The more you look at the more you want, the more you will be rewarded.

Nan Jingyou smiled calmly, and scanned these people before saying:

"There's nothing to admire. I'm just the chairman of a small company now. As for my annual salary, it should be a million."

"Oh, by the way, if you count the dividends from your shares, tens of millions are inevitable. I wonder if you are satisfied?"

After throwing this bomb on the ground, he leisurely poured himself a cup of tea and drank it, completely ignoring the shocked expressions of the people at the two tables.

After about ten seconds, Feng Minghui sneered:

"Jingyou, are you afraid that everyone will laugh at you, so you deliberately tell such irrelevant lies?"

"Even if you start a business right after graduation, how can you grow your company so big in less than a year?"

"Don't worry, tell the truth. These classmates at the table are ordinary people. If you really don't do well, no one will laugh at you."

"At worst, I will give you the vacant supervisor position in our company. I believe that the classmates can understand."

After the last sentence, the people at the table couldn't sit still. The purpose of their coming to the birthday party today was for this position. If they were so easily intercepted by Nan Jingyou, what would their flattery in the group for so many days be for?

What's more, everyone has made full preparations to come to the birthday party today, and they have spent a lot of money to buy birthday gifts.

Sure enough, everyone looked at Nan Jingyou with a strange look.

Nan Jinghe, who was at the same table, noticed everyone's unfriendly eyes and frowned.

He said in a deep voice: "My brother has his own company, and it's not his turn to be a supervisor in your house. You should leave this position for others."

You Che also said: "My young master doesn't join any random company. I see that your classmates are very eager to get the job, so you should give it to them."

Nan Jingyou was touched by the two people standing up for him, but he still gave them a calm look.

He couldn't let the two people make Feng Minghui angry. If he got angry and kicked him out of the banquet, he would not be able to complete his system task.

As for games, they should be played slowly to be fun.

Seeing Feng Minghui's dark face, he took the initiative to smile and said: "Minghui, don't mind, but you should leave the supervisor position to these classmates. Their friendship with you is much deeper than with me. Don't let them feel disappointed."

This really touched the hearts of these classmates, and everyone looked at Nan Jingyou with a much kinder look.

Feng Minghui was afraid that these people would really cause trouble, so he remained silent and did not refute this statement.

After this episode, although everyone was still suspicious of Nan Jingyou's identity, they were more interested in Nan Jinghe and You Che.

Yang Wei was the squad leader and Feng Minghui's number one lackey. Now he was with Feng Minghui as his assistant.

Seeing Feng Minghui frowning and not speaking, he took the initiative to shift the topic to Nan Jingyou.

"Jingyou, you brought these three people here, why don't you introduce them to everyone?"

Nan Jingyou laughed in his heart. It seemed that these people still hadn't given up the idea of ​​making him look bad.

He raised his lips and introduced according to Yang Wei's meaning: "The one on my left is my brother Nan Jinghe, who works as a lawyer at Shenghui Law Firm in Jing City."

"The one next to him is his friend Zhao Jinyan, who is now the manager of Hongxing Sales Center in Hai City."

"As for the one on my right, my housekeeper You Che is mainly responsible for all matters related to me."

In the past, he might not introduce it so specifically, but today is different. If he doesn't pretend, how can he slap these people in the face and make them believe in his real financial strength?

As soon as this introduction came out, even Feng Minghui's eyes widened slightly.

Because their family had an economic dispute some time ago, his father wanted to find a lawyer from Shenghui to help with the lawsuit, but he didn't expect that they would not take such a small case at all.

The reason why he wanted to find Shenghui was because Shenghui was the best law firm in the country, and they could basically rest assured about the cases they took over.

Unexpectedly, Nan Jingyou's brother was actually from Shenghui.

And Zhao Jinyan should not be underestimated. Hongxing is the largest automobile manufacturer in China. To be the manager of Hongxing Sales Center, the strength behind him is definitely not simple.

Although Feng Minghui's family has a company, the asset value of the entire company is only a few hundred million. To be honest, he is a little afraid to offend such a person.

At this moment, he really believes Nan Jingyou's words.

But for the most important thing in his heart,

After that, he asked again, "You said before that you are the chairman of the company, so what is the name of your company? You have to show us evidence to make us believe it."

The other students also pricked up their ears to listen carefully to the next answer.

Nan Jingyou did not keep the secret and directly said a name.

"Yuefei Technology Co., Ltd."

As soon as he finished speaking, a person at the table suddenly laughed.

"Oh, Jingyou, you said you were not joking. Last month, I went to talk about cooperation with the chairman of Yuefei with my leader. The chairman was clearly a middle-aged man in his fifties."

"If you say you are the son of the chairman of Yuefei, it would be more reliable than what you just said."

"Oh, I am really laughing to death."


The man laughed so hard that he was out of breath, and Nan Jingyou was afraid that he would faint from laughter.

The other students did not expect Nan Jingyou to be lying, and they looked at him with contempt.

You Che seemed to know what these people wanted to say, and he put the teacup in his hand heavily on the table, making a loud bang.

His action directly blocked the words those people wanted to say in their throats.

You Che's handsome eyebrows gathered, and his purple pupils made him look evil.

He said in a deep voice: "The previous chairman of Yuefei Technology has transferred his shares to my young master this month. Now my young master holds 67% of the company's shares and is the real chairman."

After speaking, he glanced at these people with sharp eyes and said: "If you still have questions, why not check the company's registration information online to see if the chairman has changed."

Everyone was about to take action, and someone at another table suddenly stood up with a stiff face. In everyone's puzzled eyes, he slowly walked to Nan Jingyou and bowed.

"Chairman, I didn't know you."

When everyone was confused, this person took the initiative to explain: "Don't check, I can prove that Jingyou is the chairman of Yuefei Technology, because I am an employee of Yuefei Technology, and our leader did notify us of the change of chairman this month."

"And the chairman's name is Nan Jingyou. It happened that I asked for leave when Jingyou came to inspect the various departments of the company, so I didn't know that the chairman was him. I thought they just had the same name."

Although Nan Jingyou also worked at Yuefei Technology before, their departments had no direct contact opportunities, and the office building was not on the same floor, so the two had never met during work.

Before everyone was shocked, another classmate spoke up again.

"Ah, go and check the industrial and commercial registration information of Yuefei Technology. The chairman's name is really Nan Jingyou."

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