As the next generation in power of the Shangguan family, Shangguan Mushen, following the trend of the times, was secretly arranged by the family to practice in the night watchman team more than half a year ago.

Today, Shangguan Mushen is already the captain of the night watchmen of the "God of War Team 1" in Kyoto. The strength of Cultivation Base can be compared with the Realm of the gods. Half step returns to the ancestors!

And Gu Yanzhi, a middle-aged Confucian scholar standing in front of the big screen, is the real Martial Dao leader of Kyushu Kingdom. The Transcendent figure at the top of the pyramid is lonely and inviolable. He is the core figure of Kyushu Kingdom's resistance to the mysterious pollution incident.

The combat power of Cultivation Base has even broken through to the mid rank of the atavistic body!

" is it possible, who is in the realm of Transcend Tribulation myth!"

Gu Yanzhi looked terrified, looking at the image on the big screen, and muttering to himself.

Everyone could only see the thick and thick emerald green mist, and it was undoubtedly a dream to get a glimpse of the true face inside the small island.

The person in charge of scientific research who controls the accuracy of satellite shooting, after some operations, was shocked to find that the green mist seemed to be alive, and even swallowed the surrounding light!

In the past, the monitoring accuracy of the stars and satellites could be seen clearly by ants on the ground, but now even a thin layer of green fog cannot be seen by others.

This result really gave the head of the scientific research an old face and gave him a big blow.

Gu Yanzhi put away his drastically changed expression and forced himself to calm down.

If even his leader panicked, the people under his command, or the people of the entire Kyushu, would be greeted with an unpredictable disaster!

"Mr. Chen, if you can't explore the scene inside the green mist, just collect the surrounding areas that are not covered by the green mist. Maybe you can gain something."

Mr. Chen, the general manager of Xingdou satellite monitoring, was awakened by Gu Yanzhi, and quickly asked hundreds of employees under him to mobilize all the extraterrestrial orbiting satellite monitoring to search for intelligence information near the island.

Shangguan Mushen also received Gu Yanzhi's order, and began to contact the night watchman branches in Qingzhou and Hangzhou, asking them to send people over to investigate.

After finishing these things, Gu Yanzhi began to close his eyes.

Shangguan Mushen next to him knew that Gu Yanzhi was about to start deduction again, and began to silently guard him in case anyone disturbed Gu Yanzhi.

Eight oracle bone inscription turtle shells floated around Gu Yanzhi's body, shining with complicated rune light.

Suddenly, there was a loud cracking sound, and all the oracle bone inscription tortoise shells were broken into pieces.

Gu Yanzhi's body trembled violently, and his closed eyes suddenly opened, as if seeing something extremely terrifying.

A pool of emerald green blood spat out from Gu Yanzhi's mouth.

"My lord! Are you okay?!"

"Don't touch me, be careful! This green blood is highly poisonous!"

Hearing this, everyone took a step back, covered their mouths and noses, and looked at the pool of emerald green blood on the ground in surprise.

Under the refraction of the light in the air, the green blood began to proliferate without limit, and soon formed a plague fungus the size of a basketball.

The endless plague pollution radiated out, causing the surrounding air to change and distort, and large black and blue lines appeared in the corners of everyone's eyes.

"Technology personnel get out of here quickly, don't look directly at the green fungus bushes! Pollution is highly toxic!"

Shangguan Mushen yelled, and immediately called the fifty-four night watchmen around him to seal off the scene and evacuate the people safely.

The cluster of plague fungi that was still moving around was covered by a translucent glass cover. The night watchmen in Kyoto moved very quickly and carried a complete set of equipment.

Immediately sealed off the plague fungus, put it in a special silver box, and sealed it tightly.

And let people carry out disinfection and pollution removal treatment on the satellite master control room.

In less than ten minutes, the pollution treatment on the scene was completed, and the people who were polluted just now were also taken away for treatment.

After doing all this, Shangguan Mushen looked at Gu Yanzhi with lingering fear, wanting to know if he had found anything just now.

Gu Yanzhi's face was pondering, and when he saw everyone's gazes, he let out a long sigh and said, "I don't know if it's the misfortune or the luck of my Kyushu Kingdom, but the person who is conducting the Mythos Transcend Tribulation is a human being, and in my In the future prediction, he is still a native of Kyushu!"

Everyone exclaimed, the birth of a mythical body is still from Kyushu. This news is undoubtedly exciting for today's crisis-ridden world!

But why did Gu Yanzhi say it was unfortunate?

"You also saw it just now. I just snooped and predicted him a little bit, and I was immediately backlashed. This kind of emerald green poisonous mist, I guess, should be some kind of highly toxic mythical substance!"

"Furthermore, although this human being is from my country of Kyushu, he has a heart-to-heart. What's more, the mythical Realm, strictly speaking, already belongs to the God's creation Realm. Whether that human being has lost his humanity, we have no choice." And know."

"In short, this is a double-edged sword. It is extremely beneficial for us to use it in Kyushu. If we don't follow it, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

All the night watchmen and Transcendents fell silent when they heard this.

In Kyushu now, the strongest is just an ancestral body, the mythical Realm, how strong it is, they can't imagine it at all.

Shangguan Mushen looked at the big screen, where the green poisonous mist boiled violently, forming green dragons swallowing clouds and mist, roaring continuously towards the surroundings, extremely frightening.

Shangguan Mushen clenched his fists tightly, and an unwilling light flashed in his eyes.

How could anyone step into that God's Realm earlier than him, it's unscientific!

He who has always relied on himself as a genius has no choice but to fall into doubts about his own Talent.

After a while, Shangguan Mushen adjusted his mentality and raised doubts, "Mr. Gu, we have only been cultivated by mysterious people for more than half a year. How can there be human beings from the Kyushu Kingdom who spend more money than our state machines?" The night watchmen cultivated have so much strength?"

Many night watchmen, men and women, all raised their heads, their expressions somewhat dissatisfied.

They are all the elites of the elite carefully selected from all over the country, and they have been cultivated so vigorously by the country. Now they are not as good as a wild Transcendent who came out of Shankara.

This result is really disappointing.

Gu Yanzhi shook his head, and poured cold water on the elites: "There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. The Transcendent reserve strength of our Kyushu Kingdom does not seem to be weak, but it is not necessarily stronger than him."

Everyone was a little shocked when they heard the respect in Gu Yanzhi's words.

How powerful it would be to become a mythical existence.

The night watchmen who had faced the horrible pollution and survived life and death again and again couldn't imagine it, because the strongest pollution monster level they have encountered so far has only reached the initial stage of the atavistic body.

What kind of god will be more powerful than the atavistic body, and what form will it exist in.

No one, including Gu Yanzhi himself, knew about it without data analysis.

"Look! The green poisonous mist above the island is beginning to collapse inward!"

Everyone raised their heads when they heard the words, and fixed their eyes on the big satellite screen, wanting to see where that Kyushu Mythist is, Sacred!

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