The Gods and Families of the World Are All Slimes

Chapter 60 Is Your Brother Yan Still Your Brother Yan?

"I have an innate priesthood, and I have an innate advantage in creating new slime races."

Zhang Yifan explained that there is nothing wrong with inferring the innate priesthood for any unexplained blame.

The Endless God Realm is vast and boundless, with a wide variety of priesthoods.

Often the priesthood with the same god name has different specific attributes. When it comes to innate priesthood, everything is possible.

This lucky guy!

Why didn't he meet such a strong innate priesthood?

Yan Fengxiang slandered.

He also has an innate priesthood, but it is a fire-melting priesthood of the flame system, which can integrate the power of other attributes into the flames to produce a special type of divine fire.

Although it is also a very powerful innate priesthood, it is completely incomparable with Zhang Yifan.

Both eyes are full of jealousy.

"How is the strength of these slimes compared to steel slimes?"

Yan Fengxiang asked.

"The two main battle races are almost the same! The slimes of the two auxiliary types are much different."

In fact, among the three main battle races, Iron Slime is the most primitive, and it is also the weakest in combat ability so far.

It can't be compared with the Rigidback slime synthesized from steel slime.

As an advanced form of Iron Slime, Rigidback Slime beats Iron Slime in all aspects.

The undead iron guard who has a professional transfer can also restrain the steel slime.

Coupled with the special ability to cooperate in combat, a complete combination of Rigidback Slime Combat Combination can easily single out more than a dozen steel slimes.

Spiked slimes, as long-range professional units, are weak to scum when they get close, but with their super attack power, the same number of steel slimes can't get close to them at all.

"Summon out and let me see!"

Yan Fengxiang came alive.

It's just that when he saw the performance of the two types of slimes, he immediately fell silent.

God is almost meowing.

Both of these slimes are better at fighting than metal slimes, and both obviously come with fully-fitting class transitions.

He looked at Zhang Yifan with jealousy, feeling extremely sour in his heart.

Three new types of creations, three more powerful fighting families.

He suddenly thought of the old principal who lived in seclusion in Water Dragon City.

Could this Zhang Yifan be that person's flesh and blood?

Where did a child from a small family in a third-rate city get such a powerful talent?

Few of them, the so-called descendants of the God Race, have such a terrifying innate priesthood.

He had seen the appearance of that young man in the materials, and after thinking about it carefully, he was quite similar to the Zhang Yifan in front of him.

Although that one claims to be omnipotent, the most powerful thing is in the aspect of creation.

This is very similar to Zhang Yifan.

The terrifying attack power of the spiked slime summoned by Zhang Yifan just now amazed him.

Even if it is only a fourth-order creature, its attack power is no less than that of a fifth-order creature.

And the attack speed is astonishingly fast.

A team of spiked slimes can be an insurmountable front of fire.

Especially when it used steel barrage, the overwhelming fire blockade made him extremely shocked.

Once he encounters such an opponent, even his main fighting family has no chance of surviving the steel barrage.

The Rigidback Beast Slime opened his eyes even more.

He couldn't imagine any combat creature below the fifth level that could be compared to the Rigidback Slime.

The defense is desperately high, the vitality is strong, and the movement speed is quite fast.

There are disgusting negative status spells such as corrosive venom, and there are field-clearing stunts such as steel thorns.

as you can imagine,

Once encountering such an enemy, even a fifth-order creature would only end up being shot into a hornet's nest by steel thorns.

Plus the Rigidback Slime and the Healing Slime work perfectly with the Lubricating Slime.

During the more than 50 years when Zhang Yifan was absent, the Rigidback Slimes of the Private God's Domain improved their combat combination.

Lubricating slimes is no longer just about spraying lube to make enemies slip.

They also have a lubricating slime on the left foot.

This lubricating slime is responsible for secreting lubricating fluid under the left foot of the Rigidback Slime during battle.

Rigidback slimes who have been specially trained can maintain balance on this lubricating fluid, and use this lubricating fluid to move quickly and get close to the opponent.

Watching the Rigidback slime use the lubricating fluid that lubricates the slime to quickly advance in the form of skating, and then the lubricating slime in the hand accurately launches a large amount of lubricating fluid towards the target as the imaginary enemy, preventing the opponent's attack. run away.

At the same time, two Healing Slimes cast Healing Light on the Rigidback Slime in turn.

Yan Fengxiang never thought that different combat creatures could cooperate in this way.

Through this kind of cooperation, the fourth-order creature, the Rigidback Slime, displayed a combat power even close to the sixth-order.

This shocking scene made him unable to recover for a long time.

This Zhang Yifan is definitely on the hook!

Why did all the good things happen to him?

Fortunately, the races created by Zhang Yifan are all slimes. It seems that his innate priesthood is not without flaws. The family he can have may only be slimes.

This gave him some balance in his heart.

No matter how strong a slime is, it is still a slime. Even if it looks good now, the higher the rank, the bigger the gap with those higher creatures.

Moreover, the upper limit of the race is also low. Up to now, there is no precedent for the slime race fighting creatures exceeding the tenth rank.

But he is different, when he reaches demigod, he will be able to cultivate the ultimate creature, the flame phoenix created by his grandfather, the flame god king.

This is the ultimate creature that, like the giant dragon, can eventually grow into a demigod-level unit.

When the time comes, your Brother Yan will still be your Brother Yan.

His mood improved a lot.

However, Yan Fengxiang did not choose to include Spiked Slime and Rigidback Slime in the procurement list in the end.

Although Spiked Slimes are powerful, they also have obvious shortcomings.

Once the spikes on his body are fired, he will be in a state of no combat effectiveness for a long time.

This type of arm is not suitable for large-scale promotion, it is only suitable for attacking fortifications.

On the contrary, it seems that the combat power is not as universal as its steel slime, and the values ​​​​in all aspects are relatively balanced.

As for the more powerful Rigidback slime,

Although Rigidback Slime is very strong, the Flame Legion has a traditional meat shield combat unit.

Even though they are not as good as the Rigidback Slime in terms of statistics, these units have been completely symbolized and have become the core of the Flame Legion's totem and peacetime construction tactics.

How easy is it to replace them?

Yan Fengxiang knew very well that this problem could not even pass the family test.

Don't do such stupid things anymore.

He is very interested in curing slime.

A fighting creature with healing abilities like this is a treasure no matter where it is, and it is easy to form a purchase intention.

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