Divinity is a good thing. You must know that from a divine creature to a demigod, the most important thing is divinity, which is the essence of a divine creature.

The stronger the divinity, the larger the divine power and the scale of the divine domain that can be carried, especially the transformation of a divine creature into a demigod needs to obtain divine power to condense the priesthood, which requires enough divinity to carry the priesthood.

The stronger the divinity, the more and stronger the divine power you can get, and the stronger the priesthood you will eventually have.

Although Zhang Yifan already possesses the innate priesthood of the Slime Lord, if he wants to go further and smoother on the road of demigod, it is necessary to obtain some excellent divine powers as soon as possible.

Only in this way can he use divine power to combine the priesthood that best suits him and determine his future direction.

Zhang Yifan cut into the realm of the gods, carefully observing his physical attributes.

Immediately, a light curtain that only he could see popped up in front of him, displaying a series of data.

God interface:

Name: Zhang Yifan

Real name: Coleridge Coleridge.

God Name: Lord of Slime

Godhead: none

Portfolio: Lord of Slime, (Creator)

Divinity: 2.

Divine Fire: Not lit.

Divine power: 2.

Divine powers: reproduction, loyalty

Dominion: Field of Slime.

Cult: Cult of Slime.

Worshipers: Iron Slime, Spiked Slime.

Occupation: None.

Faith points: 3321154 points.

"Reproduction, loyalty...

Well, it seems that I am going to go all the way on the road of auxiliary divine powers. "

Zhang Yifan muttered to himself.

Can it be more tricky?

Reproduction, a divine power born from the priesthood of the Slime Master, the passive ability is to improve the reproductive ability of slimes, and there is a small probability that population optimization will occur during split reproduction.

Use 10,000 Faith Points to actively use it once to force non-destructive splitting of slimes within the range of divine magic.

A typical explosive skill.

After absorbing divinity this time, he obtained the second divine ability "loyalty".

When used passively, it can slightly increase the power of faith output provided by believers, and when used actively, it can increase the level of belief of a believer.

It can be used once every ten natural years of God's Domain.

"My God! When will I be able to obtain the divine power with powerful damage?"

How can such a powerless god get away with it?

No complaints, Zhang Yifan was the first to cast the divine ability of loyalty to the steel slime he had a crush on.

After raising the faith level, the faith level of this steel slime has reached a saint.

In addition to providing him with tens of thousands of times the power of faith that ordinary slimes can provide, the steel slime that has become a saint can also ascend to the kingdom of God and become an angel after death.

The souls of believers who have reached fanaticism will enter another level of God's Domain after death, which is the level where Zhang Yifan is currently.

If the slimes are in the material plane of God's Domain, the plane where Yifan's real body of the god usually lives is commonly known as the plane of God's Kingdom.

All dead zealots go there to be converted into petitioners.

After fanatics transform into petitioners, they will directly return to the peak state of life, and then receive different treatment according to the degree of belief.

The lifespan of a petitioner is not unlimited, it is the lifespan of its own race, but it can live until old age and death without disease and disaster, and each time a petitioner dies, it will weaken a little bit. When there are too many deaths, the consciousness will become blurred and eventually become Nutrients are integrated into the Kingdom of God.

These petitioners are the background of the gods in the Kingdom of God. Usually, they will pray every moment in the Kingdom of God, providing the gods with pure power of faith to transform faith points.

In time of war they will be the best fighters,

Protect the Kingdom of God.

And the guards of the Kingdom of God transformed from the souls of the saints have extremely powerful combat power, and each guard of the Kingdom of God has a fighting ability above the ninth level.

Moreover, Zhang Yifan can also take the initiative to reincarnate the souls of the guards and petitioners of the Kingdom of God. The souls of these reborn souls are imprinted with Zhang Yifan's imprint, and they are naturally close to the beliefs of the previous life. believers.

Repeating this, it is easy to accumulate a large number of devout believers in the material plane, and the points of belief will naturally flow in like rushing water.

Even when they are alive, these saint slimes can become the best possessions for Zhang Yifan when his avatar descends.

Using ordinary fanatics to descend in clones can passively increase the average attribute of the possession by three points, and slightly increase the skill power of the possession.

If this saint-level steel slime is used as a possession, it can increase the average attribute of the possession by more than ten points, and greatly increase the power of the skills possessed by the possession.

Even though this steel slime is only a Tier 2 creature, once the possession is completed, Zhang Yifan can use it to display the strength of a Tier 4, close to Tier 5 creature.

"not bad!"

Great value for money.

It smells so good!

As for the supernatural power of reproduction, Zhang Yifan plans to use it once before starting the test to maximize the number and combat effectiveness of his family members.

3321154 points of belief.

In order to synthesize slime, Zhang Yifan spent a lot of faith points today.

But I didn't expect that the current belief points would not decrease but increase, directly breaking through the three million mark.

Zhang Yifan calculated, if there is no other consumption, the number of faith points he can increase every day is astonishingly more than two million.

This is because the number of slimes in his God's Domain has not reached the upper limit.

Once the upper limit is reached, this number can be multiplied several times.

This is an astonishing number.

Even if it is a demigod, it is naturally difficult for a God's Domain to gain so many belief points within a year.

It's almost like he has his own money printing machine now.

After leaving God's Domain, Zhang Yifan returned to the main world.

Zhang Yifan plans to increase the number of steel slimes and spiked slimes to the upper limit as soon as possible, only in this way can he get more benefits.

"Why don't I ask my mother to advance my pocket money for two years tomorrow?"

The most economical way is to buy a lot of ordinary slime and iron ore, and make up this value by synthesizing steel slime.

Zhang Yifan calculated that as long as there are 10,000 to 20,000 credit points, he can achieve this goal before the preliminary examination.

Although the sum of his pocket money for two years is far less than this value.

But Zhang Yifan knew that as long as he asked, his mother would still give him 20,000 credits.

But until the next day when he was leaving home for school, he still didn't have the nerve to say that.

"No, it seems that I need to find another way, a method that can make a lot of money in a short time."

Sitting in class, looking out the window absent-mindedly, Zhang Yifan thought.

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