The Gods Are Coming: Fortunately, I Have A God-Slaying Simulator!

Chapter 41 The Price Of Spying On Secrets, Exploring Innsmouth

A trace of helplessness appeared on Jiang Ye's face, it was none other than the Night Watch Captain An Zhen whom he had seen before!

On both sides of Anzhen, there are the old man Gui Gong, who is carrying a big gray box, and Bao Xiaowen, a young man with oblique bangs.

Gao Wu frowned, and she vaguely noticed a trace of suppressed mysterious fluctuations in these three people.

It's not like the smell of killers punching each other, but it's full of horrors related to pollution!

"Jiang Ye, who are these people?"

"You mean them, a group of cute idiots who are willing to stare into the abyss."

An Zhen's eyebrows twitched a few times when he heard Jiang Ye call their night watchman profession that way.

Pointing to the huge meteorite crater next to him, he asked, "Mr. Jiang, I have something to ask, so I'll bother you for a while."

"Just ask."

"The flaming meteorite that came from outside the sky just now fell here, and you happened to be here too. Do you know what's going on?"

Jiang Ye's mouth curved slightly, and he looked at the three night watchmen meaningfully.

"You don't think that this big meteorite was made by me?"

An Zhen didn't speak, but just stared straight at Jiang Ye, as if to say, how could everything be so coincidental?

As for the detection of the super mysterious Realm, the night watchmen have only gone through a short period of more than half a year.

For many of these mysterious phenomena, no reasonable explanation has been found.

Here, the meteorite plows the ground, maybe someone will be able to pull down the meteorite in space?

Gui Gong, the spy who acts as the scout of the team, began to emit a hazy white light from his cloudy eyes, trying to pry into the secrets hidden in Jiang Ye's body.

In the void behind him, a giant washbasin-sized silver eye without eyelashes slowly opened, looking at Jiang Ye!

In Jiang Ye's body, he peeped.

A golden flame with a strong high temperature, as if it had self-consciousness, churned up, refracted a terrifying golden light, and fell into Gui Gong's three eyes.


Duke Gui covered his scorched eyes in pain. Behind him, the silver-white secret-seeking eye also released a lot of scorching white smoke, accompanied by a strange smell of chicken.

Bao Xiaowen saw Duke Gui's appearance of being backlashed by the spy, and quickly took out a bottle of clear blue spray, and sprayed it on Duke Gui's eyes.

When Gao Wu and Luo Chuxue saw the old man's sudden misery, they were a little confused. They didn't know what happened?

Jiang Ye suppressed the flame furnace in his body, and said lightly: "This is a small punishment. In the mysterious world, if you want to spy on other people's secrets, you must be prepared to face the great horror!"

Duke Gui felt that his eyes felt better under the Qingming cold potion, but his scorched black eye sockets seemed to have been burned by something, and he looked very embarrassed.

Bao Xiaowen was a little angry when he saw his old partner in such a miserable state. He opened the big box in his hand, pulled out an epee the size of a door panel, and was about to rush to Jiang Ye.

An Zhen clasped his ten fingers in the shape of five claws, and swung three spiritual spider threads like tiny silver threads, stopping the impulsive Bao Xiaowen.

"Calm down, Xiaowen!"

"Captain! Old man Gui's injury, is it for nothing!"

Duke Gui lowered his head, recalling the golden flame that he saw in Jiang Ye's body just now, his heart was already in a turbulent state!

Golden condensate, the body of returning to the ancestors!

"Captain, I'm fine!"

Duke Gui tried his best to control his frightened legs. The three night watchmen were only in the growth stage.

If the former Jiang Ye was still a mature body, they could still resist.

But now, Jiang Ye is very likely to have advanced to the legendary state of returning to the ancestors!

In the world, there are few people who can be enemies!

Regardless of whether the flame meteorite plowing has anything to do with Jiang Ye, it's not their little night watchmen who can investigate!

"Captain, I don't think the matter of the meteorite has anything to do with Mr. Jiang!"

"In my opinion, we'd better not waste his precious time!"

Duke Gui took the initiative to confess, and Bao Xiaowen's angry face was full of puzzlement.

An Zhen pondered for a while, and knew that Gui Gong seemed to be a perverted and unreliable person, and he often beat the tiger's head to report the public account.

But at critical moments, he is still very risk-averse.

An Zhen's ten fingers loosened, revealing a gap in the web of spider threads densely covering the entrance of the hotel.

Turning sideways to get out of the way, An Zhen apologized and said: "It seems that this matter is really a misunderstanding, and Mr. Jiang is disturbed!"

Jiang Ye smiled at the corner of his mouth, he didn't expect that the two night watchmen were so knowledgeable about current affairs.

"Then, see you again."

Holding Luo Chuxue's cold little hand, the three left slowly.

When the backs of Jiang Ye and the three disappeared completely, Bao Xiaowen put away the knight's great sword viciously.

"Captain, why did you stop me just now! You should let me go up and teach this damn it boy a lesson!"

Duke Gui suddenly felt his legs go limp and fell to the ground, with a lot of cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"Oh, I was so scared to death!"

"Old Gui, what's the matter with you? What kind of night watchman are you afraid of death!"

"Xiao Wen, you are still too young! There is nothing better than being alive!"

An Zhen's face was heavy, and he asked the question in his heart: "Old Gui, did you see something just now?"

Duke Gui took out a pair of sunglasses, put them on, and his expression became more serious than ever: "Yes, captain, I saw Jiang Ye's body just now, there is a group of extremely condensed golden high-temperature flames!"

"I'm afraid, he has successfully advanced to the ancestral Realm!"

"The world is so big, he can go there!"

Bao Xiaowen showed a shocked expression, "How is it possible! He...wasn't he a mature body before, how could he improve a big Realm in less than a day!"

An Zhen looked thoughtfully at the large meteorite in the crater,

With a long sigh, "This meteorite is probably released by him. Although I don't know how he did it, but returning to the ancestral Realm, at present, in our Kyushu Kingdom, there is only one person who has done it!"

"In that mysterious and unpredictable Realm, there are still too many unknowns. Let alone summoning an extraterrestrial meteorite, even if it destroys the entire Qingshi City, I don't think it's strange!"

Bao Xiaowen became vigilant, "Then captain, should we call the headquarters and ask for support!"

"Let them send more night watchmen to control Jiang Ye, an unstable factor!"

Mayor An sighed, "Let's talk again, I'm going to report to my superiors and see what they say."

"Don't worry too much, even if the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up!"


Zanglong Hotel, open-air parking lot.

"Where do you want to take her?"

Gao Wu stared at Luo Chuxue suspiciously, wondering what Jiang Ye was thinking, did he fall in love with this little Little Sister?

Jiang Ye let go of Luo Chuxue's little hand, and caught a glimpse of the 200,000 check that she was still holding tightly in her hand.

"I still have something to do, you go back, it's best to cash this check immediately, and keep it in your pocket, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Luo Chuxue pursed her red lips, shook her head silently, and handed the 200,000 check to Jiang Ye.

"Thank you for saving me, I don't want this check!"

Gao Wu raised her eyebrows lightly, seeing Luo Chuxue's serious face, it didn't look like she was telling a lie.

She couldn't help but chuckled and said, "What a silly girl. In today's society, gold worship is prevalent, and a lot of dowry money is required to get married. You don't even have two hundred thousand to put in one's eyes?"

"You don't want more, do you?"

Luo Chuxue shook her head violently, "No, Jiang Ye wants the money back, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Jiang Ye pushed back the 200,000 check that was handed to him, "I'm not short of money, and I'm not interested in money."

"Then what are you interested in? The grace of saving your life should be repaid!"

Luo Chuxue bit her red lips lightly, raised her head, and stared at Jiang Ye seriously.

I always feel that this boy with a cold face has an unspeakable charm.

Jiang Ye looked Luo Chuxue up and down, making her take a small step back timidly.

The graceful body under the silver moon-colored dress is exquisite and full of elf-like vitality.

"Oh, let's meet again by fate,"

"Then, shall we add prestige?"


The two added their contact information, and Jiang Ye established a preliminary relationship with this weird elf woman in the simulated world who had experienced many life and death experiences with him.

The wine-red convertible sports car roared away, Luo Chuxue stood there blankly, clenched her fists, always feeling an inexplicable faint sense of loss.

In Jiang Ye's eyes, she saw a very strange familiarity!

Obviously the two of them don't know each other, and they haven't even met before!

But this strange emotion made her feel very strange, as if they knew each other before...

On the convertible sports car, Gao Wu drove the fast car and asked with a smile, "What? Do you like this one?"

Jiang Ye, who was on the co-pilot, glanced at Gao Wu, and asked narrowly, "What about you? Is there anyone you like?"

Gao Wu smacked her lips, "The killer has no feelings, stop joking, haha..."

Seeing that Gao Wu was unwilling to elaborate, Jiang Ye was about to start a new round of God Slaying simulation.

"I still have 475,880 simulation points, and I hope to make up one million this time to exchange for the second golden Talent!"

Jiang Ye thought to himself.

Having seen the power of the Golden God of Slashing Talent, he longs for more Golden Legendary Talents!

At the same time, how to follow the road after returning to the ancestors is also a matter that needs to be resolved urgently.

"No one can teach me all this. As a human pioneer, I hope to find the answer in the simulated world..."

[Slaying God Simulator has been activated, welcome to Slashing God! 】

[Currently there are ten types of Talents to choose from: the ancient language master, the big eater, the aggressive giant, the deadly razor...]

"A purple language Talent? So, I can understand the words of those gods?"

"The remaining nine available Talents are all ordinary, ordinary."

[The above Talent, you can choose three kinds to use as the simulation world! 】

[The selection is complete. 】

[The specific Talent is as follows:]

【... Bold sacrifice, storage space. 】

[Master of the ancient language: You have learned part of the original characters in the camp of the ancients, you can understand the language of most of the gods, and you can communicate with the gods fluently. 】

[Memory Thatched Cottage: Your brain capacity has been expanded to accommodate more knowledge reserves, but it is only as big as a thatched cottage, and there is often air leakage, so there is a risk of knowledge points being lost. 】

[Pious Believers: You can enter a pious state at any time, so that people can see that you are really a loyal and hardcore believer! Even if it was faked! 】

[Current Realm Evaluation: Atavistic Body Elementary Peak! 】

[Simulation starts! 】

[Day 1: You are squatting on the side of the curb in the bustling commercial pedestrian street, drinking coconut juice leisurely, using the global real vision function of the eyes of the dead, and carefully looking at the cool short photo taken at the entrance of Daguli Square. Net red girls in skirts. 】

[Suddenly, for a moment, the world darkened, and the whole world began to collapse. The little fairies and Internet celebrities who were beautiful just a moment ago turned into terrifying, chaotic and crazy monsters with teeth and claws! 】

【You release a few golden fireballs to purify them. 】

[Day 2: During an accidental stroll, a crack in space suddenly appeared in front of you, and from inside, a mysterious stone slab that was completely black and densely covered with evil pollution flew out! 】

【Your Sanity Points are falling crazily. Seeing that your mental resistance is about to disappear, you turned into a body of fire spirit and moved away from that mysterious stone slab. 】

[You realize that it might be a chance, but unfortunately, your mental resistance has always been a shortcoming. 】

[The evil pollution on the mysterious stone slab is more intense and terrifying than what you see on the descendants of the blood of the gods! At least ten times more! 】

[Day 3: On the way to slay the gods, you met many humans with the same abilities. They claimed to be the guardians of the night and dawn, and the night watchmen who stared at the abyss. 】

[During friendly conversations with them, you met a powerful Transcendent from the headquarters of the Yanjing Night Watchman, a fallen angel with wings on her back. 】

[At the beginning, Donna, the captain of the night watchman, thought you were one of those pollutions and fought you, but her mature strength at the peak is not your opponent at all. 】

[After your humiliation, you have established a good cooperative relationship. 】

[We don’t know each other without fighting, Donna realizes that you, who are so powerful, are very likely to be the pioneer of saving mankind. She begs you to join the night watchman team and contribute to the cause of human peace together! 】

[You refused, which means that the history of the gods fascinates you even more. 】

【She called you crazy, those chaotic and indescribable things will kill you sooner or later! 】

【You asked with a smile, you, Donna, are willing to become a fallen angel of darkness, why don't you yearn for more powerful power! 】

[Day 4: The descendants of the chaotic gods in Qingshi City are vulnerable to your powerful ancestral power! 】

[You, who are loyal to the path of killing gods, left Qingshi City alone, and went to a more chaotic and dark world, wandering through the past, trying to find the path to advanced mythology...]

[Day 5: You go north and come to the nearby Qingtan City. Here, after soaking in a beautiful hot spring, use the void practitioner's Spatial Teleportation to reach the border between Qingzhou and Hangzhou. 】

[Day 6: You have strayed into a mysterious space, where the environment seems to be covered with a layer of white fog all year round. 】

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