Hearing Mu Nannan's words, Zhu Yuan immediately became angry.

He pointed at Mu Nannan and said: "You are an unfamiliar standard, you have spent so much money on you, you are not even willing to sleep for one night, Lao Tzu has so much money, even a little star can sleep, you think you are expensive?" Still pressing me to death? You dream! I tell you, the magic capital is with me for a day, so you don't want to enter the magic capital market!" I will ban you completely! Li Jianwen, who is this man? Hearing

the boss's question, Li Jianwen covered his mouth full of blood, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't expect the name Chen Yao just said, and he couldn't say it.

Chen Yao smiled slightly, did not pay attention to Zhu Yuan's words at all, turned his head and turned to Mu Nannan's side if inhumane: "Dr. Mu, let's go, let's go and talk to the lawyer first, your overlord contract is unreasonable, maybe you can make them pay two million."

Mu Nannan looked at Chen Yao's domineering attitude of ignoring others, and his happy eyes lit up.

After staying in Muyuan for so long, she finally had a feeling of raising her eyebrows today.

Chen Yao was like a rope to save her from the mud, no matter what, she had to seize this opportunity.

She nodded vigorously and said: "I listen to the boss, I also wanted to find a lawyer before, but as soon as I heard that it was Muyuan Group, I didn't accept my list directly, and persuaded me to communicate with him well, I smiled, if communication is useful, what else do you need the law for?" This surnamed Zhu's hands are definitely not clean.

Chen Yao shook his head with a smile and said, "My lawyer won't refuse, it's just a little thing, do you have anything in the dormitory?" I'll accompany you to get it, and I won't come back after taking it, and I'll be free of worries once.

Mu Nannan nodded and said, "Yes, my computer is there, let's go, I'll take you over." Looking

at the way the two ignored themselves, Zhu Yuanqi's neck turned red.

For many years, since Muyuan Group became the No. 1 meat supplier in the magic capital, he had never encountered such a situation of being ignored again.

Why is this young man?

Just with this good clothes?

Lao Tzu also has ah!

Seeing that Dr. Mu, who was in his heart, was about to be pulled away by Chen Yao.

Zhu Yuan pointed at Chen Yao and said, "Young man, I advise you not to be so crazy, give you another chance, if there is a backstage, you will report to the backstage, so as not to be confused when I do it later."

Chen Yao smiled and said, "I don't have any backstage, you can do it if you want, I believe the law will give me fairness." Hearing

Chen Yao's words, Zhu Yuan suddenly burst out laughing, "Law? You talk to me about the law? All to me, this person disturbed social order and affected my normal business procedures! Whoever can take him down, I will reward 10,000 yuan on the spot! Hearing

Zhu Yuan's heavy reward, the surrounding security guards all felt the electric baton from their waists and rushed towards Chen Yao's position.

The blue-purple electric light loomed in the electric baton, looking very fierce.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the college students present did not dare to be heroes, and ran to the side, holding the things on the table to protect themselves.

"Wow, wow wow, mom, it's terrible!!"

"Is this still a business? This is clearly the underworld! It's scary.

"So many electric batons, it will kill people if they poke them."

"Run, their target is not us, as long as we run fast, there is still a chance to escape!"

Hearing their words, Mu Nannan also became nervous, she lifted her sleeve and revealed a red mark to Chen Yao: "Boss, let's run, the power of this electric baton is very high, I was electrocuted by him just now, and it fell directly, and now it still hurts a little."

Chen Yao looked at the very obvious red mark on Mu Nannan's white wrist, and frowned: "You actually gave this kind of hand to a woman?" It seems that these people have been wearing dog skin for too long, and they have become real dogs. ", he stretched out his hand and clicked on the acupuncture point on Mu Nannan's arm, "You follow me and don't leave, you can relieve the pain by pressing here with your hand." Watching

Chen Yao's fingers fall, Mu Nannan's arm subconsciously shook, and then, with the tap of Chen Yao's finger, she could obviously feel that the pain in the burning place of her arm was much lessened.

"Boss, you still get a massage?"

Mu Nannan blurted out in surprise.

"Be careful."

At this time, the male security guard who rushed the fastest had rushed to the two people, with a hideous smile on his face.

"Hahaha, just such a brat, 10,000 pieces is Lao Tzu's!"

Saying that, he took out the electric baton in his hand and poked it hard towards Chen Yao's waist.

At the critical moment, Chen Yao pulled Mu Nannan to hide behind him, slammed on the wall behind him with his strength, and kicked the security guard heavily in the face with his backhand, and the huge force passed to his head, directly smashing it abruptly.


With just one kick, the security guard fell directly to the ground unconscious.

Chen Yao gently picked it on his tiptoes, directly held the electric baton in his hand, squeezed out the current, did not retreat, and poked towards the security guard who rushed over.

The next few minutes simply turned into Chen Yao's live show.

I saw that his figure was light and dodged flexibly among the many security guards, and he would definitely be able to take down several security guards every time he shot.

After a while, there was a security guard lying on the ground.

Chen Yao easily patted the non-existent dust on his shoulder, turned his head to look at the stunned Zhu Yuan, and suddenly the tiger jumped up and jumped directly in front of Zhu Yuan.

Seeing Chen Yao coming, Zhu Yuan was so frightened that his back sweated, and he quickly pulled the person next to him to block it in front of him, shouting: "Don't come over!" Have something to say! The

supervisor next to him was also confused, how could this person fight so well? These security guards are all practiced!

Chen Yao stepped on the supervisor's shoulder, picked up the electric baton and stopped in front of Zhu Yuan, and said with a smile: "President Zhu, you didn't do this to me before, electric baton, what does this thing taste like, do you know?"

Looking at the blue-purple electric lightning, Zhu Yuan trembled when he spoke, he still felt this feeling of being cornered by a person for the first time, he reluctantly calmed down: "You don't mess around, these are all my people, you can't kill me and give me a burial, little brother, calm down, everything can be discussed."

Without waiting for him to finish, Chen Yao directly pressed on his wrist in the same position as Mu Nannan.



Zhu Yuan instantly arched his body like boiled red shrimp, and the painful bile was about to spit out, and he had not felt the taste of pain for a long time.

"Mr. Zhu, what did you just say? What to discuss?

Chen Yao smiled and picked up the electric baton and shook it again.

Looking at the blue-purple light, Zhu Yuan couldn't care about the presence of others, and quickly said: "Mu Nannan's contract is directly canceled, little brother, are you satisfied with this?" "

Not enough."

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