The Gods Are Coming: Fortunately, I Have A God-Slaying Simulator!

Chapter 47 The University Of Michigan's Admission Letter, Evil Never Dies

"It should be this picture scroll of unknown origin that came into contact with the black air pollution that activated the fierce tiger in the picture!"

Jiang Ye knows the horror of these polluted black air, not only can make people's Sanity points drop crazily, but also turn all living and dead things into indescribable existences!

Seeing Lin Feng fighting fiercely with Tiger Xuying, old doctor Li also took out dozens of silver needles to help out.

"Master, this disciple is here to help you!"

Tong Ruyan pulled Zhao Tian away from the dangerous scene where the two were fighting with a beast.

This weird fighting scene really shocked people's notions.

The fierce tiger was still emitting black air from pollution, causing everyone in the ward to feel a headache when they saw it!

Jiang Ye saw two masters and apprentices of the Taiyi Acupuncture School fighting for a long time, unwilling to see the situation continue to deteriorate.

The blue space seal characters on his feet began to flicker,

Under the incredulous eyes of everyone, Jiang Ye appeared in front of the polluted scroll very abruptly!

A big slender white hand grasped the scroll!

"Rest in peace, you are just a dead thing!"

Jiang Ye stretched out his hand to spread it evenly!

The polluted black air in the entire picture of the tiger descending the mountain was immediately dispelled by his red palm!

"Roar~ woo~"

The phantom of the fierce tiger that was still alive before, without the chaotic energy polluting the black air, suddenly shattered in mid-air with a whine.

An authentic picture of a tiger descending a mountain turned into a dead thing again!

Lin Feng covered his aching head, and used Taiyi needles to insert all over the acupuncture points on his face.

Streams of black pollution began to dye the golden Taiyi needle black!

The bluish-black pollution lines at the corners of his eyes seemed to be absorbed by the Taiyi needle and began to disappear.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, after this weird and miraculous battle,

No matter how stupid he is, he still understands that this Jiang Ye in front of him really has two brushes!

"As expected of being nominated side by side with my Taiyi Shenzhen, very good!"

Lin Feng, who was stubborn, pulled his apprentice, old doctor Li, and left with a dozen of his fellow students without looking back.

Tong Ruyan opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

But this son-in-law of the Tong family has his identity exposed, and he is already the successor of Taiyi Shenzhen, so she is not something she can treat lightly at will.

"It's over here, and I'm going back too."

Jiang Ye casually tossed the authentic painting of a tiger descending the mountain to Lin Wanwan who was standing there in a daze, waved goodbye casually, and walked away.

He has realized that pollution is likely to spread slowly in this world!

The face of a Faceless Man appeared in his mind.

"According to the development of Blue Star humans, there shouldn't be things from the camp of these gods!"

"But looking at it now, pollution has appeared in the world, and there are still some night watchmen who have obtained super powers more than half a year in advance. What is going on?"

"Who is playing tricks again?"

"Is the situation in the whole world the same as in Kyushu?"

"Could it be some god who likes to make troubles, has already landed on Blue Star in advance!"

Jiang Ye was taken aback by own's speculation!

If there really is a god coming in advance, with his current atavistic body, he is far from being an opponent!


Parking the Malari luxury car on the side of the road, Jiang Ye returned to the apartment without love.

Pushing open the door, Jiang Ye waved out an exquisite paper figurine.

A sickly and beautiful woman in a tight-fitting black cheongsam dress stood obediently in front of Jiang Ye.

Yue Qiluo lowered her head respectfully: "Master, what do you want your servant to do?"

"Bring me a cup of fragrant tea, I want to take a rest, you help me be vigilant."

"Master, don't worry, Qi Luo will never let anyone disturb you!"

Jiang Ye lay down on the soft sofa and started the next simulation.

[Slaying God Simulator has been activated, welcome to Slashing God! 】

[Currently there are ten types of Talents available: Moon Well Builder, Qiu Mingshan Chariot God, Masked Song God, Clown Jack...]

"Most of them are purple Talents, isn't this luck?"

[The above Talent, you can choose three kinds to use as the simulation world! 】

[The selection is complete. 】

[The specific Talent is as follows:]

【...The ancient language master, memory thatched hut, devout believer, God of War! 】

[Moon well builder: You are an excellent moon well builder, you can skillfully use the most common materials to build a moon well full of sweet spiritual fluid! 】

[Qiu Mingshan Car God: You are an old driver, you can easily drive most of the cars, and you can drive fast and well in any road conditions. 】

[The God of Masked Singer: You are born with a good voice, no matter what type of song you sing, it is the best song in the world, no one can surpass it! 】

[Current Realm Evaluation: Atavistic Body Elementary Peak! 】

[Simulation starts! 】

[Day 1: You wake up in the dark, and when you open your eyes, the world has changed drastically, and the gods have officially come to the world! 】

【You are very strong, once God of War comes out, who will compete with you! 】

[On the very first day, you swept away the descendants of the gods in Qingshi City and killed all the polluted upgraded monsters! 】

[Day 2: Because you cleaned up the gods in advance, the casualties in Qingshi City were minimized! 】

【You stand alone in the central square with a sword stationed, and a sea of ​​polluted blood has already formed around you. You have encountered an army of thousands of people, hundreds of black market desperadoes, and hundreds of night watchmen who rushed over. 】

【After confirming in horror that you are really human, they all showed a very shocked face, especially those night watchmen, who knew the power of the atavistic body, and did not expect that one of them would appear in their small Qingshi City! 】

[Day 3: The three forces in Qingshi City are throwing olive branches at you one after another, hoping that you will join their camp and work hard for them! 】

[You shook your head and refused, you have your own great ambition, which is to kill all heretical gods in the world! 】

【You believe that only by beheading and driving away all the invading gods can Blue Star restore its former paradise on earth. 】

[Day 4: Almost all water sources and food are polluted. You can't bear to see the old, weak, sick and disabled dying of hunger and thirst. 】

[So you used the remains of the bloodline descendants of the gods, plus some mutated elixir, to create thirteen moon wells! 】

[These moon water wells emit streams of clear and sweet spring water. A sip of ordinary people can relieve fatigue, and it also has the effect of slowly strengthening the body. 】

[Once it was completed, it was welcomed by the survivors of the whole Qingshi City. Your kindness of dripping water was also erected and said on the monument. They all respected you as the Moon Messenger! 】

[Day 5: You feel a lack of knowledge about cultivation, which is also a shackle that restricts you from becoming a mythical body. Qingshi City is really too small, and there is no living soil for you to become a mythical body. 】

【You decide to leave, but on an empty street with no one there, you find a polluted stone slab emitting thick black air! 】

【You are surprised, a little uncertain, and immediately enter the combat state to isolate these ultra-high concentrations of pollution. 】

[You successfully touched the black slate, and after using the ember long knife to cut down the black pollution gas on it, you found that there were densely packed special symbols written on the slate, and these symbols, you couldn't see them at all, like chickens and ducks speak. 】

[In desperation, you want to put away this slate and wait for a later date. 】

[Unexpectedly, when your left hand touched the surface of the slate, a vague and chaotic consciousness rushed into your mind! 】

【You were taken aback, thinking that some old monster was hiding and wanted to take you away! 】

[Later, it was discovered that this was just a black stream of information. This stream of information contained a considerable part of the original language, which you just happened to understand. 】

[In the written description of the origin text, you learned that this is the will of a dead Miskatonic University professor, and I urge you to bring this lost ancient stone tablet back to Miskatonic University! 】

[And as a reward, you will receive an admission letter from the University of Michigan! 】

[It is a mysterious department school with God as the principal and many professors of mythology. There, you will gain endless knowledge! 】

[Not only that, the library of the University of Michigan also has the original version of "Necronomicon"! And numerous universe grimoires! 】

[Including but not limited to the original version of "Corpse Eater's Rituals", "Book of Reason", "Book of Nameless Sacrifice", "Slate of Praise" and other knowledge treasure secrets! 】

[You are moved! 】

【Decided to go to this legendary Shenming University according to the route map of this UM admission letter! 】

[Day 6: According to the description of the road map, you learned that the university is now built in Arkham, a town with "harmonious neighborhood" and "pure folk customs". 】

[As for the nearest entrance to Arkham Town, through the navigation guidance of the admission notice, you learned that you need to go to the nearest mountain city in Shuzhou, where you found a dark and lightless gate, and the creature holding the admission notice from the University of Michigan, Naturally, you will be guided on the right path! 】

[Day 7: You set off. Qingshi City is more than 3,000 kilometers away from Shuzhou in the middle of Kyushu. You are prepared, and you have thought about the scene where you will die on the road. 】

[However, in order to seek the truth and pursue the knowledge of becoming a myth, you stepped out of the boundary of Qingshi City by yourself, and left without looking back. 】

[Eighth day: You kill the bloodline descendants of the gods all the way, all the way west, march forward! 】

[Nine Heavens: Relying on your teleportation ability as a void practitioner, you finally left the boundary of Qingzhou and came to Shuzhou. 】

[But the border of Shuzhou is still more than 2,000 kilometers away from the mountain city, the capital of the hinterland. Along the way, you have seen many human compatriots who died tragically, but there is nothing you can do. In the corner, every minute and every second, someone died in the hands of the gods. 】

[What you can do is to keep killing the gods and pursue more powerful power, so as to achieve the goal of killing all the invading gods in the world! 】

[Day 10: On the road, you meet many women who make you reluctant to leave, and they all beg you to stay and work together to survive! 】

[But you rejected them all one by one. Your desire to seek the Tao has made many women who admire you feel chilling. 】

[It's not that you haven't thought about taking these women with you and taking risks together, but they are all ordinary people, and the University of Michigan you are going to is a university of gods known as the Devil's Nest! 】

【You yourself don’t know if you can live to graduate from the University of Michigan, what’s more, they don’t have an admission letter from the University of Michigan, so they can’t get into the University of Michigan at all! 】

[In desperation, you taught these lovely and beautiful female companions, some talents for survival, left a few months of water wells and some dry food, and disappeared since then, like a hasty passerby. 】

[Eleventh day: You finally come to the mountain city, the place where the navigation is going to be down. 】

[You are lost, just like many old drivers who came to the mountain city for the first time. 】

[The navigation of the University of Michigan admission notice in my hand is also useless here! 】

[You can't help but sigh, the terrain of the mountain city is so complicated that even the notification navigation made by the gods can't work, it's really terrifying! 】

[Day 12: You find a local, who seems to be an old man with a hard of hearing. After asking for the way for a long time, you always ask Ma Meimei! 】

【Under your radish and stick method of finding the way, this deaf old man finally gave in with tears and told you the direction of the Big Ben Church in the mountain city! 】

[Thirteenth day: You came to the center of the mountain city, and found that it has already become a paradise for the descendants of gods and upgraded pollution monsters! 】

[Endless chaotic monsters, three layers inside and three layers outside, densely cover the streets. 】

[You roughly estimate that there are as many as 100,000 heads! 】

[This terrifying number makes you feel the horror of the place where the gods of the mountain city descend, and you don't know which god is occupying here? 】

[Day 14: You saw some human survivors living here. They couldn't get out of the siege of pollution monsters, so they stayed here. 】

[They were very surprised at the arrival of you, a travel practitioner from other places, but your empty-handed appearance extinguished the hope of survival that many people had ignited. 】

[Living in the Paradise of tens of thousands of bloodline descendants of the gods, you have noticed several powerful atavistic auras, and you don't want to cause trouble. 】

[Although you are sure to kill those blue-skinned praying mantis monsters, there are dangers here and there, and you just want to find the secret gate of the Big Ben Church. 】

[Day 15: You left, just leaving some dry food for these doomed Death survivors. 】

[On the streets densely covered with black triangular-headed basilisks, you use the void practitioner Talent to avoid the dens of the descendants of the blood of the gods. 】

[If you really can't avoid it, you can use the power of thunder to take away the entire den of the descendants of the blood of the gods! 】

【Endless pure gold flames erupted, enough to wipe out all the descendants of gods and polluted mutant monsters under the atavistic body! 】

[Not to mention, you still have a dark gold-level plague toad body armor, those low-level god blood descendants can't get into the three-meter restricted area outside your body at all! 】

[As your plague toad clothes are exposed, the places you walk are covered with highly poisonous explosive spores. Any descendant of the blood of the gods will be killed by the self-explosion of the poisonous spores! 】

[Some ferocious upgraded pollution monsters that rushed to you were blocked by your plague shield, and more died tragically under your god-slaying sword light. 】

[Flame and poisonous mist, let your super power fusion become more terrifying! 】

[A road to Paradise for the bloodline descendants of a hundred thousand gods, you killed it abruptly! Direct access to Big Ben Cathedral in the city center! 】

[Day 16: You have successfully arrived at Big Ben Church, surrounded by corpses of god blood descendants and polluted upgraded monsters. 】

[You look up at this ancient Gothic church, and feel as if you have seen it before, as if you have encountered it in a dream castle where a certain god is? 】

[You don't understand, suppress the urge to write code words, for fear that you will meet the attention of a certain king in yellow clothes, you seem to love these spiritual objects. 】

[Day 17: You successfully entered the ancient Gothic church, and inside, you met a tall black-robed priest. 】

【Different from the Master Haijieer you have seen before, this figure is like a mummy, and its whole body exudes a terrifying aura of mythology! 】

[In front of the kneeling worshiper is an egg-shaped giant insect creature covered with spikes. You don't know if the image of the god you see is right, but the image reflected in your mind is indeed like this. 】

[Because of your direct gaze, you have learned part of the information about this stone statue of the god, and part of the honorable name of this evil god! 】

[It is also because of your rudeness to look directly, which caused the anger of the priest of the undead! 】

[His whole body erupted with extremely intense pollution, like a black slate, but it was different. This kind of undead pollution, in addition to being full of chaos and disorder, is more like a disordered logical program, which makes your worldview Massive collapse, fear. 】

【You want to run away, but you find that your footsteps seem to be filled with lead, and you can't move an inch! 】

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