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【Dominion of God】: The Field of Slime

【Area】: 60 square kilometers.

【Climate】: Warm

【Terrain】: Grassland 70%, Lake 25%, Woodland 5%.

【Soil】: 75% black soil, 20% brown loam, 5% saline-alkali soil.

[Animals]: pheasant, hare, frog, wild bear, tiger, leopard, wild boar, bison, wolf, tortoise.

【Hydrology】: 15 species of fish, 16 species of crustaceans, 19 species of shrimps, and 13 species of crabs.

【Plants】: 46 kinds of grass plants, 17 kinds of trees, and 11 kinds of aquatic plants.

【Minerals】: iron ore, silver mine, coal mine, gold mine, sulfur mine.

【Spiritual Power Concentration】3

As the concentration of spiritual power increases, the slime field becomes more and more abundant, and many plants, animals and minerals naturally grow.

Especially after going through the infinite mode test, the spiritual power transformed from the corpses of a large number of dead combat creatures nourished the world, making the spiritual power in the world extraordinarily active.

Even the birth rate of slimes has increased a lot.

Moreover, Zhang Yifan discovered that most of the newly born steel slimes and spiked slimes maintained the third-order status.

Obviously because of fission, this rank can be inherited.

These days, the slimes have one more task, farming and mining.

Although slimes don't need these resources, they are stored and sealed with a blank God Card, which is the future war reserve.

Many sacrifices and divine arts require the use of these resources.

The next thing to do is to transform the hero.

A hero refers to someone who possesses great courage and strength.

In the age of gods, heroes generally refer to hero units.

Hero units are specially strengthened Familia, they have higher growth and wisdom than other Families.

Only hero units can replace gods to command ordinary family units to fight.

However, it is very demanding to transform into a hero unit. Only the extreme rank family members who have reached the saint level can become a hero unit through a special ceremony.

Once it becomes a hero unit, it will be able to break through the racial limit and obtain the qualifications for further promotion.

As long as they are properly trained, they can theoretically be promoted infinitely. For high-level gods, hero units are their regular combat power.

Originally, there was only one family under Zhang Yifan who could transform into a hero unit through a ceremony.

The Grand Duke of Liverpool who has been descended to the possession body by him as a clone many times.

The fifth-tier steel slime, the Grand Duke of Liverpool, is a very special steel slime with Zhang Yifan's divine power remaining in his body, so he is definitely the perfect candidate for conversion.

The hero unit converted by him must be an elite template.

But not long ago, a spiked slime also managed to become a saint-level believer.

Because of the increase in the level of faith, it had broken through to the fifth level, which was originally only the fourth level, meeting the conversion conditions.

It happened that there were enough materials for the transformation ceremony in the things that Situ's family sent him before, so he was going to transform the two together.

To perform hero conversion, you need to use the Hero Promotion Altar.

Zhang Yifan specially issued an oracle, asking the family members to build a large-scale promotion altar in front of his biggest statue in the center of the Slime Field.

The construction of the altar has high requirements and requires a lot of precious materials.

He doesn't have all these things at hand now.

So when the altar is halfway built, it can no longer be built

He deliberately delayed the construction deadline of the altar by more than ten days.

On the one hand, he waited for the family to collect these materials, and on the other hand, he began to hand over the steel slime, spike slime and some special slimes he synthesized before with the people sent by the family.

The Zhang family has a professional combat creature breeding plane in the Endless God Realm, and they will send the slimes they bought from Zhang Yifan to the breeding plane for breeding and commercial sale.

This is the advantage of being backed by the family. Many things can be done with others without having to do it yourself.

The days passed day by day like this, and finally after more than ten days, all the materials were collected.

Zhang Yifan directed the slimes to put various materials into the altar that had already taken shape.

Soon, a hero promotion altar built according to his instructions appeared in front of the statue in the center of the god named "Supreme City" by the slimes.

Zhang Yifan was not in a hurry to promote the hero.

If such a good opportunity is not used to absorb the power of faith, it would be too wasteful.

Zhang Yifan first asked the slimes to hold an unprecedentedly large prayer ceremony.

Tens of thousands of slimes all gathered together, praying devoutly.

The Hero Promotion Altar, which took more than ten years to build, is finally completed. This unprecedentedly grand altar is the greatest architectural miracle in the history of the slime family.

"Our Lord is the absolute supreme existence."

"My lord, I swear that I will follow your teachings all my life and become your most solid support. Your enemies will become the targets of my long sword. Your pleasure is my highest glory!"

"He is eternal, he is radiance, and he is the only true God in the world!"

"My god is supreme, your humble servants offer you devotion!"

"My Lord! Please accept my humble faith!"


A fanatical hymn came from the mouths of the slimes, shaking the entire city of the highest.

All the slimes couldn't help kneeling down, praying devoutly to Zhang Yifan's statue.

Countless belief points are constantly gathering, and the faith piety of slimes is constantly increasing.

There are even a few that have successfully transformed into saints, but unfortunately their race level has not reached the limit, and they are still unable to perform hero transformation.

A raging bonfire was lit in front of the statue.

The use of flames represents the origin of civilization.

Under his guidance, slimes have adopted flames as their unique symbol of belief.

Devout slimes sang and danced in front of his idol.

This is also Zhang Yifan's new discovery. The speed of gaining faith points in this way is more than twice as fast as usual.

Recently, he was looking for suitable people to compose hymns and holy dances for the Slime Cult.

It's a pity that these slimes are good at fighting, but few of them are able to do such polite things.

But he also knew there was no rush for such a thing.

Now his first goal is to create a unified official language for the slime family, modeled on the pictorial characters.

Words are the carrier of civilization.

Only the emergence of official writing can make religious inheritance more detailed and universal.

This may also be an important reason why intelligent races like humans can provide more power of faith than other creatures.

It's a pity that he has been too busy recently and doesn't have enough energy to complete this matter.

This is why he needs to be promoted to a hero unit.

As a student, it is impossible for him to stay in the private domain of God all the time, someone must manage the private domain of God in his place.

When the atmosphere on the scene reached its limit, he finally activated hero promotion.

This time, his real body descended in the realm of the gods, and a majestic and sacred aura enveloped the entire slime field.

Because of his appearance, the output speed of the power of faith of the slimes has almost reached the limit that this world can accommodate.

I don't know how many slimes fainted on the ground because of being too excited.

After a long time, the scene gradually stabilized.

The first to be promoted is the Iron Slime, the Grand Duke of Liverpool.

As the leader and ruler of the Slime Field designated by Zhang Yifan, it is indeed good enough, and it is much stronger than other slimes in all aspects.

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