-degree flip design similar to the previous life Dell XPS12, allowing the ultrabook to switch back and forth between notebooks and tablets.

This was also a decision made by Leaf Technology. Originally, Ye Qiu planned to use the appearance design of Surface, but another group of people made another design. As a result, everyone thought the latter was better, so this design was adopted.

Although the 180-degree flip design is somewhat similar to Dell, the design of the entire notebook is all from Jonathan Ive's handwriting. The ultra-thin design is very beautiful, graceful and natural, and the system is also very smooth to use. It supports ten-point touch on both hands, which is also a new patented technology of Leaf Technology.

In addition to these major innovations that are enough to attract attention and whet the appetite of consumers, the Zeus Ultrabook is very satisfactory in terms of performance, running smoothness, touch sensitivity, etc. Leaf Technology will continue to announce these advantages to the public. The CPU uses a new architecture processor specially tailored for ultrabooks by Intel. There are also some patented technologies of Leaf Technology in the battery to ensure battery life.

Although the price and parameters of the Zeus Ultrabook have not been announced, this new product has already caused a huge response and attention around the world after the announcement of several major innovations. The hot sales of the Zeus mobile phone and Zeus tablet have made this ultrabook a new product that everyone is looking forward to.

According to Leaf Technology's plan, this product will be officially launched in January 2011. In the next six months, Leaf Technology will also carry out publicity and marketing activities for this new product and several other products that will also be launched in January 2011, and strive to achieve global simultaneous launch.

When Ye Qiu sounded the horn of Leaf Technology's reform and the attack on Microsoft in the United States, Manchester United won the second Champions League title of Ferguson's career with a 1:0 victory over Mourinho's Inter Milan at the Bernabeu Stadium.

With the end of the Champions League, the European transfer market has also begun to unfold in full swing, especially for some local tycoon teams that are determined to introduce superstars. It is relatively late to enter the transfer market now.

After Manchester City fired Mark Hughes, Mancini took office for half a year and his performance was satisfactory, so the summer transfer will be carried out completely according to Mancini's wishes, and the Italian will transform the current Manchester City team.

On the defensive line, Mancini wants to introduce a left back, and in the midfield, he wants to get Van der Vaart from Real Madrid, De Rossi from Roma, and James Milner who performed well last season at Aston Villa. These are the top players in the transfer market. On the forward line, Robinho is leaving, and Mancini is eyeing Aguero from Atletico Madrid.

In all, Manchester City's investment this season will continue, because it is said that Mancini promised the board of directors that as long as he continues to invest and introduce the players the team needs, he will lead Manchester City to impact the top four in the league in the new season. After all, he led the team to win the League Cup last season, which is a good start.

In addition to Manchester City, West Ham United also plans to reorganize. Ranieri is not very satisfied with Berbatov and wants to introduce another powerful scorer. The candidates considered include Milito of Inter Milan, Higuain of Real Madrid, Villa of Valencia, and Aguero of Atletico Madrid, but the first choice is Tottenham Hotspur's top scorer Falcao.

The Colombian center became the winner of the European Golden Boot last season and is the hottest top center in today's football. He has received high interest from teams including Real Madrid, West Ham United, Newcastle, Liverpool, etc., but Tottenham Hotspur has always refused to negotiate Falcao's transfer and repeatedly stated that the player is not for sale.

Originally there was another center forward who attracted much attention, that was Liverpool's Torres, but with the entry of the Indian consortium and the retention of Benítez, Liverpool also tried its best to retain Torres, and at the same time will spend real money to further strengthen the team's lineup. It is said that Benítez has already drawn up a transfer list, and the frontcourt signing he values ​​most, and the number one target is Tottenham Hotspur's David Silva.

The Spaniard was once the target of Benítez's recruitment, but he rejected Liverpool at that time. But the current situation is completely different. Liverpool now has enough financial resources to form a more competitive team and lineup. In this case, Benítez's intention to poach David Silva has resurfaced.

There are also reports that Benítez wants to introduce Robinho from Manchester City, but the Brazilian international has repeatedly expressed his unwillingness to stay in the UK. If Robinho cannot be taken, it is said that Benítez will focus on Robben of Bayern Munich.

Another rich team in the Premier League, Newcastle, led by the old English coach Redknapp, returned to the Premier League and opened a transfer budget of 200 million euros in the first year. The players they want to introduce include superstars such as Drogba, Ibrahimovic, David Villa, Falcao, etc., striving to stay in the Premier League in the first season.

As many wealthy people have set their sights on Tottenham Hotspur, and with the traditional giants such as Real Madrid eyeing them, Tottenham Hotspur fans are wondering whether the team will bleed again this summer and whether it will affect the team's combat effectiveness.

In fact, after Ye Qiu returned to London from the United States, he gave instructions to Peter Kenyon on the transfer operation and waited for the price to sell.

This has also been his strategy for running Tottenham Hotspur. There are no players that cannot be sold. The key is whether you can come up with the chips and prices to convince me.

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