The ancient elf tree obtained by Zhang Yifan came from a damaged elf plane.

There, the elves are the masters of the entire plane world.

The ancient elf tree is the mother tree of the elf race. It is said that in that plane, all elves are born on the ancient elf tree.

Including the elf high-level god who originally controlled the plane, he was the first elf born on the ancient elf tree.

It's just that during the conquest of the water blue star gods, the high-level gods were beheaded, the ancient elf tree was cut off, the plane was shattered, and fell into the plane's grave.

This ancient elf tree is a new ancient elf tree born from the root of the original ancient elf tree.

However, due to incomplete planes and incomplete rules, the ancient elf tree lost the ability to breed new elves.

And with the death of all the elves, a group of resentful monsters born from the curse of the elves finally occupied the broken elf plane.

Corroded by the resentment of these resentful monsters, the ancient elf tree also began to alienate, changing in the direction of becoming an ancient resentful monster tree.

If the slime army hadn't conquered the entire plane, wiped out all the resentful monsters, and sent the ancient elf tree to the slime field, maybe hundreds of thousands of years later when the ancient elf tree has completed its transformation, it will be able to make up for this world Broken rules.

Rejuvenate this plane, escape from the grave of the plane, reappear in the crystal wall of the plane, and become a new plane.

Because of the characteristics of the ancient tree of resentment, besides the powerful natural spellcasting ability and recovery ability of the enchanted ancient tree of war, the thrown fruit also has terrifying negative special effects.

Although it has not really reached the seventh level, even if it encounters a seventh-level creature, it may not be at a disadvantage in battle.

"It's a pity that the plan to breed the fire dwarf slime and the flower fairy slime fell through..."

Zhang Yifan sighed.

Fire dwarf slimes and flower fairy slimes are the only two single-sex slime races among the races he created.

In addition to the original slime, other types of slimes are divided into male and female.

This makes natural reproduction within the population possible.

But the fire dwarf slimes are all male, and the flower fairy slimes are all female.

This makes natural reproduction within a race completely impossible.

Zhang Yifan's original idea was to pair the fire dwarf slime with the flower fairy slime.

Try to reproduce naturally.

It's a pity that the flower fairy slime is notorious now, and these fire dwarf slimes tremble when they hear the name of the flower fairy slime.

It's impossible to pair them up.

"Forget it, just be a human being!"

Thinking about it carefully, it is inhumane to pair a flower fairy slime with a fairy-level beauty and a fire dwarf slime that looks like dead wood to form a family.

The notoriety of the Queen Mother of the West tells us that marriage cannot be suppressed.

Zhang Yifan had a thought, and his body appeared in the special prison below the shrine, where fighting creatures of many races were imprisoned.

They are all captives obtained by the slime plane raiders after they successfully attacked the plane.

As soon as he reached out and captured four fighting creatures in a cage, he teleported to the throne again.

The four fighting creatures were dropped on the ground by him.

【Name】: Swamp Frogman

[level]: fourth level

[Characteristic Skills]: Slippery skin, thunder and frog cry, giant tongue whip, standing jump

【Power】: 32

【Physique】: 23

[Agility]: 35

【Spirit】: 21

[Slippery skin]: There is a layer of mucus on the surface of the skin, which weakens the damage caused by physical attacks, and has a certain probability of completely dodging physical attacks.

【Thunderstorm and Frog Cry】: A powerful cry that can stun the enemy for a short time.

[Frog Tongue Lash]: Frogmen have elastic tongues,

Slings out its tongue at super-fast speed, dealing damage to enemies.

[Standing Jump]: Frogmen have strong legs and can perform super jumps.

A face resembling a frog, with large eyes and mouth, and no hair on the body.

Now the eyes of these swamp frogmen were full of fear.

They have never had such close contact with the gods.

For the fourth-level swamp frogmen, the pressure brought by Zhang Yifan as a divine creature is not much different from that of a god.

With two points of divinity, Zhang Yifan is equivalent to an eighth-order combat creature in terms of power.

For the fourth-level swamp frogmen, even just a look can make them faint with fear.

And the other party took them to teleport just now, plus that extremely tall god seat...

There is no doubt that he must be the god of the slimes who defeated him and took over their homeland.

"The unknown great god, the swamp frogman is willing to sacrifice our faith, please accept our devout offering..."

He bowed his head to the ground, sincerely and fearfully.

But Zhang Yifan didn't even blink, and directly put them into the consumables column of the synthesis interface.

What do you believe in?

It's a joke, I don't like it.

The main consumable is a water elemental slime.

The swamp frogman is a notoriously inferior race of faith, they have no faith at all.

It is easy to be convinced, but it is difficult to improve the level of belief.

It is often cultivated for more than ten generations, but only a few shallow believers are obtained.

Zhang Yifan doesn't like this kind of thing.

What's more, he doesn't have the ability to absorb the beliefs of these races.

Bah, rubbish.

The synthesis interface kept flickering, and with a ding dong, the synthesis was successful.

A frogman slime covered in water elements appeared in front of Zhang Yifan.

[Name]: Water Elemental Frogman Slime

[level]: fourth level

[Characteristic Skills]: Slippery Skin, Thunder and Frog Cry, Tongue Lash, Standing Jump, Water Elemental Mastery, Water Archery, Water Shield, Waterman Summon

【Power】: 40

【Physique】: 45

[Agility]: 47

【Spirit】: 48

[Slippery skin]: There is a layer of mucus on the surface of the skin, which weakens the damage caused by physical attacks, and has a certain probability of completely dodging physical attacks.

【Thunderstorm and Frog Cry】: A powerful cry that can stun the enemy for a short time.

[Frog Tongue Whip]: It has an elastic tongue, which can be spit out at super high speed to cause damage to the enemy.

[Standing Jump]: With strong legs, it can perform super jumps.

[Water element mastery]: Greatly increase the power and casting speed of water spells.

[Water Archery]: Use water elements to form arrows for long-range attacks. There is a certain chance to alienate into ice arrows, freeze the opponent, and slow down the opponent's attacking movement speed.

[Water Shield]: Form a water element shield around the body to block various attacks.

[Waterman Summoning]: Summon 3 powerful watermen to assist the caster. The watermen have the ability to cast water archery, and their physical attributes are related to the caster's spiritual value.

Perfectly inherited the various skills of Water Elemental Slime and Swamp Frogman.

Although it is still Tier 4, its combat power is completely different.

Satisfied, Zhang Yifan closed the synthesis interface.

This is the first time he has synthesized a real slime race capable of underwater combat except for water elemental slimes.

And all indicators are outstanding.

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