The Godfather of Football

Chapter 668 Artificial Genius

Tottenham Hotspur beat Manchester United 8:0 away, Manchester City 5:0 at home, West Ham United 2:0 away, Liverpool 4:0 at home, and played the peak data of the top teams in this devilish schedule at the beginning of the entire league.

You know, in the first five rounds of the league, Tottenham Hotspur encountered four strong teams with the strength to compete for the top four in the league, or even the league championship, and they won all four consecutive games, which is indeed very difficult, but what is even more difficult is that in such a strong dialogue, Tottenham Hotspur played crazy offensive football.

The media gave high praise to the crazy performance of the North London team this season. They even believed that Tottenham Hotspur is definitely the strongest contender for the Premier League championship this season. This is undoubtedly a powerful counterattack for those who doubted whether Tottenham Hotspur's strength had declined before the season.

Five games, four wins and one draw, this is perfect for Tottenham Hotspur, who is deeply trapped in the devil's schedule.

The team has won games one after another, and the atmosphere within the team has been adjusted quite well, after all, everyone has games to play.

Champions League, Premier League, League Cup, European Youth Champions League, plus the reserve team games that are a bit like warm-up games, Tottenham Hotspur players can participate in up to five events so far.

The club has always had reasonable arrangements for which players to participate in which games, especially for the physical condition of the players, and they will be arranged to play different games respectively. With the start of the league, especially the start of the Champions League and League Cup, Tottenham Hotspur, which is fighting on multiple fronts, has also begun to prepare for the entire season.

In other words, the rotation is about to begin.

The day after the game against Liverpool, Ye Qiu arranged for all the players who started the game in Liverpool to rest for a day, while the other players went to Theobald for training as usual, but he did not plan to go to Manchester to watch the focus game between Manchester United and Chelsea, but asked Mauro Tassotti and Peter de Visser to go to the scene.

Now Ye Qiu basically doesn't care about many things, such as the team's training, he basically delegates power.

Mauro Tassotti's ability is indeed very outstanding. He is a master in arranging training programs and guiding players in training. He is also very careful and meticulous in his work. He has high requirements for players, but he is not the kind of person who does not know how to communicate with players, or the kind of stubborn hardliner.

After observing for a period of time, Ye Qiu was very satisfied with the combination of Mauro Tassotti and Roland Schepas, so he simply did not attend the daily pre-training meetings of the coaching staff, and Mauro Tassotti was in charge.

In early autumn, London began to get humid. The asphalt road surface of the training base was always wet, as if it had just been washed with a sprinkler truck. If you pay attention, you will find that some flowers, plants and trees on the roadside always have dew-like water droplets.

That is fog, which is also one of the origins of the foggy London.

Ye Qiu walked from the training building to the research center. After so many years in London, he had long been accustomed to the climate in London, so when he left the training building, he zipped up his training suit, grabbed the collar at his throat, and walked quickly to the research center not far away.

Theobald's research center is mainly composed of three parts, two experimental departments, one in the youth team and the other in the first team, and another in the medical research and development department, which is located in the research center of the first team. However, even players are not allowed to enter this area, which is mainly responsible for the research and development of medicine, sports, and technology applications.

The experimental department is the Theobald Research Center that is usually rumored by many fans and media outside, but all management personnel know that this is just an application department. The real core is the medical research and development department. This is the heart of Theobald, because the series of research conducted here not only affects Tottenham Hotspur, but also affects Leaf Technology and the entire football field.

Like the research department of Leaf Technology, Theobald's medical research and development department is full of eccentrics. They include relevant personnel from famous universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, and even Harvard, as well as leaders in the field of sports medicine. Some of them used to work in AC Milan's Milan laboratory.

Ye Qiu rarely manages the medical research and development department, and even the club does not intervene in the management. It is mainly responsible for Peter Brandt and Meyer Seman. Ye Qiu and the club are the kind of people who give money, people, and equipment, and let them slaughter them, and count money with a smile.

Ye Qiu often comes to the first-team experimental department, which is located on the first floor of the research center. There are many kinds of equipment in it. The players have to deal with them almost every day, and many people will come here to practice extra training after training, but this extra training has little to do with football.

If you want to practice ball-related skills training, you have to go to the practice room or a special training ground.

The training in the research center is mainly related to the brain.

"Who is in there now?" Ye Qiu walked to the control room of the meditation house and found that all four meditation rooms were being used by people, but they were all lying on a soft sofa bed similar to an operating table, wearing helmets and There were many automated instruments around, so Ye Qiu couldn't tell who was who.

The technician turned around and saw that it was Ye Qiu. He was not surprised because he came here almost every day. He pointed at the surveillance video on the big screen, "Phil Jones, Sandro, Pogba and Neymar!"

After a pause, the technician hit the keyboard a few times, and the screen immediately switched, "What Phil Jones is seeing now are some videos of Chelsea midfielder Michael Essien from around 2008 to 2010, Sandro They were watching some videos of Emerson when he was at AC Milan, Pogba was watching Yaya Toure, and Neymar was watching Raul’s videos.”

After Ye Qiu heard this, he didn't say anything. He just looked at the situation in the surveillance video. Several players were lying on it, motionless, because they were all in a semi-hypnotic state now, but they were immersed in what the helmet showed. In front of them, they felt like they were in the 3D high-definition video, and even the whole person, including body and mind, was integrated into it.

There are testing instruments next to the sofa bed in each meditation room. They will very clearly display the physical condition of the players at this moment, such as their heartbeat, blood pressure, etc. There is a lot of data that allows the technical staff to clearly understand to the players' current physical condition and even their emotional fluctuations.

"You're here!" Demichelis also walked into the control room.

Ye Qiu nodded, "How is the situation?"

Demichelis smiled, "Which one do you want to know?"

"You know, we need to rotate our players next, especially our midfield!"

Demichelis nodded, "Follow me!"

The two left the control room one after another, turned around and walked into Demichelis' office. This is also where he specializes in psychological counseling for players. After the players have received training in the meditation room, they will have to come to his office. They receive a period of psychological counseling here, and Demichelis will understand their progress from face-to-face communication and training in the next few days.

It’s the same video and video, and different people will get different results from watching it.

"You know, when we look for templates for players, we consider the existing database on the one hand, and the technical characteristics of the players on the other hand, as well as their own circumstances, such as personality, preferences, habits, etc., which are all considered. Inside!"

The whole process is actually a very complex system engineering. It is not like FM Football Manager. What you see is a lot of numbers. You can compare these numbers and draw conclusions. That is very simple and easy, but in reality Not so.

Just like many people say that Nick Powell looks like Pirlo, how can he look like him?

Their playing styles are very similar, with left and right feet, excellent skills, and easy handling of the ball... etc., you can find a lot of similar ones.

But you can't train Nick Powell into a player exactly like Pirlo, because Nick Powell is not as smart as Pirlo. In other words, assuming that Pirlo just glances at the surrounding environment, he can tell all players, including teammates. He knows his opponent's positioning and running direction very well, but Nick Powell may need a second glance.

When Pirlo is pressed closely, he may only need a tenth of a second to decide what to do, because he has very strong self-confidence and is very decisive, but Nick Powell will be slightly weaker in this aspect. He may need 0.2 seconds, and this is because he is not as confident as Pirlo.

Of course, this is an elusive psychological condition, but people are weird like that.

Also, after a period of mental training, everyone discovered a very strange thing, that is, Nick Powell has a strong understanding of many aspects such as running positions, passing awareness, technical movements, etc., and he can learn He is very fast and masters the ball very quickly, but he just has no feeling for free kicks. Even though his long and short passes are very good, his free kick progress is very slow.

But he is very sensitive to long-range shots. You have no way of understanding why he is like this, but he is like this!

Therefore, finding a template for a player, or in other words, guiding a player to improve, is actually very troublesome, very complicated, and requires enough patience and long-term hard work.

"Then you think Phil Jones looks like Essien?" Ye Qiu found it interesting.

Demichelis thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Many things are not similar, but when I was at Chelsea, I personally carved Essien. I think Phil Jones has many similarities with the early Essien, so I Let him look at some of Essien's later data and videos, and I found that he learned very quickly, especially in terms of running."

Essien also belonged to the rampaging type in the early days, but later he gradually became enlightened, especially after Ancelotti came to Chelsea, which helped Essien complete the transformation well, and his running began to become more and more Smart and getting better at passing the ball.

According to Demichelis, the player's own efforts cannot be ignored for Essien's enlightenment, but the training in the meditation room also helped him a lot.

After Demichelis, Meierseman and several other people from the Milan laboratory came to Tottenham Hotspur, they brought a lot of relevant data, which helped Tottenham Hotspur a lot in training and polishing players.

"These days, I have asked Phil Jones to watch videos of himself running around and some of his stupid mistakes over and over again. I believe this will help the player better integrate into the game and control his emotions at the same time."

Some players are not good at controlling their emotions, just like firecrackers. They get angry and lose their minds easily when they are violated. But if they are in the meditation room, in a semi-hypnotic state, and repeatedly let him relive this process, he will gradually develop a resistance, and then when the same situation occurs again, he will be able to control his emotions better.

In fact, there are related trainings in the military. For example, they will repeatedly let soldiers relive the scene when the bullet hits the body, and even let them have an immersive pain, which can help them better overcome the fear of injury and pain. Some are to help soldiers after the war get out of the shadow of war.

The principles are actually the same, but Ye Qiu applied this series of techniques to football.

For Tottenham Hotspur today, the body can be built at will, and the technology can be sculpted to the maximum extent. Even in theory, as long as there is enough data in hand, as long as the two people have the same temper, personality, mental consciousness, etc., they can copy two identical players.

Of course, this is a theory, but people are unique, so it is impossible to have two identical players, only close.

"I don't think Pogba is like Yaya Toure at all, the two of them are very different!" Ye Qiu thought of Pogba, who is also a young player that De Visser is very optimistic about.

"De Visser said that he is a bit like Gerrard with more delicate skills!" Demichelis said with a smile, "But the problem is, I don't have Gerrard's data, so I'm wondering, are you considering introducing Gerrard?"

"I'm considering it!" Ye Qiu laughed and scolded, introducing Gerrard? Let alone the rich Liverpool now, even the Liverpool of the past would probably not sell Gerrard. And because Pogba is like Gerrard in some aspects, so Gerrard must be introduced. Then De Visser also said that Sandro is like Vieira in some aspects and Emerson in some aspects, but where can these two players be introduced?

Demichelis was also joking. After hearing Ye Qiu's laughter and scolding, he couldn't help laughing, "This is the direction of our next research. We can't rely so much on the data brought by the player template. We need to have our own set of data related to the various abilities of players in each position."

This kind of data is not the number of passes, the number of crosses, the number of dribbles, etc., which are purely for fans to see. The data needed by the research center is the most accurate 38-meter pass, the relationship between the direction and the part of the ball that touches the ball, and even the angle, position, and force of each toe when it touches the ball.

This is data that most people would never want to know. It is very boring, but it can clearly tell researchers why this ball can be passed so accurately and just right, and then cultivate and polish the player's pass according to this model.

"Yes, template templates are always just a kind of imitation. What we need to do next is to help the players, according to their physical condition, psychological quality, mental state, etc., to tailor a set of data for them, and then use this set of data to train and cultivate them, and urge them to grow!"

This is what Ye Qiu said, the key step of artificial genius.

But everyone must be clear that even if this step is successful, it does not mean that anyone can become a genius or a top superstar, because there is a cost issue involved.

That is to say, if there is a player who is very timid, easily panics, and his basic technical skills are also very poor, then if you want to train such a player into a top superstar, you will undoubtedly need to pay a lot of energy, invest huge resources, and bear huge risks of success or failure, which is very uneconomical.

And in theory, even if a player succeeds, he has all kinds of comprehensive and superb football skills, and he is very good at using these skills, but the problem is, how much can he play on the court, this is another problem.

Therefore, artificial genius, or even high-tech things, can only be used as an auxiliary forever.

As the spirit of all things, people can never be artificially created, or even completely controlled by technology.

This involves another problem, that is, the more advanced your technology is, the more complicated and elusive people are!

Ye Qiu just finished speaking, and when he saw Demichelis, he couldn't help shaking his head, "You are asking me for money!"

Demichelis laughed, "I need a new set of equipment, and at the same time set up a new data analysis system!"

To put it bluntly, it's money!

All research and development requires money, and requires continuous investment, so why AC Milan's Milan Laboratory was prosperous for two or three years, and AC Milan finally couldn't help but suspend the research of the medical department, because all research and development are money-burning things.

Ye Qiu is not Galliani or Berlusconi. He knows the importance of research and development, and he knows that this project will play a revolutionary role in the future of Tottenham Hotspur, and even in the future of football.

When Tottenham Hotspur can artificially create the most comprehensive and outstanding talented stars, all other teams can do is sit and wait for death. This will be a revolution for football!

In Ye Qiu's previous life, Barcelona, ​​through youth training, built several players' abilities such as stopping the ball, passing, getting rid of and running without the ball in batches. They completely changed the situation in the entire football world and completely dominated the football world in Ye Qiu's previous life.

If Tottenham Hotspur can create talented superstars in batches, let alone achieve success in the end, even on the road to success, it will be enough for Tottenham Hotspur to dominate the entire football world and completely change the existing pattern of the football world.

There is no doubt that this is what Ye Qiu and Tottenham Hotspur want to do!

Compared with such gains, the investment in the entire Tottenham Hotspur research center is only a few million pounds. Now Demichelis wants to introduce equipment and build a new analysis system, which is at most a few hundred thousand pounds. For Ye Qiu and Tottenham Hotspur, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket!

"If the performance of several players satisfies me, I will consider agreeing!" Ye Qiu said this before leaving.

But in fact, Demichelis knew that Ye Qiu would definitely agree.

He was not threatening, nor did he think Ye Qiu was a fool, but because Ye Qiu recruited them to Tottenham Hotspur just to ask them to do these things, would he disagree?

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