The Gods and Families of the World Are All Slimes

Chapter 35 Sword Ape Guard Professional God Card

This problem is not urgent, it can be handled by the family members in a while.

In addition to curing slimes and rigged slimes, he also plans to raise a batch of lubricating slimes in his private domain.

Now that we are going to use the slime combination group battle mode, let's just play bigger.

Simply let the Rigidback Slime form another pouch on the arm, and let the Lubricating Slime live in it.

During the battle, it sprays its unique lubricating fluid on the enemy targets, disrupting their formation and making them unable to walk and stand normally.

His definition of Rigidback Slime is a crap stick that disrupts the enemy's combat camp. Once it enters the battlefield, it will be a catastrophe for all land combat races.

Temporarily sealing the Rigidback Slime and Healing Slime into the blank God Card, he started the next synthesis.

Because of the appearance of Grinchback slime, he no longer plans to synthesize new slime races.

This time he was going to synthesize a professional god card.

After using this card, Zhang Yifan can allow his race to change jobs.

Even a one-star profession can endow the family with professional skills and greatly enhance their strength.

A Tier 5 combat creature with a high-star occupation has been trained to have a combat power that exceeds that of a Tier 6 combat creature.

Zhang Yifan has a one-star swordsman profession card in hand, which can allow the family to change to the swordsman profession, slightly increase the lethality of sword weapons, and endow sword weapons with skills.

Iron slime can change its body into various swords, which is quite suitable for this profession.

Even if it is only a one-star profession, it can raise the overall strength of the steel slime to a higher level.

But he didn't plan to use this swordsman god card directly.

Open the synthesis interface, put a one-star swordsman professional god card on the base material column, and put four fourth-order eight-armed sword apes on the consumables column.

Eight-armed saber ape, an ape fighting creature with eight arms, is good at swordsmanship, and is a fighting creature with great talent for swords.

It is very popular in the combat creature market, and its combat power is at the top among the fourth-tier combat creatures that Zhang Yifan encountered.

Brilliant synthetic flashes illuminate, and the substrate, along with the consumables, disappear without a trace.

Synthesis failed.

Filled with regret, Zhang Yifan took out a one-star swordsman professional card again.

In addition to the reward Yang Naiwu gave him, the Situ family also gave him a swordsman card as an apology.

Don't give yourself a chance to regret it, just place the materials again for synthesis.

Ding dong!

A brand new god card appeared in the synthesis interface.

Sword Ape Guard professional card, a third-tier professional card.

He scouted out this brand-new profession,


【Career template】

[Name]: Sword Ape Guard

【Grade】: Samsung

[Skills]: Sword mastery, eight-armed sword skill, dodge, sword ape sword step.

Sword mastery is a general passive skill for swordsman professions, which can improve the power and skill mastery of sword weapons.

The only difference is that the range of bonuses for various professions is different.

Zhang Yifan took a look, and found that the promotion value of this profession was more than three times that of a one-star swordsman.

The eight-armed sword skill is a fast sword-type sword move with great power.

Because it is a sword move comprehended by the eight-armed sword ape, the more sword weapons used at the same time, the stronger it will be.

At this point, steel slimes have an inherent advantage. Although they usually maintain a humanoid form, they are still slimes, maintaining the instinct of slime mimicry.

When fighting, they can easily use their bodies to transform into a large number of long swords.

It's just that due to the limitation of mental power, under normal circumstances, the number of long swords condensed by steel slimes generally does not exceed ten.

Even so,

The power of the Iron Slime's use of this move has surpassed that of the eight-armed saber apes, the creators of this sword move.

The dodge skill can slightly increase one's absolute dodge rate. With this skill, there is a certain probability that the body will automatically react and dodge various types of attacks.

Sword Ape Sword Step is a movement skill that can increase the user's dodge ability and movement speed.

Zhang Yifan is very satisfied with this.


Throwing the sword ape guardian profession god card into the air, the glittering golden god card was absorbed by the space and disappeared.

[Event]: You used the three-star sword ape guardian profession card.

The loading conditions set are slime race, faith level fanatics.

The more powerful the professional god card is, the more demanding the loading conditions will be.

In order to obtain the effect that all slime family members can load this career template, it is necessary to set a harsher condition afterwards to allow God's Domain to accept his loading.

He chose to stipulate that the level of belief must reach fanaticism.

Anyway, his main combat unit in the future must be the race he created, with the divine right of the Creator in hand, and their faith level is born to be a fanatic.

Then he sent down the oracle,

"Steel slimes, my people. I am the master of slimes, the source of your faith.

In order to reward your piety, I have lowered the job system of Sword Ape Guard, and anyone who sincerely prays to me will be rewarded by me. "

The voice fell.

Destroy your own divine power.


There was a strong wind.

Zhang Yifan's figure appeared in the sky.

The slimes looked up, and a huge image towering into the sky, like an ancient giant piercing through the white clouds in the sky, appeared in front of them.

All the slimes fell to their knees and kept praying:

"The glory of my Lord Slime Lord, you are omnipresent and omnipotent. You are the center of the world, you are the eternal eternity, and you are our eternal belief."

"My existence is longer than the years, and my life is more eternal than time. My believers, offer me your devotion!"

"My god is supreme, your humble servants offer you devotion!"


Pray devoutly one by one, as humble as ants.

Zhang Yifan stood above the Kingdom of God, watching all this.

The eyes are like an oven, like the bright sun in the sky, the huge face is bathed in the sacred light, and the whole body is covered with a majestic and vast divinity.

It was the first time for him to watch everything in God's Domain from this perspective.

In the past, he either used his avatar to personally inspect what happened in God's Domain, or used his privilege as the master of God's Domain to directly find out through his own control over God's Domain.

It was the first time for him to stand on the clouds and look down on everything in God's Domain with his own eyes.

Looking at the slimes in God's Domain, they looked like tiny ants.

For the first time, he really felt like a god.

For such a tiny creature, he, as the creator, is no different from the real god.

He could feel that the power of faith gathered from these slimes was more than usual.

It seems that appearing before people is indeed the best way to collect beliefs, no wonder this method is particularly respected in textbooks.

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