The Godfather of Football

Chapter 786 Be careful, Beckham is coming!

No one expected that the first London derby of the new season would end with such an amazing score.

Tottenham Hotspur once again defended its title of "Sheikh's Nightmare". With Ribery's hat trick, Messi's double goal and Lewandowski's goal, Tottenham Hotspur beat Arsenal 6-0 away!

After this game, Tottenham Hotspur's tactical play was surprised by countless fans and professionals. Countless people were analyzing that from the previous 433 tactics to 4231, Tottenham Hotspur seemed to have a faster pace and showed a completely different tactical style from the 433 period.

So many media called for Pirlo to be taken down and Matic to continue this devastating fast-paced offensive, instead of Pirlo's slow passing penetration, and more balls were handed to the frontcourt attacking players to strive for more scoring opportunities.

After the game at the Emirates Stadium, Mourinho was interviewed by the media and believed that Tottenham Hotspur was able to win this time mainly because Arsenal did too badly.

"In fact, I don't think Tottenham Hotspur's adjustment is very innovative. In fact, they are playing football in the 19th century. Maybe they look like offensive football, but in fact they are defensive counterattacks. Ye Qiu seems to have arranged a three-center-back style in this game, and the third center-back is Matic!"

"This is a very conservative game strategy, isn't it?"

For Mourinho's provocative remarks, many media and fans who support Tottenham Hotspur have responded, believing that Tottenham Hotspur has adopted a control-type style of play, combining ball control and space control. On the surface, Tottenham Hotspur did not win much in ball possession, but how to explain that Tottenham Hotspur's number of shots is ten times that of Arsenal? How to explain that most of the game was played in Arsenal's half?

Mourinho said he didn't need to answer questions from the media and fans. On the contrary, Ye Qiu, who heard Mourinho's remarks during an interview with the media the day after the game, responded.

"You know, the biggest thing Mourinho and I have in common is that we both like to show off. The difference is that he is a man who always thinks his opponents are worthless, so he can only put out a bus on the court, while I am like a thinker who is used to calm analysis and has something to pursue, so I put out a supercar. We are standing on the same starting line, and he can only chase behind me and look at my taillights!"

Mourinho immediately responded to Ye Qiu's sarcasm and irony, saying that if he had Ye Qiu's huge lineup, he could even play better and more outstanding football than Tottenham Hotspur.

Ye Qiu also responded immediately, "There is another big difference between Mourinho and me. He believes in what if, but I don't. So he goes to play in the Europa League, and we go to the Champions League!"

The war of words between the two famous coaches in the Premier League made the media very excited. In fact, Tottenham Hotspur did perform better, especially Ye Qiu made appropriate rotations this season with an amazing depth in the midfield.

In the second round of the league, Tottenham Hotspur played at home and welcomed Swansea.

This was the first official game after the opening of Tottenham Hotspur's new stadium. Before this game, Tottenham Hotspur also held a short opening ceremony. Mayor Boris Johnson and others came to the scene to attend the ceremony. Tottenham Hotspur rotated again this time.

After a week of rest, Pirlo surprised people again and showed a very good state, helping the team to win 4:0 at home against Swansea. He completed 108 passes in this game. The combination of Ramsey and Pogba allowed Pirlo to completely control the entire midfield.

Two games, two big wins, but two different tactical styles were reflected. Tottenham's performance in the new season surprised everyone, even Ye Qiu himself was a little surprised.

He calculated a lot of things, but underestimated the most important thing, people's hearts.

Whether it is Pirlo or Matic, the new season is the best opportunity for them to prove their strength again, so they are trying their best in the new season, especially Pirlo. As a veteran, although he has received strong support from the team, everyone is questioning whether he can still take on the responsibility in the new season.

But he wants to prove to everyone that he deserves a ticket to Brazil!

Not only Pirlo and Matic, the performance of the two superstars Ribery and Messi in the front court is as stable as ever, but Hazard and Neymar have shown signs of taking over. The two players have shown a good competitive state since the preseason, and Lewandowski wants to prove his strength and establish his main position.

Therefore, the start of the new season has allowed the entire Tottenham to show its super game control and attacking power.

On the contrary, Chelsea, which had a war of words with Tottenham Hotspur before the game and was going to challenge Tottenham Hotspur in the European Super Cup, was tied 0-0 by Manchester United away in the third round.

After three rounds, Tottenham Hotspur leads the Premier League with three consecutive wins, while Liverpool also has three consecutive wins. Following closely behind, there is another team with three consecutive wins, namely Southampton. Ampton, this team has not faced challenges from strong teams in the first three rounds and is currently ranked third in the Premier League.

After three rounds of the Premier League, Tottenham Hotspur ushered in the UEFA Champions League group draw ceremony and awards ceremony.

At the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco, Ribery of Tottenham Hotspur overwhelmingly won the best player in Europe with 36 votes. Messi got 13 votes and Cristiano Ronaldo. Ronaldo had only three votes.

This also reflects the outside world's affirmation of Tottenham Hotspur, and a very important reason why Ribery was able to suppress Messi is because he performed better in many key games.

After winning the award for the best player, Tottenham Hotspur drew Shakhtar Donetsk, Bayer Leverkusen and Real Sociedad as seed teams in the subsequent draw. , the luck of the draw is quite good.

When Platini was interviewed by the media after the draw results came out, he said with a smile that UEFA would only do its best to maintain the fairness of the UEFA Champions League platform. If Tottenham Hotspur is strong enough to win To win three consecutive championships, he felt it was normal and there was nothing to make a fuss about.

"Many people say that consecutive championships will destroy the influence of the Champions League, but what we have seen is that in the past few years, the influence of the Champions League has increased tremendously, whether we are in business operations or In terms of marketing, we have made great progress in performance, which is obviously inconsistent with what many people say.”

But Platini also said that he does not support Tottenham Hotspur to continue to win the championship.

"I am a fan, and it is true that I appreciate Tottenham Hotspur's football style, but I hope that more teams can emerge that can better challenge Tottenham Hotspur. It is best to let them Even the group can’t get out of the line!”

Regarding Platini's remarks, Ye Qiu also smiled and said that he and Platini are very good friends, and he has always hoped that a team can challenge Tottenham Hotspur.

"I have always said that for us at Tottenham Hotspur, failure is a cup of honey and victory is a slow poison, so like everyone else, we are eager to get honey!"

Ye Qiu's statement can easily cause controversy. Some people think that he is showing off, but others believe that his statement reflects the difference between Tottenham Hotspur's style and other teams, because everyone knows that failure Only then can we help the team expose its shortcomings and provide room for modification and improvement.

After participating in the award ceremony and draw ceremony in Monaco, Tottenham Hotspur was disbanded on the spot. The international players all went back to participate in the national team games, and those who did not have national team game duties returned to London. As for Ye Qiu, Heading to Nyon, Switzerland.



On the outskirts of Nyon, Switzerland, on the shores of Lake Geneva, in front of a three-story, modern, irregular rectangular building, countless reporters from all over the world gathered, many of them coming from Monaco.

The annual European Elite Coaches Summit will be held here.

This year's European Elite Club Coaches Summit is a gathering of famous coaches. Ferguson, who has announced his retirement, and former Bayern Munich head coach Heynckes are among them. Mourinho, Guardiola, Wenger, Ancelotti, Benitez, Pellegrini, Conte, Klopp, Simeone, Terim, Lucescu and other famous European coaches are all on the list.

But the real attraction was Ye Qiu, who attended the European Elite Club Coaches Summit for the first time.

It is actually a bit wrong to say that this is Ye Qiu's first time to participate, because he receives invitations every year, but he has never participated in this event due to various reasons, so a few days ago, At the Champions League draw ceremony in Monaco, Platini invited Ye Qiu face to face, thinking that he was about to retire and would always have to go to the summit.

The news that Ye Qiu was going to attend the summit was spread by the media immediately after the lottery ceremony, and this immediately attracted the attention of many famous European coaches. This can be seen from the total number of people attending this year's summit. It is very As a result, most of the invited head coaches agreed to attend the summit.

The organizing committee always arranged for two vans to pick up and drop off, but this year it had to temporarily add another one.

The reason for using a van is mainly because there will be more people to pick up and drop off, and a van is more comfortable than a bus.

Ye Qiu arrived in Nyon the night before the summit. He was taken to the hotel booked in advance by UEFA's reception staff. He had breakfast in the hotel room. At around nine o'clock in the morning, he got on the bus arranged by UEFA. In the van, what was very depressing was that sitting opposite him was Simeone, the head coach of Atletico Madrid with a ruthless face.

I don't know why, but every time he sees Simeone, Ye Qiu wants to tell him, "Hey, man, I'm Beckham's friend, be careful, he has also changed his career to be a head coach now, and sooner or later he will come to you for revenge!" "

But he held it back every time because he was worried about whether Simeone would punch him if he said so.

Perhaps it was because Ye Qiu always had a half-smiling expression on his face, wanting to smile but not smiling, which made Simeone feel a little embarrassed, so the Argentinian hunk grinned at Ye Qiu and said, "Is there any problem, Ye Qiu?" gentlemen?"

Of course Ye Qiu couldn't tell the truth, so he immediately concealed a smile and said, "I just want to ask, when you introduce players, do you really consider their zodiac signs?"

Simeone obviously did not expect that Ye Qiu would ask such a question. Even though he has a brilliant career and even if he does a pretty good job at Atletico Madrid, compared with Ye Qiu, whether it is status or influence, he is indeed Much behind.

But after Ye Qiu asked this question, he immediately felt that the distance between the two of them had become very close. There was some silence in the car, and even the atmosphere in the car that seemed a bit awkward because many of them were former enemies and opponents was because of this. There was a burst of laughter at the question, and the atmosphere became obviously lively.

"I..." After Simeone laughed for a while, he didn't know how to answer, "How should I put it? In fact, I basically choose the players first, but I found that the players I like are basically of that type. , a relatively brave constellation, so..."

Ye Qiu was also amused after hearing this. This is what Simeone said when he was interviewed by Marca. He said that when choosing players, he would first consider the zodiac sign because he found that many people's personalities and methods of doing things are related to their zodiac signs. This made Ye Qiu wonder if this guy was a divination master?

"Can I ask you a question in turn?" Simone asked with a smile after everyone stopped laughing.

Ye Qiu nodded, "Of course!"

"Many people say that you have a very precise eye for selecting players, so what are your criteria for selecting players?"

When Simeone asked this question, everyone in the van immediately paid attention, including Klopp, Conte, and even Mourinho, his opponent, all turned their ears.

The van was driving on the smooth Nyon road, preparing to leave the outskirts of the city and head to the UEFA headquarters on the shores of Lake Geneva.

Ye Qiu was silent for a few seconds and thought for a moment. After all, the people present were all very professional and basically elite head coaches. Many things needed to be carefully worded and not just fooled around.

"My criteria for selecting players are more complicated. First of all, of course, I consider the fit of technical and tactical styles. But occasionally I make some strange decisions, such as Phil Jones. But when I choose this player, I focus on the long term. , I think he is very malleable, and I admire his aura very much.”

Simeone and many people in the car nodded unanimously. Phil Jones has the tenacious fighting spirit and fighting spirit of a typical English player. This is a rare quality in football today.

"Relatively speaking, I personally tend to be younger and choose to be around 20 years old. Generally, the player's style is reflected at this time, but it has not yet been finalized and is very malleable. And I will focus on evaluating the player's learning and acceptance. Ability, I..."

Having said this, Ye Qiu shrugged, "It's actually very complicated. We have a complete set of evaluation plans and reports, so it's easier to make some decisions."

This last sentence is indeed very honest, because having such a team to help the head coach evaluate and analyze is indeed more convenient and more comprehensive than the head coach looking for it himself. After all, no one can guarantee that he will not make mistakes. , even Ferguson or other famous coaches will inevitably make mistakes sometimes.

But Ye Qiu's vision is obvious to all in the industry, and Tottenham Hotspur's scouting system is unparalleled in the world.

"But aren't you worried that sometimes the list recommended by the scouting department does not meet your taste?" Simeone asked again. After all, he did not understand Tottenham Hotspur's internal structure.

Ye Qiu shook his head, "Generally speaking, it is difficult for this kind of situation to happen within Tottenham Hotspur. Of course, there are exceptions, but I think as long as the head coach clearly knows what type he wants. What kind of players do you want, then the scouts will basically distinguish them in a targeted manner to meet these requirements.”

"Of course, there may be exceptions to everything. After all, there are no absolutes. So what we pursue with this system is to ensure the quality and fit of the signings to the greatest extent possible."

Ye Qiu's words impressed many people, because Tottenham Hotspur's scouting system was brought out by Ye Qiu himself. In the past few years, Tottenham Hotspur players have It can be said that Tan He has made outstanding achievements and can bring an endless supply of talents to the team. It is difficult not to admire him.

When Ye Qiu finished speaking, three vans arrived at the UEFA headquarters building one after another. There was an uproar at the scene. Countless reporters raised their cameras high and pointed at the vans to take pictures, especially when some reporters saw their favorite celebrities. When Shuai got out of the car, everyone exclaimed.

When Ye Qiu got out of the van, the warmest cheers came from the scene. After he raised his hands to the media reporters around him, he exchanged words with Simeone, Mourinho and others. Entering the UEFA headquarters building politely.

The summit is divided into two days. The agenda on the first day is mainly to discuss the future tactical trends of the Champions League and European football. Then there is an award ceremony. This is an award ceremony at the head coach level, referring to the fact that the national players have played a hundred times for the national team. Later, UEFA will award awards and award some souvenirs and other medals, so this time it will award awards to some head coaches who have coached more than 100 European games, and Ye Qiu is among them. This is also the reason why Ye Qiu accepted Platini’s invitation. One of the reasons.

After all, this honor will make Ye Qiu recorded in UEFA's history.

In addition, UEFA also plans to invite Ye Qiu, hoping that he can work in UEFA after retirement, mainly as a white-collar salary, without having to do anything, and get free tickets for some important games.

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