The Godfather of Football

Chapter 690 Bombardment Incident

"I've never thought Balotelli was a great professional player and I don't think, at least with what he's done so far, that he's trying to be a great professional player and he seems to be. I prefer to be an entertainment star that many reporters like, rather than a professional player!”

At the post-match press conference, Ye Qiu directly criticized Balotelli's stepping on Vidal during the game. He believed that this had exceeded his bottom line for so-called small and dirty moves by professional players.

"Any player, as long as he has a little bit of professional ethics, he should know very well that when he has already stood firm, he should not take that extremely bad stepping action. What does he want to do? Breaking my player's neck? Or does he want to murder him?"

Facing Ye Qiu's questioning, the group of reporters below were very excited. They didn't seem to care about what happened at all. They were more excited about the new topic they had just found. This would definitely make the fans crazy. dropped.

Ye Qiu accuses Balotelli with blood and tears. Is there any news more gimmick than this?

If it were Ferguson, or Wenger, or Mourinho, maybe they would refute Ye Qiu and defend their players. Even if they felt that their players were unreasonable or even thought their actions were too bad, they would still defend them. Even if it was just symbolic, Mancini did not do this.

This is what Ye Qiu is most certain about. At least he is not indiscriminate.

"We will not just let this matter go. We will file a complaint with the FA and ask them to investigate this matter. This is not the first time he has done this. I think he should pay the price for his actions. , and at the same time, he should also learn how to be a professional player, rather than an entertainment star who cannot attract the attention of newspapers!”

Ye Qiu's words were not just an accusation against Balotelli, but also affected reporters and the media.

"Mr. Ye Qiu, do you think we condone and encourage Balotelli's behavior?" One of the reporters stood up. He seemed to be dissatisfied with Ye Qiu's remarks.

"The Independent?" Ye Qiu noticed the reporter's badge. This was a gathering place for fans of Tottenham Hotspur's arch-rival Arsenal. It is said that the Independent's tradition of recruiting reporters is that non-Arsenal fans refuse interviews.

"Yes, Mr. Ye Qiu!" This reporter in his thirties was very polite, but his tone was tough.

Ye Qiu nodded and smiled, "I remember that you once wrote a report about Superman Mario. If I remember correctly, it was the front page headline. In the report, you praised him as a hero and thought that the reason why he could He is arrogant and domineering on the court because of his flamboyant personality, which leads to constant disputes on and off the court. You even think that he has superhuman talents that others do not have, and that he will become a top star. "

After hearing this, the reporter nodded and smiled: "Yes, I didn't expect that Mr. Ye Qiu is also one of our readers!"

Ye Qiu did not continue to dwell on this issue. He read all newspapers, including the Independent. "Then I want to ask, what do you think it takes to become a top superstar? Or, can any of you tell me why he can become a top star?" Top star?"

After a slight pause, Ye Qiu sneered and shook his head, "I have never denied that Balotelli has an impressive talent, but he is squandering it. You think he can become a top superstar because you think he can become a top star." Now he has the news value you need to extract."

"But if tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you find that he has no such value, what will you do? You will leave him and abandon him. Isn't this your usual behavior?" Ye Qiu said almost sarcastically. He asked, "Aren't you the best at praising a player and then kicking him into hell yourself?"

"I know what you are going to say. You are just telling me that there are many, many people who regard Balotelli as a genius and a star of hope, but don't be stupid, you are playing the same trick. I know very well, do you think that every word spoken by those so-called celebrities and those so-called famous coaches comes from the sincerity?”

This is a well-known thing in the entire football field, including players, including professional coaches and club management. When they face the media, their first principle is to say the most appropriate remarks, or in other words, say something Speech that can achieve what you want.

When you face a reporter's question and ask you to comment on Balotelli who has no reason to talk to you, will you say good or bad things?

In the past, when Ye Qiu was in China, many people would say that foreigners speak very directly and don't know how to be tactful, which is nonsense.

The world is full of sophistication and sophistication, including the football circle!

And everyone has to consider a question. If you belittle or say something bad about Balotelli for no reason, you don’t even need to say bad things, you just need to tell the truth. Will you mean it when it appears in the newspaper tomorrow? In the end, you will only offend one more person for no reason, that's all.

Therefore, in today's professional football circle, don't look at what others say, but rather what they do.

"In my eyes, Balotelli has never been an outstanding professional player. Although he has the legs and body of a professional player, he lacks the heart and mind of a professional player. He lacks some The most fundamental quality of a professional player is that he doesn’t even know what he is doing.”

"Or, you can go home and watch the video, look at the blood marks on Vidal's neck, and then you can tell me, is that what a professional player should do?"

Ye Qiu's question was not unreasonable. When Howard Webber communicated with Ye Qiu at the end of halftime, he told Ye Qiu that he really didn't see it at that time. Otherwise, Balotelli would be punished, and Mancini was also there at the time, so the latter replaced Balotelli not long after the second half.

"We won't just let this matter go. I think someone should tell that ignorant, 21-year-old so-called kid that he should play football more like a professional player instead of just playing football all day long. Thinking about how to sensationalize and waste his talents, otherwise, he will definitely regret what he has done in the future! "

After speaking, Ye Qiu looked at Mancini again, shook his head, and left the press conference early.

In fact, looking at the commotion caused after Balotelli joined Manchester City, is it really just Balotelli and the agent behind him who are operating? If it were just players and agents, why would they dare to reveal so many internal details of the team? For example, Mancini helped him put on training clothes and created a lot of jokes?

To put it bluntly, this is a kind of marketing. It is not only Balotelli’s agent who wants to market his players, but also Manchester City who is marketing their own team and building the Manchester City brand. The emergence of Balotelli has undoubtedly become Manchester City’s brand. A lifesaver for brand marketing.

Our ancestors have a saying, good things don’t go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

Balotelli himself is a troublemaker, which was already the case when he was at Inter Milan, but Mourinho's control and discipline of him are still relatively good, and his progress is also quite obvious, but after coming to Manchester City , the club tasted the sweetness from his series of actions. They began to discover that they did not need to win or win the championship. They only needed Balotelli to do something weird, and they could get huge media attention.

If others don't know, how can Ye Qiu know?

On YOUTUBE, Manchester City's official video has more than 20 million views. Although it is not as good as Tottenham Hotspur, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Manchester United and other wealthy teams, it is already quite high, but the number of people following their website is only three. Unexpectedly, most of the clicks are created after link sharing, and the most popular search is Balotelli.

This is a conscious marketing method, and it cannot be done by an agent or a player.

Perhaps, for Manchester City, this kind of marketing has a lot of benefits for them, but they have forgotten one thing. This is also encouraging Balotelli's bad style, and at the same time, it is destroying an ignorant person who has the talent to become a top player. young people.

The 21-year-old Balotelli can still do this. In three to five years, can he continue to do this?

Think about the tragedy of Cassano back then!



Regarding Tottenham Hotspur's accusation against Balotelli, the Football Association said in an interview after the game that Howard Webber stated in the report that he did not see this scene, and if he had seen it, He would send Balotelli off the pitch without hesitation.

Therefore, the Football Association stated that it will charge Balotelli with violent behavior. If Manchester City decides not to appeal, Balotelli will face a four-game ban, which will include the second leg of the League Cup semi-finals. Contest.

Regarding the FA's statement, Balotelli's agent Raiola protested, "The FA should protect Mario, otherwise, he may consider leaving the English game!"

Perhaps he felt that such remarks were somewhat threatening, so Raiola said again: "Mario should not be suspended for four games because it was not an intentional foul. He told me that he did not want to hurt anyone. He did not Seeing Vidal, the so-called violence on the court is nonsense!"

In addition, Raiola also criticized Ye Qiu in an interview, "We all know that Ye Qiu is an important head coach in today's professional football world. I have always respected him in the past, but he said in the post-match press release What he said at the meeting made me think he had ulterior motives, and I even thought he was using the media to suppress young players!”

If it was just the first part, Ye Qiu would definitely not respond, but Raiola said that Ye Qiu suppressed young players, which Ye Qiu couldn't accept, so he responded immediately.

"Balotelli's stamping action was very clear, anyone could see it, and if I lied, everyone knew it. I don't know if he meant it, and I don't know if he saw Vidal, but he was on my player There are shoe nail marks on his neck. Maybe this is nothing to Raiola, because he will turn a blind eye to the shoe nail marks and even think that I faked it!"

Ye Qiu believes that some of Raiola's remarks have gone beyond the scope of a professional agent.

"I don't understand what he means when he says the FA wants to protect Mario. I want to tell him and Balotelli that the FA is not run by your family, and the Premier League will not play for you alone. , Even the earth will not stop spinning without you. Although I am not qualified to speak, I believe that no mature football club will accept such a threat from a player agent.”

"The last thing I want to say is that I admire Roy Keane very much because he dares to do and admit it. Although I don't agree with his behavior, I admire his courage to admit it. Balotelli allowed himself Some of the remarks made by the agent’s agent came forward to clarify. In my opinion, this is more like a coward covering up his own absurdity!”

Raiola was obviously entangled with Ye Qiu, and soon made a public response in the media, believing that Ye Qiu was making a mountain out of a molehill, because Balotelli is Manchester City's most threatening player, and is Manchester City's next favorite on the way to the championship. The most competitive number one killer, so Ye Qiu wanted to use an excuse to attack Balotelli.

Regarding such remarks, Ye Qiu stated on his official website that he would not respond.

But Tottenham Hotspur officials responded by defending their head coach and saying in a very bold tone that Tottenham Hotspur have enough confidence to win the championship with or without Balotelli. , Raiola’s remarks make people feel more like a patient with persecution and paranoia.

Andy Gray, the famous commentator of Premier League Sky TV, also said that he was at the scene. He believed that Balotelli's malicious stampede was indeed a very bad behavior and should be paid. Ye Qiu's remarks were more of a reflection of It shows his regret and regret for Balotelli squandering his talent.

Alan Hansen, the host of BBC TV's Daily Match, repeatedly played this stampede scene in his program. It was indeed very clear. The famous Liverpool star also stood next to Ye Qiu this time. He thought Raiola's remarks It's too arrogant to think that the Football Association will compromise with Balotelli. It's too self-righteous.

"He is just like his players, very arrogant and arrogant, which limits Balotelli's further growth!"

"Actually, if you look back at Ye Qiu carefully, it is not difficult to find that Ye Qiu is not just criticizing Balotelli's stampeding, but more accusing the media of conniving Balotelli because he feels that this connivance The players are a little lost, and now it is clear to me that Balotelli is lost not only because of the media, but also because he has an arrogant agent!”

The Times columnist Martin Samuel even called in his column, believing that the Football Association should make a public statement. If Balotelli believes that he is not protected by his privileges and wants to leave the Premier League, everyone should punish him. Say please!

Not only some reporters and media close to Ye Qiu, but also Ferguson, Wenger, Benitez and others said in interviews that the biggest obstacle to Balotelli becoming a top player is his arrogant personality and He didn't seem to have any intention of correcting his behavior.

Even Raiola's agent, Newcastle's number one star Zlatan Ibrahimovic, did not support his agent and Balotelli, who belongs to the same agency, but defended his former mentor.

"I still remember Mr. Ye Qiu telling me when he was at Ajax that if you want to be a top star, it is not enough to have a strong body and skilled skills. You must also have a mature and powerful heart. At the same time, you must concentrate on the game and training, which is the basic quality of a professional player.”

"I absolutely do not believe that Mr. Ye Qiu will suppress young players. On the contrary, I know that he has a strong desire to cultivate young players, just like he promoted so many young players at Ajax. He just Balotelli is reminded not to squander his talent, but this kind reminder has been misinterpreted by some people!”

Perhaps they realize that things are getting bigger and bigger, especially with Balotelli’s somewhat unruly agent Mino Raiola. The Manchester City team is very aware of Ye Qiu’s influence and connections in the current football world. Manchester City has always been with The relationship between Tottenham Hotspur is also quite good, and Mubarak was personally instructed by Mansour to have a good relationship with Ye Qiu.

So after the incident occurred, Manchester City publicly stated that it would not appeal the incident and accept the penalty from the Football Association.

At the same time, the Manchester City Evening News also published a news article, believing that Manchester City has put pressure on Balotelli internally, asking him to stop his agent from continuing to mess around like this, and even replace his agent if necessary.

Manchester City's head coach Mancini publicly stated that Manchester City will not be anyone's team. He belongs to all Manchester City players, and Manchester City will not change its philosophy because of anyone's departure.

It was during this turmoil that in the fourth round of the English FA Cup, Tottenham Hotspur relied on Hazard's goal to defeat Watford 1:0 and successfully advanced to the next round.

In the middle of the week, the Premier League ushered in the 23rd round. Tottenham Hotspur defeated Tottenham 4-0 at home with the help of Messi’s brace, Ramsey’s goal and the substitute Ribery’s goal. At Wigan Athletic, he further expanded his unbeaten record.

So far, Tottenham Hotspur's unbeaten record has extended to 73 games.

But three days later, Tottenham Hotspur was a guest at Anfield and encountered a strong sniper from Benítez's team. After 90 minutes of fierce battle, Tottenham Hotspur was unable to take away a victory from the away game, and the two sides finally drew 0:0.

In this way, Tottenham Hotspur has an unbeaten record of 19 wins and 5 draws in the 24 rounds of the Premier League, leading the second-placed Manchester City team by 57 points, and Liverpool ranked third with 55 points.

But after experiencing three key battles in a row with West Ham United, Manchester City and Liverpool, Tottenham Hotspur soon ushered in the magpies Newcastle in the 25th round of the Premier League.

The Magpies led by Ibrahimovic tied Tottenham Hotspur 2:2 at home in the first half. Redknapp's team seized Tottenham Hotspur's weakness and exposed it. It is regarded as the most worthy game for other teams and coaches to learn from against Tottenham Hotspur this season.

Therefore, many people are looking forward to whether Redknapp can go further in this battle!

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