[Day 40: You don’t know how deep you have dived into Sunspot Star, but you just feel that the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, and your body starts to melt. 】

[You realize that something is wrong, and decide to start cultivating nearby to become stronger in order to stabilize the flame spirit body. 】

[Day 41: You killed a lot of ancestral-level flame spirits. These guys are all descendants of Cthugya's blood. Now, they have all been transformed into the purest flame energy one by one. devour. 】

[The light blue flame on your body is getting deeper and deeper. 】

[Day 42: Fire snakes pass by you. If you are hungry, eat the flame creatures around you. If you are thirsty, drink magma to quench your thirst. 】

[Slowly, you are assimilated by the fire source of the sunspot star and become a member of the flame inside the planet. 】

[Day 43: You feel that your body has been able to withstand the high temperature and pressure around you, and you continue to dive deep. . 】

[You feel that it is very inconvenient to move in the magma, so you simply shape the flame spirit body into a light blue dragon, galloping in the deep magma pool of Sunspot Star. 】

[Day 44: You have encountered many fire spirits at the peak of the ancestral level. They are all like you, and they are also looking for the flame aura of advanced mythology, wandering in twos and threes deep in the core of the planet. 】

[As you continue to go deeper, you will often meet those fire spirits who have returned to the peak of their ancestors, and from time to time they will break out into big battles. After devouring the precious fire essence in their bodies, your dragon body becomes more condensed. 】

[Forty-fifth day: You don’t know how many fire spirits you have killed and how many fire marrows you have swallowed. The flame color of the dragon’s body has also turned into navy blue. 】

[In the endless magma core, you often encounter some collapsed sunspots, and you have also witnessed the fire spirit being sucked in, and never came out again. 】

【You don't know where those spaces lead to, so you don't dare to take risks, so you can only avoid them carefully. 】

[Day 46: Sunspot Star is a sun that has entered the withering period. If you venture into such a dangerous huge star to practice, you will surely die. 】

[In the process of avoiding the darkness and collapsing again and again, you seem to have caught some spiritual light. Slowly, your body began to imitate the transformation form of the surrounding flame energy...]

[Day 47: You strayed into a community of fire spirits, which has over a hundred atavistic fire spirits and a real mythical body of flames! 】

【You didn't mean to panic at all. Even when you entered the interior of Sunspot Star, you took the initiative to seal off the myth of the plague, so as not to be infected by the source of this alien myth with the normal flame comprehension. 】

[You had a war with the Fire Spirit Tribe, and in your haste, you used unskilled flame collapse! 】

[A huge black hole was formed from the deflagration at a high speed, and it sucked all the fire spirits, including the flame mythical body, into it with full suction! 】

【Looking at their desperate eyes, you don't know what's inside the collapsed black hole...】

[Day 48: Ever since you used the collapse deflagration secret method to send an entire tribe of fire spirits to the west, you have become more enthusiastic about finding natural collapse black holes for Meditation penance! 】

[Forty Nine Heavens: Your madness has attracted the attention of the Fire Spirit tribe. Many Fire Spirit tribes born in the interior of the sunspot star have no way to deal with the withering and ending of the sunspot star. 】

[Many fire spirit mythical bodies still lingering in the core of the sunspot star are unwilling to leave the planet that gave birth to them, and began to look for a pure source of fire that can re-ignite the core of the sunspot star in the outside world! 】

[Fifty day: You, a flame dragon, have shed your skin again and again, and your aura has been condensed to a terrifying level, and you have already stepped into the half step mythical realm! 】

[Among the fire spirit tribes, your mythical stories have also begun to spread. 】

[Many members of the Fire Spirit Tribe worship the strong. A flame spirit like you who can control the secret technique of deflagration and collapse is respected by the Fire Spirit Tribe. 】

[You don't know when, as the honorable name of "Dragon King of Deflagration and Collapse", it was passed down among the fire spirits and worshiped by countless fire spirits. 】

[Fifty-first day: You sneaked into a blue flame zone, and after inquiring about it, you learned that this is actually the core area of ​​Sunspot Star! 】

[You are very happy, wandering in the dangerous magma to experience and comprehend, finally came to the end. 】

[It’s just that the temperature of those cyan flames is not only extremely terrifying, but also contains traces of flame substances like crystal chains! 】

[If you have an advanced plague myth, you clearly understand that it is the crystalline chain of the flame myth! 】

[A kind of mysterious and mysterious substance, a highly condensed and embodied mythical product! 】

[You realize that the cyan flame area in front of you is the place where the mythical fire source you have been thinking about! 】

[As long as you can walk inside once, you can successfully transform from a flood dragon to a real flame dragon! 】

[Fifty-second day: You felt the danger of this flame myth advancement, and you didn't rush into the myth trial area for the first time, but started to curse yourself! 】

[Soon, the Fire Spirits who were active in the Earth's core region began to gather to help those who had entered the peak of the atavism, and even the half-step myth, and Transcend Tribulation became a myth! 】

[You sneaked into the team, and you also got a trial-specific protective gear called "Blaze Armor", which is used to save your life under the terrifying chain of flame myths! 】

[Fifty-third day: You have successfully entered the mythical trial area of ​​the cyan flame, and the cyan chains exuding terrifying and divine high temperature wrap around your body. Guard the barrier, slowly give you a sense of the flame myth, and keep enough time. 】

【Around you, there are hundreds of people from the Fire Spirit Tribe who are as cautious as you. They didn't notice anything unusual about you, and they all dived into the realization with all their hearts. 】

[You saw that some members of the Fire Spirit Tribe still possessed the special spirit incense used for enlightenment, and they were a little greedy. After knocking out a few members of the Fire Spirit Tribe, they mercilessly took away their spirit incense! 】

【Fifty-fourth day: Your great catastrophe movement of divine incense has aroused the vigilance of the enlightened mythology team, and they all gather together in twos and threes to prevent being beaten with a sap. 】

[You found that you couldn't do anything, so you simply sneaked into the deeper core area...]

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