[You consumed a million faith points and summoned the phantom of the private God Realm]

If it is a demigod devouring plane fragments, you only need to summon the private domain of God.

It's just that Zhang Yifan is not a demigod yet, and he cannot move in his private domain.

It can only summon phantoms of private gods.

Although one million belief points is not a small amount, it is nothing to him at all.

The phantom of the private divine domain tightly wrapped around this small fragment of the plane like an octopus, and began to devour it.

The fragments of the plane began to be slowly digested by the phantom of the private domain of the gods, and gradually became smaller.

In the distance, a lot of land began to grow on the edge of his private domain of the gods.

The devouring of the fragments of the plane was completed very quickly, and the area of ​​his private god domain expanded by a full dozen square kilometers, which was quite fertile land.

A smile appeared on Zhang Yifan's face.

It works great!

In the water blue star, if you want to get this effect, you have to waste a five-star God's Domain Expansion God Card and a chance to load a God Card.

And here, it only takes a few Faith points to do it.

And there is no limit to this kind of engulfment, as long as the area of ​​the private god domain does not reach the limit that can be accommodated.

As long as the stability of the private god domain is restored, it can continue to devour it.

Having tasted the sweetness, he continued to soar in the void in the spaceship, looking for a suitable devouring target.

Soon he found a new plane fragment, which was much larger than the previous one.

It covers almost one hundred square kilometers, and there are hundreds of thousands of indigenous creatures living here.

Tier 4 is the main one, and there are some Tier 5.

All were half-orcs.

These half-orcs are a hybrid of humans and orcs. They are extremely powerful and good at melee combat, and possess the characteristics of a berserk race.

But for Zhang Yifan's slime army, these orcs are living targets.

The other units didn't make a move, just relying on a few rounds of volleys from the Spiked Slime completely emptied the entire plane.

Continuing to devour, devouring the plane became a part of the private domain of the gods, and he led the team back to the concentration camp at the outermost tomb of the plane.

His current divinity has two points, and the upper limit of the area of ​​the divine domain that his private domain can have is only 500 square kilometers.

Now he has almost reached this limit.

The most urgent task is to find a way to improve his divinity, and he can also start to sell slime stalls.

Although the arms purchase of the Flame Legion can bring him great benefits, it can only consume steel slimes after all.

He also has other types of slimes to sell.

Whether it is the divine body used to transform the divine nature or the various divine cards used to cultivate the divine domain, they are not cheap.

He needs to open up more sources of funding.

After all, the Zhang family in Water Dragon City is just a small family, and there is no way to give him much help.

Hard-working children can only rely on themselves.

Fortunately, apart from being hard-working, Lao Tzu is still a wall.

Self-reliance is good, call me Zhang Yifan who is self-improvement.


Soon, such a news spread in the concentration camp of divine creatures in the tomb of Plane Battlefield B 451, Plane Battlefield B, Plane 42, District 3, Dragon Dynasty.

In the core area of ​​the shop area, a shop selling slimes suddenly appeared.

What is the selling value of a weak and incompetent creature like a slime?

The owner of this shop is probably a fool!

In a place like the tomb of the plane, the slime, a garbage race, has no use other than providing food for the native creatures.

Buying this kind of garbage race can only be considered a waste of money.

Many people went to this booth with the mentality of watching the excitement.



It smells so good!

Glitter slimes that can be used to provide a steady light source,

Water purification slime that can provide water source, bubble slime with floating ability,

A lubricating slime that provides lubricating fluid,

A spiritual slime that can greatly improve the spiritual environment,

A cleaning slime that can eat stains and achieve a cleaning effect,

The one that can be hugged to sleep at night, hugging the bear slime, is soft, fragrant, and has a soul sublimation effect...

This stall owner is probably a business genius. Where did he find so many weird slime types?

Soon they were rushing into the shops, buying like crazy.

These functional slimes are a real eye opener.

Buying some and putting them in God's Domain can greatly improve the environment of God's Domain and enhance the sense of belonging of the family members.

It can also make you feel happy and happy.

There is a lack of entertainment measures in the tomb of the plane, and they are almost suffering from illness.

The emergence of these things fills the gap in this regard.

On the contrary, the slimes of the main battle races placed in the shops are seldom cared about.

In addition to the Iron Slime and Healing Slime involved in the purchase list of the Flame Legion, Zhang Yifan, the battle slime of other arms, is already on the shelves.

It's just that few people buy it.

Even if someone bought them, they would only buy some second-tier and third-tier slimes. No one asked for the price of fourth-tier spiked slimes and rigidback slimes.

Use slime as a fighting race?

Do you still have brains?

Zhang Yifan is not in a hurry.

Sooner or later these people will cross the threshold to buy these slimes.

I, Zhang Yifan, said it!

A lot of credits went into his pocket, making him a lot of money.

However, purchasing the divine body is somewhat troublesome.

He searched the entire market but did not see any god body for sale.

This is also normal.

Although there are demigods hidden in the tombs of the planes, few people can find their traces.

Even if these demigods are found, they may not be able to kill them successfully.

Even without the blessing of the power of the plane, without the ability to use divine energy, demigods are still demigods, and it takes a lot of strength to kill them.

Many people died without whole bodies in the process of encircling and suppressing the demigods.

For these alien demigods trapped in the tomb of the plane, the divine creatures from the water blue planet are the best nourishment.

Many powerful demigods will deliberately expose their traces to the outside world to lure people to slaughter the gods.

Even if the slaughter of gods is successful, the bodies of these demigods are scarce resources.

Most of them were divided up on the spot and used to transform divinity.

Even if someone wants to sell the god body, they will not choose this place.

Instead, he bought a second-hand super-grade airship.

A super-grade noodle flying boat produced by a small factory that is probably new, and its various performances are still in the past.

The seller is a middle-aged divine creature who is about to leave the tomb of the plane.

I asked him for 120 million credit points, and the price was quite moderate.

He asked Athena Gumball Saori and Brave Gumball to lead a spaceship to the tomb of the plane respectively.

On the one hand, look for traces of demigods, on the other hand, occupy some planes as pastures for grazing slimes.

He plans to industrialize the sale of these slimes, and needs to breed slimes in large quantities.

Even without the special attributes of the private god domain, with the blessing of his priesthood and divine power of the creator, these slimes can reproduce rapidly in these planes.

In this way, he wants to quickly increase his theocracy level of these slime race creators.

Small profits but quick turnover, even things can be given away for free, who cares about those three melons and two dates for a smart businessman?

What can be seen is only money, and what is invisible is profit.

After playing many free games, he understood such a truth.

In this world, free things are the most expensive.

Especially for an African like him.

Login to send 998?


Coming from the commercial world, he can teach these kids what sales is.

He himself stayed in the Kingdom of God, while trying to create a new slime race, while learning divine arts based on the teaching materials he brought.

When he left school this time, he deliberately brought all the textbooks for the next two years of high school.

He was going to use this time to make up for his weak link in divine arts.

Diligence and studious have always been his good qualities.

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