These few cryolites are different from other cryolites, they are transformed from the body of a frost-type god.

Although the divine power has been lost for a long time, it is no longer considered a divine material.

But after all, there is a trace of divine power left.

It's not easy for this to happen.

This frost god must not have died in a battle with the water blue star god.

If he died in the battle of the gods, according to the consistent style of the water blue star gods, there will never be any leftover materials.

Judging by the extent of the loss of divine power, this frost-type god should have died a long time ago in a divine calamity.

Although the alien gods have a long lifespan, they will encounter divine calamity every ten thousand years.

These divine calamities are either natural disasters, man-made disasters, or conquests from other gods.

Only by surviving the divine calamity can we safely usher in the next ten thousand years.

This frost-type god should have encountered an accident while surviving the divine calamity, and fell to the plane he controlled.

Even the divine body fell to pieces and fell into the ground. After a long time, the divine power was lost and transformed into a fossil similar to cryolite.

Zhang Yifan opened the synthesis interface, and placed an ordinary ice crystal slime and four fossils.

With the end of the synthesis, a huge ice crystal slime appeared in front of his eyes.

The whole body is covered with ice crystals, crystal clear, exuding an incomparably cold air.

There is a kind of sacred breath exuding from his body.

[race interface]

[Name]: Holy Ice Crystal Slime

[Level]: sixth level

[Characteristic ability]: split reproduction, ice crystal shell, frost breath, ice field, dull aura, ice crystal spur array

【Power】: 69

[Physique]: 78

[Agility]: 60

【Spirit】: 63

[Ice crystal body]: The body surface is covered with ice crystals, immune to ice damage, reducing most physical attacks, and has a 20% chance of slowing down the enemy when attacked.

[Frost Spit]: It can spray out the frost in the body to attack, freezing the opponent with a ten percent rate.

[Ice Field]: The body is covered with ice energy, which can cause a small amount of freezing damage to the enemy.

[Sluggish Aura]: Slow down the enemy.

[Ice Crystal Spike Array]: Summons a large number of ice crystal pillars, attacks the enemy from the ground, knocks them into the air and injures them.

[Evaluation]: The ice-type slime with supernatural power, with superior strength and extremely powerful potential.

Born with an initial level of sixth level, the limit level can reach level nine.

If other means are added to force a breakthrough, it can even reach the tenth order.

This is his biggest trump card.

He turned his mind and looked to the north of the slime plain.

In the extremely cold northern mountains, layers of mountains are covered with white snow, and the snow-covered mountains meander and undulate, and peaks like crystal pillars can be seen everywhere.

Thousands of ice slimes live here.

The crystal clear ice crystal slime is hidden on the ice peak, completely invisible.

In the center of the extremely cold place is a towering ice peak.

The whole body is snow-white, completely covered by boundless snowflakes, and huge figures covered in ice crystals move on the ice peak.

It is the sacred ice crystal slime.

He placed the sacred ice crystal slime he just synthesized into this group of sacred ice crystal slimes.

Ten days have passed since he synthesized the first sacred ice crystal slime.

Calculated using the natural time of God's Domain, that is ten years.

In the past ten years, the population of sacred ice crystal slimes has not exceeded twenty.

The Eternal God Card of Holy Ice Crystal Slime can only be summoned once a year.

The remaining ten sacred ice crystal slimes are all from his synthesis.

Until now,

None of the Holy Ice Slimes have completed fission.

This situation is normal, the more powerful the biological arms, the more difficult it is to reproduce.

The number of ordinary ice crystal slimes bred these years is not too much.

At this speed, it is simply impossible for the sacred ice crystal slime community to quickly form a large scale.

"Or I should let Ice Crystal Slime go to No. 301 Slime Breeding Plane to mine cryolite."

It is difficult for other kinds of slimes to adapt to the environment on the No. 301 slime breeding plane, and the work efficiency is not high.

Only Ice Crystal Slimes with the Ice attribute can live there normally.

The population of Holy Ice Crystal Slime must be rapidly increased.

The sacred ice crystal slime has great potential and is one of the main combat biological arms he is optimistic about in the future.

What's more, there is a trace of divine power in the body of the sacred ice crystal slime, which he can completely purify through special means.

Although he doesn't need this kind of frost attribute divine power, he can also sell it to other gods.

In the stage of gods, divine power is the hard currency.

It can also be used to speed up the time of the radiation range of God's Domain and promote the reproduction of family members.

Divine power is a high-level energy that is almost omnipotent, and combat creatures like the Holy Ice Crystal Slime are definitely the treasure of God.

He was just about to issue an oracle to arrange for Ice Crystal Slime to work for him on the No. 301 slime breeding plane.

Just changed his mind immediately.

The population of ice crystal slimes is not large enough, and only by allowing them to breed in the private domain of the gods can the population be rapidly increased.

Now let them enter the plane, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Otherwise, let's recruit more slimes to mine cryolite on the No. 301 slime breeding plane!"

If the quality is not enough, then the quantity should be added.

Anyway, he has no shortage of slimes under his command.

Arranging millions of slimes to enter the No. 301 slime breeding plane together can still increase the production of cryolite.


Zhang Yifan's eyes flashed.

Or he can try to upgrade normal Ice Slime into Holy Ice Slime.

The essence of Holy Ice Slime is still Ice Slime.

It's just that a trace of divine power in the body has transformed.

If he gets materials containing the divine power of the frost-type gods and places them around the ice crystal slimes, let them accept the divine power contained in them.

Will they advance to become holy ice crystal slimes?

"This method is worth a try!"

Zhang Yifan decided to contact Yan Fengxiang after he stabilized the fluctuation of his body's divine power.

For the next transaction, he will ask for a part of the god materials of the frost gods as payment.

Turning his head around, he looked at another corner of the northern mountains.

It was a volcano composed of crimson magma and black rocks, the crater was cracked, and fiery red magma was boiling inside.

Countless creatures made of flames absorb energy in the magma and play around.

It was a giant slime like the legendary Balrog. It was covered with lava and flames, and its body was as tall as a flame giant.

Their entire bodies were soaked in the magma, frantically absorbing the heat of the volcano, completely ignoring the terrifying temperature of the magma.

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