The Godfather of Football

Chapter 715 Born at the wrong time


The heavy panting sound was heard in the locker room of Bayern Munich.

The fact that the players of Bayern Munich, who have always been very physically fit, fell into such a state of fatigue that was almost suffocating showed the huge pressure that Tottenham Hotspur brought to Bayern Munich in this game, especially in the second half of the first half, when Tottenham Hotspur took control and dominated the game, Bayern Munich had to be forced to launch a pressing attack.

The result of this was that the players consumed too much physical energy.

Heynckes was also very troubled and annoyed about this, but he had no way to do it, because he could not let all the players recover all their physical energy in just fifteen minutes.

Many people say that the Bundesliga is the league that advocates the whole most and also the league with the best physical fitness, because the Bundesliga has always advocated the whole, the players run a lot, and the game investment is very high, so it is difficult to gain a foothold in the Bundesliga if you are not physically fit.

Even Robben, who was known as a physically challenged player in Real Madrid, improved his physical fitness a lot after joining Bayern Munich. Bayern Munich invited Heynckes to coach, obviously to change some of the drawbacks left over from the previous Van Gaal period.

A person who has lived to the age of 67, has passed the age of knowing his destiny, has passed the age of hearing, and is approaching the age of 70. Heynckes also knows himself very clearly and understands himself. He knows very well what his ability is.

Don't think it's easy, it's very difficult, because most of the losers are because they can't see themselves clearly.

Beckenbauer once said that the job of a head coach is like the job of a human resources director, but different people can do different things. For example, some people are good at creating reasonable and orderly rules and regulations for a company, but it is difficult for them to handle the relationship between themselves and their colleagues and superiors and subordinates.

Some people are not good at creating those rules and regulations, but they are very good at handling all kinds of relationships.

These two types of people are indispensable and must be possessed by a company that wants to make a difference.

Van Gaal is an outstanding tactical master, an absolute master-level figure. He is highly regarded in the coaching field. Many people believe that the tactical system of Dutch head coaches is the best and the least to worry about, just like Van Gaal and Ye Qiu, they are both examples of Dutch head coaches.

But in fact, another less well-known specialty of Dutch head coaches is training!

All Dutch head coaches are very good at training. They have a very typical feature of leading their teams, that is, the training level is quite high, because the Netherlands is the world's most training-oriented and the football power with the highest coach ratio.

Those who say that Van Gaal is a loser in Barcelona and Bayern Munich often start from a realistic perspective. They think that Van Gaal was fired and his performance was not ideal, so he failed.

But from the perspective of football, Van Gaal is not only successful, but also very, very successful!

Just like Barcelona, ​​although Barcelona was developed and flourished by Rijkaard and Guardiola and swept across Europe, the core foundations of these two teams were inherited from the Van Gaal period, and even many of Rijkaard's ideas and concepts were inherited from Van Gaal.

In other words, without Van Gaal's second visit, Barcelona would not have achieved the achievements in the following years, and even the entire Ajax training level and youth training team, many of which were left over from the Van Gaal period.

The same is true for Bayern Munich.

After Van Gaal came to the Bundesliga, he did something that surprised everyone, that is, he allowed Bayern Munich to chase and control the ball like Barcelona. Not only that, he could make the team more efficient than Barcelona in front-court pressing and quick counterattacks, and it was almost the same as Tottenham Hotspur.

In other words, what Van Gaal did in the Bundesliga is what Ye Qiu did in the Premier League.

Many people are very surprised by Ye Qiu's coaching. For example, he can make several Tottenham players who look rough, such as Vidal, Kyle Walker, Sandro, Phil Jones, etc., play the kind of one-kick pass of more than ten meters in the game field, and they are very smooth and skillful, never dragging their feet.

Some people think that this is because the players' skills have improved, yes, but this is just the surface. The core is that they are doing some very high-level similar passing and receiving training and games every day.

The game is always the result and outbreak of training. Without high-level training, you can't play a high-level game.

Bayern Munich in the Hitzfeld period was a latecomer. Even though Bayern Munich looked strong at that time, as the mainstream trend of European football has become more and more obvious in recent years, the leadership of Bayern Munich realized that changes must be made, because the initiative cannot be controlled by the opponent, which is suicidal.

Many people may think this is simple, but you have to know that this is an epoch-making change for any team. Do you think such a change will be simple?

The change from being a latecomer to being a preemptive striker involves many aspects.

Bayern Munich has been subconsciously looking for this kind of change in playing style since Klinsmann, and finally built an extremely solid foundation during Van Gaal's time. However, Van Gaal's personality is too extreme, and his relationship with the players is not harmonious. It is difficult for him to adapt, which leads to great conflicts between him and the players.

As Ye Qiu said, everything is a process of compromise. When this contradiction accumulates to a certain extent, and the management of Bayern Munich feels that the contradiction has seriously hindered the development of Bayern Munich, Van Gaal will naturally resign.

Heynckes is very clear about his own weight. He can do well in defense, but he can't give many methods in offense. Even in the overall tactical play, he basically continues some ideas from the Van Gaal period. The biggest change he brought to Bayern Munich is in the locker room control and player management.

In fact, today's Bayern Munich is backward compared to the original Van Gaal period, especially in the ball control and passing system.

I still remember that Beckenbauer once focused on commenting on three teams, Van Gaal's Bayern Munich, Ye Qiu's Tottenham Hotspur and Guardiola's Barcelona. He believed that these three teams were all unsolvable in their playing style. All teams can only do one thing when they meet them, and that is to defend.

It is to defend, not crazy pressing, the reason is very simple, they are not afraid of crazy pressing.

Tottenham Hotspur's response to full-court pressing has always been very clear, that is, to stretch the formation to the maximum extent.

Many people would think that this is normal, and you will definitely stretch it when others press you, but you should know that although stretching the formation can avoid pressing and weaken the threat brought by pressing, the problem that comes with it is that the distance between the players is larger, and the requirements for passing are higher, because now the most reliable accurate passing distance for professional players is ten meters, and some are even less than ten meters.

But Tottenham Hotspur dared to stretch the distance to fifteen meters or even more when facing Naples, AC Milan, and Barcelona. At such a distance, they can still maintain such an accurate and fast pass, and such a high pass success rate. What a great thing is this?

This is one of the core elements that the outside world praises Ye Qiu the most.

Look at the players of Bayern Munich running around now. They just use pressing to deal with Tottenham Hotspur, but the North London team directly spreads out the formation and uses their precise and fast passes to mobilize your pressing. See whether you run faster or they pass faster. You consume physical energy, while they consume leg strength. Can you compare?

Another thing that Ye Qiu is praised for in the professional coaching field is his analysis and understanding of the team's tactics.

Tottenham Hotspur's defense is typical of retraction, front and back pinching, left and right pinching, all of which are retraction, but their offense is release, actively leading the two side attacks, large-scale diagonal passes and horizontal passes, and forming a complex passing and receiving coordination system through reasonable and orderly off-ball running, so that the team can take the initiative in the game and gain an advantage.

If you watch Tottenham Hotspur's games carefully, you will find that they have a fast rhythm, smooth passing and receiving, and very sharp offense, which is very aggressive and impactful, making the whole scene very beautiful and pleasing to the eye, and deeply loved by fans.

But what makes Tottenham Hotspur do this is their outstanding running ability. They are the team with the highest average running distance per game in Europe, but they can do this because of their excellent passing and receiving, and everyone in the team is running and moving. The overall running and movement of the team can allow players to run more at a constant speed in the game, rather than a lot of sprinting back and forth.

The most typical example is Ramsey and Vidal. These two players often ran to vomit at the beginning of the season, but now everyone has found that they rarely vomit. The reason is not that their running distance has decreased, but that they run smarter and have learned to move a lot at a constant speed with the team, rather than sprinting back and forth.

Another point is that Tottenham Hotspur's passing distance is very long, and the accuracy is more than 15 meters, but they are not obsessed with this long-distance pass. They are more based on the needs of the scene and the needs of the game. Short passes, medium-distance passes and long passes are randomly combined, and even the formation is whether to close or release. They are also adjusted according to the needs of the game.

This is also where Ye Qiu is smarter than Van Gaal. Van Gaal's pursuit of speed, tactical width and open offense has affected the team's performance in the absence of suitable players.

Imagine that when you open up the formation, there are too many passing errors. What is the cost?

The opponent's powerful counterattacks are more, and there are more opportunities to break your goal. When the danger of the back line increases, the organization and offense of the front court will naturally fail. This is a chain effect.

Modern football can no longer distinguish between forwards, midfielders and defenders, because they are integrated. If there is a problem in any link, it will affect the overall situation.

After Heynckes took over Bayern Munich, he was very clear about his own problems. He did not have Van Gaal's top training level, nor Van Gaal's offensive system organization ability, so he could only use some of Van Gaal's more basic things and add some of his own things, such as a more aggressive and oppressive defensive style of play.

In Ye Qiu's previous life, Bayern Munich's two-round semi-final victory over Barcelona was actually based on defense, and the match against Arsenal was also unconvincing. At best, they played their own unique offense in the two rounds against Juventus. That was a change after the introduction of Mandzukic and Javier Martinez in the summer.

In terms of ball control, he is luckier than Van Gaal. The Dutch bet on Toni Kroos, but the young player finally got the hang of it, but Van Gaal left. So Heynckes continued to rely on Toni Kroos and Schweinsteiger's dual-core ball control, but he is worse than Van Gaal in that his team runs more mechanically, changes positions less frequently, and has poorer fluidity. In particular, in order to take care of the defense, they cannot let go of their hands and feet to play tactical width, because the passing speed is slow and there are fewer large-scale transfers.

When encountering weak teams, Heynckes' team can slowly control the ball, slowly look for opportunities, slowly pass the ball, and then use the players' strength to launch attacks, but in the Champions League, this set of tactics obviously does not work.

Especially when facing a team like Tottenham Hotspur that has super strong offensive ability and particularly balanced offense and defense, it is simply powerless, because when your speed slows down, the opponent's defense will have ample time to switch, and if you lack a large-scale transfer, the opponent can easily cut off your connection between the left, middle and right and the front, middle and back three lines.

To put it simply, Robben rarely cuts inside to find Thomas Muller, Thomas Muller lacks the ability to dribble inside from the wing, the connection between the two wingers in the front court is broken, and there are rarely large-scale transfers between the two full-backs. Bayern Munich does not have a diagonal passer like Pirlo of Tottenham Hotspur.

In the past, Van Gaal had Van Bommel in charge and Schweinsteiger as his deputy, and they combined well in this regard, but after Van Bommel left, neither Schweinsteiger nor Toni Kroos could do this.

At this moment, standing in the locker room of the Allianz Arena, Heynckes looked at this group of panting players. He didn't know what kind of countermeasures he should give to turn the situation around. At this moment, he really felt helpless and frustrated.

Perhaps, all teams that encounter Tottenham Hotspur will have such a sense of frustration.

Because this team is too terrible!



Compared to Heynckes not knowing how to deal with Tottenham Hotspur's attack in a short period of time, Ye Qiu's adjustments during the halftime break were very clear and clear, because he got the report of the analysis team at the end of the first half, which listed a lot of problems and analyses of both sides in the first half.

Combined with his own views and understanding of the game, as well as the team's tactical ideas, Ye Qiu made a very clear analysis of the players during the halftime break.

"Bayern Munich needs to control the ball, so they will desperately press and oppress when we control the ball. We just need to take advantage of this and pull them apart!"

The players all nodded. The attack in the first half that the team scored actually pulled Bayern Munich apart, and then used the team's large-scale precise transfer to pull their defense line and create offensive opportunities.

"Another point, when we lose control of the ball, we can follow the ball appropriately, but we must be fast, and we must start counter-grabbing at the first time, and keep up with the surroundings, but at the same time, we must also pay attention to Bayern Munich's large-scale transfer. It is us who want to pull Bayern apart, not us who want Bayern to pull apart!"

Ye Qiu's last sentence made the players laugh. In fact, when it came to the game, everyone found that Bayern Munich was not as strong as they imagined. They also had many problems, but they had one advantage, that is, they were very active in defense.

Sometimes Ye Qiu thought that in Heynckes' hands, Bayern Munich also had a very good hand. Judging from the team's lineup and configuration, it was definitely enough to make a difference in Europe, but the reason why Bayern Munich was in such an embarrassing situation now was still because of Van Gaal.

Van Gaal's tactical concept was very different from Heynckes', but everyone knew that Van Gaal represented the trend of modern football tactical concepts and was the most advanced. So Bayern Munich finally let Van Gaal lay such a solid foundation. Could Heynckes be abandoned in a blink of an eye?

Obviously not, and if we look at the tactical innovation ability and training level, there are coaches in Germany who are better than Heynckes, but Heynckes has more experience and better understanding ability. It is undoubtedly the most ideal for him to help Bayern Munich consolidate the system left by Van Gaal. Moreover, Bayern Munich's biggest problem is not the team's tactics or the players' strength, but the management of the team, which Heynckes is a master at.

But in this way, Heynckes is in trouble, because he has to show results, but at the same time he has to understand the system and foundation left by Van Gaal, and he has to develop one step forward on the basis of this system.

You know, if Ye Qiu, Rijkaard, or even Guardiola come, they will probably be able to understand and master Van Gaal's things better, because they are from the same lineage, but if Heynckes comes, it will be more difficult, so Heynckes is now in a situation where he doesn't understand Van Gaal's system thoroughly enough, and can only force some of his own things into it, becoming a product of four different things.

And if we look at Ye Qiu's previous life experience, Heynckes's failure this season is a tragic failure, which is also a manifestation of his conflict with Van Gaal. In the next season, he undoubtedly has a bargaining chip, so he increases the weight of his own ideas in Bayern's tactics, further weakens Van Gaal's traces, and combines them well, bringing success.

But this obviously conflicts with Bayern Munich's philosophy, because everyone knows that it took a lot of effort to change from being a latecomer to being a preemptive striker. Would the group of senior executives in Bayern Munich who understand football want to go back to the original position?

So it is not surprising that Guardiola replaced Heynckes!

But in any case, Heynckes is a respectable and very capable head coach, but sometimes, the head coach's fate is like this, the so-called untimely birth is like this.

This is true for Boas and Heynckes!

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