The Godfather of Football

Chapter 792: The Battle of the Gods

A great victory!

Tottenham Hotspur led Manchester City 3:0 in the first half, and with Hazard's goal in the second half, they finally won a near-perfect victory from Manchester 4:0. The next day, The Guardian of England The famous tactical columnist Jonathan Wilson used such a rare title in his column.

As the most famous and influential tactics columnist in Europe, Jonathan Wilson has always been a mentor in the eyes of many football tactics enthusiasts. He was one of the first football media people to conduct in-depth analysis of tactics, and he also He did a very good job, and one film "Inverted Pyramid" won him a lifetime status.

Jonathan Wilson begins his column this way.

"Different styles of tactics are one of the most fascinating aspects of football, but in today's football, all the top teams are keen on doing two things, possession and pressing, and they explore total offense and defense in different ways. They are either keen on continuously improving their team's scoring efficiency, or they are studying how to frustrate the opponent's deep defense."

"Activity and passivity are the basic impressions that many fans use to distinguish between these two different tactics. Ye Qiu has always been regarded as a master of active football. He is also a loyal player with high-intensity midfield and frontcourt pressure and effective ball possession. fans, and Mourinho is an expert in passive football."

"I still remember one time before, Mourinho said that if he had such a strong star lineup as Tottenham Hotspur, he could play better and more attacking football than Tottenham Hotspur. Many people said What I don’t know is that Ye Qiu once responded that he can play Mourinho’s tactics without having a star, or even better than Mourinho.”

"Many people don't believe what they say and think they are more of a psychological warfare, because offense is not as simple as people think, and defense is not as easy as people guess."

"However, on this night in Manchester, Ye Qiu used his Tottenham Hotspur second team lineup and a completely different football style from his past to beat Manchester City 4:0. I believe Everyone who has watched that game will have their impression of Ye Qiu completely overturned."

"I can boldly say here that it will be one of the most classic games in the Premier League this season, and also one of the most tactical games this season. All tactical fans who missed this game should go and watch it again. Warm it up, it will completely overturn many of your misconceptions about football tactics."

"Strictly speaking, Tottenham Hotspur had no extra organization or possession in this game. They were ten points behind Manchester City in possession, but they created more and more threatening offensive opportunities than Manchester City. , and also created more goals. Almost all their energy was focused on two things, offense and defense!”

"I don't know what Ye Qiu arranged before this game, but from the start of the game, we can clearly see that Ye Qiu did not integrate the team well at the beginning. Naham Hotspur did not play well and seemed very cautious, but as Ye Qiu made adjustments again and again, they gradually entered a very strange game track. "

"It's difficult for you to seriously distinguish what kind of formation Tottenham Hotspur adopted in this game, and you can't tell at all who is attacking and who is defending in this game. , because their defensive players actively participated in the forward attack, especially in the second half, Matic had two long-range shots from the front of the Manchester City penalty area.”

"It's hard for you to tell which one of them is defending, because even Hazard often appears at the front of the penalty area, and even chases back to the bottom line, participating in a very important defensive steal, and we can clearly see that , Tottenham seemed very passive because they didn’t have the ball and had no initiative.”

"But the scene will not give you a very clear feeling like the data. On the contrary, if you watch this game, you will only have a feeling that the two teams are evenly matched. Tottenham Hotspur They are not at a disadvantage, on the contrary, their offense is very threatening.”

"This is an illusion, an illusion created because the game is too fast and the ball changes hands too frequently."

"The reason for this illusion is that Manchester City's offense will always be interrupted as long as it enters the 30-meter area of ​​Tottenham Hotspur, or even enters Tottenham Hotspur's half, and the problem is fatal. The point is that as long as Manchester City's attack is interrupted, Tottenham Hotspur's counterattack can quickly threaten."

"I have been thinking about a question last night, why is there such a huge contrast?"

"I thought back to every word and every word that the two managers said in the press conference after the game, and I was trying to find some clues in their words, and I noticed that Pellegrini said , the team did a terrible job of counterattacking, and then I was thinking, did Manchester City counterattack?"

"The answer is yes, and all Manchester City's counterattacks basically have some problems. They always want to play pass penetration, or go directly to the two centers, because they are the only player in the frontcourt who can play speed. , Spanish player Navas on the right was completely frozen by Azpilicueta, his Spanish compatriot!”

"This is a very bold and wise decision by Ye Qiu in this game. He sent right back Azpilicueta to play on the left, completely blocking Navas and causing Manchester City's counterattack to lose speed."

"We noticed that Tottenham Hotspur's midfield and backfield are a steel jungle, Kompany, Nastasic, Matic, Stroman, Phil Jones, Kyle Walker, Aspi Liquita, these players are not afraid of physical confrontation and have strong tactical execution. They are not inferior at all when facing Dzeko and Negredo.”

"So Manchester City was in a very passive situation. A frontal attack could not break Tottenham Hotspur's defense. Once the ball was intercepted, Tottenham Hotspur quickly counterattacked and sent the ball to Manchester City as quickly as possible. The backcourt forced Manchester City to retreat into their own half, while Tottenham Hotspur did not focus on taking the ball and controlling the ball. Their offense focused on speed and efficiency.”

"Once a threat is created, the goal is achieved. Even if there is no threat, after Manchester City steals the ball, they cannot counterattack. They will find that all the contact points in the frontcourt are frozen, so Manchester City has to pass the ball back and pass the ball back. Stay in your own half, control the ball and look for opportunities, but at this time Tottenham will increase their pressure and once the ball is stolen, they will threaten to counterattack again. "

"The whole game was played in Manchester City's half for a long time, so on the surface, Manchester City has an advantage in possession of the ball, but in fact they don't have this advantage on the field. Instead, they look a little passive!"

"I believe that everyone who has watched this game will not doubt what Ye Qiu said that he does not need any stars to play Mourinho's football, because from this game, we It can be clearly seen that Ye Qiu's defensive accomplishments, his understanding of tactics, and his ability to adapt to situations on the spot are all quite outstanding."

"I even think that he is not inferior in these aspects, and even surpasses the retired Ferguson!"

"What's more important is that when we watch this kind of game, we don't have the dull feeling when watching Mourinho's Chelsea, nor the drag and depression when watching Serie A. We will have a very exciting and nervous feeling. , because even though it’s defense, the underlying philosophy is still the familiar mark of Ye Qiu.”

"For example, we can see that Tottenham Hotspur players move very purposefully whether they are attacking or defending. When anyone gets the ball, there are always teammates around them who immediately run into the gaps to create space for the ball and receive them. teammates, and when defending, they are very good at using movement to cut the opponent's ball route, as well as their personal foot skills that flash from time to time, such as Matic, Phil Jones, Hazard, Lewandowski. The continuous passing coordination of Dorfsky, Eriksson and others.”

"We have to admit that even when playing defensive counterattack, Ye Qiu can play something different from others, and he can play more lovable than Mourinho. This is determined by his football philosophy. !”

"The four-goal away victory over Manchester City was a key battle that laid the foundation for Tottenham Hotspur's championship. It was also an open tactical lesson for Ye Qiu, a battle for the gods of tactician masters!"

"After the game, Pellegrini said very helplessly that on the road to winning the championship, Tottenham Hotspur were sprinting at the front and everyone was optimistic about them, while Manchester City could only stay behind Tottenham Hotspur. Follow, take it one step at a time.”

"Pellegrini is right. With today's Ye Qiu and today's Tottenham Hotspur, no one can shake the status and achievements of this team!"

"But we also have to regret, because just this summer, we sent away Ferguson, the master tactician, and next summer, we will send away Ye Qiu. By then, the football world will still be like the past few years, like Is it so exciting today?”

"I believe it will, but the excitement at that time will not be the same as Ye Qiu's!"



This column by Jonathan Wilson caused a lot of attention and controversy. Some people thought that Ye Qiu and Tottenham Hotspur were praised too much, because that game looked like a victory of conservative tactics.

But there are also a lot of fans who fought back, thinking that those who said that game was conservative had never watched the game at all, because the whole game was not boring at all, it was very intense, very tense, very exciting, and the rhythm was also very fast. quick.

The two sides are fighting each other on the Internet, in newspapers, on TV, and in magazines, each holding their own opinions, but one thing is recognized by everyone, and that is the biggest difference between Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester City in this game. The thing is, Tottenham Hotspur has Ye Qiu, and it was Ye Qiu who decided and dominated this game.

So many Tottenham Hotspur fans came to Theobald's door every day in the days after the game and shouted slogans, hoping that Ye Qiu could continue to stay in the team and continue to coach Tottenham Hotspur. , continue to lead this team forward.

Tottenham Hotspur fans didn't know that when they were shouting slogans, far away from Theobald Gate, Ye Qiu was sitting on the pavilion in the central lake of the training base. He heard the fans' shouts. I appealed, but my mood was not very good.

"I really don't mind if you regret it!"

Next to Ye Qiu, Mauro Tassotti smiled calmly. He was indeed eager to coach and build a team of his own that conforms to his own ideas, because today's Tottenham Hotspur is Ye Qiu's team.

Or it should be said that the two have been working together for eight years. Most of their ideas are close, but they have differences in some details. For example, Ye Qiuting likes Messi, a superstar with super personal ability, but Mauro Ta Soti has always insisted that players should obey tactics and maximize their strengths within the tactical framework.

Within the current tactical framework of Tottenham Hotspur, Ribery and Messi, who are over 30 years old, are obviously a bit over the limit.

Of course, they still work very hard and diligently, and actively implement the team's tactics, and their performance is quite good.

Ye Qiu believes that it is not a big deal to accommodate the superstars and let them perform better.

The differences between the two are not big. Didn't Mauro Tassotti do a good job cooperating with Ye Qiu these years?

Mauro Tassotti admires Ye Qiu from the bottom of his heart. Especially in the past few years since he came to Tottenham Hotspur, he has really opened his horizons, and he has also clearly realized that Italy At the same time, he was truly aware of the weaknesses and shortcomings of football, and he had a glimpse of the forefront of tactical trends.

He believes that Capello must have felt this way when he served as assistant coach to Sacchi.

Therefore, if Ye Qiu is willing to stay and continue coaching, he will have some regrets, but he will definitely be happy to hear the news.

Of course, if Ye Qiu continues to coach, he will seriously consider coaching other teams alone, because he now has an urgent desire to show his ambition, especially in the past two years.

After hearing what Mauro Tassotti said, Ye Qiu shook his head and smiled, "You know this is impossible!"

After a pause, he continued: "No one can change what I have decided!"

Roland Shepas on the side laughed, "I went to his house before, and Achudu was already planning a global trip in the second half of next year. If he says he won't retire at this time, I can guarantee that he will It must be so painful!”

After hearing this, Ye Qiu also smiled helplessly. Huang Chu and Roland were also very good friends. I still remember that when we were in Amsterdam, this damn fat man often came to Ye Qiu's house to have dinner. Oh, and there was that Ibrahimovic. It's strange that the damn Swedes have lived in Ye Qiu's house for more than half a year in vain, and they still miss Mrs. Ye's cooking skills.

There are really many ways to make Ye Qiu miserable, and they are very simple. As long as you use salt as MSG in your daily meals, you will have Ye Qiu's heart in mind!

"Mauro!" Ye Qiu looked at Mauro Tassotti with a serious face, "I said I would retreat, and I will definitely retreat. You know my personality very well. I will not go back on my words, and I will not do it when the time comes. No more interfering in the team’s affairs unless you feel it is necessary, because I absolutely believe in you and you will not do worse than me!”

Being so encouraged by Ye Qiu, Mauro Tassotti just smiled. He was very aware of the burden on his shoulders.

The more current Tottenham Hotspur fans want to retain Ye Qiu, the more they will miss Ye Qiu in the future and the more suspicious they will be of Mauro Tassotti. At that time, he will have to win the championship faster. release results.

Mauro Tassotti admired Ye Qiu's determination and courage, because Ye Qiu promised him that he would have the final say in the team's affairs. Even if Mauro Tassotti felt it was necessary, he would Ye Qiu did not even rule out selling the superstars in the team to clear the way for Mauro Tassotti to take over the locker room.

From this point of view, Ye Qiu really spared no effort in supporting Mauro Tassotti. Even the four signings of the team this season were basically all involved and made by Mauro Tassotti. , Ye Qiu is only really responsible for signing.

"It's okay. According to me, the guys in the locker room are quite convinced by you. When the time comes to take over the locker room, there won't be a big problem. But Ye Qiu is right, I'm afraid some people will lose their minds. The attitude is relaxed!”

This is also the most likely situation for any team to change coaches after experiencing a peak period, such as Liverpool back then.

Therefore, at this time, the management and coaching staff must work together to show strong courage and control, even at the expense of cleaning up some uneasy factors in the team, showing a tough side, intimidating the players, and controlling the overall situation.

Ye Qiu was also angry with Peter Kenyon and Ron Gurley on this point.

Choosing Mauro Tassotti is a long-term plan, not a temporary decision.

"I understand!" Mauro Tassotti nodded in agreement.

Roland chuckled and pointed in the direction of the gate, "How about the fans?"

"Of course I need you, Fatty Luo, to come forward. After all, it's your business. In short, help me get rid of them as soon as possible!" After saying that, Ye Qiu patted Fatty Luo's chubby shoulder and walked out of the pavilion. It looked like he was going to take a nap.

"I believe you can do it, Fatty!" Mauro Tassotti also encouraged Fatty Luo by patting Fatty Luo's fat. It felt good, making him laugh and walk out of the pavilion.

Fatty Luo was alone in the pavilion, watching these two inhumane guys leaving irresponsibly, feeling unhappy in his heart.

"Ha, I've never seen two people so irresponsible. Fortunately, you are reasonable!"

But what can he do?

He could only shake his chubby body, walk out of the pavilion, and head towards the gate. He thought along the way that things in this world were really unfair. Why were those two guys from Tottenham Hotspur so well-known, while he was always assigned to do such thankless work?

"Is it because I'm handsome?" Fatty Luo lowered his head and looked at his big belly, which was the size of a ten-month pregnancy.

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