The Golden Hairpin

Chapter 164: Falling to the ground (1)

Huang Zixia followed Li Shubai to the house.

In the west courtyard of the Jiedu Mansion, the newly cleaned courtyard is Li Shubai in the main hall, and Huang Zixian and Zhang Xingying in the two wing rooms on the left and right.

"It's late, you're so tired again tonight, let's rest early." Li Shubai said to her.

Huang Zixian stood there and waited for a while before saying, "Please confess the crime to the prince."

He looked as usual and looked back at her: "What's the sin?"

Huang Zixian whispered: "Now the situation is unknown, I...should not expose everything first."

Li Shubai looked at her uneasy appearance, but a smile appeared on the corners of her lips, and said: "You are also worried that I will be assassinated again for the third time, so you are a little impatient, aren't you?"

Huang Zixia nodded silently and said, "But before, I really didn't expect that it would be Wang Yun..."

"It's because of him that is the trouble." Li Shubai thought for a while and motioned for her to enter the room he was staying in.

The two of them knelt down on the low couch in front of the bed. Li Shubai took out a paper bag from his body, took out the piece of talisman paper from it, and handed it to her.

Huang Zixian looked at the six characters on it. Except for the **** red circle on the third "gu" character, there were no traces on the other characters.

Huang Zixian carefully observed the word "waste", but saw that the surface of the paper was as usual, and there were no traces of blood dripping before.

Li Shubai calmly said: "Before, after we were in distress in the inn, I had confirmed this talisman. The word ‘waste’ on it was still circled in red and there was no change."

"So, it was only in the few days after entering Jiedu Mansion that it changed?" Huang Zi Xia handed the talisman back to him, frowning.

Li Shubai said, "Isn't it weird?"

They said such weird things, but their tone was very relaxed. He put the talisman paper back in the paper bag and said: "Because of the inconvenience on the way, I did not put it in the heavy lock box, but chose to carry it with me. Recently, the Xichuan Army brought back my belongings. So I put it back in the small round box again, but I didn't expect it to change immediately."

Huang Zixian bowed his head and thought, but said nothing.

Seeing that the tea in the pot was still hot, Li Shubai personally poured a cup for her, smelled the smell and observed the color, and then handed it over to her, saying, "The tea in Jiedu Mansion is not bad."

Huang Zixia was holding the tea cup, a trace of sadness appeared in her heart. From the moment he took over the government for the emperor who was indulging in entertainment, he was afraid to take precautions at all times, facing countless life and death transitions.

Seeing her with this look on her face, Li Shubai smiled comfortingly, and took a sip for herself, and said, "It's actually nothing. Isn't Fan Yingxi afraid that I will have an accident in his house? Since I'm on his side, He must be responsible."

Huang Zixian nodded, still thinking about something, but heard him say softly: "Sometimes I think, maybe the only moment of peace and tranquility in my life is the few days when I ran away in the forest with you to recover from my wounds. NS."

Huang Zixian opened her eyes wide and looked at him in amazement.

"Although we are in a panic and our lives are hanging by a thread, but only then, as if all the pain and doubts in the whole world have disappeared, the past and the future of my life are not important. Only the two of us are in the shade of the tree together. Going forward, the sunlight from the leaves casts on us, one by one, brilliant spots of light, gorgeous and beautiful, slightly beating..."

He looked at her intently under the lamp, the light of the palace lanterns trembling slightly in the night breeze, and their bodies were full of flickering light, faintly dim, creating a sense of vain almost illusion. And what makes Huang Zixia feel more illusory than light is Li Shubai's voice, which rang softly in her ears—

"At the age of thirteen, my father died. After the emperor ascended the throne, I was in a state of instability for a long time. Several older brothers all died silently and inexplicably, except for the three younger brothers who were still young. , The older one is only me left. At that time, I thought every day, isn’t it my turn to be the next one." He said softly, staring at the beating core flame of the lamp, the blue-gray one. It was wrapped with a warm orange red, swaying slowly in the slight air current. This warm light enveloped the glazed lamp, and the Agashne that was originally left on the carriage, amidst the light and glazed light, sank quietly to the bottom, not knowing whether it was awake or asleep. .

"More than three years ago, Pang Xun rebelled in Xuzhou, and I asked myself to go out and put down the rebellion. At that time, the only thing that the court could take me away was thousands of old and weak. But I was not afraid at all. I thought, maybe this is also the case. A chance for me to be free..."

Listening to what he said, Huang Zixia suddenly remembered what he had said to herself, the first encounter with Xue Se and Xiao Shi. At that time, he went straight into the tiger's den alone, to kill Pang Xun's disintegrated soldiers. When she heard that, she had thought about whether it was unwise to take risks like this. However, thinking about it now, he suddenly understood his mood at that time.

In fact, when he went to Xuzhou, he didn't want to find a chance to rise at first, but just wanted to find a way to die that he could accept.

However, he became famous in the first battle, and the six major festivals were loyal to his subordinates. The day when he returned to the court triumphantly, was the beginning of his power.

"After coming back, I was crowned King Kui again, and I was honored for a while, but my life was not peaceful. I was always facing two forces, becoming a sacrifice made by one side and a goal by the other. There are countless people, Hope I disappear into this world." He said, his eyes gloomy, and he raised his hand and flicked the glass cup. There were slight ripples inside, and the little fish flicked his tail lightly, and then fell to the bottom of the water again, unmoved. "There are countless mysteries around me, and they are always warning me. No one knows that I am anxious and living in the mystery. I used to think that in this life and this world, I will always live in this endless god. In my heart, until that appeared."

He let go of the glazed lamp, and in those dim eyes, a bright star fell at some point, reflecting the shadow of the light, swaying gently. He looked at her for an instant, and her figure flickered slightly with the light in his eyes.

Huang Zixia felt very nervous, as if she was afraid that she would be attracted by the bright stars, and she would never have any existence from now on; she also seemed to be afraid that after the willfulness escaped his gaze, she would be lost, and she would never find bright. Direction.

Therefore, she allowed her chest to beat so violently, until her body was burning and she could no longer control that kind of heartbeat, she took a deep breath and said softly, "I...very ashamed, I couldn't do it anymore. The prince shares the worries, and has yet to help you uncover the secrets around you..."

"How can a secret that can change the ruling and the opposition be cracked overnight?" He slowly shook his head and said in a low voice, "I have spent many years and nothing has been achieved, not to mention that you have just contacted it not long ago."

"But I..." She stared at his face and suddenly made up her mind. Perhaps it was the wind and light of the dark night that lost her restraint. She stretched out her hand, gently covered the back of his hand, and said seriously, "I will definitely stay by your side and reveal this secret. I I won’t let you be trapped in the mist again. I will help you drive away all the clouds that obstruct your eyes and let you see your destiny clearly.”

She said it so seriously, as if it were an oath.

She didn't tell him that when he was in a dying coma that night, she thought in her heart that if the person she was willing to follow would disappear from the world, she would no longer rely on it in the world, and would never do anything. A chance for your family to reverse the case... Then, what is the point of being alive?

But she thought, why do you need to say something about something, he must understand it.

Li Shubai stared at her under the lamp. On that face that had always been calm as water, only his eyes flowed through countless complex emotions, joy, sorrow, sentiment, and even a little hesitant confusion.

Huang Zixia felt his hand move slightly, as if tightening unconsciously. She just lowered her head and realized that she had just forgotten too much, and her hand was pressed presumptuously on the back of his hand.

She was suddenly embarrassed and nervous, and quickly raised her hand, ready to take it back.

Just as her finger moved, he turned his palm over and held her hand tightly in his palm.

The lights flowed brightly all over them, the silent night, the sleeping little fish, the only sound, only the wind that passed outside, and the beating of their blood, quickly and harmoniously.

Huang Zixian slept lightly all night, and countless thoughts were tossed in her mind, crowding and chaotically in her mind, making her unable to reject and see clearly.

I don't know whether it is sweet or sad.

It was almost dawn before she fell asleep in a daze, until the noise outside awakened her. She raised her hand to cover her eyes, extremely sleepy, turned over on the bed, and continued to think about the things that bothered her.

The people outside slammed the door hard: "Chonggu, hurry up! I have new discoveries!"

Naturally it was Zhou Ziqin. He was about to be anxious at the Yamen, so he simply rushed to Jiedu Mansion to lift her up.

It may be near noon. The light outside was so bright that you couldn't open your eyes. Huang Zixian pressed her temples hard, only vaguely responded, and then picked up herself, first put on the clothes that Jiedufu had prepared for her, and then opened the door and asked, "What did you find?"

Zhou Zi and Qin Xing raised the Pisces jade bracelet in his hand that loves the precious treasure, and said: "A pawnshop came to look for me this morning, saying that it was someone from the Yamen who was looking for him. He came over from Longzhou overnight. . As soon as he saw this bracelet, he remembered that the buyer at the time was—"

Huang Zixian's eyes lit up, and when he saw that he was deliberately selling off the ball and only half talking, she was anxious: "Who is it?"

"Haha, I know, you must have asked the pawnbroker to investigate!" Zhou Ziqin was smug, obviously confident in his own insight, "When did you ask? Otherwise, why would the other party come to me? ?"

Huang Zixia nodded and asked, "That bracelet was indeed sold by someone from Longzhou? Who is the buyer?"

Zhou Ziqin took a look at the surrounding courtyard of Jiedu Mansion, lest any acquaintances see it, while pulling her into the room, he leaned in her ear and whispered: "You must have never thought of it! The person who bought this bracelet at that time was not Fu Xinruan's lover is Wen Yang, but Xichuan Jiedu Mansion!"

Huang Zixian was stunned, and countless clues and thoughts in his mind suddenly came up. Everything seemed to be traceable because of this, but everything seemed to be more chaotic because of this.

"It is said that at the time of the New Year's Day, the old treasurer of the pawnshop meticulously prepared a batch of good things according to the regulations, and invited the stewards of the various prefectures to come over. Naturally, the Jiedu House was ranked first. First choose what is Jiedu House. It’s okay. There is this jade bracelet in the batch of items for them to choose. At that time, the person who sent the goods from Longzhou was in charge of the jade bracelet. Someone in Jiedu Mansion asked. Why don’t they give us a head? The pawnshop was naturally happy to do this favor, so it was not registered in the register and it was given to them directly.”

Huang Zixia slowly asked, "Who was the one who passed by Jiedu Mansion at that time?"

"That person came to help temporarily from Longzhou, naturally I didn't know. Because he was not in the register, it is difficult to track down now. However, the pawnshop here recalls that Qi Teng was included."

That said, this bracelet fell into Qi Teng's hands.

What is the relationship between Qi Teng and Wen Yang? What is his relationship with Yu Xuan? What is the exchange between Fu Xinruan and Wen Yang? How did the bracelet that Qi Teng bought into Fu Xinruan's hands? Is the death of the servant girl Tang Zhuniang an accident or a murder? If it was murder, what was the reason?

Who is Qi Teng's death related to? Is it because Zhou Ziyan refuses to marry him, so she uses methods that she hasn't noticed, or instructs others to kill? Or was it the person he had been with before... Yu Xuan? Wen Yang? Or, General Fan?

And what happened to Yu Xuan? Was it his memory that was wrong, which caused the scene of her killing her parents to appear in the chaos, or was someone framed himself in front of him and set the scene to make him misunderstand himself?

Up to now, the only thing that has been ascertained about her parents' case is the poisonous incident. Who was the one who had the opportunity to start and get the poison at the time? What does Fu Xinruan, who died under the poison, have to do with his relatives? Will it be the same person? Her father is the prefect of Shu County, and Fu Xinruan is a music performer. What will be the connection between these?

Huang Zixia quickly cleared all the clues out, and uncovered the most important point-the poetry club they were with.

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