After the slime family calmed down, he also disappeared.

However, he did not leave God's Domain, but summoned King Gumball, the Grand Duke of Liverpool, Athena Gumball, and Duke Dolly, the leader of the Rigidback Slime clan.

After that, he couldn't log into God's Domain and manage it for a long time.

Converted into the natural years of God's Domain, it would be several decades.

He needs to stay back.

A few days after God's Domain time, a news spread throughout the slime field.

The Slime Lord is about to fall into a divine sleep, and the great Athena Gumball will supervise the Slime Field instead of him.

The Slime Lord also bestowed Athena Gumball with a beautiful name - Saori.

The slime master entered the divine sleep this time to accumulate strength and expect to gain strength.

According to Athena Gumball, the Slime Lord has a premonition that the devil from the earth, his mortal enemy is approaching the slime field.

The slime master needs to gather strength, fight against demons, and protect the slime field.

All the slimes fell to their knees, praying with all their hearts.


"My god has given us great power, we should fight for my god forever!"

"For the rise of my god!"


Slime Fields are full of slimes roaring frantically.

As believers, how can they let the gods they believe in fight for them?

To fight, it is also up to them to fight.

This is their duty as believers.

The slimes knelt down one by one, praying devoutly and solemnly.

"Great Slime Lord, you created us and gave us strength."

"You are our eternal faith."

"Please allow us to dedicate our strength to you and to fight against the devil together with you."

Their hoarse prayers merged in mid-air.

Echoes throughout the slime field.

"Sure, when I wake up from my sleep, it will be the day I lead you to kill demons."

The brilliant divine sound came from the sky and reached the ears of all the slimes.

This time, Zhang Yifan spent 1 million faith points to cast a power granting spell covering the entire Slime Field, and then logged out of God's Domain and returned to the main world.

He needs to rush to Xianlan City as soon as possible to join the army stationed there.

This afternoon, he will take their spaceship to the Endless God Realm.

Originally, the agent candidate in his mind was King Gumball, the Grand Duke of Liverpool.

After all, he is the legitimate ruler of the original slime.

It's just that he found that the Grand Duke of Liverpool was a bit unsatisfactory in terms of the overall situation, and he was too biased towards the Iron Slime family.

During this period of time, because of his instructions, the Iron Slime clan and the Rigidback Slimes from the Hill Kingdom had been at constant friction.

If he is allowed to become the agent, I am afraid that the development of Rigidback Beast Slime will be greatly suppressed.

So after warning the Grand Duke of Liverpool, he chose to make Athena Gumball his agent.

Athena Gumball has shown her extraordinaryness in the management of the Slime Sect before, and her personality is relatively gentle, so she is very suitable to be this agent.


Zhang Yifan walked alone in front of the Battlefield Administration of the Xianlan City Plane.

Xianlan City is a big city, guarded by a god king and a large number of troops.

There is also the only military construct bio-manufacturing center in an actual city nearby.

Unlike other belief races, military construct creatures are special species in a half-biological, half-mechanical state.

It's made on the production line.

The military construct bio-manufacturing center is just opposite the Plane Battlefield Administration, occupying a small half of the city.

That God King is there.

The king of gods is an existence stronger than the main god.

Put it in the Endless God Realm, that is a great existence that one person can lead a powerful god system and dominate several crystal wall worlds.

Even in the main world where the oppressive force is strong, the god king can still exert a part of his divine power.

Zhang Yifan could feel the powerful pressure and the mighty power coming from afar.

"A good man should be like this!"

Looking enviously into the distance, Zhang Yifan walked into the Plane Battlefield Administration.

The staff of the administration were surprised by Zhang Yifan's youth.


"Zhang Yifan."


"Student, sophomore."

It turned out that instead of being young, he was actually a high school student.

Are the kids nowadays so awesome?

Are you ready to go to the plane battlefield?

Isn't this kid a hidden demigod?

He looked at the application submitted by Zhang Yifan.

Fortunately, the final destination is the plane tomb outside the plane battlefield.

This result is acceptable.

"If you are a student, go to the window next to it. Have you brought your student ID card, application form, and school certification documents?

By the way, the tomb of Plane Battlefield B 451 in District 3 of the Dragon Dynasty is far away from the main world. You should apply to bring a private domain of God, right?

Have you brought all relevant application documents? Do you have the signatures of the school and your family? "

Zhang Yifan nodded quickly, and went to the window next door to go through the relevant procedures according to his guidance.

After paying 100,000 credits as a cross-border fee and receiving a thick book of precautions, Zhang Yifan bid farewell to the staff and went to the spaceship waiting area to find the spaceship he was going to board.

Dozens of huge spaceships are parked in the waiting area, and each spaceship has the size of an aircraft carrier in the previous life.

Full of strong sci-fi style, the spaceship is full of cannons with amazing firepower.

This spaceship itself is a special military construct creature. In addition to the area where people live, there are many structural slots for military construct creatures to combine.

When encountering hostile targets, they can link to the military constructs carried by the soldiers on the spaceship at any time, and concentrate their energy to fight together.

It is said that the largest main cannon has the terrifying power of destroying stars with one cannon.

Even real gods can be wiped out with one shot.

The area where Zhang Yifan is now is provided for foreign passengers. Flight center waiting hall.

After finishing the process and receiving his own registration number plate, Zhang Yifan sat in the waiting hall and waited for his number plate to be called.

In the very center of the hall, there is a huge screen.

The screen flashes the number of each warship that is about to take off, the destination of this flight, and the number plate of the foreign passengers on this spaceship.

From time to time, someone was called to the ship and hurried into the special passage to board the ship.

There was still some time before his number was called, Zhang Yifan looked around at the waiting people.

Most of them are young people, and some are middle-aged. Most of them are ordinary divine creatures like him, and there are also demigods and gods.

It is estimated that the destination of these divine creatures is similar to his, which is the tomb of the plane outside the battlefield of the plane.

As for these demigods and gods, they will enter more core areas to join the plane battlefield.

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