The Godfather of Football

Chapter 59 Ye Qiu's End

"Hello, Zlatan, welcome to Amsterdam!"

At Amsterdam International Airport, Roland, as a representative of the club coaching team, came with the club staff to greet the Swedish teenager with short curly hair who had just arrived at the airport.

Everyone's first impression of Ibrahimovic is that he is tall. Although he is not as big as a powerful center forward, he is not thin either. He is the typical Nordic macho type. This reminds Roland of the game he watched, in which the opponent's central defender was suppressed by Ibrahimovic without any resistance.

"My name is Roland Shepas, the assistant coach of the first team, and everyone calls me Roland!"

"Hello, Roland!"

For some reason, Ibrahimovic was a little scared the moment he got off the plane.

He was used to being alone, doing everything alone, but he was rarely afraid, or if he was afraid, he would suppress it directly. But it was the first time that he couldn't suppress the fear in his heart like today.

He always couldn't help but think of that text message, and that person who seemed to know him very well.

As Roland walked out of the terminal hall and arrived at the parking lot, there was a club van waiting there.

When he got on the car, he found that there were two dark-skinned people in the car, and their ages were unclear.

"They are also first-team players, you are teammates, introduce yourselves!" Roland smiled and sat in the front row.

Ibrahimovic is not like some European whites who discriminate against blacks and people of color. After he got on the car, he smiled and greeted the two African players who looked a little uneasy, "Hello, my name is Zlatan Ibrahimovic, from Sweden, how about you?"

The one sitting next to him looked at Ibrahimovic, "My name is Kolo Toure, from Côte d'Ivoire." Then he pointed to the one next to him, "He is my brother, Yaya Toure."

"Brother? Dear?" Ibrahimovic asked with a big grin.

Kolo Toure nodded, "Dear!"

Ibrahimovic burst into laughter. In the professional league, it is not uncommon for brothers to play in the same professional team. For example, Ajax had a pair of De Boer brothers not long ago. I didn't expect to welcome the Toure brothers now. It's interesting.

Roland, who was sitting in the front row, noticed Ibrahimovic's behavior and couldn't help but think of Ye Qiu's evaluation of this person.

A child who seems to be arrogant and arrogant, but is actually extremely fragile in his heart!

If you only look at Ibrahimovic's cheerful and positive behavior after getting on the car, it is hard to imagine that he would be fragile.

"Okay, everyone, you have come to Amsterdam. Next, we will arrange a professional service company to take care of your life. We have prepared many houses. You can choose to rent the one you like. In addition, the service company will arrange someone to take you to familiarize yourself with the environment."

"If you have any problems in life or football, you can call the coaching staff anytime and anywhere. Mr. Ye Qiu and our mobile phones are turned on 24 hours a day, but there is one thing Mr. Ye Qiu wants to make clear to you first."

Roland took out three booklets from the front row and handed them to the three players.

"This is the discipline manual of the first team in the new season. It lists some rules and reward and punishment measures. We will not interfere in your life in every detail, but we also hope that each of you has enough self-consciousness and self-discipline, because our goal is the same as yours, that is, to win the game!"

Both Ibrahimovic and Toure brothers opened the booklet, which clearly listed some disciplines. Most of them were the disciplines that Ajax had required in the past, but Ye Qiu added and modified some.

For example, clubbing. Ajax previously strictly prohibited players from appearing in bars and nightclubs, but Ye Qiu relaxed the restrictions, but very detailed requirements for players to appear in bars during the league, in order to ensure the players' work and rest time. Once they violate the rules, the punishment is also very severe.

There are also some court style and training requirements.

There are not many clauses in the discipline manual, which are simple and concise, but basically cover the ethics that a professional player should have.

Or it can be said that as long as you are a self-disciplined and self-conscious professional player, you don't have to worry about violating these rules.

"By the way, Roland, where is my car?" Ibrahimovic asked with a smile, "The Mercedes!"

Roland saw the excited Swedish boy and laughed, "We have booked it for you. We will arrange someone to pick up the car for you later. Be careful. The Mercedes-Benz SLK sports car was bought for more than 50,000 euros, which is very expensive!"

When the Touré brothers heard that a car was bought for so much money, they looked at Ibrahimovic in amazement.

The latter laughed carelessly and nonchalantly: "Hehe, that's my signing fee!"

Roland couldn't help shaking his head when he saw him like this, and laughed secretly in his heart.

Cars in the Netherlands are very cheap, especially cars like Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen, but the problem is that the cost of maintaining a car is not cheap. High oil prices, road taxes, and high insurance premiums are all things that all car owners must consider, especially for sports cars like Mercedes-Benz SLK, the cost is even higher.

Ibrahimovic's salary is 3,500 euros per week, but that is before tax. After deducting taxes, plus daily living expenses, plus the cost of maintaining the car, there are also a series of necessary expenses such as renting a house. It can be imagined that this kid will probably have to save money for a long time for that car.

However, this is a private matter of the players, and the club should not interfere too much, otherwise it will make the players dissatisfied.

After arriving in Detok Most, the rest of the work was left to Eliza's service company. Roland left, but before leaving, he did not forget to remind this group of players about the team's training time, so that they could do not be late.



On July 10th, the sky was clear and the weather was rare.

Ye Qiu came very early and arrived at Detok Most at 7 o'clock.

The coaching staff of the first team also arrived early.

Ye Qiu's current coaching staff can be said to be full of talents. Needless to say, Bobby Harms is the treasure of the Ajax team. Roland and Rick Link are both old partners. Said that Van Basten and Blind were famous players in the past, but now they are novices who are sprinting towards professional coaches.

Moniz and Mullensdine are members of the technical team that Ye Qiu attaches great importance to.

Even before the training camp, Ye Qiu had held meetings with all members of the coaching staff for several days to arrange various training tasks.

Moniz and Meulensteen were full of praise for the new training methods implemented by Ye Qiu. They believed that these two training methods were very sophisticated and covered all related abilities with the ball. They were worthy of promotion and persistence. Therefore, the training in the new season will still be based on these two training methods.

In addition to the previous set of warm-up training and games, the [Wall Crash Game] Ye Qiu purchased from the Godfather System store will also be officially used in the first team in the new season. This new training method once again made everyone excited. Feel surprised.

As Bobby Harms said, instinctive reaction is more important for professional players in the game, and the purpose of this series of new training methods implemented by Ye Qiu is to transform all kinds of teamwork and all kinds of tactical details into players. Their instincts allow them to express themselves on the court.

Therefore, after listening to Ye Qiu's training plan, most of the training items were no longer a problem.

Moniz and Meulensteen proposed some details of scientific training, as well as some small games such as monkey slipping, passing and touching, etc., all to help Ye Qiu integrate this new team that had just been formed. team.

The senior student introduced by Huang Chu was named Peter Brandt. He currently has his own research group at the University of Amsterdam, specializing in research on sports and physical therapy. Ye Qiu had talked with him and appreciated some of his unique insights.

For example, he pointed out that any player's physical fitness will be a curve of ups and downs. There will be highs and lows, and there will be troughs when the state is good. This is inevitable, and if you want a player to always maintain combat effectiveness, then the best A good way to adjust your physical fitness is to maintain a straight line as much as possible, or to minimize the fluctuations in the curve.

Of course, this is only theoretical. In fact, players' physical fitness will still fluctuate and will still be affected by various factors such as the game environment. However, it can allow the coaching staff to better control the players' physical fitness and body. situation.

"When many teams plan training, they habitually arrange for players to reach their peak condition at the beginning, middle, or later stages of the season. However, before and after the peak, the players' physical fitness and condition will vary significantly. It’s a slippery slope, and it shouldn’t be like this because it’s arranged for a specific cup like the World Cup!”

"For the league, the best way is to keep the players' condition and physical fitness in a straight line forever, without ups and downs!"

Ye Qiu also agrees with this, because a team that has no ups and downs and maintains sufficient physical fitness is the best at playing a protracted game. On the contrary, teams that have ups and downs are often awesome when they are in good form. Coax, once the condition is poor, he will immediately wither. His performance will definitely be affected, and even the players' psychology will be affected.

Because of this, Ye Qiu listened to Huang Chu's suggestion and handed over the leader of the research team to Peter Brandt, asking him to arrange all related matters. He also spent 100,000 euros to introduce a group of advanced researchers. Instruments and equipment are used to examine players’ training and competition.

Now, training preparations for the new season are finally about to begin!

Ye Qiu stood on the side of the training ground, looking at the busy assistants on the training ground. He was full of expectations for the future, but also full of a sense of crisis, because he was always reminding himself that Waters and Westhoff is a lesson learned from his past.

No one knew better than him how miserable the fate of these two old rivals was, and he did not want to follow in their footsteps.

"Ye Qiu!"

While Ye Qiu was thinking, Van Praag, accompanied by Leo Benhak, appeared outside the first team's training ground.

"Morning, Mr. Van Praag, Mr. Benhak!"

Leo Benhak nodded slightly towards Ye Qiu. He couldn't see through Ye Qiu because Ye Qiu always did things unexpectedly.

The whole world knows that Ajax needs to undergo a large-scale reorganization before it can be reborn, but no one could have imagined that Ajax would clean up so thoroughly that all the veterans and young players in the team would be eliminated. All players were sold.

Now Ye Qiu has more than 20 million euros in transfer surplus, but he has not handed it over to the management. Instead, he has invested in improving the training base and improving the second team's home court and youth training camp. This once again This caused dissatisfaction among many directors.

Leo Benhak admired Ye Qiu very much. This kid was courageous, but he also felt that with Ye Qiu's approach, he would either succeed and become the famous coach of Ajax, or he would die miserably. Everyone is miserable.

What will happen to him?

Leo Benhak couldn't guess, but he had already decided to protect himself wisely and not get involved in Ye Qiu's affairs.

"There is some movement on the board of directors, but don't worry. I am the chairman of the club. You can do whatever you want and how to do it. I will do my best to restrict it on the board of directors." Van Praag today I came just to express my opinion.

Preparations for the new season were about to begin, and he wanted to give Ye Qiu a reassurance.

"I understand, Mr. Van Praag, don't worry, give me two years, and I will make everyone swallow back whatever they say today!" Ye Qiu still looked confident, and no one knew better than him. The current strength and potential of this group of people have been revealed.

Fan Praag smiled and patted Ye Qiu on the shoulder, "I have confidence in you!"

After saying that, he no longer stayed at the stadium and went back directly.

This is also his usual approach. Since he trusts Ye Qiu, he doesn't care what Ye Qiu does and just lets him do it.

"Do it well!" Leo Benhak also encouraged Ye Qiu before leaving.

Ye Qiu nodded towards Leo Benhak. This old guy didn't care about anything now, but his identity and status were there.

"What did Mr. Chairman tell you?" Roland and Rick Link came over and asked with concern.

Ye Qiu smiled, "It's nothing, just to reassure me."

Roland and Roland were relieved after hearing this.

Although there are many voices in Ajax now, in the final analysis, the person with the greatest power is still Chairman Van Praag. As long as Van Praag still believes in Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu's position will be safe.

"Okay, hurry up and get started!" Ye Qiu smiled and rushed his assistant to the court, "By the way, where is Bobby?"

I haven't seen Bobby Harms all morning. Wasn't he already here?

"Bobby should be in the tactical preparation room. I heard that the materials prepared last night were somewhat insufficient. He went to improve them!"

The tactical preparation room is a newly established office created by Ye Qiu in charge of Ajax. As the name suggests, it is a conference room specifically designed to help players understand and become familiar with tactics. However, there are some extra things in this conference room, such as computers, projectors, etc. A lot of equipment and tools.

Capello is right when he says something: He must be clear about his responsibilities, understand the team's tactics, and know exactly where to go and what to do at any time and at any time. Such players always appear particularly confident and calm on the court.

Well, to achieve this step, the prerequisite is to let the players understand their responsibilities and the team's tactics, so that they can know what they should do and how to do it. This is why Ye Qiu opened the tactical preparation room. .



At 7:20, players arrived at Detok Most.

They had all come to Detok Most in the past few days and were familiar with the environment here, but they still looked a bit unfamiliar, after all, they had just arrived in this environment.

Fans started to watch outside the training ground. The number was not very large, probably only a few dozen. It is probably because there were almost no stars in the first team, so no fans were willing to pay attention.

After the players arrived at the club, they immediately changed into the jerseys and sneakers provided by the main sponsor Adidas in the locker room under the leadership of Roland, and walked out of the locker room without stopping.

Including Ye Qiu, Bobby Harms and Van Basten, a total of 15 first-team coaching staff were already waiting at the door. After the players came out, they lined up hastily in three rows, letting the office staff I arranged for photographers to take a group photo and prepare to send it to the club's official website and also to some interested newspapers.

The purpose of this is to let fans know that Ajax has begun training.

After taking pictures, everyone started busy.

The first thing to do was the warm-up. Rick Link was very familiar with Ye Qiu's warm-up exercises, so he led the players to warm-up. The basic warm-up items were still the same as when Ye Qiu led the second team. In that set, Moniz and Meulensteen added some improvements to the ball details, while Peter Brandt added some physical details.

In this way, the entire warm-up program was carried out very fully. The 15-minute warm-up time was almost without any pause, one item after another, and after completing the warm-up, the team got a 5-minute rest time.

At 8 o'clock sharp, the team regrouped in front of Ye Qiu.

Looking at the group of young, childish players with unlimited future in front of him, Ye Qiu's heart was filled with pride and confidence, because he knew that his future would be closely linked to them, and he would be both prosperous and deprived. All lose.

"I don't like to talk nonsense. I have listed everything that needs to be said in the discipline manual. I believe you have read it. What I want to emphasize again is that you should never doubt the importance I attach to discipline, because we Ah Jax’s first commandment is discipline. I will pay attention to the discipline on the court, the discipline on the training ground, and the discipline off the court!”

Everyone could feel the weight of his words from his tone.

"I want to say one more thing. I like players with a sense of teamwork. Individuals should always serve the whole. I don't like individual heroism, but I will give each of you as much space and opportunities as possible to play freely within the strict team framework, but never challenge the authority of the team on the court!"

"Also, I want to tell you that we are a whole, a big family. I don't want anything that happens here, any words, even a word, to appear in the newspaper or in the mouths of others. Don't doubt the ability of me and the club!"

"Finally, welcome to Ajax. I believe that you may still be unknown now, but it doesn't matter, because I will lead you to make a name for ourselves in European football and let fans all over the world know you..."

Ye Qiu confidently stretched out his hand and swept over each of them, making them feel that the head coach was talking about them.


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